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单词 offstage
释义  Related topics: Theatreoff·stage /ˌɒfˈsteɪdʒ◂ $ ˌɒːf-/ adverb  1  APTjust behind or to the side of a stage in a theatre, where the people watching a play cannot see 幕后,舞台后,舞台外 OPP onstage There was a loud crash offstage. 后台传来一声很响的碰撞声。2  APTwhen an actor is not acting 〔演员〕在台下,在私生活中 Offstage, Peter seemed a shy sort of person. 现实生活中的彼得看起来是个腼腆的人。 —offstage adjective offstage noises 幕后的吵闹声Examples from the Corpusoffstage• But until then, the mustachioed 44-year-old with drowsy eyes is remaining scrupulously offstage.• Halie, his wife, spends a lot of time offstage.• In the first London stage production, Sweeney pursued Doris with a razor, and her screams were heard offstage.• She herself did not expect to lead: she had all the success and power she needed, offstage.• Though Cosby joked about it, Ennis' school performance in those years was anything but funny offstage.• He rushed offstage and up to Lesley-Jane's dressing room.• The two were as different offstage as on.• Miki then dives offstage during Ministry's set.• Offstage, Peter always seemed a quiet, shy sort of·stage adverbChineseSyllable  of side to Corpus or behind stage just a the




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