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单词 Arch
1. Go through the arch and follow the path.
2. Marble Arch is a famous London landmark.
3. The arch has a span of 60 metres.
4. Don't arch your back, keep your spine straight.
5. Trees arch over the river.
6. She twined the bridal arch with flowers.
7. Twelve roads radiate from the Triumphal Arch.
8. The arch - criminal was kept solitary confinement.
9. The arch bears the weight of the bridge above.
9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
10. You can buy specially shaped bricks for an arch.
11. He went under a brick arch.
12. The arch died away against the towers.
13. Passing through the arch, you enter an open courtyard.
14. We rode under the arch.
15. Dip your head under the low arch.
16. She watched the cat arch its back.
17. The masonry at the crown of the arch is paler than on either curve.
18. The vines were trained over an arch, providing shade as well as fruit.
19. This huge triumphal arch was erected at the beginning of this century.
20. The branches of the trees formed an arch over the bench.
21. The arch once stood alone at the entrance to the castle.
22. The centre of Paris,the Arch of Triumph, rays out into twelve busy streets.
23. We whomped our arch rival in the season's climactic football game.
24. Turn left at Marble Arch and go up Edgware Road.
25. The trees arch overhead.
26. They walked through the arch and into the cobbled courtyard.
27. The pointed arch was not new.
28. 'I think he's in for a surprise,' Ian said, in a somewhat arch tone.
29. He tapped the side of his nose in an uncharacteristically arch gesture.
30. There was an inscription in Chinese characters over the arch.
1. Go through the arch and follow the path.
2. Marble Arch is a famous London landmark.
3. Don't arch your back, keep your spine straight.
4. Dip your head under the low arch.
5. This huge triumphal arch was erected at the beginning of this century.
6. We whomped our arch rival in the season's climactic football game.
7. There was an inscription in Chinese characters over the arch.
8. The trees arch overhead.
31. Both show the four-centred arch with carved decoration above.
32. Try not to arch the back during this exercise.
33. Repeat for the other side of the arch.
34. Paint the arch white, green or black.
35. It has a flat arch of 200 foot span.
36. Originally the arch was surmounted by a six-horse chariot.
37. Neville's eyebrows soared into a Gothic arch.
38. She ran through the stone arch.
39. The arch is a beacon for folks heading West.
40. Mrs Crump was too pushy or too arch.
41. An arch of floral curtains frames the window.
42. Arch Ward became sports editor of the Chicago Tribune.
43. A neat stone arch and a flight of steps were built at the entrance and these have survived.
44. A path has now been built under the arch of the bridge at the east end of Glasgow Green.
45. The sleeves aren't continuous but are colour coded to help identify each arch.
46. But it was the Triumphal Arch at the end of the reflecting pool that drew the most admiring exclamations.
47. The keystones are richly carved and the arch soffit is deeply coffered and enriched.
48. She trooped back to the arch as the coach disappeared down the hill.
49. They arch out to a five-foot width(), then narrow quickly toward the bow and stern.
50. Start by building a solid heap of stones, then build the arch resting on top of this solid foundation.
51. Glancing sideways, he saw Collymore veer off, roll and gracefully arch like a porpoise, and go down again.
52. There was just a chance, anyway, that she might stop it before it crashed against the arch.
53. The stone arch is one of the town's oldest existing structures.
54. Until now Gates has been the arch villain in the biggest anti-trust trial.
55. Its western end is now at Marble Arch, where Tyburn used to be.
56. One of the original live music / club crossover venues in an arch under a bridge.
57. Well, she'd been warned not to expect the welcome mat, Sabine thought, as she drove under the arch.
58. Two divers swim through a natural arch at one of the reef's coral heads.
59. The Rifleman ducked under the arch, then waited as Harper closed the two heavy gates.
60. Plaster up to the arch, being careful to avoid staining the brick.
61. Inside, the transept opens behind a triumphal arch which frames the apse with its altar.
62. This, in turn became a basic geometry for the pointed gothic arch.
63. From above the arch seemed like the outer surface of a dome, with mostly blue and green bands of light.
64. A fine south doorway has some strange looking beak heads in the richly moulded arch.
65. When the adventurers get within 48 yards of the arch, three Daemonettes appear and attack them.
66. His soulless eyes are narrowed and sullen, and his arch goatee recalls an amoral Transylvanian count.
67. Across the River Esk is a whale's jawbone arch, a reminder of the town's maritime history.
68. She heard the coach rattle out through the arch that led to the stables.
69. Time and again he had to turn his nose up into the arch of the drain to keep from drowning.
70. Stella tiptoed from the proscenium arch, shielding her eyes from the glare of the footlights.
71. Joe Longthorne pops his head round the proscenium arch on the way to his dressing room.
72. The tyre tread does not protrude beyond the wheel arch, but the side wall does noticeably.
73. The Gardiner entrance to Yellowstone -- the demarcation between civilization and wildness -- is an arch without a door.
74. You will note that the triumphal arch meets the traveller straight off the Charles Bridge.
75. I focus for a moment on one arch carved into the Redwall limestone.
76. Jagged cracks cut across the thick glass arch over the main entryway.
77. The holder of the office should receive a small annual stipend and a grace-and-favour apartment in Admiralty Arch.
78. The birds rubbed shoulders with Danny De Vito - who plays Batmans arch villain the penguin.
79. I thought the great central arch of two tree trunks looked like our Blessed Lord's arms holding up the whole Church.
80. The triumphal arch or, as it was earlier called the monumental arch, is the most typical of all the forms.
81. The garlands that swathed the proscenium arch took the audience right on to the stage - in spirit.
82. But eventually he found one that was almost empty with tall arch windows and broken tiles about the floor.
83. He was right, in the arch sense that he meant it, as a means of chiding overanxious environmentalists.
84. I drove the car under an arch leading to another wing of the motel and parked in front of my own room.
85. Try to keep your body upright, but slightly tilting forward so you do not arch your back.
86. The arch was to remain one of the important station motifs but it was to be matched and surpassed by the tower.
87. The arch spandrels are decorated by figures of winged victory and personifications of rivers.
88. This bridge was a high brick arch viaduct, well clear of the tramway.
89. Both of these stem from the original adoption of the pointed arch.
90. This is a larger block set between the arch and the capital to provide a broader supporting top for the arcade above.
91. His legs were wide apart and she found herself slipping smoothly through the arch of his thighs.
92. Thick white branches arch as far out as the tree is tall, sometimes at seemingly impossible angles.
93. Before disappearing through the brick arch she turned and gave him a final smile and a wave.
94. Half way down was a stone arch over the tunnel entrance.
95. It also has a horseshoe arch entrance to the sanctuary, but its decoration is poorer than that at S. Juan.
96. The insole is designed to absorb shock and provide arch support.
97. When you knit with the ribber, there's no sinker plate and the connecting arm forms an arch.
98. The arch is surmounted by a triumphant statue of Columbus.
99. They walked together through the trellis arch into the back garden./arch.html
100. The central arch, at 181 feet wide, is the largest masonry span of a railway bridge in Britain.
101. Each side has a cast iron arch in 7 segments from which the iron trough is hung by 35 wrought iron rods.
102. It's quite easy to build the arch, however, if you are allowed to subtract stones as well as add them.
103. Cars would roll through the arch of the gatehouse, their headlights flashing on the ancient walls.
104. The van sped into the Marble Arch roundabout with tyres whining.
105. At last I was under the shadow of the prison arch, splashing and gasping with other ill-glimpsed men.
106. One arch for full-on house and techno and the other for the chill-out.
107. As soon as the infant Arthur was old enough to be propped against the proscenium arch, he was included in the turn.
108. Finish the semi-circle with a strip of hardboard nailed to the outer edges of the plywood arch.
109. He eased the car gently up the cobbled ramp, passed beneath the shadowed arch of the gatehouse.
110. Like the arch, it is that rare kind of public monument that draws gasps.
111. The private swans arch out their feathers and preen and nourish themselves.
112. Driving slowly down the street, up the ramp and through the arch, Tom thought about that word, indomitable.
113. The portal is of local limestone and classical design, with attached Doric columns flanking the round arch.
114. Williams made his return wearing his infamous red shoes that had specially fitted insoles for his arch.
115. Slowly arch the back and lift the chest and head upwards and back.
116. The sides of the arch were destroyed in the Middle Ages when it was incorporated in the fortifications.
117. In Washington Square a camera crew were measuring the width of the arch and being important.
118. The Senior Cup final was contested between arch rivals Longfellows, winners in 1992, and the Oakley.
119. Morrissey, of course, prefers arch playfulness and that is his prerogative as a person and a songwriter.
120. It was built as a triumphal arch for King Matthias in 1614.
121. He wasn't unmoved either, and his slow arousal against her made her arch into him.
122. It is built of large blocks of travertine stone and the arch has two concentric rings of radiating voussoirs.
123. Entering the village was like passing under an invisible triumphal arch, quite splendid.
124. This is the composite word on the triangle which is the central focus of every Royal Arch chapter.
125. The arch will stand once the last stone is in place, but the intermediate stages are unstable.
126. A couple of hundred yards downstream it gushes out below a ceremonial arch into the Brigach.
127. The last element to be added was the magnificent triumphal arch at the entrance from the Piazza del Duomo.
128. Apart from the interior triumphal arch, which is pointed, the other arches are semi-circular.
129. Make an arch out of copper tubing, which is bendable, so it's easy to form the arched top from it.
130. His remedy was to divide the garden with a wicker arch into two sections, to create an illusion of space.
131. Playground fights at my London comprehensive, an austere archetypal 1960s building near Marble Arch, were frequent occurrences.
132. Sometimes a heel would touch ground first, other times it would be a toe, or an arch.
133. Other Roman remains include the public baths and triumphal arch of Augustus.
134. The arch between the nave and the chancel is also Norman with zig-zag ornaments.
135. In bureaucratic terms, Armstrong was the keystone in the arch of Heath's economic strategy from the autumn of 1972.
136. A need to nod and wink to the audience; to fill in the gaps often elsewhere concealed by a proscenium arch.
137. The wetness of his tongue as it slipped over them made Kate arch her back with delight.
138. The plinths below the columns, the arch spandrels, friezes and entablatures were enriched with carved ornament and sculpture.
139. The next street towards the River Tyne was under the railway arch.
140. Mahogany doors, mahogany banisters,() fretted mahogany in an arch over the landing.
141. The largest arch support dam in the world, it measured nearly two hundred feet high and some two hundred feet long.
142. Graffiti covered the arch at the base of Fifth Avenue.
143. Now they were required to explode, dance, vibrate, arch, become continents crawling with armies of desire.
144. The closest bridge to the Falls, its arch supported a roadway of 840 feet, only 150 feet above the river.
145. The Clippers got a boost early from the return of Brian Williams, who missed four games with a strained left arch.
146. Arch ran around the house to the front yard.
147. Cushioned leather footbed with arch support for all-day comfort.
148. Inhale, arch up, chest open press down elbow close.
149. The triumphal arch commemorates Caesar's victory over Pompey.
150. Traders in Marble Arch are facing huge rent increases.
151. The vast arch of cloud above was strangely low.
152. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the segmental arch technique in fixing replanted traumatically avulsed permanent teeth.
153. All the doors are arched with the special arch we see in Moorish pictures.
154. The new technology and methods used in the lifting and erection of arch ribs, concrete-pumping and jacking-up of the CFST-trussed-arch bridge are presented in this paper.
155. Especially in RCC arch dam, the question of thermal stress is particularly outstanding.
156. Depth of reverse-curve arch wire has nonlinear correlation with stress.
157. Influence of different camber angle on special-shaped spatial combination arch-rib arch mechanical behavior is analyzed under completion state.
158. The earliest European segmental arch bridge was built at Florence in 1345.
159. This paper is divided into four chapters. Chapter I describes the application and development and the mechanics characteristic of the combined system of beam and Arch Bridge.
159. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
160. To suddenly arch into a more straight arch, it needs to fit the internal structure of the stone smooth.
161. The continual arch form supporting system is made up of arch shape field operating reinforcement concrete thin diaphragm wall and assembly steel pipe concrete continual arch shape interior supporting.
162. The graceful arch of the main beach is transplanted from an early 20th Century French daydream, with a broad pedestrian corniche punctuated by graceful wrought iron lamps.
163. Based on his experience in practical furnace modification and the philosophy of heat transfer, the author gives his challenge to the well accepted principle of heat transfer at front arch.
164. For the arch dam which reservoir has no suitable breach to build lasher and has mass flood discharge, opening large orifice for flood discharge has great advantage.
165. To observe the clinical therapeutic effect of loosening the pulvinar tendinous arch in order to treat the cervical headache and to investigate their relationship with the serum C reactive protein.
166. At present, the vertical incidence of seismic wave is considered in the seismic response analysis of arch dam.
167. The oven is arch structure design and the substrates are carried by the crawler.
168. An insole especially advantageous for arthritic or diabetic patients comprises three layers and is shaped in a form which provides an arch support and an integral heel receiving area.
169. Objective To provide anatomical basis for repairing clinically the superficial palmar arch.
170. Severe lower crowding with normal maxillary arch and nasolabial angle.
171. At present, large numbers of old arch bridges are used on roads, the old spandrel filled arch which have a low design load are working in order.
172. Accrding to human physiology, dotted massage of the arch can help the foot arch support well, which is good for games and sports.
173. My mum grew up in Collingham, which is not far from Leeds ' training ground at Thorp Arch, near Wetherby in north Yorkshire.
174. Objective To observe the clinical effect of the beauty operation of forehead and down-eyelid with internal fixation of fracture of malar bone and zygomatic arch.
175. Their attempts to be casual have so far just looked arch or patronising.
176. Congenital aortic arch and brachiocephalic artery malformation - congenital cardiac vascular disease diagnostic medical imaging - chest ...
177. Foot arch includes medial, lateral longitudinal arch and transverse arch.
178. The horizontal arch ring type and its shape optimization are the two important considerations in arch dam design.
179. Objective To explore the combined surgical treatment for the first and second branchial arch syndrome, so that a more short and effective therapy method could be obtained.
180. Objective:To evaluate the possibility and effect of removal of the tumor invading lateral skull base in zygomatic arch and temporomandibular approaches.
181. The Roman layer, which is the most ancient and deepest, is occupied by the round arch, which reappears, supported by the Greek column, in the modern and upper layer of the Renaissance.
182. One real skew arch bridge is investigated using the finite element program ANSYS so as to study the generic phenomenon of bridge damage, especially the regular cracks.
183. So the ricontrol of construction is the guarantee of achieving design objective of the arch bridge.
184. Some orthodontists use only one arch form in 3 different sizes: small, medium and large.
185. The granite walls overhang and bend forward above to meet one another, almost forming an arch.
186. He tried in a hundred ways to convey his own feelings , casting arch glances at them.
187. The first and second branchial arch syndrome is the moet common congenital craniofacial deformity c ! eft.
188. Second pharyngeal arch mesenchyme is thus competent to form teeth if provided with the correct signals.
189. The cyclo- hoop effect which steel tubular has exert to the concrete shows the character of heterogeneous in the arch rib section(/arch.html), the same to the axial direction .
190. Take the arch rib material strength as the prior condition, the paper studies limitation span of arch bridge withparabola and catenary as rational arch axis curve under dead load.
191. The large span and over long and thin wall and prestressed arch roof is a new type structure of combining indoor top and roof plate.
192. Both of them looked at him with that curious, slightly amused and even arch expression.
193. The high accuracy closure of steel trussed arch was ensured due to using correct assembly order and taking national technical measures.
194. A fornltila for calculating the heading section of arbitrary three-centered arch and circular arch types was derived in this paper.
195. Continue practice the adhesion of braces, bending the arch wire?
196. All night long, the Arch - angel combated with the Demon.
197. The successful control of the arch axis proves that invariable cable method is effective in hoisting CFST arch ribs into arch bridge with proper camber.
198. What We Learned: If you bully your team's water boy he will later show up inexplicably playing for your arch rival and rupture your spleen. Also, going to class is for suckers.
199. Youxizhou Mingjiang Bridge of Fuzhou is the first open-spandrel rigid-frame arch bridge without vertical columns and oblique supports.




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