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单词 Morality
1) Morality may consist solely in the courage of making a choice. 
2) Morality was the emphasis of his speech.
3) She criticized politicians' standards of personal morality.
4) Jacelin is a person of strict morality.
5) Have standards of morality improved?
6) He has overthrown the basic standards of morality.
7) Standards of morality seem to be dropping.
8) You can't separate morality from politics.
9) The authorities are protectors of public morality.
10) Here,(http:///morality.html) morality and good sentiments clash headlong.
11) Most political questions involve morality in some form or other.
12) The crusade for sexual morality is turning into a witch - hunt.
13) Can all our efforts towards morality prevail over the forces of evil?
14) The book is a meditation on the morality of art.
15) He defended a morality in which the end justifies the means.
16) It is tempting to think of morality as a guide to human conduct.
17) I have to question the morality of forcing poor people to pay for their medical treatment.
18) They argued for a new morality based on self-sacrifice and honesty.
19) Private morality, in crude terms, is not the law's business.
20) One sometimes wonders if there's any morality in political affairs.
21) The morality of public shows was closely controlled.
22) Children lack morality, but they also lack fake morality. Mignon McLaughlin 
23) Humans, he argues, are amoral and what guides them is not any sense of morality but an instinct for survival.
24) I really don't think it's a politician's job to go delivering sermons on public morality.
25) Most people believe they conduct their private and public lives in accordance with Christian morality.
26) The distinction between right and wrong lies at the heart of all questions of morality.
27) Unlike many writers of the period, she is not preoccupied with morality.
28) The medical profession's eagerness for scientific advance had impaled it on the horns of a dilemma, forcing an unnatural choice between science and morality.
29) Don't you feel even a slight niggle about the morality of your experiments?
30) Unemployment is not the issue - the real problem is the decline in public morality.
1) Humans, he argues, are amoral and what guides them is not any sense of morality but an instinct for survival.
31) Morality is a test of character, integrity, and conscientiousness. Dr T.P.Chia 
32) Morality is temporary, wisdom is permanent. Hunter S. Thompson 
33) There is a morality of natural consequences.
34) How would the judges discover this political morality?
35) Morality and accountability are conspicuously absent.
36) A discourse on medieval morality plays?
37) They all spoke about conduct, morality, ethics.
38) Victorian commentators were very concerned about public morality generally.
39) Fear is the mother of morality. Friedrich Nietzsche 
40) What about Marxists' own morality, or ethical values?
41) Force always attracts men of low morality. Albert Einstein 
42) Morality, like art, means drawing a line someplace. Oscar Wilde 
43) Market economics is about efficiency, not morality.
44) Gordon was preaching the morality of scholarship.
45) After all, morality is social in origin.
46) Liberty does not exist in the absence of morality. Edmund Burke 
47) Nepotism, though of widespread occurrence, is formally considered to be an offence against common morality.
48) The show is a darkly comic look at medicine, money and morality.
49) This is where the recent history of law's withdrawal from the regulation of private morality provides a useful perspective.
50) Yet they can be shown to be in some sense the implicit guardians of morality.
51) Indeed(), social morality leaders came to believe that earlier marriages would discourage resort to prostitution.
52) This referral to morality, Dworkin argues, is endemic to all law.
53) This feeling has nothing to do with conventional views about conduct, or conventional morality, or ethics.
54) As wage earners themselves, they saw the morality of equal pay.
55) Whether society has the right to determine its own morality is a debate which has raged for some time.
56) The healthy individual has no compulsive morality because he has no impulses which call for moral inhibition.
57) Well, morality is not the right word, but you know what I mean.
58) There was a lot of public debate about the morality of the invasion.
59) This conflicts both with a brute biological concern for children, and with the minimum requirements of civilized morality.
60) The impression that a simple one-sided morality is of itself nobler and more clear-headed than a complex one is false.
61) Religion or ideology is not morality. Morality resides in human conscience and spiritual feelings. Dr T.P.Chia 
62) We have to do the more general piece of work involved in clearing one more bias from our morality.
63) Le Corbusier's admonitions echo much of nineteenth century morality in terms of emphasis on order and health, and by inference cleanliness.
64) Reverting to the earlier argument, the morality of their work is suspect, and with it their charisma.
65) But Gilligan does not, in fact, reject the notion of a rights-based morality.
66) Respondents backed equal rights for gays and lesbians, but they were about evenly split on the morality of homosexual relationships.
67) Anyone who carried out such an attack obviously has no morality whatsoever.
68) Arthurian legends or the morality tales of life under capitalism were not enough.
69) Like Dean Inge,() the careers and culture of leading medical intellectuals displayed distinctive connections between science and morality.
70) Like other doctor gurus, he was giving women prescriptions in feminine morality, from a distinctly male point of view.
71) Nor need the courts assess the extent to which such harms are measurable against any standard of consequential morality.
72) Religion, politics, personal and social morality and fantasy are all media in which he regularly operates.
73) Questions of literacy, in Socrates' belief, must at length be judged as matters of morality.
74) Sometimes we accept that morality changes; that, what was immoral once is not immoral now.
75) Sadly, there is little debate in this country at present about the morality of our military activities.
76) Or rather, politics and morality come to the same thing.
77) I think that what links those two apparently contradictory aspects is precisely a concern with morality.
78) The criticism that atheists are less moral and honest has been disproved by study after study. Atheists believe that morality is man-made, and follow their moral ideas which are more or less compatible with those of religious believers. Dr T.P.Chia 
79) With this new concept of morality comes a new notion of the hero.
80) The accepted standards of political morality differed from our own; evidence is hard to come by and difficult to interpret.
81) The double standard of morality relied upon this separation between the public and the private.
82) This, I said, would prove his commitment to overcoming his inbred bourgeois morality.
83) The limits of that practice of obedience must therefore be constituted by the boundaries of that political morality.
84) Freed from the trappings of conventional morality, Van Ness is at liberty to invent his own.
85) The need for stronger, religion-based morality and patriotism to bolster the nation.
86) A society's morality depends on how it treats the weak and poor. Dr T.P.Chia 
87) Morality is often rendered impotent by human selfishness, avarice and wickedness. And few people take morality seriously, or are committed to what is morally right, when personal interests are at stake. Dr T.P.Chia 
88) The morality of aseptic rationalism has superseded that of spiritual regeneration.
89) Normative positivism asserts what legal positivists deny, namely that there is a necessary connection between law and positive morality.
90) It has been suggested that it is tempting to conceive of morality as a guide to human conduct.
91) Nor was there any blanket of morality cast over the characters' actions: they just do what they do.
92) So let me begin by making some impressionistic guesses about the views women do in fact currently hold on morality.
93) Despite the invention of Bloomsbury morality, Woolf was trapped by her lack of money, education and social status.
94) Is the war waged in the name of morality, public health, behavior or fighting crime?
95) They also denied that the morality of an act could always be determined by its physical structure.
96) Men had all the power in the state and therefore made both its laws and its morality.
97) Morality does not depend on our acceptance or rejection of Darwinism, either as biology or as metaphysics.
98) Unlike many of the writers of the period, Brooke-Rose is not overly preoccupied by morality in her early fiction.
99) This suggests that the privatization of personal morality is well on its way.
100) It is to save them the need to refer to the very foundations of morality and practical reasoning generally in every case.
101) Perhaps one way is to return to ecology and base our morality in that.
102) I say this for Depardieu's own good-and in the interests of public morality.
103) In the areas it controls(http://), any deviation from the public morality it tolerates is ruthlessly punished.
104) They disliked this egoistic conception of man, and they suspected that egoistic motives might not be sufficient to underpin morality.
105) Morality makes you a better human being, and everything is better when you live your life morally. Dr T.P.Chia 
106) Here the structure of the older morality tradition is most neatly challenged by images which question its norms.
107) This is a great loss, because at root there is an integral relation between the ideas of crime and morality.
108) But this fit of morality hardly survived their short-lived victory over the old regime.
109) Whatever you may think about the morality of abortion, these are the most deplorable scare tactics.
110) She was free of the shaming curbs of expedient morality.
111) Monogamy and sexual morality are extremely important to conservatives in the age of AIDS.
112) He would learn morality by observing people's reactions when he performed unsocial actions; but he would never be punished.
113) They deny personal responsibility, disparage traditional morality, denigrate religion, and promote hostility toward the family's way of life.
114) When kings were at loggerheads with their clergy, which was not their usual relationship, morality constituted the most dramatic battleground.
115) Do the people of Alabama disagree about the morality of racial discrimination?
116) Within families filial piety was the keystone of morality and it led logically to an absolute obedience to the household head.
117) Gilligan sees this as a morality of responsibility that stands apart from the morality of rights underlying Kohlberg's conception.
118) These urban comedies portrayed a new moral code in opposition to conventional morality.
119) But a small, growing school of Catholic intellectuals argue that natural theology actually supports the morality of homosexual unions.
120) There was a heated discussion on the morality of abortion.
121) This implies that there is a principle apart from morality on which morality itself can be founded.
122) Prosperity, tranquility, honesty, morality, decency, normality and on-time airline arrivals do not make news.
123) The purpose of morality is to teach you, not to suffer and die, but to enjoy yourself and live. Ayn Rand 
124) I think we should question the morality of turning away refugees.
125) It made her feel a little dowdy, as though she had taken up residence in the suburbs of morality.
126) The cliche is never more true than in the black and white morality of the technicolour red-blooded Western movie.
127) Our modern civilization has convinced itself that the morality and conventions of civilization are somehow basic reality.
128) Individual response to the altered conditions was, as might be expected, conditioned by conventional morality.
129) However, the measure specifically did not take a position on the morality of the death penalty.
129) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
130) Amen to that. Market economics is about efficiency, not morality.
131) The flapper rebelled not only against Victorian manners and morality but against the body that went with it.
132) We keep on being told that religion, whatever its imperfections, at least instills morality. On every side, there is conclusive evidence that the contrary is the case and that faith causes people to be more mean, more selfish and perhaps above all, more stupid. Christopher Hitchens 
133) The central theme of Conservative morality and order was that of public order.
134) The next sentence introduces morality: the enormity of the knife descending and cutting into living flesh: because of the unbearable blood.
135) Social morality is the least appreciated virtue in American society. Dr T.P.Chia 
136) Morality was out of fashion in Washington: the power game was all that mattered.
137) They evolved their own codes of conduct and social morality, inpart modelled on those of the warrior class.
138) Prior to the 1830s, personal morality had not been seen as necessary for political eminence.
139) Polyneuritis was clearly a word like morality that meant so many different things as to be absolutely meaningless.
140) That means publishing research, collecting data on morality in factories and constructing some forum where consensus can be agreed by negotiation.
141) Born into a Quaker family, Frith's childhood combined firm morality with the indulgence given to an only son.
142) Instead, they got theologians mired in debates over questions of justice and morality in the marketplace.
143) Power without morality is a dehumanizing weapon. Freedom without morality is dangerous to human development. Dr T.P.Chia 
144) Merchant and pirate were for a long period one and the same person. Even today mercantile morality is really nothing but a refinement of piratical morality. Friedrich Nietzsche 
145) Such commentators have argued that the breakdown of morality in the 1960s has had lasting effects on the social landscape.
146) He was too tired to care about the morality of it.
147) We let law determine our morality and tax credits limit our charitable giving.
148) He made a long, rambling speech to Republicans across town about drugs and diabetes, rape and morality.
149) This is because a commitment to representative government and loyalty to democratic institutions are themselves fundamental constituents of our collective political morality.
150) Catholic morality approves of the view that to repel an aggressor is to engage in a just war.
151) Yet we have already noted how, in terms of poetic justice for instance, fabliau morality is often conventional in precisely these terms.
152) Politics, business, morality, and determination to win against the odds are popular subjects.
153) Morality is a spiritual policeman. Immorality is a spiritual thief. Dr T.P.Chia 
154) Civic institutions were therefore the public expression of private morality.
155) The Town Council was then, as now, very strict in the matter of public morality.
156) The problem is that, as with any morality tale, this is a very partial truth.
157) They then experienced little difficulty in deciding of what private morality consisted.
158) Morality no longer concerned her - it never had, overmuch.
159) The totalitarian political system demands complete obedience to its extensive rules regarding culture, economics, religion,() and morality.
160) It would be absurd to make high claims for the international morality of the later seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
161) You can't think about morality when you are doing a movie like that.
162) Morality and pacifist emotion were the driving forces behind much of the uninformed criticism of the Sandys Reformation.
163) Initially, they defined the personality traits of those with this syndrome: Authoritarians are extremely conventional in their attitudes and morality.
164) Such passages indicate the perils and difficulties of eroding the distinction between morality and law.
165) In direct criticism of Wolfenden, he argues that one can not make a simple distinction between public and private morality.
166) The link between morality, spirituality and poverty, so obvious to non-bourgeois societies, was not entirely snapped.
167) There can be no political morality without prudence; that is, without consideration of the political consequences of seemingly moral action.
168) Dicey viewed the intrinsic connection between law and morality as a vital part of the rule of law.
169) Of course they will, but in hard cases judges must make controversial judgments of political morality whichever conception of law they hold.
170) No wonder we prefer the simplicity of morality tales with comforting villains.
171) I choose that name to show its connection to a parallel ideal of personal morality.
172) The principles of good faith reflect professional ethics and general social morality.
173) International politics, he claimed, was the domain not of morality but of power politics.
174) We have already noted the obstacles preventing any renewed dialogue between medicine and morality in the last decades of the nineteenth century.
175) Morality is always the product of terror; its chains and strait-waistcoats are fashioned by those who dare not trust others, because they dare not trust themselves, to walk in liberty. Aldous Huxley 
176) Her outrageous stage act is seen as a challenge to conventional morality.
177) Religion is a teacher of love, kindness, sympathy, benevolence and morality, trying to improve human nature. Dr T.P.Chia 
178) But the bad guys get a spanking, so the story had a modicum of morality.
179) Sometimes this consciousness developed into a critique of middle-class morality and economic exploitation.
180) It does not reject morality, or even moral and political rights.
181) According to Blackwell, morality involved the evolution of self-consciousness which had developed only in the human species.
182) A man's morality depends on how he treats his wife, children and friends, and how he lives his life. Dr T.P.Chia 
183) Some leaders have blamed television for the decline in standards of morality.
184) Both biological and cultural explanations, however, have sceptical implications as far as morality is concerned.
185) Shaftesbury thought the opposite true: religion follows from, or is grounded in, man's innate sense of morality.
186) She found herself agreeing with the historian's distaste for Mills' personal morality.
187) The political morality which underlies the legal order is not exhausted by our attachment to democratic government.
188) Religion and morality enjoin this conduct.
189) News morality mainly refers to the journalists'professional ethics.
189) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
190) The tax avoidance story as a morality tale.
191) He ended his lecture with a trite morality.
192) The debate revolved around the morality of abortion.
193) It is sophism to connect physiological needs with morality.
194) Social morality is illusive and difficult to define.
195) Otherwise, have exalted professional morality and excellent service impossibly.
196) It was shown in the appearence of the idea of advocating morality and protecting people, the practice of the system of enfeoffment and patriarchal clan system and the system of civilized autocracy.
197) The morality involved in trials of Chinese traditional society may intitule"judicator's ethicality", while which emphasized by occidental jurisprudence intitule"legal or judicial ethicality".
198) Medieval European classic morality play Everyman has a strong philosophy, admonition, purity.
199) The reciprocal relationship between the law and morality determines the inevitable outcome of the elementary legal courses to function for the purpose of moral education.
200) SOUTH HADLEY, Mass. — At first, it seemed like a morality play: school officials stand by as an innocent high school freshman, new in town, is harassed into suicide by a pack of older teens.
201) Since the Internet has its own characteristics, they make the netnews morality bad with each passing day, for example false news, badness, privacy news, so we must study the netnews morality.
202) Nihilism rejects any objective basis for society and its morality.
203) Morality is a complex system of rules, intuitions, understandings and arguments which affect the ways we deal with one another.
204) Some problems about sexual health and sex morality exist among college students at present, especially for the problems in sexual morality.
205) Veracity is the heart of morality. --- Thomas Henry Huxley, English biologist.
206) He hoped his work at the university would give him insight into how questions of morality could be applied to places where self-interest flourished.
207) Traditional philosophy in the west viewed morality and man from cognate perspective.
208) There is a sense in which morality and expedience need not conflict.
209) Abstinence 2. To comply with sexual morality, have tried to stay, to maintain specificity of sexual partners 3. Should insist on the proper use of condoms.
210) The home minister wrote to Chief Minister BS Yeddyurappa on Thursday to ask the state government to take punitive action against organisations that try to become "self-styled arbiters of morality".
211) The decline in morality and increasing liberality . Is that a word?
212) And anything that involves drama, film stars, morality and controversy usually careens deafening-ly around the media echo chamber like the mythic call of the Horn Resounding.
213) With a view to, ultimateness that morality appraises forms and develops student's good morality, restrain and change bad morality, improve student's ideological and ethical attainments thereby.
214) During setting forth the concept of obscene article, this paper holds the view that obscenity is the harm to the sexual morality and sexual sense of shyness of social normal general people.
215) We further acknowledge that there are sincere people who disagree with us, and with the teaching of the Bible and Christian tradition, on questions of sexual morality and the nature of marriage.
216) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi listed The Seven Deadly Sins in the last century which could destroy mankind one of which was commerce without morality.
217) But with the great influence of Lixue, there was a morality utmost when they published novels. They didn't publish the Jinpingmei and other salable raffish novels.
218) Even today mercantile morality is really nothing but a refinement of piratical morality.
219) Theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer said:The test of the morality of society, is what he does for the children.Sentencedict
220) Theirs is a heteronomous morality: they have few rules of their own, but out of fear of reprisal, may follow the rules of others.
221) The training teacher, whois required a very high morality standard and adept technology capability, is the organizer and executor of the practical training course.
222) Commercial morality demands grading goods according to their qualities and fixing their prices rationally.
223) Merit system was a system according to which the central government assessed the achievements, the administrative ability and morality of an official.
224) The tragic fortune under the control of traditional morality, the fabulous statement for ideal and belief, the poetic image language all point to the eternal Chinese culture proposition of traditio...
225) Morality has some plant aeriform mandatory , removing the normative action of certain level to the society.
226) Today season trousers is haler and forthright, clipping of cultivate one's morality but be not clingy body.
227) Network game information propagation's morality of nature easy to avianize a college student realizes arbitrarily.
228) To achieve the goals of building socialism and a harmonious society, the country needs to instill into its citizens' mind such ideas as mastership, right, responsibility, law and morality.
229) A new discussion highlights the need for morality and links the "mass voyeurism" of the scandal with democracy.
230) Specific topics include color, objects, categories, similarity, inductive inference, space, time, causality, reasoning, decision-making, morality and consciousness.
231) It is not possible to dissociate art from morality, politics and religion.
232) Chinese revolutionary morality is not only the important guarantee to the victory of Chinese revolution, but also the basic normal standard in modeling the personality of the modern Chinese people.
233) To realize it, it is necessary to strengthen the function of moral heteronomy and moral evaluation and increase the morality of the whole society by establishing a suitable moral standard system.
234) Also, with the advent of morality, there may have raised a conscience against the abuse of sexual practice – extortions, to be precise.
235) Of statistic " regnant " regard a kind of morality as the system, having rich connotation and unique position and function.
236) As a result, the current students have advanced their sexual maturity but leave their social maturity behind. They pursue opening sexual behavior but fade in sexual morality.
237) The necessity of moral legalization stem form the incompletable of morality which need complement of law.
238) Based on this idea, we can construct a dynamic model to explain how morality affects malversation.
239) Commercial morality systematically implements ethical attitudes of duty, skill, conscience, reputation, and style.
240) Hobnail " medium long shoemaker in one's hand money does not want, depended on thinking of to mend shoes the professional morality of the industry."
241) Every industry or trade should operate pursuant to the law and the commercial morality.
242) It is not the same for us, thanks to the fact of the inclusion of the Judaic Commandments in our morality.
243) This paper discussed patient-oriented. It should be a requirement of medical morality to hospitals and their workers, but it should not just be a propagandistic slogan or promises to patients.
244) An offence against morality is often punished by imprisonment not exceeding three years.
245) A simple morality play starring villains and victims always draws a bigger, more indignant crowd than the more involved narrative of structural inequality.
246) It once had active influence on improving people's morality, adjusting the contradiction in social economics life, stabilize the order of family and society.
247) The implications of these two approaches inspired Mou Zongsan to formulate the dichotomies of autonomy and heteronomy, morality and knowledge, and activity and being in moral practices.
248) The above idiom means that people toare likely to end up doing activities of questionable morality.
249) Kants provability of morality is the highest achievement of philosophy of morality of modernity.
250) The founders of our religion made this a cornerstone of morality.
251) The sexual behavior before marriage is amative phase has be contrary to the aberrance behavior at social morality,(http:///morality.html) it has very big harm sex to the development of love.
252) Objective: To study the relationship between sexual consciousness and sexual morality conflict and the gender differences in the first year of high school.
253) Academic inappropriateness results from the respects of morality and system. Therefore, to form and perfect an academic research system is the solution to the problem.
254) The other was Sir Thomas More , the first secularistic and a man of morality.
255) It's like watching a medieval morality play, with the forces of Good and Evil battling for power.
256) Every village has its idiosyncrasy, its constitution , often its own code of morality.
257) It is a problem of metatheory of moral education whether morality could be taught or not.
258) Unfortunately, television conveys no sense of morality since it is itself amoral.
259) Obviously, such an assumption had to lead to a sexual morality very different from our own.
260) s answer to that is to find morality on sentiment, on fellow feeling, empathy for other people.
261) That would be morality without a rule book: morality flying by the seat of its pants.
262) In statesmanship, get the formality right ; never mind about the morality.
263) Whether should establish a special society donation law, in morality with legal war, we use what norm this abearance , make donation the abearance to no suffer embarrassed.
264) John Rock was also concerned about morality, but he fervently believed the Pill did not conflict with the tenets of his church.
265) Morality contains its class nature, but also has the intercommunity.
266) There is much getting up of a tawdry morality, barely skin deep, much crying, "Peace, peace, " where there is no peace and very little deep heart-searching anxiety to be thoroughly purged from sin.
267) And in order to give this science plausibility, its promulgators have always fastened upon it morality.
268) The social justice and the morality of behavior motive which deontology essentially pursues, conforms to the intrinsic rule and require of administrative responsibility.
269) One, paradoxically, is morality: Often, ordinary decent people feel bad if they take someone's money but then renege.
270) Emphasize avoiding the happening of the sexual behavior before marriage on the tradition, just from morality, duteous the requirement that go up, explanation.
271) Matters of morality, like the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount, are not negotiable.
272) I respect the intimate connection between morality and law, but do not believe that either should unquestioningly respect the other.
273) Jin Ping Mei intended to expose the corruption and savageness of feudal society, the hypocrisy and cruelty of feudal government ruled by law and feudal ethnic morality by her image.
274) The limitation of the system lead to the difficulty and the costliness in seeing a doctor and the bad medical morality.
275) Teacher's morality is not only a kind of extrinsic criterion(http:///morality.html), and it is much more a kind of inwardness been correspond with teacher's occupational characteristic and dharma.
276) The highest level - tea: tea thing activities into philosophy, ethics, morality , self-support through to tea, taste life to the spirit of the enjoyment.
277) Rasputin's representative work "A Farewell to Matyora" is such a moral philosophy fiction which puts forward the relationship between progress and morality.
278) The right avoiding cruel and unusual punishment means the right of keeping people integral physically and mentally whose establishment symbolizes the progress of human morality.
279) His early opposition to a goal-directed ethical structure foreshadows his later opposition to teleological conceptions of morality, whether utilitarian or perfectionist.
280) This is significant, because the terms skilful and unskilful, unlike the terms good and bad, suggest that morality is very much a matter of intelligence.
281) The view that in relation to alienation a morality evaluation applies to a young Marx and a history evaluation applies to a mature Marx remains contestable.
282) This hadith directs us to a further meaning and message of fasting which is related to the personal development of the fasting person himself and the refinement of his character and morality.
283) Again, is personal morality subjective or can it be assessed by an absolute standard?
284) We inherit the tradition of Christian morality which makes self-renunciation the condition for salvation.
285) Huck's final decision--- to follow his own good-hearted moral impulse rather than conventional village morality.
286) They found Mary, as usual, deep in the study of thorough bass and human nature; and had some new extracts to admire, and some new observations of thread-bare morality to listen to.
287) Social morality, vulnerable personality and disingenuous religion were the root causes for Tess tragedy.
288) "Rameau's Nephew" is an extreme of the Didacticism in the 18th centure. Denis Diderot expressed his reflection on Didactic morality through shaping the figure-Rameau's Nephew.




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