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单词 Trivial
1 He could remember every trivial incident in great detail.
2 They always spar over trivial matters.
3 We were punished for the most trivial offences.
4 He often dissipated his energies in trivial matters.
5 Tony often gets angry about trivial things.
6 She showed her inexperience by asking lots of trivial questions.
7 Please don't omit any details, no matter how trivial they may seem.
8 The incessant hurry and trivial activity of daily life seem to prevent, or at least, discourage quiet and intensive thinking.
9 Work is common but great, trivial and difficult, difficult and difficult.
10 There are a few trivial slips in this lesson.
11 We were bored to death by his trivial conversation.
12 His problems seemed trivial by comparison.
13 Don't get impatient about trivial thing like that.
14 It's a trivial matter and not worth fighting about.
15 I'll try to fix it-but it's not trivial .
16 She works herself up about the most trivial things.
17 Her feelings for Simon seemed trivial by comparison .
18 At first, the incident seemed to be trivial.
19 There were a few trivial slips in the translation.
20 The quarrel was only about a trivial matter, but it was years before they made it up.
21 Let's stop discussing trivial details and come/get to the point.
22 Sexual harassment in the workplace is not a trivial matter.
23 They had been quite good friends for years, until they fell out about some trivial matter.
24 Patriotism is the willingness to kill and be killed for trivial reasons. Bertrand Russell 
25 He will jump on every little mistake you make,[] no matter how trivial.
26 Don't work yourself up/get worked up about something so trivial.
27 It was a badly researched documentary which glossed over important questions while pointing up trivial ones.
28 I don't know why he gets so upset about something that is utterly trivial.
29 Getting computers to understand human language is not a trivial problem.
30 The director tried to wave aside these issues as trivial details that could be settled later.
1 They always spar over trivial matters.
2 We were punished for the most trivial offences.
3 He often dissipated his energies in trivial matters.
4 Tony often gets angry about trivial things.
5 She showed her inexperience by asking lots of trivial questions.
6 Please don't omit any details, no matter how trivial they may seem.
7 They had been quite good friends for years, until they fell out about some trivial matter.
8 There are a few trivial slips in this lesson.
9 Don't get impatient about trivial thing like that.
10 She works herself up about the most trivial things.
11 At first, the incident seemed to be trivial.
12 He will jump on every little mistake you make, no matter how trivial.
31 Apparently trivial clues may turn out to be quite important.
32 I know it sounds trivial , but I'm worried about it.
33 Don't kick up such a fuss about this trivial matter.
34 Long live the tried and trusted trivial names!
35 Leavitt's bombastic, trivial films were completely phoney.
36 So doubt is never treated as trivial.
37 Only if human life is trivial.
38 Why waste time watching trivial TV programs?
39 Our obsession with cleanliness is no trivial matter.
40 Again, the seemingly trivial was to have wide implications.
41 You don't have any time for silly trivial things.
42 They were, in any case, fairly trivial flaws.
43 She often loses her temper over trivial matters.
44 This is tiny, but not trivial.
45 Coaches would not challenge trivial decisions.
46 But these images were not arbitrary, let alone trivial.
47 This involved beaming heartily at all newcomers to the carriage and exuding humour, warmth and trivial monologue.
48 Other defects were so trivial as to have no effect.
49 Less trivial examples will be more complicated, but the roles played by observation, induction and deduction remain essentially the same.
50 Those words of my New Hampshire neighbor seem to mock my trivial but obstinate frustration.
51 I used to have a boyfriend who continually confounded me by his ability to remember the most trivial remarks weeks later.
52 The point of this is not the trivial name involved, but the fact that I remember it so clearly.
53 He seemed far too competent for life to catch him out in so trivial a way.
54 The poet sees in life a truth that gives significance to the otherwise mean and trivial things.
55 The content may be too trivial or too deep for the group[/trivial.html], causing embarrassment to the teacher.
56 As far as social psychological concepts are concerned, the distinction between universal and particular is not a trivial one.
57 For the expert in the field, trivial names are short, convenient and an efficient means of communication.
58 Having committed himself by revealing defence secrets, such freedom of speech seemed a trivial matter.
59 In the event, as historians have observed, the spark was trivial - a man's signature on his marriage contract.
60 But people in Great Groups are different from those who spend countless hours in thrall to video games or other trivial pursuits.
61 Some horses also like to tease us, to irritate us with trivial annoyances - and especially in front of an audience.
62 It proclaims the burdens of pollution control regulation, displaying industry as suffocating under costly yet trivial constraints.
63 The trivial upsets of daily living assume importance but the big tragedies they take in their stride.
64 She could not bear the claustrophobia of the place, which magnified the smallest incidents or most trivial remarks into giant horrors.
65 What is trivial to one person may raise titanic questions for some one else.
66 Before much was known about the structure, trivial names were the only way to identify compounds.
67 He is a man who feels that anything of this mere Earthly sphere is almost too trivial to notice.
68 It is theoretically trivial to, monitor transmission nodes in order to backtrack a message to its source.
69 Successive dollars of income will go for less urgently needed goods and finally for trivial goods and services.
70 He gives the same fierce concentration to the most trivial action.
71 Or they marry, and passion dies because they are too trivial to sustain it.
72 What had rendered her and Tristram's literary fraud trivial by comparison?
73 But the humans who taught them haven't managed to pick up even the most trivial elements of gorilla-speak.
74 But they are wrong to see gay marriage as trivial or frivolous.
75 Often the trivial item is one on which a person's reputation, promotion or future prospects depend.
76 And that is one reason why this presidential election is beginning to look so transparent and trivial.
77 If you're not treated with respect, no matter how trivial your inquiry, take your money elsewhere.
78 This latter task was not as trivial as may be supposed in a society where wood and straw huts burnt down regularly.
79 Can you recall any suspicious incident, or comment, however trivial it may have seemed, which could help our investigation?
80 The issue of where the peace talks will be held may seem trivial, but to the participants it is very important.
81 The ten-knot speed of a liner is quite trivial by comparison.
82 All the time she wildly imagines him being unfaithful to her in a thousand trivial ways.
83 The questions of the fallen middle managers, however, are not trivial or self-centered.
84 It too easily degenerated into a concern with trivial verbal classifications[/trivial.html], and artificial categories.
85 Posi has the most womanish ability to choose the worst moments to disrupt a man's thoughts - usually with something trivial.
86 Where the trivial name is easily remembered by association with shape, the systematic name would kill any enthusiasm.
87 Some crimes are not reported at all, because the victim regards them as too trivial.
88 Suddenly our long hours spent talking and laughing and crying together seemed trivial by comparison.
89 Truth, however tawdry or trivial, may be told without let or hindrance from libel laws.
90 Installing and maintaining a Web server is not a trivial matter, however, given the security and administrative issues involved.
91 However trivial you think your observation is, pick up the phone and tell the police.
92 Even so, what is trivial linguistically and practically may be elevated to importance socially.
93 There was murder for gain, and for the most trivial and pointless reasons, often for hardly any reason at all.
94 As Goffmann points out these signs have been neglected or disparaged as trivial items.
95 If you want success, figure out the price, then pay it. It sounds trivial and obvious, but if you unpack the idea it has extraordinary power. Scott Adams 
96 A Rachmaninov piano concerto swept through the flat, making the problem of Ruth trivial and vague.
97 I became tired with Ramon and his canvases and drinking and cursing, it all seemed so trivial.
98 On the face of it these trivial little improvements, or plus points ahead of the norm look to be insignificant.
99 So long as these remain at the centre of any newsgathering institution, then the risk of episodic and trivial coverage increases.
100 All of this should also help social workers to distinguish the important from the trivial.
101 A sad little tale it sounded, a trivial matter to consign a soul to perpetual separation.
102 May we never become so wrapped up in our own trivial problems that we forget to care about anyone else.
103 This process is trivial for a native speaker of a language, however for a computer system the solution is more difficult.
104 How has it come about that we are prepared to describe a serious physical mutilation as a trivial adjustment?
105 Faults which we might see as trivial would create the same scandal and outrage as criminal behaviour does in our society.
106 How could she notice such a trivial detail when her vision was impeded by tears?
107 While the first of the four examples we have quoted seems relatively trivial, the final two have more significance.
108 The action at High Bridge, a trivial engagement in military terms, was of great psychological importance.
109 They differed in the seemingly trivial but none the less diagnostic character of having not one but two pairs of antennae on their heads.
110 She had her own yardstick by which she measured complaints as either trivial or needing attention.
111 Rather, some of its important features relevant to our analysis of science will be illustrated by means of trivial examples.
112 To meet the target, managers were forced wastefully to expend resources on the most trivial complaints.
113 His actual identity is Sir Percy Blakeney, who at home safeguards his secret by acting the trivial society fop.
114 In general they overestimate the amount available and underestimate the time wasted by being fragmented in small amounts on rather trivial matters.
114 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
115 No internet service is too trivial to demand a password.
116 From a human relations point of view, Janet had outsmarted Hazel by refusing to become a victim over a trivial matter.
117 All this is really quite trivial compared to my real concern.
118 Police insist it will not be used as an excuse to trawl for small numberplates and other trivial offences.
119 It is the same with science and its trivial names.
120 For him, that means there is a place for everything, no matter how trivial or traumatic.
121 Those on the market at the moment are so trivial it is untrue.
122 Such trivial pursuits, he said, were never likely to end in a decent job.
123 When I worked in the pharmaceutical industry, trivial naming was taken to an extreme.
124 Please do not omit any details, however trivial they may seem.
125 People in them feel liberated from the trivial and the arbitrary.
126 Some 200-plus pages of charts, tables and maps contain a wealth of information from vital data to the trivial and inconsequential.
127 Interest in food, in warmth, in punishment, soon outstripped a matter as trivial as a fire.
128 This is rather a trivial example: if teeth were the only problem, senescence could be cured by false teeth.
129 Morphological processing is not quite so trivial for a computer as it is for a human.
130 This may seem meaningless to non-churchgoers and trivial to churchgoers since it is part of the Athanasian Creed recited every Sunday.
131 A further difficulty is that it would apparently require us to put enormous resources towards trivial increases in length of life.
132 At the very least, it would mean that the real issues are debated rather than the trivial detail of statistics and history.
133 The language diversity of its 800 million people makes the communications problems of most other countries seem trivial by comparison.
134 For the very rich, the tax will be so trivial as to be unnoticed.
135 They may consider them too trivial or feel that the police would be able to offer little assistance.
136 If you enjoy games, why not compile a list of objective test questions to use in Trivial Pursuits?
137 I should say that these errors have all been without exception quite trivial in themselves.
138 She never made mention of her constant realignment of interests in any of her occasional letters, periodic updates of the trivial.
139 Let me give a trivial but I hope interesting example from my own experience.
140 The more wonderful the means of communication, the more trivial, tawdry, or depressing its contents seemed to be.
141 Whether unfudgeability is a new principle is a relatively trivial point.
142 And race difference is, among all the differences which have been used to justify oppression, probably the most trivial.
143 A time deposit is less liquid since the cost of redeeming it before maturity is not trivial. 10.
144 They are convicted of physical harm or damage infrequently and they are in general petty and trivial offenders.
144 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
145 Consequently the chants seldom seem banal or trivial, in spite of being repeated over and over again.
146 No, I don't think your question is trivial at all.
147 There was no satisfactory method of dealing with trivial complaints.
148 Tom Butler disdained to reply to such a trivial question.
149 The offences committed by such people are at times of a rather bizarre nature and may be trivial or serious.
150 Neither the provision of contemporary hardware or a functional equivalent is trivial.
151 In contrast to what he had been fearing, it was a trivial matter.
152 Criminalising them would cover trivial matters, such as neighbours quarrelling over a lawnmower.
153 It is not as trivial an achievement as you might imagine.
154 There had been so much revenue in the mortgage department between 1981 and 1986 that costs were a trivial issue.
155 It was not created at a good time for ballet music and these scores are relentlessly trivial.
156 However, in the tiny political pond of Shetland, important issues can be affected by seemingly trivial considerations.
157 The single-product equivalent, which has a trivial solution - set price equal to average cost - is illustrated in figure 2.4.
158 When everything touched upon turns wry, fluffy or romanticized, the menace itself seems trivial.
159 No plot is too trivial for him to explore: Gaudy Night.
160 Some ideas will be too trivial, some would be impossible to carry out.
161 It's definitely tempting to dismiss this peculiar, fledging series as trivial.
162 It's more intelligent than Trivial Pursuit and noisier than Charades.
163 In her final draft she made only a few trivial changes.
164 It was admirably researched, hut it glossed over the important questions while pointing up the trivial ones.
165 My favorite dust-ups are when the marital conflict is over something so trivial that you laugh as you retell the story.
166 Scrabble is still the best seller and there's no sign of the Trivial Pursuit bubble bursting either.
167 It contributed to a revaluation of photographic genres, so that snapshots could no longer be ignored as trivial and irrelevant.
168 No means of gratifying their trivial desires was too demeaning.
169 You really shouldn't prattle on about something so trivial.
170 Loaning someone money is not a trivial matter.
171 It's useless to fire away with such trivial details.
172 Don't pester me with your trivial matters.
173 The agitator is inclined to exaggerate trivial matters.
174 Love and hate coexist in every trivial affair.
174 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
175 It's useless fire away with such trivial details.
176 Trivial tributes constitute the attribute of constituent's repot .
177 The actual proof of convergence is generally not trivial.
178 Her ears are attuned to even very trivial sounds.
179 A trivial misunderstanding caused a breach between them.
180 He is liable to flare up at trivial things.
181 Work in an unhurried relaxed way, doing small or trivial tasks.
182 This is a homogeneous linear equation, which always has the trivial solution w ≡0.
183 In short, mass trivial things that life has been offering make life overburdened and overdrawn.
184 How to use the space as staircases, how desire and heteromorphosis room layout, how can we make another transformation corner space, which will allow owners of large animal trivial issues.
185 Like automobiles, some software excise tasks are trivial and performing them is no great hardship.
186 I give the Latin on account of the savoriness of the trivial name.
187 While the above getter / setter methods are trivial, the real value of bijection via getter / setter methods is that you can add custom logic to manipulate the bijection process.
188 Why do you always make a fuss over a trivial things?
189 Forget about trivial disagreements among comrades, and don't take them to heart.
190 Model RB not only avoids the trivial asymptotic insolubility of previous random CSP models but also has the great advantage of being able to determine the phase transition points exactly.
191 However, the tests such tools come up with tend to be fairly trivial and basic stuff, like whether a method can handle being passed a null argument.
192 It took care of trivial everyday life at present and overlooked grand epical narrative.
193 The force there assembled was trivial compared with the Danish horde.
194 Machine maintenance work is trivial and boring, but Xiao Wang still treats It'seriously and carefully.
195 The man would fly into a temper at seasons just because of trivial matters.
196 Captious: Marked by a disposition to find and point out trivial faults.
197 Most of regurgitation were trivial or mild, and involved just one valve.
198 Today, Harte is best remembered for a few poems and stories that he himself thought trivial.
199 His mood can be gauged by his reaction to the most trivial of incidents.
200 So, it's a trivial matter, by looking at what is the weight and how far does it drop, to say OK, how much work is done by the paddle wheel.
201 Phase one is control which is exercised through constant trivial daily nit-picking criticism etc.
202 Shipping should be prohibited from going through the reef - the additional costs of transportation are trivial.
203 The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (or TFTP) can then be used to transfer the kernel image and the initial ramdisk image to the local device.
204 This is perhaps a trivial example,[] but analysis of the type I have just described can be the thin end of the wedge in penetrating a cryptosystem.
205 But the programs about the methods of reliability computing are loaded down with trivial details, and there is lots of repetitive work.
206 Mock epic: A comic literary form that treats a trivial subject in the grand heroic style of the epic. A mock epic is also referred to as a mock-heroic poem.
207 I had been lulled into thinking the publicity would be a trivial matter.
208 The warlord uttered an exclamation of disbelief. "Surely an accounting package is trivial next to the complexity of an operating system, " he said.
209 I kept thinking I am going to run into some empty-headed noble who will try to involve me in endless, trivial small talk.
210 Backout – The mapping between local and physical locations also makes the backout of virtualization technology from a system a less than trivial process.
211 We will survey some of the more common nomenclature rules, both IUPAC and trivial.
212 The repercussions of a deterministic system are broad, but one advantage is immediately clear: active replication is trivial, strongly consistent, and suffers none of the drawbacks described above.
213 Our daily weather continues to dictate the trivial scenarios of our lives-and remains manna to the rag trade, the tourist industry, and heaven knows what else.
214 For resolving the faults of traditional personnel management as low work efficiency, weak secretiveness , trivial queries , etc.
215 The DHCP server provides a boot file name, and the PC then downloads it from a Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server.
216 This may sound trivial, but I assure you it is quite important!
217 That is trivial looks penurious of looking at be pressed by his under dictate woman.
218 No graceful little adornment, no fanciful little device , however trivial, anywhere expressed her influence.
219 In my opinion, the trivial binary format translation, and extremely high source-level and runtime compatibility, puts Android definitely inside the line of Java equivalence.
220 His fine brushwork rigorous modeling portraits, portrait of attention fluid lines, robust hearty, free-style, completely out of the old ladies painted figures Sophie inveteracy trivial detail.
221 Last but not least, some decisions are simply too trivial to spend any time worrying about.
222 Authorize the others is a half the battle, an all matters whether important or trivial, can't authorize work the other people's person, destine will meet tremendous obstacle.
223 Why do you fritter your time and thought away on trivial things?
224 He walked into the day as alertly as mightbe, making a definite noise with his heels, perceiving with his eyes thesuperficial truth of streets and structures, the trivial truth of reality.
225 Refuse all sexual intercourse , even those as relatively trivial as oral sex.
226 Given the transition table, implementing the transition function is trivial.
227 Although memory management may appear trivial, a properly designed interface can produce code efficiency, simplicity, and portability -- none of which may be achievable otherwise.
228 What is clear is that Beijing's over-the-top reaction to what were ultimately trivial disputes that could have been defused calmly has its neighbors concerned.
229 He transiently transferred to Treasury and set a trap to compensate for his trivial loss.
230 My mind attempted to calm itself by fastening on this trivial detail.
231 Even those regrettable types seemed trivial enough to be laughed out of sight -- and forgotten.
232 This allows easy and honest comparison between them, and makes it trivial to go back to the old reliable path when the spiffy new one starts showing flaws.
233 This is a trivial matter. That's a longwinded answer to your question: I was not prepared for the amount of press that was attached to the picture because of Madame Sarkozy.
234 I want to leave the trivial living on dishonorably of the human world[Sentencedict], and soar with you in the vast starry sky.
235 Even trivial things can set Arthur and his wife at loggerheads.
236 Gauss's law makes it possible to find the field by an almost trivial calculation.
237 Trivial names were then formed, in English terminology, often from a prefix related to the source followed by the suffix "-ose" to denote carbohydrate.
238 Because methanogen is strict with its environment, especially with the occurrence of oxygen, trivial change should disturb the bacterial collects and make the number different from the reality.




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