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单词 Devastation
1. The hurricane caused widespread devastation.
2. There was devastation on every side.
3. He surveyed the scene of utter devastation beneath him.
4. She returned home to find a scene of devastation.
5. A conventional war would still cause unacceptable devastation.
6. It's a scene of complete devastation.
7. The typhoon left a trail of devastation.
8. The storm left behind it a trail of devastation.
9. We surveyed the devastation wrought by the fire.
10. The hurricane passed, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake.
11. The tornado left a trail of devastation in its wake.
12. The cost of the devastation could run to £6 million.
13. He left in 1983, horrified by the devastation that warfare and famine had visited on his homeland.
14. The President visited the area to see the devastation at first hand.
15. A huge bomb blast brought chaos and devastation to the centre of Belfast yesterday.
16. Adam stumbles on, leaving a trail of devastation in his wake.
17. The bomb caused widespread devastation.
18. Jody understood the devastation of serious injury.
19. The casualty list was 307, and the devastation immense.
20. But the devastation already wrought in it is heartrending to contemplate.
21. The work of Tennyson coexisted with the devastation of an urban underclass described by Dickens.http://
22. In an opening speech for the defence the devastation of their herd was blamed on a mountain of debt and overfeeding.
23. After the devastation an uneasy peace settled over the Empire.
24. If disease is allowed to spread among the crops, it will cause wide spread devastation.
25. If disease is allowed to spread, it will cause widespread devastation.
26. Delegates at the conference were taken on field trips to see the devastation.
27. My mind churned with countless plots and schemes, conjuring up acts of untold terror and devastation.
28. The public reacted with remorse and anger at the latest devastation.
29. Here the four powers had carved themselves out oddly shaped zones amongst the rubble and devastation left by the Allied bombing.
30. Even the most hardened commentators appeared shocked by the scale of the devastation.
1. The hurricane caused widespread devastation.
2. If disease is allowed to spread among the crops, it will cause wide spread devastation.
3. There was devastation on every side.
31. The story deals with the aftermath of warfare, particularly the devastation wreaked by land mines.
32. The large size and wide-ranging habit of the orangutan make it especially vulnerable to devastation in tropical rainforests.
33. Areas threatened by landslides and floods are being identified and rezoned to prevent later devastation.
34. The London dealers have just been through and the carefully arranged display is now a scene of devastation.
35. Many are drunks-but that term does not do justice to the devastation they embody.
36. Hasn't he any conception of the devastation caused to this planet by burning fossil fuels?
37. It was not until daylight broke that the sheer scale of the devastation could be seen.
38. A fluke, a million to one chance, but in the confined space the devastation was appalling.
39. They've set up an emergency centre, but fear they can do little to stop the devastation.
40. They may have been of impermanent materials, such as wood, or the countries may have suffered greater devastation than their neighbours.
41. Even if it were only a dozen, they could with megaton bombs inflict widespread devastation.
42. The level of the early 1950s was abnormal in the sense that major trading nations were still recovering from internal war devastation.
43. Pestilence and devastation would march across the land; and the four horsemen ride the sky.
44. The village is a scene of devastation after the heavy rains.
45. You feel the devastation of the war like a miasma over the battlefield.
46. An eerie orange glow lights up the devastation of Bijlmermeer - the Amsterdam suburb set ablaze by a crashing El Al plane.
47. In this last period of devastation even the gorse bruiser and the rest of the Collector's inventions met their doom.
48. A traveller passing through the area afterwards reported scenes of utter devastation.
49. The campaign comes at a time when churches are slowly recognizing the devastation of the epidemic.
50. The scene in the courtyard was one of utter devastation.
51. The sappers who had been involved in the preparation work could then go forward to see the devastation caused by the explosives.
52. To rebuild after the devastation, will require huge construction projects.
53. There is also a maximum height for causing any devastation on the ground.
54. At ten o'clock in the morning a monster had ripped up the countryside, devastation littering its wake.
55. Only the water itself, its wildly fluctuating level carving a swathe of devastation along the shore, betrays the deception.
56. Marie opened the shutters, letting light in on the devastation.
57. We should set up task forces, ready to rush food to areas of devastation at a moment's notice.
58. The question humankind must ask is whether the balancing act the president suggests is enough to stave off global devastation.
59. They dreaded the devastation of their territories.
60. Unutterable destruction and devastation were wrought last autumn.
61. Without concern for the devastation they leave behind, coal companies in the U. S. mine the Appalachian Mountains by simply blasting their tops off.
62. They have frequently left devastation in their wake and have treated the public sector as dumping grounds for airy-fairy ideas such as "transformation" that have been rejected by the private sector.
63. High unemployment and environmental devastation are the most serious problems facing Upper Silesia today.
64. The two strongest powers are the two in the most danger of devastation.
65. Devastation struck in 1944 , the year of the Dutch famine.
66. Many endured wars and devastation and lived to tell about it.
67. An economic devastation might result from the massive animal death and the economic sanction from other countries on account of the FMD.
68. Regulation cannot prevent financial crises altogether, but it can minimise the devastation.
69. Decades of war and the devastation caused by the Taliban when they conquered the area after strong resistance mean parts of the town still lie in ruins and tourist amenities are basic.
70. In a condition of emotional devastation , immune function is impaired.
71. Commenting on the phenomenon, producer Quint Davis said, "When the season is over, the miles of devastation are still going to be devastated."
72. The devastation immediately generated a profound , widespread sense of vulnerability.
73. Central Europe recovered steadily from the devastation of the Thirty Years War.
74. But for many millions of people the devastation caused by changing seasonal patterns and unpredictable weather is already a clear and present danger.
75. As the battle ensues between them , destruction and devastation falls on the hapless city.
76. But they do not know how to do what is right, " declares the LORD, "these who hoard up violence and devastation in their citadels. "
77. Guzy shared the award for breaking news photography with two other Post photographers, Nikki Kahn and Ricky Carioti, who were cited for their depiction of the devastation from the earthquake in Haiti.
78. "Mia and the Migoo" is rated PG (Parental guidance suggested). A tunnel collapse imperiling a parent, flame-thrower violence and apocalyptic devastation.
79. Elector of Brandenburg ('40-'88) who reorganized and rebuilt his domain after its devastation in the Thirty Years' War.
80. Still, the State Premier Anna Bligh said she'd feared much wider devastation, given the scale of the storm, its once- in-a-century power, and the fact that it hits such a densely populated area.
81. A March 4, 2010,() bird's-eye view reveals the devastation left by tsunamis triggered by the February 27 Chile earthquake in the small coastal village of Tubul (see regional map).
82. The global financial services firm Cantor Fitzgerald had its offices on the 101st to 105th floors of the north tower and lost 658 employees in the devastation.
83. The Cryo- powers are unique powers that can cause great devastation if used correctly.
84. The devastation of his fortress by Rebel explosives was just the start of a downward spiral that culminated in Xizor's death in the destruction of his private skyhook.
85. We have noted the terrible devastation wrought by the Superfortresses from Saipan.
86. Globo TV's G1 website reported that three more people died in a mudslide in Bahia state, south of the main zone of devastation, but authorities did not immediately confirm the deaths.
87. Watters, a registered nurse and linguist, experienced the devastation of AIDS firsthand.
88. Forgive me bohemian personality and those depleted of the heart - breaking devastation.
89. Information Warfare offers tremendous financial gain to the winner and devastation to the loser.
90. The devastation of the 1923 Kanto earthquake -- so complete, many archival pictures misdate photos from the era as World War II -- led to an incredible boom.
91. In that devastation, in the utter nakedness of spirit, let us become one in beauty.
92. Survivors spoke of the devastation wrought by the storm in Hsiao-lin village, in Kaohsiung county, which was buried under a massive mudslide on Sunday, after 200 inhabitants were found alive today.
93. New policies, organizations and procedures will spring up amid the devastation.
94. "There is no other capital in peacetime Europe that is being subjected to such devastation for the sake of earning a fast megabuck, " the study said.
95. When Victor Huet's son Gaston trudged 200 miles back to Vouvray, France, after the WWII liberation, he found his father's vineyard in devastation.
96. The magnitude of the devastation prompted the Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) to request the World Bank's help in establishing an insurance system.
97. Pakistani army spokesman Major-General Athar Abbas spoke with reporters late Saturday about the level of devastation in the northwest.
98. The devastation wrought by the alien invaders is self - evident.




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更新时间:2025/3/3 19:17:40