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单词 Hushed
(1) A hushed courtroom awaited the verdict.
(2) All of us hushed when the President walked in.
(3) The mother hushed her noisy child.
(4) The children were hushed up by their father.
(5) The house seemed muted, hushed as if it had been deserted.
(6) Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening amongthe silent trees.
(7) She stood up to address a hushed courtroom.
(8) The whole affair was hushed up by the government.
(9) They spoke in hushed tones at the table.
(10) They talked in hushed tones.
(11) They were deep in hushed conversation.
(12) The audience hushed as he stepped onto the stage.
(13) We discussed the situation in hushed whispers.
(14) He hushed the baby to sleep.
(15) A hushed courtroom listened as the boy gave evidence.
(16) He claimed that the whole affair had been hushed up by the council.
(17) He hushed me with his index finger against his mouth.
(18) The government hushed the affair up to avoid a public outcry.
(19) The matter should not be hushed up, but freely ventilated.
(20) The dissidents lived in a twilight world of hushed voices and secret meetings.
(21) In hushed silence I stopped and listened.
(22) Business details, money, in hushed tones.
(23) A hushed dismay hovered over the town.
(24) No; my great-great-gran kept it hushed up.
(25) Ted was declaiming to a small hushed group.
(26) A hushed congress heard the official declaration of war.
(27) The darkened assembly room became suddenly hushed and expectant as the picture appeared on the screen.
(28) There was some financial scandal involving one of the ministers but it was all hushed up.
(29) When of course you can see he wants the whole thing hushed up.
(30) In fact I know about one occasion when it was robbed, though they've mostly hushed it up.
(1) A hushed courtroom awaited the verdict.
(2) All of us hushed when the President walked in.
(3) The mother hushed her noisy child.
(4) The children were hushed up by their father.
(5) The house seemed muted, hushed as if it had been deserted.
(31) A Tokyo professor who studied secret papers, claimed the horror was hushed up after the war.
(32) Sometimes, in hushed voices in the evenings, I heard my mum and the Quigleys talking about money.
(33) In the mess, speculation had buzzed about in hushed whispers, knowing, secretive nods.
(34) The orchards are the hushed maids, fresh from convent ....
(35) They returned two hours later, when the foreman addressed the hushed courtroom with their unanimous verdicts.
(36) A hushed, expectant silence fell from upstairs in the gallery, and then we began.
(37) But just then McMurphy jumped off his bed and went to rustling through his nightstand, and I hushed.
(38) It is too hushed, something improper is going to happen.
(39) Voices were hushed, reverential, as though the gathering were inside a cathedral, only their multiplicity giving them an overall loudness.
(40) But in between all these things something happens which is only spoken of in hushed whispers.
(41) They sat at the far end of the carriage, talking in hushed tones.
(42) Her hoarse voice had been toned down, almost hushed, while she questioned Ada.
(43) Three months later Hugo was drowned in a boating accident; there were rumours of suicide, which were hushed up.
(44) Mary ushered her into the church, speaking in hushed tones.
(45) They wait hushed, like the crowd before the soldiers, each waiting to see what the others will do.
(46) Local journalists said yesterday they believed the authorities had hushed up crimes in the past.
(47) Lately there had been too many hushed conversations and long telephone calls behind the doors of their London apartment.
(48) It was somehow medieval and hushed, in the shadow of the pit and its fiendish machinery.
(49) She hushed the babel of her thoughts and tried to sleep.
(50) When I enter the hushed assembly of the fir trees, I see the cathedral of all religions.
(51) We talk, using the hushed tones you would reserve for a furtive conversation in church.
(52) In the hushed silence that followed he scrambled to his feet, his face and neck flushing scarlet.
(53) The kind of order that makes the hushed voices expect little divine intervention.
(54) They relate the story in a hushed tone, watching carefully for a reaction.sentencedict .com
(55) In the hushed surroundings of a smart restaurant, Boon fiddles enigmatically with a fob watch on a neck chain.
(56) Then came Budapest, the Embassy where people talked in hushed voices.
(57) The Government hushed it up in the name of trade.
(58) Theirs was a twilight world of hushed voices, concealed books and illegal exhibitions.
(59) After more hushed discussion and an even longer silence, the driver got back into the truck and started up.
(60) Between each song, a chant pushes up like a hushed inhale, murmuring from a hesitant corner.
(61) Whatever we know about our neighbors is hushed and lulled by the deep repose.
(62) Anyone who dares defend this breakthrough speaks in hushed tones, fearing crank calls and canceled grants.
(63) I turned to Margaret but was hushed before I could open my mouth.
(64) From her hushed and protective tone I knew immediately it was Michael.
(65) The packed courtroom was hushed as the jury delivered their verdict.
(66) It passed this information on in a terrible hushed whine that seemed to creep in and fill the head.
(67) He turned his head upon its axis and grinned back over his shoulders at the hushed crowd.
(68) From the hushed tones of the conversations, I knew what was happening.
(69) Everyone in Club World looked all hushed and grateful to be there, but not Luke, who looked exhaustively displeased.
(70) The lights dim and hushed expectancy shudders through the packed house.
(71) I sat in the dim light, hushed and amazed at my own perplexity.
(72) Smith's technical mastery blossomed in the hushed mystery of the Nocturne but above all in the fireworks of the Tarantella.
(73) Two men in dark suits were having a hushed conversation in the corner.
(74) Edna was met with a hushed silence fitting for only the most violent faux pas.
(75) The cars stopped and everyone got out, standing around in little groups, talking in hushed voices.
(76) Labour chiefs branded the rush of openness too late after the Government had hushed up the payments for 18 months.
(77) A hushed audience watched her spread her legs, and present the broom handle to her open crotch.
(78) The darkened assembly room became suddenly hushed and expectant as the picture on the screen changed.
(79) Some of them waved their good lace hankies then hushed to silence at the way she spoke.
(80) Eyes wrapped in bandages in the cataract ward, the world as hushed and black as the deepest for ever.
(81) She told Antonia about it in a hushed voice the night her friend came to sleep over at her house.
(82) Were a great talent to appear, all that sort of talk would be hushed.
(83) The whole school would instantly become hushed and enthralled by the horror, watching.
(84) He liked a hushed and dignified atmosphere.
(84) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(85) This crone will not be hushed up any longer.
(86) The judge shook his head irritably and Juicks hushed.
(87) Hushed - up stories sometimes leak out.
(88) Someone in the hushed bar suddenly laughed raucously at how stupid everyone had become.
(89) You who swelter in your clothes when the land lies hushed under the south wind.
(90) Murk, dreariness in the hushed manor house; flies asleep on the ceiling.
(91) It was the North Creek telegrapher who spoke haltingly , in a hushed tone of bewilderment. "I'd sleep easier—if I could know – what happened."
(92) HUSHED, dimmed hall in the nerve centre that controls America's air operations from Somalia to Afghanistan is dominated by giant video screens tracking coalition aircraft.
(93) The Negro met the first of the ladies at the front door and let them in, with their hushed, sibilant voices and their quick, curious glances, and then disappeared.
(94) I enjoyed the hushed, uneven ticking of a windup watch.
(95) If you give in to the silence — remember, there's no traffic noise as distraction — you'll pick up the faraway echo of footsteps, the hushed garble of a television from behind a shuttered window.
(96) Following the magically hushed orchestral entrance, the fateful tread of the tutti main theme is powerfully portentous.
(96) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(97) While many initially scoffed at Ty's under-stuffed animals and referred to them as 'roadkill, ' the haters were quickly hushed when 30, 000 were sold at the first toy show in Atlanta.
(98) Mammy had only to lay hands on a child and it hushed crying.
(99) I love the hiss and pop of vinyl and the black splotch in the corner when a movie changes reels. I enjoyed the hushed, uneven ticking of a windup watch. I love handwriting.
(100) The ocean itself -- that serene and tideless sea - lay scarce less hushed.
(101) At first we spoke in hushed voices and crept about in order not to alarm them.
(102) The place was packed with hushed soldiers and reverential young pioneers, all duly being shown just how much their leaders were loved by the rest of the world.
(103) The hallways are hushed as kids move wordlessly between classes, lined up single-file on the right side of each hallway, though they do bop and sashay in muted, youthful excitement.
(104) A nightjar in deep - leaved shadow called three long notes and hushed.




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