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单词 Huddled
1) Everyone huddled round the fire to keep warm.
2) Phil sat huddled miserably in his chair.
3) He huddled in the corner like a terrified child.
4) We lay huddled together for warmth.
5) We huddled together for warmth.
6) They huddled together in silent groups.
7) We huddled together to keep warm.
8) They all huddled around the fire.
9) People huddled up close to each other.
10) The animals huddled together for warmth.
11) They huddled together to protect themselves from the wind.
12) We huddled around the fire to keep warm.
13) They huddled together for warmth.
14) He huddled his books in the corner of his bedroom.
15) I huddled on my clothes and hurried to the factory.
16) We all huddled around the radio to hear the news.
17) She huddled inside the porch as she rang the bell.
18) He was huddled with John trying to jump-start his car.
19) They huddled in the shop doorway to shelter from the rain.
20) All the people huddled.
21) He was very cold,[http:///huddled.html] so he huddled up against his brother in bed.
22) We huddled together for warmth beneath the blankets.
23) She lay huddled under the blankets.
24) Tired and lost, we huddled together.
25) Mrs Clinton was huddled with advisers at her headquarters.
26) The climbers were sitting huddled together for warmth.
27) People huddled around the radio, waiting for news.
28) He was still sitting huddled like a cornered animal.
29) She huddled under the blankets.
30) The survivors spent the night huddled around bonfires.
1) Everyone huddled round the fire to keep warm.
2) Phil sat huddled miserably in his chair.
3) He huddled in the corner like a terrified child.
4) We lay huddled together for warmth.
5) We huddled together for warmth.
6) They huddled together in silent groups.
7) We huddled together to keep warm.
8) They all huddled around the fire.
9) People huddled up close to each other.
10) The animals huddled together for warmth.
11) They huddled together to protect themselves from the wind.
12) We huddled around the fire to keep warm.
13) They huddled together for warmth.
14) He huddled his books in the corner of his bedroom.
15) I huddled on my clothes and hurried to the factory.
16) She huddled inside the porch as she rang the bell.
17) He was huddled with John trying to jump-start his car.
18) They huddled in the shop doorway to shelter from the rain.
19) All the people huddled.
20) He was very cold, so he huddled up against his brother in bed.
21) The sheep were huddled together in a ditch.
31) They found the children huddled together for warmth.
32) The children huddled closely together for warmth.
33) Her pet dog huddled against her.
34) We huddled together on a small boat.
35) We huddled together, fearing we might be killed.
36) We found him huddled on the floor.
37) She found him huddled in a corner, shaking violently.
38) Karen was huddled against the wall.
39) She huddled herself in the blanket.
40) People huddled one another into the hall.
41) I got up and huddled my clothes on.
42) She huddled all four boys into one bed.
43) The snow blew against his huddled body.
44) The executive board huddled to discuss the issue.
45) The sheep were huddled together in a ditch.
46) The children huddled away in a corner.
47) I huddled under a blanket on the floor.
48) That novel appeared to have been huddled together.
49) Your clothes are all huddled up inside the bag.
50) He huddled the job together.
51) He slept, huddled in an armchair.
52) They huddled up around the fire.
53) We stood huddled together for warmth.
54) People were huddled together around the fire.
55) The two countries huddled up a treaty.
56) They huddled up in the corner, trying to escape being whipped.
57) The clothes lay huddled up in a pile in the corner.
58) We huddled together on the cliff ledge, waiting for rescue.
59) Sophie was so frightened by the noise of the fireworks that she huddled in a corner of the room.
60) Off to one side, Sticht, Macomber, Jordan, and Kreps huddled to discuss something.
61) Myrtle sat huddled on the side of the bed, weeping.
62) He huddled on his robe and ran into the room to answer the telephone.
63) The boys huddled together in the cave to keep warm.
64) Tom was cold so he huddled up against the radiator.
65) We huddled together, secure in the knowledge that the rescue helicopter was on its way.
66) It was so cold that we huddled together for warmth.
67) People huddled around the theatre in order to have a look at her beauty.
68) Jim huddled up an agreement with Harding Co. Ltd. and flew back New York this morning.
69) The old men, terrified, bewildered, huddled together.
70) Homeless men huddled beneath flimsy blankets on the sidewalk.
71) Sheep sheltering below the wall huddled together for warmth.
72) Chilled by the winds, people huddled under blankets.
73) Mum was still huddled under the blanket.
74) Later, the woman came through the driving snow, staggering before the howling wind, huddled in upon herself.
75) Sheldukher angled the disrupter vaguely in the direction of the huddled mass of Chelonians and fired indiscriminately.
76) He made his way down the narrow road, huddled like a crab within his familiar brown overcoat.
77) All the children huddled under an old coat made of animal skins, which was full of lice.
78) He sat huddled, looking pathetic and sorry for himself, and he would not smile.
79) Quietly they huddled together on the cobbles of the drive.
80) This week, the union's executive board huddled to discuss how to keep workers from competing against each other.
81) Maggie sat huddled on a kitchen chair and Phoebe held her hand.
82) The Springboks team, led by Joost van der Westhuizen, huddled together and prayed.
83) As soon as she drifted into sleep, she was back in the Close, her gaze locked on the white huddled figure.
84) For many years I huddled over a calor gas stove in the winter and ate beans on toast.
85) Whitlock hurried over to where Karen was huddled against a pillar, her head buried in her arms.
86) When the rains came, they huddled under umbrellas and makeshift tents and donned ponchos or raincoats fashioned from plastic garbage bags.
87) The two men huddled in a comer away from the awed young group.
88) They Survey the huddled women briefly, then Stare at the orphan girls.
89) A knot of figures were huddled together on the walkway.
90) The Automobile Association skeleton staff trio will be huddled in front of their personal computer screens relaying road conditions to drivers.
91) They stood there naked and shivering, huddled together as a soldier walked round them, prodding them with a baton.
92) Therese was huddled in nearly every garment she possessed, slacks, jumpers, her shabby grey coat and the multicoloured shawl.
93) The sentry on the western side sat huddled in a blanket until the pressure on his bladder became uncomfortable.
94) The huddled figure shambled alongside the yew hedge towards the wicket gate.
95) They huddled up close to each other as they walked rather aimlessly towards the heart of the old market.
96) We are huddled inside, in the kitchen, riding out the storm that Nora has stirred up.
97) Sometimes they were in heaps because they had huddled together, and some were scattered all along.
98) In the living room, I sit, feet up,[/huddled.html] huddled in a rocking chair.
99) From a leafless high branch of a dead tree the huddled heap of a kite regarded them thoughtfully.
100) As the jurors deliberated behind closed doors, the judge huddled with lawyers from both sides in his chambers.
101) He went among the beggars who congregated in tube-station entrances, looking them over as they sat hunched and huddled on steps.
102) There is pleasure in the small ferreted bargains - a grim, huddled satisfaction.
103) The others huddled around Jack to give him the protection and warmth of their bodies, and rubbed his arms and legs.
104) In shell-shocked silence she sat, huddled in her seat as they drove away from the hospital.
105) Communities driven from the countryside huddled behind heavily defended walls while outside the horde roamed and plundered at will.
106) People huddled around their radios and TVs, waiting for news.
107) After that, huddled under the patchwork quilt, they made love in a lazy, unhurried way.
108) We see another bunch of outdoor reporters huddled into their coat collars, clutching mikes like they were chocolate lollies.
109) Peach was huddled on the ground holding a girl whose familiar sea-green silk dress was already soaked scarlet.
110) It was a visionary move for a city of 500 residents, huddled around adobe huts in Old Town.
111) Four family members were found huddled around the bathtub; three other victims were discovered in the bedroom.
112) Three hours later I came across Mark huddled underneath a small buttress about 50 metres below the summit of Les Courtes.
113) And they huddled together in the club for warmth, and safety, and the strength that came with family feeling.
114) As the travellers walked away the strongman carried the huddled figure into the brothel.
115) Last night families were huddled in fields fearing further tremors.
116) No-one had noticed that while they huddled together the armour-plating had rusted away.
117) The soldiers huddled under the oak tree, passing around a bottle.
118) Scalzo drifted toward a group of older boys and girls huddled smoking around a bench.
119) The 45-minute ecumenical memorial service was relayed by loudspeakers to a further 200 huddled in the cold outside.
120) They huddled together in twos and threes, with the pretty little church standing back about half way down the village.
121) On New Year's night the poor huddled in primeval groups under the flyovers.
122) Guided by a mournful bleating, he came across several groups of sheep, huddled together in the vain hope of safety.
123) Men huddled together in groups, deep in earnest conversations; it was here the real trading was done.
124) It is a pure sporting moment, a coach and his team huddled together on a dank night.
125) A group of hacks were huddled around the gates, waiting for her to emerge.
126) The Kabari huddled against it in their woolen shawls, like Inuit outside their igloos.
127) Slorne was huddled silently in the top corner of her cage looking at the sky.
128) She climbed aboard the Mumbles train and huddled in a seat in the warmth of the lower deck.
129) The Lodge is nothing fancy -- just a row of cottages huddled on the side of a hill overlooking the sea.
130) Of the passers-by, the younger ones wore jeans and sneakers, but their elders were still huddled in their warms.
131) We drove out of the barracks huddled in our combat jackets, and turned north towards the Alps.
132) Coups are plotted in small groups huddled around a faction leader and strategies decided at fringe meetings.
133) Tourists huddled in darkened hotels and hundreds of locals sought refuge in emergency shelters overnight.
134) The benches are empty except for a solitary figure sitting huddled in a mackintosh, watching with fierce concentration.
135) Positive murmurs came from the dark. Across the beach Lux and Pat were huddled in conversation.
136) The man's body lay all huddled up.
137) The huddled sheep turned their backs against the wind.
138) The cat huddled itself on the cushion.
139) With their fleece sopping wet, they huddled in hollows, too dispirited to graze.
140) Officers said they found Alexis huddled on the floor under the steering wheel, covered in blood, surrounded by spent cartridge casings, a spent bullet on the floor and teeth on the seat.
141) I said I was the kind of throw the helve after the hatchet man, can I huddled in a corner of the city. At the city, I have nothing to do with the flourishing(), a unique joy only sorrow.
142) Old Mr. Bouncer, very sulky, was huddled up in a corner, barricaded with chair.
143) A great number of sea otters climbed on the float bridge and huddled together to avoid oil.
144) Hundreds of people huddled around a single transistor radio listening to the announcement.
145) I sat huddled on the steps, my cheeks resting sullenly in my palms.
146) As the rain fell Friday night, many anniversary celebrants remained in Tercentenary Theatre, clustered in humid knots huddled under their umbrellas. The water fell in gray sheets, as from a waterfall.
147) The poor, tired people huddled in lines at Ellis Island, waiting to be processed.
148) Workers huddled on the floor after morning bell at the New York Stock Exchange.
149) She was huddled in a crag lee side of a mountain, almost frozen, very near death.
150) Either it is a well-arranged universe or a chaos huddled together, but still a universe. But can a certain order subsist in thee, and disorder in the All?
151) I mean the real rich, people with inherited wealth who don't have to spend their days huddled over computers in order to earn a living.
152) Now a sharper lash of wind cut down and they huddled closer.
153) Either it is a well-arranged universe or a chaos huddled together, but still a universe.
154) Old Mr. Bouncer, very sulky, was huddled up in a corner, barricaded with a chair.
155) As time passed, the water in the leaves became more and more and the leaves huddled up into "bags". They roughly estimated that each leaf could hold more than half a liter of water.
156) Ahead of them, young men huddled in the back of a delivery truck, under floral blankets. A minivan shuttled a group of traumatized neighbors toward the Egyptian border.
157) The mechanicals returned to the cargo bay and stowed themselves, the actors huddled around the camera to check the replay of the scene.
158) They huddled around a single kerosene heater in the kitchen when the temperature dipped below zero.
159) Huddled beneath her ermine mantle and surrounded by her ladies, serving girls, and knights, the southron queen seemed a frail, pale, shrunken thing.
160) Then you know where to tread and where you can slide a shovel without scalping some plant huddled in the dark.
160) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
161) She saw Dick huddled there in his rags, and roused him up with her broom.
162) They were attacked as they huddled nakedly on the bare hill.
163) Ahead of them, young men huddled in the back of a delivery truck, under floral blankets.
164) Here flowers, sunny, I huddled in the shadows, the chewing of inner Chalazion cream.




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更新时间:2025/3/14 15:15:45