随便看 |
- while at it
- while away
- while away the days
- while away the evening
- while away the hours
- while away the hours/evening/days etc
- while back is turned
- whiled
- while I'm about it
- while I'm at it
- while I'm/you're etc at/about it
- while I'm/you're etc at it
- whiles
- while sb back is turned
- While shepherds watched their flocks by night
- while-shepherds-watched-their-flocks-by-night
- while somebody's back is turned
- while the going's good
- while you're about it
- while you're at it
- whiling
- whilst
- whim
- whimper
- whimpered
- Aggrandise
- Cost-effective
- Yellow journalism
- Asterisk
- World war 1
- Hangdog
- Ventral
- Sticking out
- Once and for all
- Self-discipline
- 胸中无一毫欠缺,身上无一些点染,便是羲皇以上人,即在夷狄患难中,何异玉烛春台上。
- 胸中无学,犹如手中无钱
- 胸中无学,犹手中无钱也。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 胸中无数的意思,胸中无数造句
- 胸中无数的释义|结构|用法|造句
- 胸中有一个见识,则不惑于纷杂之说;有一段道理,则不挠于鄙俗之见。《诗》云:“匪先民是程,匪大犹是经。维迩言是争。”平生读圣贤书,某事与之合,某事与之背,即知所适从,知所去取,否则口《诗》、《书》而心众人也,身儒衣冠而行鄙夫也,此士之稂莠也。
- 胸中有数的意思,胸中有数的近义词,反义词,造句
- 胸中有数的意思,胸中有数造句
- 胸中有誓深于海,肯使神州竟陆沉。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 胸中襞积千般事,到得相逢一语无
- 胸怀、实力,缺一不可
- 胸怀坦荡的气度
- 胸怀坦荡的气度
- 胸怀大度,以德服人
- 胸怀大度,成就大业
- Migration句子
- Jungle句子
- Discount句子
- Closest句子
- Chunk句子
- Depressed句子
- Planner句子
- Distract句子
- Genre句子
- Pasta句子
- Risky句子
- Terrain句子
- Unfair句子
- Openly句子
- Marketplace句子