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单词 Alcoholic
(1) Prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages.
(2) The British government taxes tobacco and alcoholic drinks heavily.
(3) Howe was turning into an alcoholic because of the stress of his job.
(4) Alcoholic drink can have a bad effect on your body.
(5) The alcoholic strength of brandy far exceeds that of wine.
(6) Some strong alcoholic drinks such as whisky are made by distilling.
(7) Drinking too much alcoholic liquor often depraves a person's character.
(8) Home-made wine can be very alcoholic.
(9) Water precipitates camphor from its alcoholic solution.
(10) An alcoholic is not allowed to drive.
(11) Drinks would be taxed according to their alcoholic strength.
(12) He is a chronic alcoholic.
(13) We do not sell any alcoholic beverages.
(14) Mrs. Jones is a confessed alcoholic.
(15) Mrs Jones is a self - confessed alcoholic.
(16) Her husband is a self-confessed alcoholic.
(17) We do not sell alcoholic beverages.
(18) Alcoholic beverages are served in the hotel lounge.
(19) The guests left in an alcoholic haze.
(20) How is the strength of alcoholic drinks measured?
(21) My grandfather was an alcoholic but I never touch the stuff .
(22) Public houses are licensed to sell alcoholic drinks for a certain number of hours per week.
(23) You'll become an alcoholic if you don't watch out .
(24) For years I was an alcoholic, but I reformed when the doctors gave me six months to live.
(25) I don't think an alcoholic can dry out without proper medical help.
(26) He was a chronic alcoholic and unable to hold down a job.
(27) Some smoking and alcoholic drinks are an acquired taste and are not in born.
(28) The generic term for wine, spirits and beer is alcoholic beverages.
(29) The whisky industry is campaigning for the taxes on different alcoholic drinks to be evened up.
(30) He showed great courage by admitting that he is an alcoholic.
(1) Prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages.
(2) The British government taxes tobacco and alcoholic drinks heavily.
(3) Howe was turning into an alcoholic because of the stress of his job.
(4) Alcoholic drink can have a bad effect on your body.
(5) The alcoholic strength of brandy far exceeds that of wine.
(6) Some strong alcoholic drinks such as whisky are made by distilling.
(7) Drinking too much alcoholic liquor often depraves a person's character.
(8) Water precipitates camphor from its alcoholic solution.
(9) An alcoholic is not allowed to drive.
(10) He is a chronic alcoholic.
(11) We do not sell any alcoholic beverages.
(12) Mrs. Jones is a confessed alcoholic.
(13) Mrs Jones is a self - confessed alcoholic.
(31) My joke about the alcoholic went down like a lead balloon.
(32) Novello says college students will spend $4.2 billion yearly on alcoholic beverages.
(33) Alcoholic son still living at home.
(34) But discretion was difficult in his alcoholic state.
(35) The tremor is markedly suppressed by alcoholic beverages.
(36) One can get alcoholic extract of belladonna quite easily.
(37) The 9-year-old boy was abandoned by his alcoholic father.
(38) John lives his life in an alcoholic haze.
(39) The group's core business is premium quality alcoholic beverages.
(40) How much do you know about alcoholic drinks? 1.
(41) How do you know if you are alcoholic?
(42) Meanwhile, other researchers were focusing on red wine, rather than on all alcoholic beverages.
(43) Clearly a study needs to be done with chronic alcoholic patients.
(44) I prefer my patients not to have had alcoholic drinks just before a session.
(45) Chronic alcoholic patients may have normal, enhanced, or diminished acid secretory capacity; hypochlorhydria being associated histologically with atrophic gastritis.
(46) The ninth step asks the alcoholic to make every effort to repair the damage which he or she had done to others.
(47) People do not become anorexic simply through slimming too much, nor alcoholic through drinking too much.
(48) She told stories about the band's alcoholic binges, their arrests on drug charges, and even about one member's foot fetish.
(49) Instead, he came up with a drink that has spread its alcoholic tentacles around the globe.
(50) I usually have a drink or two after work, but I don't think I'm an alcoholic.
(51) The store was cited four times for selling alcoholic beverages to minors during a three-year period that began in 1994.
(52) Another inspiring figure was Keith Chegwin, who also showed great courage by admitting on television that he is an alcoholic.
(53) With the academic thirst for knowledge goes the academic's well-publicized thirst for alcoholic refreshment.
(54) In the 1920s, the United States indulged in a similar experiment when it outlawed the distribution and sale of alcoholic beverages.Sentencedict
(55) This means that excise duty revenue from alcoholic drinks is not buoyant.
(56) By 1933 his career was over and he was broke and an alcoholic.
(57) It now appears that daily consumption of one or two standard alcoholic drinks reduces the risk of heart disease.
(58) About 15 percent admit to having drunk more than five alcoholic beverages in a row during the previous two weeks.
(59) About 40% of alcoholic beverages sold through retail outlets was spirits and 45% was beer in 1989.
(60) Also, surgical morbidity related to biliary drainage remains high in these alcoholic and often debilitated patients.
(61) Absorption can be slowed a bit, but not much, if alcoholic drink is taken with food.
(62) As Juliet scurried shocked to the cocktail cabinet, Charles asked himself whether he was in fact an alcoholic.
(63) The role of these polymorphisms in a predisposition to alcoholic liver disease has now been examined in two studies.
(64) Babies of alcoholic mothers can be born with a severe degree of handicap.
(65) She never admitted that Edwin was an alcoholic, never talked about the pain and suffering his drinking had caused the family.
(66) It says Exxon recklessly contributed to the accident by knowingly placing an alcoholic in command of the supertanker.
(67) I am not sure how they reconciled that situation, since the Methodists were very much against alcoholic drink.
(68) But the nature of that involvement and the degree to which it is manifested in a given alcoholic is still unknown.
(69) California has required health warnings on all alcoholic beverages and in all premises that sell alcohol.
(70) Certain religions may prohibit particular types of food, alcoholic drink or restrict dress.
(71) Alcoholic beverages with low ethanol content stimulate gastric acid secretion by additional mechanisms.
(72) The role of genes encoding other alcohol metabolising enzymes in a genetic predisposition to alcoholic liver damage has yet to be explored.
(73) I knew of no virtues except truthfulness, obedience, self-sacrifice, total abstinence from alcoholic drinks ....
(74) Alcoholic Geoffrey Frederick Gregory was drinking up to 12 pints a day back in 1979.
(75) Being an alcoholic is not against the law, and not criminal, although it is deviant.
(76) All alcoholic drinks and telephone calls will be charged as taken. 4.
(77) The degree of sugar in the grape determines the alcoholic content.
(78) Over 1,300 litres of highly alcoholic brew had been seized from one wing alone, in nine months.
(79) They develop in about 10% of patients with acute alcoholic pancreatitis.
(80) There are no studies on the acute effect of alcohol intake on gastric acid secretion in chronic alcoholic patients.
(81) Whether consumed in the form of beer, wine or spirits, alcoholic beverages give pleasure to many millions.
(82) Treatment consisted of daily AA meetings and a work program, as well as contact with recovering alcoholic program staff.
(83) I could already see that look in his eyes, something slithery and pink that hints of alcoholic tendencies.
(84) His wife walked out, selling her story to the gutter press, and accusing him of being an alcoholic.
(84) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(85) I understand the definition of a bar is somewhere used principally for the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
(86) This Review must include a report on the competition between different categories of alcoholic drink.
(87) A self-confessed alcoholic, equally at home on stage and screen, he is starring in two top box office films.
(88) This research will be extended by examining 10- to 16-year olds' perceptions of advertisements for alcoholic drinks.
(89) These results strongly implicate acetaldehyde as one of the important pathogenetic factors in the development of alcoholic liver disease.
(90) This is the first reported study to show convincingly the presence of functional hyposplenism in patients with alcoholic liver disease.
(91) All of these groups focus on helping family members cope when they have an alcoholic family member.
(92) There are no studies on the effect of acute alcohol intake on gastric secretion in the chronic alcoholic patient.
(93) The college permits students who are 21 or older to consume alcoholic beverages in their dorm rooms.
(94) Some may find him placing far too much emphasis on the impact of his alcoholic parents and stillborn twin brother, Jesse.
(95) However, a number of problems confront investigators applying this technique to studies of alcoholic liver disease.
(96) A sad, small alcoholic named Sippy Suds lived next door to Toussaint.
(97) Step five offers the opportunity for the AA member to reinforce the notion that the alcoholic can not live in a vacuum.
(98) This suggested that COL1A2 might be a susceptibility locus for alcoholic cirrhosis with one, or very few, predisposing mutations possible.
(99) They sat on folding chairs around a plywood table, drinking brown beer until they had achieved a state of alcoholic bonhomie.
(100) It seems likely that there is a similar under recording of alcoholic liver disease in the United Kingdom as a whole.
(101) Well the good news is that red wine is not the only alcoholic drink that may protect against heart disease.
(102) Excise duty revenue from alcoholic drinks is much less buoyant than total excise duty.
(103) He was also, by reputation, an alcoholic who needed the money to pay his gambling debts.
(104) Are there any simple questions that can pick out an alcoholic?
(105) She was like a cured alcoholic who finds he can take a drink without again becoming addicted.
(106) Although a recovering alcoholic and noted for temper tantrums, she could never be accused of being bland.
(107) There are several possible explanations for the finding of functional hyposplenism in this group of patients with alcoholic liver disease.
(108) Shop, for instance, sells alcoholic beverages at three stores in the Bay State.
(109) It is illegal to serve alcoholic drinks to anyone under 18.
(110) The San Francisco-based trade organization reports that 21 states have an outright ban on out-of-state shipments of alcoholic beverages.
(111) Bring a lawn chair or beach chair for comfortable seating, and leave the alcoholic beverages at home.
(112) One had severe acute alcoholic hepatitis and had continued to drink despite medical advice to the contrary.
(113) It totally forbade the manufacture, sale and transportation of alcoholic beverages.
(114) Plasma hepatic transaminase activities were raised and a diagnosis of alcoholic hepatitis was made.
(115) The license limit has prevented retail chains from selling alcoholic beverages at all but a handful of locations.
(116) A recent phenomenon has been the development of groups for adults who grew up with an alcoholic parent.
(117) In other words[sentencedict .com], this therapist was an alcoholic and a drug addict.
(118) Total percapita consumption of alcoholic drinks has been more or less constant for a decade.
(119) Alcoholic beverages have played a role in many societies for over 7000 years - before the existence of written history.
(120) Labels on acetaminophen painkillers recommend consulting a doctor if a person has had more than three alcoholic drinks, he said.
(121) He is irresponsible about his debts, alcoholic, accident-prone, and susceptible to disease.
(122) The advertisers have been accused of trying to make the alcoholic drinks enticing to teenagers.
(123) Hollywood's Golden Boy was by 1968 an alcoholic who, like many another hellraiser, was sacrificing professionalism for booze.
(124) We are able to resume ourselves after sleep, after an alcoholic stupor, after an epileptic fit, after prolonged coma.
(125) In the alcoholic, the seizure usually occurs 7 to 48 hours after cessation of drinking.
(126) In this interpretation, Benjamin has been tainted by his relationship with Mrs Robinson and her alcoholic self-loathing.
(127) The survival rates for alcoholic and non-alcoholic patients were identical.
(128) The care of the institutionalized alcoholic usually involves the control of supplies.
(129) He was an alcoholic who has only recently gotten his life out of the gutter.
(130) The percentage of patients with normal mucosa was significantly less in the alcoholic group compared with the normal groups.
(131) There was serious talk of ecological suicide, criminal irresponsibility and the evils of toxic fumes merging with alcoholic ones.
(132) The essential purpose was to disguise the fact that Dennis was an alcoholic.
(133) Beer, wine, sake or other alcoholic beverages should be consumed only in moderation, preferably at mealtimes.
(134) However, glass containers, alcoholic beverages, firearms, pets and barbecue grills are prohibited.
(135) All the results found in studies on non-alcoholic subjects may not hold true for chronic alcoholic patients.
(136) This ongoing process begins with the first step through which the alcoholic admits to his or her powerlessness over alcohol.
(137) Our results confirm that alcoholic ascites contains plasminogen activating activity.
(138) In alcoholic liver disease, transplant assessment was considered appropriate in the case of sustained abstinence following medical advice.
(139) Evidently he did not expect to give riotous or alcoholic parties at times when the tutor might be in.
(140) Alcoholism and drug addiction are killer of mental and physical health. Alcoholic and drug addicts are killing themselves slowly. Dr T.P.Chia 
(141) Then it was one thing after another, his obese stage, his alcoholic stage.
(142) In previous years, all coolers were inspected for glass bottles and alcoholic beverages before visitors entered the viewing area.
(143) Certain religions may prohibit particular types of food, alcoholic drink or restrict dress. Law Local laws may ban particular activities.
(144) Within alcoholic drinks, excise duty revenue from spirits is declining,[] as its market share falls.
(145) That all tramps are alcoholic and that all sufferers from alcoholism are tramps.
(146) laws governing the sale of alcoholic beverages.
(147) He's not a real alcoholic.
(148) He is a confessed alcoholic.
(149) Have non-alcoholic drinks in - between alcoholic ones.
(150) Abstinence from alcoholic drinks is advisable.
(151) There is even a medical condition called alcoholic dementia.
(152) regulations governing the sale of alcoholic beverages.
(153) a very potent alcoholic brew.
(154) Alcoholic drinks act as a poison to a child.
(155) Vodka's an alcoholic beverage that's supposed to be relatively flavorless. So researchers got to wondering: how come people who enjoy the stuff often express brand preference?
(156) Adulterer and a woman are on a clandestine love affair, its back door to drink alcoholic husband, hurried in possession of the adulterer in the bathroom.
(157) Alcoholic beverage , gambling and illicit drugs are strictly prohibited.
(158) Her nephew Timothy was a chronic alcoholic. She never visited him either, nor did she attend the funeral of his wife, who killed herself after her child – and Elizabeth's great-niece – died.
(159) Through chemical method the alcoholic extract of cypripedium macranthum was obtained and was made to act on rat, it was discovered that the cypripedium macranthum has diuretic function.
(160) The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of alcoholic fatty liver on serum copper and ceruloplasmin activity.
(161) A drink, often an alcoholic beverage, taken as a stimulant or a cure for a hangover.
(162) In this study, however, alcoholic female macaques self-administered so much booze that they stopped ovulating.
(163) Alcoholic fatty liver ( AFL ) is due to the accumulation of fat which results from the alcohol indulgence.
(164) AIM: To introduce the conception and process of mental rehabilitation of the Alcoholic Anonymous, which is an effective method to refrain from winebowl.
(165) Objective To study the diagnosis marker's reliability, significance and accuracy for alcoholic hepatopathy .
(166) Reports indicate she had a 0.16 blood alcohol level and admitted to drinking at least six alcoholic drinks.
(167) Neither slap-happy comedy nor aggressive action fare, The Beaver is a somber, sad domestic drama featuring an alcoholic in acute crisis.
(168) The reactions are performed more conveniently in two phase systems consisted of alcoholic solvents and K_2CO_3, and may be adapted for the synthesis of pyrrolidine and oxazolidine derivatives.
(169) Wine is the alcoholic beverage created through the process of fermentation.
(170) Study on the alcoholic fermentation using dodecanol as the extractive agent by immobilized yeast with alginic acid and polyvinyl alcohol as the mixed carrier was curried out.
(171) Belladonna Tincture, is a widly used preparation that consists of an aqueous - alcoholic extract of belladonna leaves.
(172) In the late 1800s, the Prohibition Party, formed primarily to push for a ban on the sale, manufacture and transport of alcoholic beverages, also promoted women's right to vote.
(173) A bunch of alcoholic outcasts await the arrival of Hickey, a travelling salesman, who periodically turns up and buys them rounds. They await him as if he were a Messiah.
(174) OBJECTIVE : To measuring the content of erythromycin in compound erythromycin alcoholic solution.
(174) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(175) After pre-treatment, Prunus armeniaca was subjected to alcoholic fermentation and acetic fermentation to give a broth, which was then formulated to make a new vinegar beverage.
(176) Preparations based on odoriferous substanees, of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages, alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 0.5% vol.
(177) To evaluate the efficacy of diisopropylamine dichloroacetate(Ganle) injection on chronic hepatitis companied with alcoholic liver disease.
(178) A new study from Mayo Clinic finds the use of the drug therapy etanercept ineffective in treating alcoholic hepatitis, an acute inflammation of the liver caused by excessive consumption of alcohol.
(179) In the north alcoholic beverages are considered a neccessity because they keep out the cold and, as the Swedish humourist, Alber Engstrom said, "because gaiety without alcohol is forced."
(180) Marchiafava-Bignami disease ( MBD ) is historically reported in middle-aged alcoholic men.
(181) When critics say he is in denial, he agrees. But it is healthy self-denial, he says, which he likens to a recovering alcoholic resisting a drink.
(182) The colorimetry of sulfuric acid and p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde used to determinate the fusel oil of alcoholic liquor, but it occurs deviation.
(183) Alcoholic liver fibrosis (ALF) was the early stage of alcoholic liver disease (ALD) and the intermediate stage and necessary process of ALD turned into alcoholic cirrhosis.
(184) Drinking a glass of water after every alcoholic beverage helps stave off drunkenness.
(185) During alcoholic fermentation acetaldehyde acts as a hydrogen acceptor instead of oxygen.
(186) A sometimes violent, alcoholic stepfather and a half-brother---his only sibling who would become an addict too .
(187) It is very alcoholic, sometimes near the strength of port.
(188) Or alternate an alcoholic drink with plain water or a non alcoholic beverage.
(189) Alcoholic fermentation : the juice becomes wine under the natural action of yeast which changes sugar in alcohol.
(190) They gave the students a mixture of grain alcohol and soda that was equivalent to about three average alcoholic drinks.
(191) We report a case of pancreatic fistula of the distal pancreatic duct resulted from massive pancreatic fluid leakage into the left perirenal spare secondary to alcoholic pancreatitis.
(192) CONSLUSION: PTS has therapeutic effect on alcoholic fatty liver and acute liver injury induced by CCl_ 4 and galactosamine.
(192) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(193) Alcoholic fermentation is catalyzed by enzymes of the zymase complex, which are secreted by the cells or released after the cells die.
(194) Objective : To analyse the CT characteristics of chronic alcoholic encephalopathy.
(195) Osteoporosis is a common complication of chronic liver disease, from cholestatic disorders to autoimmune, alcoholic, and posthepatitic cirrhosis.
(196) Because of alcoholic allergy, I couldn't drink too much, far away from the point of getting drunk.
(197) Research results found a significantly higher rate of six-month mortality in patients with moderate to severe alcoholic hepatitis who received etanercept.
(198) In the Zhou Dynasty, alcoholic beverages were classified into two types: rice wine and li wine.
(199) Bush, who quit drinking after his 40th birthday, also listens to recovering alcoholic George Jones, a country singer who sings about heartbreak and drinking.
(200) On a night out, intersperse alcoholic drinks with water and choose low-alcohol options to prevent damaging your liver in the long term.




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