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单词 Surroundings
(1) We are averse to such noisy surroundings.
(2) He switched on the light and examined his surroundings.
(3) He didn't pay much attention to his surroundings.
(4) Be mindful of your surroundings.
(5) The chameleon's skin replicates the pattern of its surroundings.
(6) The new hotel blends perfectly with the immediate surroundings.
(7) The house is in beautiful surroundings.
(8) He became acclimatized to the new surroundings.
(9) The surroundings were not very salubrious.
(10) A good architect takes into account the building's surroundings.
(11) They lived amid beautiful surroundings.
(12) These animals blend into their surroundings.
(13) They live in very comfortable/pleasant/drab/bleak surroundings.
(14) The ornamental pool blends perfectly with its surroundings.
(15) Animals in zoos are not in their natural surroundings.
(16) She is not very well tuned into her surroundings.
(17) Her son Peter adapted effortlessly to his new surroundings.
(18) I need to work in pleasant surroundings.
(19) You can dine in elegant surroundings .
(20) She opened her eyes and surveyed her surroundings.
(21) She was struck by the strangeness of her surroundings.
(22) She accommodated herself to her new surroundings.
(23) He immediately noticed the amenity of his new surroundings.
(24) A new building must fit in with its surroundings.
(25) He was overawed by rather grand surroundings.
(26) She stood on deck to gaze at the unfamiliar surroundings.
(27) Absorbed in her work, she was totally oblivious of her surroundings.
(28) He didn't feel completely at ease in the strange surroundings.
(29) Be alike flower. Spread beauty and happiness wherever you stay; irrespective of your surroundings.
(30) The brickwork will mellow over the years so that it blends with the surroundings.
(1) We are averse to such noisy surroundings.
(2) He switched on the light and examined his surroundings.
(3) He didn't pay much attention to his surroundings.
(4) The chameleon's skin replicates the pattern of its surroundings.
(5) The new hotel blends perfectly with the immediate surroundings.
(6) The house is in beautiful surroundings.
(7) He became acclimatized to the new surroundings.
(8) She stood on deck to gaze at the unfamiliar surroundings.
(9) Absorbed in her work, she was totally oblivious of her surroundings.
(10) He didn't feel completely at ease in the strange surroundings.
(11) The brickwork will mellow over the years so that it blends with the surroundings.
(12) They lived amid beautiful surroundings.
(13) She is not very well tuned into her surroundings.
(14) The rich man lives in luxurious surroundings.
(15) The chameleon changes colour to match its surroundings.
(16) That jars with the surroundings.
(31) The new development should blend into its surroundings.
(32) I was hardly conscious of my surroundings.
(33) The rich man lives in luxurious surroundings.
(34) The new building does not harmonize with its surroundings.
(35) The chameleon changes colour to match its surroundings.
(36) Schumacher adapted effortlessly to his new surroundings.
(37) That jars with the surroundings.
(38) We spent the afternoon relaxing in the beautiful surroundings of my parents' home.
(39) If you have men and women thrown together in inhospitable surroundings, you are going to get some sexual tension.
(40) Dining out in attractive surroundings is one of life's great pleasures.
(41) How pleasant it is to dine on fine well - cooked fish and fresh vegetables, in such charming surroundings!
(42) People who can exercise some control over their surroundings feel less anxious.
(43) It took him a while to adapt himself to his new surroundings.
(44) It must have reinforced my determination to blend into my surroundings.
(45) It took her a while to get acclimatized to her new surroundings.
(46) I'm still now well tuned in to my new surroundings.
(47) The new office block doesn't blend in with its surroundings.
(48) The new office block doesn't blend in well with its traditional surroundings.
(49) It was a relief to be back in familiar surroundings .
(50) She was faced with a new job, in unfamiliar surroundings with strange people.
(51) She drove, gripping the wheel in a trance(Sentencedict), hardly aware of her surroundings.
(52) She used the map to discover where she was in relation to her surroundings.
(53) Some butterflies blend in with their surroundings so that it's difficult to see them.
(54) The buildings have been designed to blend in with their surroundings.
(55) Children derive comfort from familiar surroundings.
(56) The surroundings put him at ease.
(57) Desires a constant change of people, surroundings or things.
(58) It's difficult to enforce discipline in these surroundings.
(59) Buildings should harmonize with their natural surroundings.
(60) It was good to be back in familiar surroundings.
(61) The Consort Select menu and elegant surroundings.
(62) Flowers are one way to brighten your surroundings.
(63) Second, the surroundings should be convivial.
(64) Gandhi always craved harmony with his surroundings.
(65) Like the man, the surroundings have no distracting frills.
(66) My urban surroundings only added to the excitement.
(67) We dined in sumptuous surroundings.
(68) Neither of these exhilarating walks, however, rivals Glen Farrar in beauty of surroundings.
(69) The nicest thing about meditation is that it puts your body in harmony with your surroundings.
(70) People approach this whole issue in terms of the ugliness they are confronted with day in and day out in their surroundings.
(71) Others mentioned the convenience of having a booked admission date and better surroundings and care.
(72) Unlike mechanical clocks, which are completely blind to their surroundings, a biological clock gets reset every day by the sun.
(73) Our two trucks, looking overly complex and vulnerable compared to our Neolithic surroundings, wait alongside the dusty track.
(74) For the rest of the short journey she sat beside him uneasily, no longer so taken with her surroundings.
(75) Further along, one could see where the street passed over a round-backed bridge and on into more rural surroundings.
(76) It was a relief to be back in the familiar surroundings of my hometown.
(77) Everyone involved in the filming has enjoyed working in such idyllic surroundings.
(78) And you can have the course of vaccinations in the familiar surroundings of your general practitioner's surgery.
(79) The cinder-block surroundings, while not luxurious, are a far cry from the stripped-down wards of 1958 that greeted early volunteers.
(80) Their faces appeared intense, their eyes moving constantly as if to size up their surroundings.
(81) Cramond Inn A favourite resort for all who enjoy good food in picturesque surroundings.
(81) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(82) The dialogue between the genes and their surroundings is understood to some extent, but we need to know far more.
(83) At once all the light and colour seemed to be drained from my surroundings.
(84) She watched him seeing it all, feeling it all, assimilating his surroundings with no fidget or fluster.
(85) Great Groups tend to be islands of excellence that exist apart from their surroundings.
(86) So many Great Groups exist as enclaves of excellence in surroundings with which they have little in common.
(87) To them, recovering from a broken collar bone in the opulent surroundings of Clarence House, would be luxury.
(88) Stoos has a heated open-air swimming pool in summer, in alpine surroundings.
(89) But if you want the golfing equivalent of an IQ test in beautiful surroundings, Silloth is the place.
(90) Despite the relatively primitive surroundings, the team is delighted to have somewhere warm and dry to perform life-saving operations.
(91) In two-thirds of such patients, white blood cells known as T-Lymphocytes that are produced by the marrow attack their fresh surroundings.
(92) It whirled by in a blur of faceless people and formless surroundings.
(93) Her advice begins with an inventory of belongings, surroundings, problem areas and priorities.
(94) She was thinner, abstracted and often seemed unaware of her surroundings.
(95) That's the unanimous verdict of shoppers who are impressed by the elegant surroundings, high quality shops and first rate service.
(96) Here in sophisticated surroundings you can wine, dine and dance, or simply enjoy a pleasant lunch or good dinner.
(97) The management prides itself on offering comfortable accommodation in elegant surroundings, and puts an emphasis on providing excellent service.
(98) They enhance the Web experience by letting you interact better with your virtual surroundings.
(99) The fault lay not with Alison but with her surroundings, soulless and uninviting.
(100) The horror receded as she came back to reality, breathing hard, glad of her cream duvet and calm hotel surroundings.
(101) Luxury accommodation, exciting destinations, quality, service and flexibility. 84-pages of exceptional value in idyllic surroundings.
(102) Inspectors usually have to carry out their inspections in noisy and busy surroundings, which may affect their ability to concentrate.
(103) Later they hosted a reception for 75 guests in idyllic surroundings.
(104) Other tavernas stray across the beach to the water's edge offering idyllic surroundings and cool wine instead.
(105) The busy executive will walk here, though she would use her car for far shorter journeys in more familiar surroundings.
(106) You can wander through the fantasy worlds at your leisure, but you must examine your surroundings minutely and take copious notes.
(107) Its success depends largely on its proportions to the accompanying curtains and surroundings.
(108) It took D'Arcy a few seconds to connect the familiar face in the unfamiliar surroundings.
(109) The guards can accumulate a lot of negative feelings when they are in violent surroundings.
(110) A procedure does not exist in isolation from its surroundings, and Procedure Audit requires this to be acknowledged explicitly.
(111) During combustion(Sentencedict), energy is released and dispersed to the surroundings.
(112) Awareness of the exact nature of her surroundings was alarming.
(113) His acute sense of observation was remarkable, and his pictures show how sensitive he was to his surroundings.
(114) He came down with a First and started his civil service career in the humble surroundings of the National Assistance Board.
(115) Darwin's observations led him to deduce that plants and animals could adapt to their surroundings.
(116) Yet the shift in surroundings was also an indication of hidden meanings.
(117) In the hushed surroundings of a smart restaurant, Boon fiddles enigmatically with a fob watch on a neck chain.
(118) So how do we calculate the entropy change of the surroundings?
(119) Roddy Chalmers lifted his head from a table at Flaxton Hall, tried unsuccessfully to focus on his surroundings, and belched.
(120) If people are already ill at ease in unfamiliar surroundings the order of service becomes another pressure.
(121) Modigliani knew how to adapt himself to his surroundings and made a great impression on the day he came to sketch Bakst.
(122) Now he was in the wilderness, separated from friend and foe alike and far from familiar surroundings.
(123) Once on board, you can relax in calm, comfortable surroundings.
(124) All children will tend to suffer from separation from their parents, siblings and familiar surroundings.
(125) They feel that the more control they can exercise over their surroundings, the safer life will be for them.
(126) We learned to go extra early so he could become familiar with surroundings.
(127) There was an old log and she sat down wearily, just glad of the quietness and the peace of her surroundings.
(128) Normally so courteous and tidy, if Loi was fishing, he became brusque and rude, oblivious to his surroundings.
(129) There is a desperate need to provide these precious specimens with surroundings that are better designed to ensure their preservation.
(130) I like to take my pleasures in more congenial surroundings, cara.
(131) The time-consuming tasks of keeping families clean and fed were for the most part carried out with wholly inadequate equipment in depressing surroundings.
(132) Several times over. Deliberately ignoring her, Patrick concentrated on his surroundings.
(133) They have added some colour and flair to our underground surroundings.
(134) Coming from a few rooms in Creek Lane, the Sisters may have wondered at the comparative spaciousness of their new surroundings.
(135) Laboratory experiments have proven that unfamiliar surroundings and a change in daily schedule can lead to sleep problems.
(136) The photograph should be accompanied by a brief description of the window box and how it improves its surroundings.
(137) The seeds of Nuphar must be stored in cold surroundings, either covered with moss or buried in the sand.
(138) Local artists and craftspeople exhibit their work, discuss and demonstrate their skills in the Manor and its beautiful surroundings.
(139) The city has few modern buildings in the central area which do not conform to the height or style of their surroundings.
(140) As my own competence in these new surroundings grew, I became a stronger human being-and a much better activist.
(141) The gaslights flickered softly, and as the time passed the surroundings no longer seemed faded and threadbare but rich and sumptuous.
(141) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(142) She tried to observe her surroundings as she followed him through the hallway.
(143) A short spell of hard work in quiet surroundings would not be a bad thing.
(144) He took in the familiar surroundings with a refreshed, amused eye.
(145) It's not only riding skills that count when considering a holiday, but the ability to cope in unfamiliar surroundings.
(146) This balance was what set apart the New Testament view from its Greco-Roman surroundings.
(147) Built in 1806 with lots of original features set in pleasant surroundings, guest lounge with open coal fire.
(148) Eat slowly in convivial surroundings and, above all, enjoy your food.
(149) As the road lengthened and the sky began to lighten overhead, they were able to see their surroundings more clearly.
(150) Physical safety might include not being allowed to wander into dangerous surroundings, or to bathe in scalding hot water.
(151) Say how interesting I find the lectures, how romantic the surroundings.
(152) Structurally sound pools in ideal situations are often spoiled by a lack of imagination in tying them in with their surroundings.
(153) The castle, dominating its surroundings, represents a high point of medieval military architecture.
(154) Trompe Le Monde features classic French cuisine served amid sumptuous surroundings.
(155) However, it is now known that some corals can survive settling sediment and that even reefs may develop in muddy surroundings.
(156) They accept the forces that tend to bring them into equilibrium with their surroundings.
(157) Therefore puppies housed after weaning in insanitary surroundings are at greatest risk from this vice.
(158) She shivered as the helicopter flew them towards the airport, once more totally oblivious of her surroundings.
(159) It would have been the easiest thing in the world for the softly spoken champ to have been intimidated by such surroundings.
(160) We look in the door and realize that, unless they are brought to our attention, we often ignore our surroundings.
(161) In its idyllic surroundings of the Herefordshire Wye Valley Courtfield has become a natural haven of peace.
(162) This method is particularly suitable for removing minor bumps in the landscape, the new level blending naturally in with the surroundings.
(163) The picturesque stone-walled villages and farms blend into the natural surroundings and add to their beauty.
(164) These tiles are exceptionally strong and durable, and blend in well in most surroundings.
(165) We use this information to help us interpret our surroundings and the events we observe or participate in.
(166) I did not notice the weather or my surroundings at all, I only wanted to know why he looked so fierce.
(167) I didn't have a solid grasp of myself - I depended on other people and surroundings to cue me.
(168) I had to accustom myself to working in surroundings that were far from luxurious, too.
(169) But she took little heed of her surroundings; all her attention was focused on the man himself.
(170) The conference gave me an opportunity to meet and converse with VIPs in relaxed surroundings.
(171) All the themes are interlinked and condensed into one person's life and his surroundings.
(172) All have telephone(), most with views over the enchanting surroundings and a very few also have terrace or balcony.
(173) His man didn't seem unfriendly more like diffident, nervous, intellectually adrift from his surroundings.
(174) The physics of surfaces is important because all substances interact with their surroundings through their surfaces.
(175) These blockhouses, located in an airfield, have particular structure and complicated surroundings.
(176) The total surroundings constitute the environment of any given entity.
(177) The chaplain relished the privacy and isolation of his verdant surroundings.
(178) This amenities and conveniences with the relaxation of its idyllic surroundings.
(179) Visual impact: adequacy of the facilities and its surroundings to protect landscape.
(180) Does the new housing stick out like a sore thumb or blend into its surroundings?
(181) The parts of the universe that can interact with the system are called the surroundings.




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