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单词 Balance of payments
1. Britain's balance of payments improved modestly last month.
2. Britain's balance of payments deficit has improved slightly.
3. The US balance of payments was in deficit.
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4. Yet the imminent crisis in its balance of payments may be the President's nemesis.
5. The balance of payments was in surplus last year .
6. The current account of the balance of payments is in deficit.
7. The balance of payments has become a stranglehold.
8. Accordingly, sophisticated econometric analyses of balance of payments behaviour should be treated with strong scepticism.
9. It contributes £11,000 million net to our balance of payments. Financial services employ 12 percent of our workforce.
10. A record balance of payments deficit is not the right background for enforced increases in industrial costs.
11. Despite a ten-year transition period, both countries suffered balance of payments problems on entering the Community.
12. The organisation was set up to deal with balance of payments and current account problems, when countries go heavily into debt.
13. The balance of payments gets better precisely because incomes are down and people can not afford to buy imported products.
14. Moreover, the major source of under-recording on the balance of payments up to 1949 was invisible trade.
15. Balance of payments disequilibrium A balance of payments deficit involves a net outflow of currency.
16. Britain's weak balance of payments was not, however, a statistical delusion or the result of a reaction to one.
17. By so doing they have sought to protect domestic employment, the balance of payments and so forth.
18. This created a more active market in foreign exchange and facilitated the use of the US$ for financing balance of payments purposes.
19. A rescue operation was mounted in 1963, but the Balance of Payments situation remains fundamentally unsatisfactory.
20. The Labour Government was haunted constantly by economic difficulties, largely caused by an adverse balance of payments.
21. The second is how to move the economy towards a position in which the balance of payments will be closer to equilibrium.
22. Last year, our pharmaceutical industry contributed more than £600 million to our balance of payments.
23. Similarly, much military expenditure may have a direct destabilising effect on a country's balance of payments.
24. Note that the lower interest rate causes a capital account deficit on the balance of payments as people buy foreign assets.
25. It should be emphasized that private markets have remained the main source of financing for countries with balance of payments problems.
26. For the latter system greatly reduces the incentive to export and leads to a progressive worsening of the balance of payments.
27. In fact the more immediate objectives for most of the 1950s and 1960s were employment and the balance of payments.
28. High military expenditure will fuel inflation, reduce international competitiveness, and balance of payments crises will occur as public debt increases.
29. By 1987 there were clearly long-term problems emerging for the balance of payments.
30. If a single economic statistic can be blamed for the recent slide towards panic it is the balance of payments figures.
31. So they tended to have chronic balance of payments surpluses, which stoked up inflationary pressure by maintaining high demand for goods.
32. This increases the money supply in the same way as does a balance of payments surplus.
33. We will examine this mechanism in detail in Chapter 22, when we focus on the balance of payments and exchange rates.
34. Funds obtained by this method are not limited in their use to balance of payments difficulties.
35. Their balance of payments deficits have been alarmingly large, and their currencies have dropped sharply, aggravating their inflationary problems.
36. When the accountants finish their calculations, all countries have an overall balance of payments equal to zero.
37. Inflation was brought down to below 5 percent, the balance of payments remained healthy and productivity improved rapidly.
38. The government requested international assistance to support the balance of payments and to stem the decline in international reserves.
39. Devaluation has often been perceived as an appropriate measure for countries running high and persistent balance of payments current account deficits.
40. In the depths of recession, we are in a balance of payments deficit.
41. For a current account deficit on the balance of payments reflects a shortage of national savings, in relation to investment.
42. What is more, 20 million tonnes of imported coal means another £1,000 million added to the balance of payments deficit.
43. We can not expand without making that balance of payments deficit worse.
44. Now the international non-trade balance of payments is to take non-cash settlement, mainly through the liquidation of bank notes.
45. The papers mainly focus on China's economic growth, China's international balance of payments and international pressure to explore the reasons for the appreciation of the renminbi.
46. The deficit in the US balance of payments put these considerations out of focus.
47. Chinas continued disequilibrium of balance of payments reflects shortcomings of the previous opening-up strategy, which has led to enormous welfare losses.
48. Part of the reason is that Chinas international balance of payments maintains a large number of surpluses.
49. They form part of the current account balance of payments and include funds arising from shipping, tourism, insurance, banking and commodity services.
50. Additionally, the task of monetary policy is also complicated by the nation's balance of payments difficulties.
51. A nation's balance of trade strongly affects it balance of payments.
52. Trade in the international balance of payments and capital the greatest impact on the exchange rate.
53. Since the 1970s, IMF has been taking these main adjustment policies as countermeasures once severe disequilibrium of balance of payments occurred in its member states.
54. In the third chapter, there is the analysis theory, carrying on the quantitative data analysis on the basis of international balance of payments.
55. Italy is one country where it is really good-by to the boom, at least until the chronic weakness in the balance of payments is cured, and the 17% inflation is reduced.
56. The discipline of the international gold standard and an unfavorable balance of payments required nothing less.
57. The outflow of gold can temporarily finance the balance of payments deficit.
58. Exchange rate will fluctuate as international balance of payments, inflation, interest rate, economic growth, market psychology and speculation, government intervention vary.
59. The empirical results show that the self-adjustment mechanism can not rectify the disequilibrium of balance of payments of china.
60. A favorable balance of payments exists when more payments are coming in than going out.
61. Therefore analysis of the causes of the current international balance of payments surplus and some serious impact and trends, can China39; s current macro-control policy choices of great significance.
62. The "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" proposed promote "the basic international balance of payments" in the next five-year development goal.
63. Basic accounting tables consist of GDP table, input-output table, flows-of-funds table, balance of payments, .../balance of payments.html
64. In order to improve Chinese national welfare, the target of balance of payments adjustment should be that the current account balance approaches to the optimal balance.
65. Meanwhile considering the rapid growth of foreign trade, FDI inflow, favorable balance of payments and foreign exchange reserve, there is a pressure to appreciate RMB.
66. On the contrary, a country's international balance of payments surplus means that the oversupply of foreign exchange, the currency shortage, the result is a decline in foreign exchange rates.
67. From the international balance of payments deficit for the formation of the specific reasons, if it is caused by the balance of trade deficit, will result in an increase in domestic unemployment.
68. Covers trade, balance of payments, tariffs, quotas, commercial policy, exchange rates, international financial crises, international economic institutions since WWII.
69. He admitted the worsening global financial environment had brought uncertainty to capital flows and affected the international balance of payments.
70. As for the international balance of payments, the surplus in trade balance has been flat as both export and import values have increased.
71. This reform should be gradual and market-based and should proceed at a pace consistent with China's international balance of payments position.
72. However, China's investment growth rate is still high, the consumer price level rose faster, the international balance of payments continued to maintain large trade surplus.
73. The current account imbalance is the main source of balance of payments imbalance in China.
74. Basic accounting tables consist of GDP table, input-output table, flows-of-funds table, balance of payments, and balance sheet.
75. At present, China Mobile is the most important source of international balance of payments surplus.
76. The primary objective of commercial policy in low-income countries is likely to be defense of the balance of payments.
77. Current year revisions are reflected in both the customs and balance of payments based data.
78. From the perspective of the international balance of payments, China has a huge fiscal deficit, if China let the economy develop freely, which violates economic laws and may lead to economic downturn.
79. We look at the use of the international balance of payments.
80. Interference with direct investment to improve the balance of payments is clearly a second-best policy. The best attack is through macroeconomic tools.
81. China is still under the pressure of international balance of payments surplus.
82. They may help to reduce a balance of payments deficit or to protect an infant industry against strong international competition from older corporations.
83. China is committed to the reform of its exchange rate system, which will proceed in a gradual and market-based manner and at a pace consistent with China's international balance of payments position.
84. From 1992 to 2006, China's international balance of payments surplus on the rise.
85. S. dollar in terms of gold and its convertibility into gold. In1960 there was a dollar crisis because the U. S. had run large balance of payments deficits in the late 1950s.
86. System of exchange , settlement and sales is one of the most important part in our country foreign currency management system, balance of payments disequilibria has close connection to our country.
87. Bisque clause: Clause in loan agreement that entitles a Borrower to postpone payments of interest and principal for limited periods of time in Balance of payments difficulties.
88. The international balance of payments further improved and the people's living standard were raised.
89. An effective utilization of foreign demands can facilitate adjustment of the economic structure, even up the international balance of payments, and maintain the social stability.
90. This simply refers to current balance of payments surpluses and deficits.
91. In your private household, you would surely prefer to pay less for more rather than the other way around, yet that would be termed an "unfavorable balance of payments" in foreign trade.
92. The policy of expanding exports and restricting imports have led a huge surplus in China's international balance of payments in recent years.
93. A favorable balance of payments in forex of a calendar year refers to greater forex earnings than expenditures within the same year, excluding the amount carried over from the previous year.




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