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单词 odious
释义  o·di·ous /ˈəʊdiəs $ ˈoʊ-/ adjective formal  UNPLEASANTextremely unpleasant 十分讨厌的,可憎的,丑恶的 SYN horrible an odious little man 讨厌的小男人 —odiously adverbExamples from the Corpusodious• He is the son of a man whose values are odious.• The taking of hostages is an odious crime.• Are such truths inherently odious or destructive?• And in this respect we are not able to see that these privileges are especially odious or objectionable.• The odious pair are simultaneously cajoling and menacing: Ferdinand must remake himself in their image, or else.• Virginia closed her eyes for a second, fighting this odious revelation.• Where had the odious senior, Boden, gone, somewhere among those broken, enfolding walls?• the odious task of scrubbing floorsOrigin odious (1300-1400) Old French odieus, from Latin odiosus, from odium “hate”o·di·ous adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus extremely unpleasant




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