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单词 despite
释义  de·spite /dɪˈspaɪt/ ●●● S3 W1 AWL preposition  1  DESPITEused to say that something happens or is true even though something else might have prevented it 尽管,虽然,任凭 SYN in spite of Despite all our efforts to save the school, the authorities decided to close it. 尽管我们竭力想保住这所学校,当局还是决定把它关闭。despite the fact (that) She went to Spain despite the fact that her doctor had told her to rest. 尽管医生叫她休息,她还是去了西班牙。2  despite yourself DESPITEALTHOUGHif you do something despite yourself, you do it although you did not intend to 不由自主,不禁 Liz realized that, despite herself, she cared about Edward. 利兹发现自己不由自主地在乎爱德华。5 GRAMMAR 语法• Do not use despite to introduce a clause. Instead, use despite with a present participle, despite the fact that, or a clause beginning with although . 不要用 despite 引导从句,但可以后接现在分词,或者用 despite the fact that 或 although 来引导从句Despite neglecting his studies, he got his degree (NOT 不说 Despite he neglected his studies ...).尽管荒疏学业,但他还是取得了学位。• Despite is not followed by ‘of’, although it means the same as ‘in spite of’. despite 意思与 in spite of 一样 ,但 despite 后面不能跟 of 。She seemed no happier, despite the fact that her physical condition had improved.尽管她的身体状况已有好转,但她的心情似乎没有好起来。Although I learned a great deal, I thought the course was too narrowly based.尽管我学到了很多,但还是觉得这门课程的范围太狭窄。n GRAMMAR: Patterns with despite• You say despite doing something: He won despite being injured.• You say despite the fact that: He won despite the fact that he was injured. ✗Don’t say: He won despite he was injured.• Don’t confuse despite and in spite of. ✗Don’t say: despite of Examples from the Corpusdespite• Despite international pressure, progress has slowed in the peace talks.despite the fact (that)• In fact, despite the fact that Friday was always their busiest day, the girl seemed to be enjoying herself.• She took the opportunity despite the fact that many of her colleagues let her know that they judged her disloyal.• First, how is successful communication possible despite the fact that many utterances produced are incomplete, elliptical or linguistically ill-formed?• The first half looks like an even match, despite the fact that Oregon is not playing well.• Only its formal subdivisions are known, despite the fact that the press was admitted to its open sessions.• A 15,000 crowd created a soccer-style atmosphere despite the fact that the tourists fielded essentially their second team.• The interview had gone well and, despite the fact that there had been three other candidates, the job was hers.Origin despite (1200-1300) Old French despit “spite”, from Latin despectus, from despicere; → DESPISEde·spite preposition →5 GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  to say that something is used happens or Corpus




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