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单词 Squat
1. I squat on my hams.
2. He had a job that paid him squat.
3. His opinion isn't worth squat.
4. You don't know squat about it.
5. Can you find somewhere to squat?
6. She lives in a squat in Camden.
7. They're living in a damp squat with no electricity.
8. He is a squat man.
9. After returning from Paris, David moved to a squat in Brixton.
10. The doctor let her squat down and asked her some questions.
11. He bent to a squat and gathered the puppies on his lap.
12. She shouldn't talk - she doesn't know squat about it.
13. Eddie was a short squat fellow in his forties with thinning hair.
14. Miguel slid down to the floor in a squat.
15. Ravi-no stood looking, his squat body immensely still.
16. Comanche tipis were more squat and conical.
17. The brown buildings were old and squat.
18. Rabia eased her into a squat, crouching behind her.
19. Watson, bring that chair here and squat down.
20. It was squat and solid, in a cove, with outbuildings, some land and its own sandy bay.
21. She was nicked in a filthy squat with a load of known druggies.
22. The temple was a squat, two-storey structure, encrusted with oriental tat.
23. And now this desperate damage: the squat compactness unhinged, made powerless.
24. The retired can squat, smoke, reminisce and grow old and die in familiar, comfortable surroundings.
25. For this exercise you need to get into a squat.
26. Pretty meaty stuff for an art history major who formerly knew squat about the squabble.
27. Below, a tightly-packed steel chamber, dark but for a few naked bulbs, was filled with squat metal ten-gallon drums.
28. On the tallboy was an inkstand with four wells[sentence dictionary], a squat bottle of ink in each.
29. A stile over a stone wall led into a field whose furthest wall consisted of the grey squat towers of the castle.
30. During the greater part of each contest, the two are settled in a squat position, measuring each other.
1. I squat on my hams.
31. Not especially gracious, but squat and workmanlike, plodding with tenacity from port to port.
32. Most of them have moved off since they broke the squat.
33. The woman danced, short and squat, alone behind her closed eyes.
34. The squat cupola has fan-shaped windows, and the all-seeing eye in the centre of its ceiling suggests a certain Masonic influence.
35. Squat thrusts Start from a crouched position with your hands touching the floor at either side of your feet.
36. Meanwhile, Unix System Labs has negotiated a Unix showcase area squat at the front door of the conference centre.
37. Others squat on the branches of forest trees with their roots dangling beneath them in the humid air.
38. The floor is only ten inches square so you can't sit down or squat in it.
39. The only other furniture was an old chest under the squat window.
40. The breakthrough was a squat we turned over on the south coast, two years back.
41. Other species have squat whorls, the whole ammonoid being so tightly rolled up as to be almost spherical.
42. The vibrant village is a place where some residents plant rows of red and pink flowers around their squat concrete houses.
43. He is still unable to squat on his haunches to examine a putt.
44. She would have liked to be nearer to the panel, but she doubted her ability to kneel or squat in the spacesuit.
45. Dead lift Squat down with your feet just over shoulder width apart.
46. The environmental control unit was a squat concrete abutment with metal slotted vents.
47. At Puebla, the Inter-Oceanic Station of the National lines was a solid stone range with a squat central tower.
48. But a simple squat can exercise most of the muscles in the body and yet keep it in perfect balance.
49. The floor was covered in thick creamy carpet on which stood squat, natural leather chairs.
50. She looked like a tank in her bathing costume, Hoomey thought, squat and powerful and belligerent.
51. Lines of tiles shimmered in the slivers of moonlight. Chimney pots stood out in black profile like squat, ebony gargoyles.
52. Waiting for him was an army officer, squat and powerful, rocking on the soles of his paratroop boots.
53. The living was easy, and based in a squat, since Williams had abandoned his ad agency.
54. There was less interest in the crabs and squat lobsters, which I claimed as my niche and shared amicably with others.
55. Rory went back to live in London that winter, and ended up - funnily enough - living in a squat.
56. At the Kursk station, women in peasant headscarves squat on the floor selling bunches of hot tasting radishes encrusted with soil.
57. Most of the housing consists of squat, square and entirely functional brick buildings dating from the mid-1930s.
58. His early years there were spent in a squat with an extended family of cartoon sociopaths.
59. The C100 is a squat little chap on the ground.
60. More notable, however,[http://] is yet another minor variation of the squat urn.
61. The refrigerator, squat and gleaming like a surgical sarcophagus, had held a sinister fascination for her ever since.
62. Athelstan gazed at the square, squat pillars decorated with greenery like his own in Southwark, though not as beautiful.
63. He came at last to Kinton, rounded the squat, square-towered church and the main street of the village stretched before him.
64. Impulsively, the Squat swung the trike to pull alongside, so that one wheel dragged on the slower strip.
65. The rubber band workout group improved 26 percent in the squat and 17 percent in the shoulder press.
66. The cook was short and squat, with thick eyebrows and a slight moustache.
67. Tucking himself into a ball of boots and flak jacket, the Squat bounced and rolled half a dozen times.
68. He was in that terrible state of lumbar pain where mobility involves a slow ambulatory squat.
69. Kneel, squat, or sIt'so you're at their eye level.
70. Stand up. Sit down. Squat down.
71. The house had a squat, resilient look about it.
72. We don't know diddly squat .
73. And you squat in boxcars and read it?
74. Levels include western toilet bowl, squat toilet, classic pedestal.
75. Thomas now faces eviction from his squat.
76. Quod erat demonstrandum. Keelyn: Neal hasn't studied squat.
77. Operational Guidelines for School Official Cites Use: direction control crucial balance squat down.
78. Squat, homely, dwarfed by the stately oaks and poplars nearby and unnoticed by the tourists passing in horse-drawn carriages, it's a tree that only birds and nut-hungry squirrels could love.
79. It had a net in the middle of the squat, is a slightly smaller than its body hole, just like a window, like a beautiful line pattern on the cloth was a round hole.
80. Even if the squat toilet leaves you squeamish, you might prefer it to communal facilities like the ones at the Roman site of Ostia Antica.
81. In addition, the Buddha are to support a full squat enough to kneel on a high-rise on Angiopteris.
82. With a very large outboard motor, for example, the boat may be imbalanced by having that weight far astern and may "squat" in the water and not sail as well.
83. At the time he was homeless, moving from squat to squat through condemned streets in Blackburn.
84. Modern-day squat evangelists make money off the claim that a "more natural" posture wards off all sorts of health problems, from Crohn's disease to colon cancer.
85. An old style squat toilet found in Tai Wo Hau Factory Building, Hong Kong.
86. "I nominate the squat," said Stuart Phillips, Ph.D., a professor of kinesiology at McMaster University and an expert on the effects of resistance training on the human body.
87. Squat humanoids native to Gehenna. They appear male, but are actually sexless , being more construct than creature since they are created by divine magic.
88. Human parameters and heuristic rule-base for identification are designed and constructed such that postures such as stand, sit, squat, kneel,[] and lie can be identified.
89. Squat down, slide, accelerate, soar - some changes It'skies to be so slim and graceful, magnificent so.
90. At the time of his death, Eddie was a squat, white-haired old man, with a short neck, a barrel chest, thick forearms, and a faded army tattoo on his right shoulder.
91. A squat man with a crisp mustache, he was an ultra-right-wing journalist and a former Presidential candidate who was thought to have participated in multiple plots against the state.
92. A squat pot - bellied figure bustled forward through the gloom.
93. Initial position: Squat - seat , trunk upright, soles pressed together.
94. Squat: Hold light - weight dumbbells in each hand with arms straight and hanging down alongside the body.
95. Myrtle is a squat ghost with lank hair, pimples, and thick glasses.
96. Kneel, squat, or sIt'so you are at their eye level.
97. There was a squat toilet set into the floor, and in lieu of toilet paper a shallow well with a little plastic bowl floating on top.
98. To pick up a heavy item, squat down beside it.
99. He paused to gaze at the squat moose - hide sack.
100. Kid, please consider, if Edison squat down on the egg, can he hatch a chicken?
101. The sort of fabulous bughouse gives a patient squat hot or mental division contains the statement of torch on doctor body, this is pure belong to eyewash.
102. Both the Doric and Ionic orders originated in wooden temples. The Doric is squat and simple.
103. But I have to go down among the rocks the glacier left and squat at the edge of the water where a stinking pile of them lies, where one crow balances and sinks its beak into a gelid eye.
104. Our balcony is usually closely linked and my neighbor's, only a symbolic suspicious cement block, a squat can be cross-over, we go home boss string West, sometimes through the undefended balcony.
105. He gave me diddly squat for all my hard work.
106. Thus, aline and the beggar face to face, as a squat down.
107. 2Single leg squat To build strength, encourage good hip/knee alignment, and improve proprioception.
108. The fox is a little tired son, squat down, in a breath.
109. The gleaming new building will replace a squat and unassuming red-brick structure that once housed a hotel.
110. Short, squat, massive- skulled, his presence sent out alarm bells of danger.
111. This proud father, a Bulgarian in his 80s, isn't talking about his daughter, but something equally as dear: his squat 1972 Moskvitch-408 car, with a sky-blue shell and a ruby-red vinyl interior.
112. Next , squat down to drive your right knee into his collarbone.
113. Squat down into a sitting position while holding the ball.
114. Li Jia Wei of the use of multi-serve with a backhand bit, "arch" of the confusing nature of the action side, the side of the backspin serve, hand-made plastic can now serve a half squat.
115. This year, after scrambling for position in a sea of reporters, I decide to squat on my haunches so I won't get in the way of our TV camera's view.
116. Backpackers love to recall the worse latrine or'long drop'they had to squat over.
117. Forget postcoital cuddling : Soranus recommended that women squat down and sneeze immediately after intercourse.
118. Shadows shrouded rows of squat machines,[] and the only light came from eight podlike sarcophagi clustered in the center.
119. But he did linger, debating, over a squat moose - hide sack.
120. The company Friday provided the first public glimpse of a squat, cigar-shaped rocketship with several thrusters at the bottom.
121. The hostel's communal bathroom was so humid and the squat toilet reeked so foully that the predominately young clientele had nicknamed it "The Pit".
122. In his hands, the Hindu goddess Kali is potbellied and squat. Her arms are flailing and her mouth is a terrifyingly gorgeous gash of red.
123. Xuanrang the streets, for you to squat in the tight loose shoelace.




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