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单词 If only
(1) If only I had gone by taxi.
(2) If only they'd been there.
(3) If only they had heeded his warnings!
(4) If only as shown signs of life, Why should I so attached to.
(5) If only my father had possessed an ounce of business sense.
(6) If only she'd been called 'Camilla' or 'Flavia' instead of the prosaic 'Jane'.
(7) She would willingly forgo a birthday treat if only her warring parents would declare a truce.
(8) If only our horse can get ahead of the leading runner,it can win the race.
(9) The pills might have helped him, if only he'd taken them regularly.
(10) If only you knew how much I think of you.
(11) If only he would listen to me.
(12) If only I were rich.
(13) If only he'd remembered to buy some fruit.
(14) If only they would tell me what they've decided.
(15) If only she could marry me!
(16) If only I could swim.
(17) If only he had talked to her sooner!
(18) Listen to us, if only this once.
(19) If only he'd remembered to send that letter.
(20) If only one had an unlimited supply of money!
(21) If only you hadn't felt compelled to meddle.
(22) If only they were as liberal with their cash.
(23) If only it would stop raining.
(24) Stephen would do well if only he applied himself.
(25) If only I could have helped put matters right.
(26) If only you practise, you could form any habits.
(27) If only I knew her name.
(28) If only I weren't so tired!
(29) The last thing you want is to look back on your life and wonder if only.
(30) It is such a pleasure to congratulate you on your graduation.Whatever you dream for, whatever you hope to achieve may come true with your effort in the future. Remember that nothing is out of your reach if only you first believe.
(1) If only they'd been there.
(2) If only they had heeded his warnings!
(3) If only my father had possessed an ounce of business sense.
(4) If only she'd been called 'Camilla' or 'Flavia' instead of the prosaic 'Jane'.
(5) She would willingly forgo a birthday treat if only her warring parents would declare a truce.
(6) The pills might have helped him, if only he'd taken them regularly.
(31) If only he would hold her close to him.
(32) If only he could conceal his part in the accident.
(33) As children we were always being promised jam tomorrow, if only we would be patient.
(34) She writes me often, if only to scold me because I haven't written to her.
(35) If only you had told me that some time ago.
(36) If only he'd call!
(37) The pills might have cured him, if only he'd taken them regularly.
(38) If only she'd listen to what he's saying,[http:///if only.html] I'm sure they could work it out.
(39) She would be a very good player if only she could get it together.
(40) The enemy had an Achilles' heel somewhere, if only he could find it.
(41) If only I could get some sleep, I would be able to cope.
(42) There had to be an answer— he was sure he could tease it out if only he had time.
(43) Media studies is regarded as a more exciting subject, if only because it's new.
(44) If only I'd listened to the old folk telling their stories.
(45) My diet would be fine if only I didn't have this weakness for sweet things.
(46) " If only I had known you then,() " he said wistfully.
(47) If only he would give me a tiny clue!
(48) If only he were as confident as he pretended!
(49) If only his eldest sons wouldn't smoke.
(50) If only he would announce his engagement!
(51) If only he hadn't captured her heart.
(52) Now if only there was an okonomiyaki fan club!
(53) If only he could stop worrying about the consequences.
(54) It is in the bedroom that originality can prove its worth, if only in the accessories.
(55) Joy and bliss can come from the little and most unexpected thing if only we program our mind to enjoy these little things. RVM 
(56) If only I could believe that this was no true dream!
(57) In his world these fixed points must be observed, if only because the servants expect them.
(58) Adults forget that most children really do want to grow up, if only to exact their own small revenges.
(59) If only more people could meet him and see how nice he is, say his managers, we would win easily.
(60) Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough. You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it. James Matthew Barrie 
(61) Given the atmosphere between the two countries, if only over quotas, the initiative took both delegates and journalists by surprise.
(62) If only a single copy is needed then it is logical to produce it on the page printer.
(63) If only I had a crinoline to sweep down the grand staircase in!
(64) It would be better, it might even be bearable, if only he knew what had become of James.
(65) If only I could cruise without having my eyes bug out.
(66) If only she were as fiendish as her enemies say she is, Hillary Clinton might be enjoying all this.
(67) Oh, if only she could stop crying ... Upstairs a door slammed.
(68) All discourse is more or less reciprocal, if only because it is based upon assumptions about receivers.http://
(69) If only there were a little chocolate bar we could give her.
(70) If only we could pull out our brain and use only our eyes. Pablo Picasso 
(71) God is silent. Now if only man would shut up. Woody Allen 
(72) If only the nurses were less ... were a little more gentle.
(73) If only children did not hold strong ideas, disagreement and conflict would evaporate in the sunshine of social harmony.
(74) If only he had lavished that kind of discrimination on their forebear.
(75) I wish I had the energy that my grandchildren have - if only for self- defense. Gene Perret 
(76) I love that, if only because you can sign it and give it to charity.
(77) Boys will be boys. And even that wouldn't matter if only we could prevent girls from being girls. Anne Frank 
(78) Men will let you abuse them if only you will make them laugh. Henry Ward Beecher 
(79) If only I hadn't had that last cup of hot chocolate.
(80) Tom had been keen to take advantage of the medical facilities at Wiesbaden, if only to get his teeth sorted out.
(81) If only a single character is suggested then word knowledge is used to detect and correct errors in the hypothesis.
(82) Opposition Members want us to forbid the use of that personal allowance, if only in part, for a particular purpose.
(83) Poor boys from the provinces could rise above the sons of tycoons if only they could pass the Todai entrance exam.
(84) If only Sean could manage to complete his school assignments, they thought, everything would be all right.
(85) If only he would drop all this ridiculous pretence, stop acting the fool and raise his game one more time.
(86) If only I could see you - just once? all our drams, Vincent, where are they?
(87) If only I had more money in the bank, I would gladly retire.
(88) If only the bar wasn't brought down quite so hard on everyone's head.
(89) If only man could be made to ... She felt giddy as the full answer came, crowding into her mind.
(90) Avitus was also related, if only as godson, to bishop Mamertus, brother of the theologian Claudianus.
(91) If only that was what I felt when I looked in the mirror, instead of anxiety over these little springs of steel.
(92) This can be positively dangerous, if only because such practitioners may not recognise when a person is seriously ill.
(93) If only he'd finished his new masterpiece before he'd submitted it to her critical eye.
(94) This egregious nonsequitur requires further clarification, if only for your myriad younger readers.
(95) If only she'd been able to ask him why, perhaps it would have been more bearable.
(96) They also accept that the brain has certain innate dispositions, if only the disposition to be reinforced by particular stimuli.
(97) If only it could work that way with stock and bond funds, too!
(98) If only £75 is deposited can you, the reader,[http:///if only.html] ascertain the total deposit creation that will take place?
(99) Angie could be an excellent photographer, if only she could get her act together.
(100) If only passive properties determine the pressure elastic modulus, an exponential increase would have been expected.
(101) Oh, if only she knew exactly what she did want!
(102) There are some good opportunities for advancement if only you can grab them quickly.
(103) It is difficult to remain calm and objective when one's own child is distressed, even if only through bad temper.
(104) With, if only 60 percent of total current income were equally distributed it would be socially valued as equivalent.
(105) If only he knew you never break the rules Dudley Do-Right.
(106) If only those firms which produce goods wanted by consumers can operate profitably, only those firms will demand resources.
(107) I know of places suitable, lodgings fit for a king, if only there were room.
(108) It may delay the onset of Aids, even if only by a small amount.
(109) If only I'd had one of them, it seems I could have had success, fulfilled my dreams.
(110) It seems worthwhile to attempt such a semi-quantitative approach if only to give rough estimates of the parameters involved.
(111) It will be useful therefore to spell out, if only briefly, some of its main characteristics.
(112) If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name in a Swiss bank. Woody Allen 
(113) If only he could keep his increasingly befuddled brain clear enough to squeeze out what he wanted.
(114) If only I knew what I wanted I could try to see about getting it. Sylvia Plath 
(115) These images can be used as desktop wallpapers, if only you could decide which to use.
(116) Other woodworkers will of course make a more detailed examination; if only to discover the methods of construction.
(117) Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons. Woody Allen 
(118) She would have felt more able to respond if only he'd exploded in a burst of anger.
(119) I would calm my rage, moisten my dry lips, force his return if only by the strength of my desire.
(120) Terry offered a bike to his son if only he would use the good brain he undoubtedly possessed.
(121) If only Miss Manners had promulgated, like the pope, an encyclical on proper gay conduct.
(122) If only slugs turned up frequently in wine bottles, we could apply for a grant and start a serious research programme.
(123) If only the banks would lend money without limit!
(124) If only I could give it a try.
(125) If only you would listen to reason!
(126) If only someone could now miniaturise gas masks.
(127) If only I could be master of this subject.
(128) Despite the slow growth,[] it appears that m-commerce could be successful if only there were enough mobile apps and shopping opportunities out there.
(129) Life would be easier , if only her husbandwould swear off gambling.
(130) If only 6 mm thick glass through 50% of the blue solar radiation, tinted, glass can reveal decalescence through 25% of the sunlight.
(131) So it makes sense that they would feel prized by having their person known by another, if only on rare occasions.
(132) Tom's got a cushy job; if only I had one.
(133) And Abraham said to God, " If only Ishmael might live under your blessing! "
(134) If only he could go up to Cummings and ask for a front - line platoon.
(135) If only all bands had the guts and honesty of The Maccabees, maybe they'd get round to making third records as good as this.
(136) If only Rhett would let her cut bangs and frizzle them on her forehead, how much better this bonnet would look!
(137) It is worth investing all one's money in property, if only get on the gravy train.
(138) Seeing Queen Amidala getting all nasty in these scenes from Closer made everybody wish they were Clive Owen, if only to get a whiff of one of the prettiest and brightest stars of her generation.
(139) You have the best blood in England in your veins if only you'd use it.
(140) B : No, it's impossible. If only I had a dishwasher and washing machine!
(141) Human and ecological wellbeing must supersede economic concerns if only because economies depend on ecosystems.
(142) The Arno would suffice as a river if only it had some water.
(143) With an artificial chloroplast outer layer, designer Wu Peng's Power Cyton could aptly be named Leaf if only that badge weren't already taken.
(144) Open test cocks drain in cold climates if only operated seasonally.
(145) He's a fine-looking man for all his tattered clothes. This must be the Jia Yucun my master keeps talking about, whom he' d gladly help if only he had the chance.
(146) If only millionaires can afford to run for office, we shall quickly become a plutocracy.
(147) Avoiding the allergen may be difficult but not impossible if only household changes are needed.
(148) Thus, if only by some crude law of relativity, autumn is the preferred stock of seasons.
(149) If only there had been a course probing self - identity!
(150) If only conservation forces act, the kinetic energy plus the potential energy remains constant.
(151) If only thou wouldst send away thy soul, then could I love thee.
(152) "Hey, listen to me, all that 1980 nonsense is over."— 'If only. Timothy. if only.'
(153) He said to God, " if only Ishmael might live under your special care! "
(154) If only Coccaro had known when she was arrested several years ago for going topless on a New Jersey beach that all she needed was a g-string with dollar bills tucked into the waistband!
(155) If only not accept decision of the reexamination, you can take further step of justice.
(156) Haggis said that he felt "dumbstruck and horrified," adding, "Tommy, if only a fraction of these accusations are true, we are talking about serious[ ], indefensible human and civil-rights violations.
(157) If only the West had been more responsive to his peace overtures in the fifties.
(158) If only we treat the other generation as our equals, the generation gap will be bridged.
(159) In Asian countries, for example, it is considered impolite to say no, maillot de bain femme, so Asians may answer affirmatively if only to mean "yes, I heard you."
(160) If only there was a Brad Pitt Method Acting School that could teach youngsters exactly how to perform like their idol, then the world would be a much better place.
(161) For joint account holders: If only one account holder signs on this form, it is assumed that the direct debit of the mentioned bank account can be authorized by either one of the account holders.
(162) If only we had two right - backs of the same calibre as our left - backs.
(163) A contract is invalidated if only one party signs it.
(164) For some young writers she was a person to believe in, if only as a technician.
(165) Rag paper: The finest grade of paper made exclusively from rag or Cotton fibre; if only partial, the percentage of rag is stated on the label.
(166) Results The results showed that all the 3 kinds of mixed tests of trichinellosis and toxoplasmosis showing positive result if only 1 weak positive serum sample were mixed with.
(167) If only one private contractor bids on a social service, there may be no cost saving.
(168) ( If only stacks at a single plant are involved, this concept is called " netting ".
(169) They had some privacy, if only a footlocker in the bunkhouse.
(170) He put his hand familiarly on her shoulder, as if only to greet her in passing.




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