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单词 Unassailable
1. That was enough to give Mansell an unassailable lead.
2. The party's position looked unassailable .
3. The result gave the team an unassailable lead .
4. The party now has an unassailable lead.
5. She replied with what she thought was unassailable logic ...
6. Her position/argument is unassailable.sentencedict .com
7. For the girls it is an unassailable tradition.
8. His legal position is unassailable.
9. Their 100 plus points lead is virtually unassailable and the only question remaining is who will be relegated.
10. Its editorial integrity ought to be unassailable, at least in its hard news sections.
11. The result gives Walsall Kipping an unassailable lead with one round of matches left.
12. The Traditionalists had always enjoyed unassailable dominance in politics and business.
13. He offers the unassailable proposition that without money there can be no inflation.
14. The logic of the Japan - boosters is unassailable.
15. So, we must maintain defenses of unassailable strength.
16. But China's seemingly unassailable position has been its undoing.
17. It'signified to him the unassailable power of the companies.
18. Liverpool football club are still looking unassailable.
19. Their ten-point lead puts the team in an almost unassailable position.
20. But from a general view the status of the junior adventure story is unassailable.
21. She was a devout Catholic and, so far as I am aware(), morally unassailable.
22. Not only may she offer him her full support, she may say he is unassailable.
23. With Thatcher running amok through the welfare state, lobby groups are preoccupied defending what was once thought unassailable.
24. Her guile and genius has helped Cane establish a seemingly unassailable lead over the weak and divided Opposition.
25. Most of the students felt that sincerity was an unassailable virtue: what mattered was to say what you felt.
26. You are too used to dealing with theists who adopt a position of unassailable certainty in their beliefs.
27. If the onward march of globalisation can not be halted, the case for a more effective regional policy has become unassailable.
28. Perhaps, thought Robert, Mr Mafouz had bought his son into an unassailable position on the cricket team.
29. But part of him, something of his character that had been forbearing and unassailable, had let him down.
30. In the genre terms, that ought to have made him unassailable.
1. That was enough to give Mansell an unassailable lead.
2. The party's position looked unassailable .
31. This, then, was an unassailable position to take: contempt poured on heathenism as such, c Comp.
32. You can see for yourselves the damaged condition and the reason reason them are not unassailable.
33. China's intention, It'seems, is to show that American supremacy in space is not unassailable.
34. His reply was unassailable.
35. The solution: the disclosure, an unassailable fashion, of the underlying biochemical principles for alternative cancer therapies.
36. In recent years the amplification of gap of our country income becomes unassailable economic reality.
37. Quantum cryptograph can in principle provide a safest communication system that is unassailable and not wiretapped.
38. You can see for yourselves the damaged condition the reason why they are unassailable.
39. There exist some unassailable problems in traditional chrome tanning, such as low exhaustion of chrome, salt pollution from pickling, and time-consuming process, etc.
40. He has a lawyer, but, the evidence painstakingly arranged and the key witness are all unassailable.
41. Producing millions of gallons of oil each year, the industry was widely seen as unassailable, with advocates scoffing at would-be illumination substitutes like lard oil and camphene.
42. You can see for yourselves the damaged condITion and the reason why they are unassailable.
42. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
43. Liverpool have ( built up ) an unassailable lead at the top of the First Division.
44. It an unassailable fact that science and technology is undeveloped in modern China.




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