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单词 Mindfulness
1, Mindfulness is defined as moment-to-moment, non-judgmental awareness.
2, Bring mindfulness to each activity throughout your day.
3, Mindfulness is at the root of Buddhism, Taoism, and many Native - American traditions, not to mention yoga.
4, In the process of ordinary perception, the Mindfulness step is so fleeting as to be unobservable .
5, Meanwhile, Mindfulness Buddha Presence a reminder that each of us carries the Buddha nature within ourselves.
6, By continuing to employ the full might of mindfulness and wisdom, avijj? is finally extinguished within the citta.
7, When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers---Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, teacher, author, poet and peace activist.
8, The Buddha tasted Awakening by developing conviction, persistence, mindfulness, concentration and discernment.
9, Under the bright light of Mindfulness and Wisdom, all defilements and illusions dissolve at once.
10, Practice mindfulness in your daily life . A mind free of wandering thoughts develops inner strength.
11, You can find mindfulness bells everywhere: your child's voice, your co-workers appearing before you, a regular event on your computer, the noise of traffic.
12, They come from Mindfulness - Based Cognitive Therapy ( MBCT ) and from traditional Buddhist mindfulness practice and meditation.
13, New research suggests that mindfulness meditation can help relieve pain and improve memory by regulating a brain wave known as the alpha rhythm, which "turns down the volume" on distractions.
14, The houses are beautiful also, because they have been built in mindfulness, in concentration.
15, Thus these three right view right effort , & right mindfulness -- run & around right speech.
16, Thus these three qualities - right view , right effort, & right mindfulness - run & circle around right speech.
17, This toolkit synthesizes elements found in the relaxation response, mindfulness meditations, and desensitizing strategies.
18, Dipa Ma made it clear that there is nothing wrong with lapses of mindfulness, with the mind wandering.
19, Confront the emotion head-on by naming it, even saying, "I feel fear about this, " says Saki Santorelli, executive director of the University of Massachusetts Medical School's Center for Mindfulness.
20, Thus these three right view right effort , & right mindfulness -- run & around right view.
21, Thus these three qualities - right view , right effort , & right mindfulness - run & circle around right action.
22, Because who among us can't use a little more, tranquility,[http:///mindfulness.html] and mindfulness in our lives?
23, Thus these three right view right effort , & right mindfulness -- run & around right action.
24, These tiny irregularities that are observed within the radiant center of the citta manifest just enough fluctuation to attract the attention of mindfulness and wisdom.
25, Kristin McGee, a New York-based yoga and Pilates instructor, tells her clients that the difference between success and failure is mindfulness, so know thyself.
26, Thus these three qualities - right view , right effort , & right mindfulness - run & circle around right view.
27, One recent study found that U.S. Marines benefited from mindfulness training before being deployed.
28, The practice of mindful consumption and mindful eating is the object of the Fifth Mindfulness Training.
29, Again, Sariputta, a bhikkhu should Are the four foundations of mindfulness developed in me?
30, So we want to show you how we eat a formal meal in mindfulness.
31, Discovering the true nature of your mindfulness and awareness anywhere and anytime.
32, The practice of mindfulness teaches us to become aware of our thoughts and the present moment.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:13:15