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单词 Neon
1. A neon sign flashed on and off above the door.
2. Helium and neon are inert gases.
3. Neon emits a characteristic red glow.
4. A neon sign flashed above the door.
5. It would be a sacrilege to put a neon sign on that beautiful old building.
6. Colourful neon lights were hung here and there during National Day.
7. In the city squares the neon lights flashed in turn.
8. Some neon and argon is probably present as well.
9. The streets are lined with garish neon signs.
10. The hotel neon sign lights up our faces.
11. For those unmoved, the Ferris wheel spun its neon lights and the shooting galleries popped.
12. A neon spike in the window announces the bar in lieu of a sign.
13. Brood size Neon Tetras are an easy fish to spawn, but it is not an easy feat to raise large broods.
13. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
14. The other neon sign which surmounted the Parliament building, a huge red star, has recently been removed.
15. They are the noble gases: neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon.
16. Cowboys and prospectors dominate the neon iconography of the hotels along Fremont Street, the older part of town.
17. Outwardly, the most curious aspect of Neon Prophet is that none of them are Rastafarian.
18. The neon lights on the theater blinked red and blue.
19. But it'd flashed up like neon in my head once or twice since then: Warning.
20. His shiny shoes pounded the sidewalks, and neon signs flashed the names of increasingly seedy nightclubs at him.
21. It was a long windowless studio with neon strip-lighting set into the ceiling.
22. Mrs T finds that a particular type of neon light upsets her balance.
23. She had only known one man, a moronic battle in neon light.
24. The old motels capitalized on regional pride and kitsch, cheerfully twisting their neon signs into oddball shapes.
25. Under a program started in November, buyers can get $ 500 off Neon, Cirrus and Stratus models.
26. There are also tiny traces of other noble gases besides argon, namely, neon, krypton, and xenon.
27. A good choice is one of the inert gases; neon, argon, krypton, or xenon.
28. It was all glass with black night and crayon neon beyond.
29. Once she stuffed her diaphragm into one of my neon lights, breaking it, shattering it.
30. The result was a white cross that stood out among the familiar neon logos of airlines and oil companies.
1. A neon sign flashed on and off above the door.
2. Colourful neon lights were hung here and there during National Day.
31. A spillage of lurid neon light, yellow and orange, dribbled from the windowsill to the floor.
32. Physical trapping is likely to be about as effective for neon, argon and krypton.
33. Neon was a revelation, those gay lights in windows and over movie marquees.
34. It was a large room, with two windows, which flashed with neon from the sign outside.
35. The neon sign made little clicks as it changed colour.
36. A neon sign flashed on and off in the window.
37. Alix was out front of the premises poking a flickering neon sign with a length of plastic tubing.
38. But not drunk enough. crilly My North London flat is filled with neon.
39. Faces are bathed in the bright glow of flashing neon signs that turn night into day along Fremont Street.
40. The public reception area, a strange mixture of green neon and granite, is awash with the sound of running water.
41. With only 6000 years of life left the temperature rockets to 620 million degrees, to convert carbon into neon.
42. Neon everywhere, billboards as far as the eye could see, concrete apartment blocks dingy with pollution.
43. Up and down it rose and fell in Aberdeen Harbour(http://), under a blaze of red-and-gold neon trim.
44. One night in a hotel in the middle of cascading neon.
45. Brisk neon routines jolly the cityscape, like the desk-toys of businessmen.
46. The downtown Dallas skyline is accented in green and blue and red neon.
47. You see it in the neon strips that colour the city, the flashing lights on every corner.
48. Neon Tetras when young do not take kindly to fresh water.
49. A million neon signs push the delicacy of the pink twilight into a dull haze.
50. Go to the right places and there will be a big railway station or a billboard full of flickering neon lights.
51. Down the block the Rosslyn's neon sign recently got a face lift.
52. But in such a setting Peter Snow's neon swingometer was, frankly, a disappointment.
53. The city began to light up, skyscrapers loomed beyond the walls like neon pillars against the dusk.
54. Dancing black girls writhing under the twinkling neon of a pizzeria.
55. Gloomy wide windy areas of rails and platforms overhung with concrete and faint neon.
56. Even though it was a summer afternoon, the foyer was drenched in a harsh, white neon light.
57. A few neon signs are beginning to appear on the larger buildings advertising the usual Western wares such as Levi jeans.
58. He turns down a small side alley where the scene is quieter, with fewer glaring neon signs and nude photo displays.
59. My head roared with neon pins and needles, at once visual and sensual.
60. Aside from the band itself, an interesting aspect of Neon Prophet is its fan base.
61. On the night after our arrival in Tokyo, I saw neon lights dancing up and down the streets of the Ginza.
62. She might just as well have stuck a neon sign on her head, inviting him to make love to her.
63. The neon chicken radiates orange warmth into the sparsely populated diner.
64. The neon lights outside were barely visible through the sheen of condensation coating the inside of the cafe window.
65. Perhaps she'd find a flashing neon sign to stick in the parson's nose.
66. Magnesium 2 plus, it is also isoelectronic with neon.
67. Neon is a stable element.
68. Nearby, a neon cleaner wrasse also wears stark stripes.
69. Blue adjustable neon lamp, peaceful and comfortable, quite design.
70. A normally closed pushbutton and neon indicating lamp are provided as a part of the control for testing the moisture sensing components.
71. Musical rhythm is used to control neon light and create an glistening effect to highlight of feature of the era.
72. Not surprisingly, though, the Popsicles you buy at the local corner store tend to be sickeningly sweet and neon bright, thanks to an abundance of high-fructose corn syrup and artificial colors.
73. There are several broken pink plastic chairs and a few cheap desks, but the office has no telephone, no computer and, although there are two sockets for neon strip lighting,(http:///neon.html) no bulbs.
74. The back ground is the dark blue sky, colored by the neon light.
75. Relay. Coil voltage 6 VDC. Contact arrangement 2C . Terminal PCB. Enclosure top flange. Option neon lamp.
76. The conspicuous orange and white clownfish and the neon bicolor angelfish seemed to keep an arm's length away, while the black and yellow butterfly fish came right up and ate out of my hand.
77. It is well known that an electrical discharge through a gas causes it to glow. When electricity flows through neon gas you see a beautiful orange-red light.
78. The atomic lithography experiments were carried out by use of a metastable neon atomic beam.
79. Relay. Coil voltage 6 VDC. Contact arrangement 2A. Contact material AgCdO. Option neon lamp.
80. Bars, disco and neon - lIt'streets make up much of the night life in Guangzhou.
81. It is usually implemented with a resistor or current source, a capacitor, and a "threshold" device such as a neon lamp, diac unijunction transistor, or Gunn diode.
82. For those that don't know what nixie tubes are, they were used back in 1969 in calculators and are quaint neon display tubes.
83. A minute later , he was sitting on a bench at a neon - drenched cabstand across the street.
84. He decked the Roadhouse out with a rustic U. S. look neon beer signs, a set of longhorns, a pool table, and a giant, antique Phillips 66 gas station sign he bought at a flea market in central Texas.
85. At the Pink Slip Party Wall Street workers wore pink neon glow bracelets to show their unemployed status exchanged cards and resumes with recruiters.
86. Middle and high voltage transformer coil frameworks in the electric appliances of microwave ovens, neon lamps, etc. all can adopt the utility model.
87. "All digital, " said the designer about his neon patterns, like tie-dye leaking over shirts.
88. Looks from the over-bridge, the assorted vehicles rear light meets a bright-colored procession of lanterns, enhances one another's beauty with the street both sides height fluctuation neon lights.
89. He hated the superficiality, the neon glamour and the cheap prettiness of life in L.A.
90. Relay. Coil voltage 48 VDC. Contact arrangement 2C . Terminal solder. Enclosure standard. Option neon lamp.
91. Relay. Coil voltage 220 VAC. Contact arrangement 2C. Contact material AgCdO. Option neon lamp.
92. You will see such names of neon as Manhattan and White House, which seem to imitate the history teasingly.
93. Recent finds of Apatite in Madagascar have added to the popularity of this gem. Exhibiting excellent saturation, Madagascan Apatite's colors range from neon green to neon blue.
94. Special compiled software makes complex neon lamp patterns compiling faster and easier.
95. Compact Plasma Focus (CPF) device (NX2) operating in neon with high performance and high repetition rate is developed and used as an intense Soft X-Ray (SXR) source for microelectronics lithography.
96. Last week , I found it transformed into a forest of neon - lit, modernist skyscrapers.
97. Sports Clock, Neon Clock, Neon Sign Product, Sound Effect Wall Clock, Blooming Clock, Neon Wall Clock.
98. Objective To discuss the therapeutic value of low energy helium neon laser in hyperviscosity syndrome.
99. Relay. Coil voltage 240 VAC. Contact arrangement 2C. Contact material AgCdO. Option neon lamp.
100. The methods and results to realize the triple points of argon, oxygen and nitrogen in a cryostat and those of equilibrium hydrogen and neon in a mini-refrigerator are described.
101. From a base colour of murky green-grey emerge what appear like flat knives or spears, layered on top of one another and streaking across the canvas from right to left like a dirty neon chevron.
102. Isotopes of aluminum, beryllium, carbon ( carbon-14 ), chlorine, iodine and neon, are also formed through cosmic ray spallation.
103. Today, neon pulsates over storefronts offering designer goods, delicacies, luxury vacations,( ) exclusive real-estate and other pleasures. Restaurants run the gamut from kebab to quiche.
104. Emissive color is given off even in darkness. You could use this for a neon sign or a glow-in-the-dark object.
105. Gas lasers look something like a combination of a neon tube and a fluorescent lamp.
106. A neon green aurora is reflected in the waters off Yellowknife, Canada, in a newly released picture.
107. K. Neon, argon, and krypton are obtained from fractional distillation of liquid air.
108. So, we can say that -- if we have neon here and we want to think about what's isoelectronic, -- f minus would be isoelectronic. We also have oxygen -- what would the charge on oxygen be?
109. Flees the warm neon, the cold cold, flees the modern time screw bolt the destiny.
110. Relay. Coil voltage 110 VAC. Contact arrangement 3B. Contact material gold flashed. Option neon lamp.
111. Then also, nitrogen, 3 minus -- these are all going to be isoelectronic with neon.
112. Its space age design consists of curved cave forms, white walls and neon tube lights.
113. Mr Motivator's main job is to do warm-up and warm-down sessions for skiers, resplendent in neon Lycra.
114. We were alway lifting our aglimmer neon plates when Yunho was performing on the stage, they could see it from the stage. Dear Yunho, can feel this kind of love?
115. The blinking neon light bulbs shows the direct and the back current spike flow.
116. Neon , a rare gas in the air, takes only fractional percentage point of the volume.
117. Relay. Coil voltage 48 VDC. Contact arrangement 2C. Contact material gold flashed. Option neon lamp.
118. Noble gas( or inert gas ):Any of the six chemical elements that make up the rightmost group of the periodic table as usually arranged: helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon.
119. The adult butterflies make no attempt to hide themselves; instead, their bright, warning coloration is like a neon sign.
120. Carol M. HighsmithAladdin's lamp from the defunct casino of the same name is one of many nostalgic signs of bygone Las Vegas saved in the Neon Boneyard.
121. Workers scurry around in bright - neon orange uniforms picking up the garbage crowds have left behind.
122. Relay. Coil voltage 12 VAC. Contact arrangement 2C. Contact material gold flashed. Option neon lamp.
123. Mantis shrimp appear in a variety of colours, from shades of browns to bright neon colours.
124. So if we want to write out what that would be, it would just be to say that f minus is isoelectronic with neon.
125. Downtown, neon treasures from a bygone era were stored in a dusty field called the Neon Boneyard.
126. Happy ability just begins, still a lot of affection need show, in the tender sitting room below sunshine, let us share mist brume and rainbow Neon, the flower that awaits happiness leaves.
127. A stream of neon - orange lava cascades down Ol Doinyo Lengai, in Tanzania's Great Rift Valley.
128. What the neon lights of this city flash out is nothing but solitude and loneliness.
129. But its new centenary edition includes a copy of the 1911 version, which shows Britons thought the words neon, petticoat, and 'indecent dance' the Cancan all deserved similar recognition.
130. Though the city may seem obscured by neon and scaffolding, there are still wonderful nooks and crannies all around us, and Qianmen Street is one of them.
131. Qin in particular can't wait to abandon school, get out of the boondocks and move to the city where, surrounded by high-rises and neon and the intoxicating whir of the Now, a girl can have some fun.
132. Dimensions between neon lamp and resistor is normally 4 mm min.
133. In the beautiful melody, intoxicant red wine, and little neon, guest speak freely, dance slowly in the floor,(http:///neon.html) which pull the atmosphere to the climax!
134. Helium and neon measurements provide further evidence that the earth was not completely melted.
135. The first concerns noble gases. Were it not for escape, chemically unreactive gases such as neon or argon would remain in an atmosphere indefinitely.
136. This explains why atoms emit (or absorb) light of well-defined frequency. Examples: the yellow sodium street light and the neon tube.
137. Objective To observe the efficacy of helium neon laser in preventing chemical phlebitis.
138. Any of the six chemical elements that make up the rightmost group of the periodic table as usually arranged: helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon.
139. And neon - 21 was found in josephinite by the Bern researchers.
140. Her manner is of your mate in the pub(), slagging off the neon tabard she's been forced to wear working at Boots.
141. NEON STONE is resin-type neon transformer in compliance with EN61050 which unique structure provides extended life-time and stable running even after its warranty period.
142. As the desire-cutting carrier, there hides many undesirability and helplessness behind the interlaced neon lights and shades.
143. Downtown, treasures from a bygone era were stored in a dusty field called the Neon Boneyard.
144. Building facades pulsate with millions of lights and glowing neon display.
145. A stream of neon - orange lava cascades down Ol Doinyo Lengai, in Tanzania Great Rift Valley.
146. You know she likes the lights at nights on the neon Broadway signs.
147. Shanghai is, at first sight, a city of glaring neon lights , frenetic pace and sky - scrapers.
148. Only the neon in the cold counter glared a ghostly blue.
149. Neon lamp is lamp of gas discharge of low pressure of a kind of cold cathode.
150. Deafen the ear with its roar music and seek to stimulate people, and the flashing of the strange neon ...All in all, all seem to say the world happy and fall.
151. Located around the corner from Wan Chai's neon nightlife district, this old-time shop is a stark contrast to the surrounding girlie bars.
152. There is no ignition derived form high voltage discharge that the neon lamp has.
153. Neon tube technology is taking over the production of the key.
154. LED, Incandeslence Lamps, Halogen Lamps, Panel Mount Indicators , Neon Lamp.
155. If a neon tube is connected with the utility model in series, the on-off state can be conveniently judged at night, and simultaneously, the existence of an electricity can be judged in the circuit.
156. By dropping Neon Bible's accusatory standpoint, The Suburbs delivers a life-affirming message similar to Funeral's: We're all in this together.
157. Cold-light source (like glowworm and neon lamp) generates light with chemical energy, electric energy and bioenergy, and it features in excellent optical and transient characters.




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