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单词 Worrying
1) Worrying never did anyone any good. 
2) What's the use of worrying ?
3) Stop worrying about their marriage-it isn't your problem.
4) The dog was worrying away at its bone.
5) His repeated absence is worrying.
6) It's useless worrying about it.
7) He's always worrying about his weight.
8) By midweek, the situation had become worrying.
9) He lies awake at night worrying about his job.
10) I ought to relax and stop worrying about it.
11) Worrying about it won't solve anything.
12) She is worrying the problem out.
13) It's been a worrying time for us all.
14) It's worrying that they're doing things without training.
15) Worrying about it won't make it better.
16) This is a worrying development for small businesses.
17) Cross chided himself for worrying.
18) I have sleepless nights worrying about her.
19) There's no point in worrying over things you can't change.
20) Be confident with yourself and stop worrying what other people think. Do what's best for your future happiness.
21) Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the journey.
22) It is particularly worrying that nobody seems to be in charge.
23) We stopped worrying about the ship's safe arrival when she sailed into the harbor with all her flags flying.
24) Give up worrying about what others think of you. What they think isn't important. What is important is how you feel about yourself.
25) The most worrying thing is that she won't let us help.
26) I keep worrying that I've left the garage door unlocked.
27) The disappearance of a schoolgirl was very worrying among the teachers.
28) It must be worrying for you not to know where he is.
29) I heard something rather worrying at work this morning.
30) You can't change the past,(http:///worrying.html) but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future.
1) Stop worrying about their marriage-it isn't your problem.
2) The dog was worrying away at its bone.
3) It's useless worrying about it.
4) He's always worrying about his weight.
5) By midweek, the situation had become worrying.
6) He lies awake at night worrying about his job.
7) I ought to relax and stop worrying about it.
8) Worrying about it won't solve anything.
9) She is worrying the problem out.
10) It's been a worrying time for us all.
11) It's worrying that they're doing things without training.
12) Worrying about it won't make it better.
13) This is a worrying development for small businesses.
14) Cross chided himself for worrying.
15) I have sleepless nights worrying about her.
16) There's no point in worrying over things you can't change.
17) It is particularly worrying that nobody seems to be in charge.
18) We stopped worrying about the ship's safe arrival when she sailed into the harbor with all her flags flying.
19) The most worrying thing is that she won't let us help.
20) I keep worrying that I've left the garage door unlocked.
21) The disappearance of a schoolgirl was very worrying among the teachers.
22) It must be worrying for you not to know where he is.
23) The scarcity of skilled workers is worrying the government.
31) Her determined romanticism was worrying me.
32) Those hotels are worrying out ways to increase services.
33) She was worrying herself sick about the exams.
34) What's the point of worrying?
35) A rather worrying thought struck me.
36) The best thing to do is to stop worrying.
37) That's the most worrying aspect of the situation.
38) There's no point worrying over such trifles.
39) Disillusionment among the young is worrying for schools.
40) What's the use of worrying about it?
41) She's always worrying about her personal appearance.
42) I was awake half the night worrying.
43) It's a very worrying situation.
43) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
44) It's no good worrying about it now.
45) He breezes through life, never worrying about anything.
46) He lies awake at night, worrying.
47) The dog was worrying a rat.
48) I've done my share of worrying for one day!
49) It's been a worrying few weeks for us all.
50) The state of the economy is very worrying.
51) She had spent many wakeful nights worrying about him.
52) I've spent so many sleepless nights worrying about him.
53) The dog was worrying sheep.
54) She is always worrying about little things.
55) There's no point in worrying.
56) The situation in Ethiopia in particular is worrying.
57) She would lie awake worrying.
58) There's no percentage in worrying.
59) He couldn't help worrying obsessively about what would happen.
60) There's no sense in worrying about it now.
61) The scarcity of skilled workers is worrying the government.
62) She lay sleepless for hours, worrying.
63) I've been worrying a lot about my health.
64) She had been worrying ever since the letter arrived.
65) It was a very worrying time for them.
66) I don't stay awake at night worrying about that.
67) There's no point worrying him unnecessarily.
68) Stop worrying, Dad, we'll be fine.
69) Emma lay awake half the night, worrying.
70) Tell us what's worrying you; don't bottle it up!
71) I could see the dog in the garden, worrying at a bone.
72) The proportion of imports to exports is worrying the government.
73) is worrying the government.
74) They're a worrying political party because of their close links/ties with terrorist groups.
75) Don't keep worrying him with a lot of silly questions.
76) 'It's worrying,(http:///worrying.html) isn't it?'--'Absolutely.'.
77) All that needless worrying over what I'd say to him at the party, and he wasn't even there!
78) I'm at my wits' end worrying about how to pay the bills.
79) I had spent two months worrying about it and I was glad to get it off my chest.
80) He's always worrying about his weight, so if you want to hit him where it hurts, tell him he's looking a bit fat.
81) She used to lie awake at night worrying about how to pay the bills.
82) Any dog caught worrying sheep in these fields will be shot.
83) He could not conceive that anything really serious could be worrying his friend.
84) You're worrying yourself unnecessarily.
85) There's no point worrying about it - we'll both be six feet under by then.
86) I didn't start worrying/to worry until she was 2 hours late.
87) It's worrying that such a prominent politician is so easily led.
88) A worrying trend for insurers has been a rise in fraudulent claims.
89) She seemed slightly distracted, as if something was worrying her.
90) I see you worrying on my account, but really I don't mind.
91) I used to lie awake at night worrying about it.
92) I couldn't get to sleep at all last night for worrying.
93) She spends all her waking hours worrying about her job.
94) David had noticed the return of worrying symptoms in the last few days.
95) We'll all be dead in a hundred years so there's no point worrying about it.
96) Stop worrying about the past and live in the present.
97) Try not to get depressed - after all, what's the use of worrying?
98) Worrying about your weight is more likely to lead to comforting yourself with a piece of chocolate.
99) It's silly worrying about things which are outside your control.
100) The decline in the power of local authorities vis-a-vis central government is worrying.
101) So should we stop worrying about the abuse excuse?
102) But that did not mean that we stopped worrying.
103) Stop worrying about your pimples; they're barely noticeable.
103) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
104) You spend too much time worrying about things.
105) Melvin, our metaphor for the government, starts worrying.
106) Have fun. Let me do the worrying.
107) Quit worrying about your health. It'll go away. Robert Orben 
108) Mom, stop worrying. I'll be fine.
109) And there is worrying to do.
110) The yawning gap between the two was deeply worrying.
111) The costs may be particularly worrying for dementia sufferers.
112) My mother lay awake worrying all night.
113) Always worrying about the indefinable moment.
114) Mom lies awake nights worrying about her.
115) The most worrying thing is that she won't eat.
116) Start worrying when we're neither here nor there.
117) He stopped worrying about him anyway.
118) I don't know what you're worrying about.
119) The bottom of the league makes worrying reading.
120) It must have been a worrying time for you.
121) 'Stop worrying, you look very nice,' she smiled reassuringly.
122) Before long, we stopped worrying that it would end.
123) That is worrying for two reasons.
124) If only he could stop worrying about the consequences.
125) Ben lay awake, worrying about next day's exam.
126) I've a worrying feeling that the Medau Annual Reunion may clash - I do hope it doesn't.
127) If you believe that feeling bad or worrying long enough will change a past or future event, then you are residing on another planet with a different reality system. William James 
128) Stop worrying about Lucia - she's no babe in the woods anymore.
129) A technique that works for some dads is to create a special time period devoted exclusively to worrying.
130) She says it's so worrying, I just don't know what to do.
131) Some of the other men were worrying, expressing doubts about the weather, wondering if the hunt should be postponed.
132) More worrying for the Kiwis, however, was the departure of Adrian Shelford with what looked like a pulled muscle.
133) However, many worrying concerns remain,(/worrying.html) and there will be disappointment that tougher and more imaginative measures were not adopted.
134) Sharon has tied herself up in knots worrying about her job.
135) There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power or our will. Epictetus 
136) But he's a rare breed and the lack of retained firefighters is leading to worrying delays for Oxfordshire's fire service.
137) But equally worrying to the security forces was the age of two of the recruits who were being trained at the camp.
138) But the oldster in me keeps worrying about people getting hurt.
139) Stop worrying, Mum. Ten to one Liz has just gone round to a friend's house.
140) I put it down to greater maturity and not worrying.
141) Only two questions remained unanswered - the puzzling absence of any sect heavies and Grant's worrying non-return.
142) Certain situations may be particularly worrying for nurses new to the surgical ward.
143) But there is also something worrying about a plastic box outwitting humans at this most cerebral of pastimes.
144) You can tell me if there's anything that's worrying you or getting you down.
145) I ought to be in bed, he thought, not worrying myself about such things.
146) Though the girls loved the game, after a while he started worrying about what other people might think.
147) Until recently, many union contracts shielded members from worrying about medical bills because most of the costs were borne by employers.
148) I had to remind myself that worrying is a useless activity.
149) It can't help that he is fretting about possessions when he should be worrying about the state of his marriage.
150) There was one worrying moment where one of the actors seemed to dry up for a few seconds.
151) Worrying about your problems, which seem larger than life at that time of night, is hard to resist.
152) I used to worry about my fears, but I realized that most of the time nothing bad happened. So I have stopped worrying. RVM 
153) Slightly worrying is what we can expect from the ensuing composite present trend.
154) What good can you do mooning around worrying, picking at your food like an anorexic, and giving yourself splitting headaches?
155) He had lapsed into a frozen silence which she found more worrying than his screams.
156) Why is not immediately obvious but sufficiently worrying to put a black mark against the program.
157) For I appear to be going round in circles in answer to a question which has been worrying me for some time.
158) You need to live in the here and now and stop worrying about the future.
159) What makes the situation in Britain today so worrying is that the leaders of both main parties agree on virtually everything.
160) Sally lived in a happy whirl marred only by worrying about how far she should go.
161) Retirement is wonderful. It's doing nothing without worrying about getting caught at it. Gene Perret 
162) More worrying are the longer lasting psychological effects, usually associated with acid, that can be wrought by any hallucinogenic drug.
163) The prospect of the bill is worrying a host of companies.
164) Almost every night I lie awake in bed worrying about my family.
165) Maera looks at the faces in front of her and she stops worrying.
166) The worrying thing was that at no time did Leeds actually put together a great move which tore Sunderland apart.
167) I had to stop worrying,(http://) I had to forget about everything but Frank.
168) It is a worrying trend which the authorities - despite past assurances - seemed to have failed to get to grips with.
169) This short-term outlook enables them to exploit the weakness of their customers without worrying about the long-term effects on customer relations.
170) Certainly, Troy has enough troubles in his life without worrying about haddock.
171) Reading aloud to our kids will have educational payoffs only if we stop worrying about those payoffs.
172) The mood swing was worrying, but at least it was an upbeat beginning to the day.
173) Now Peter's family can get on with looking after him and coping with his illness without worrying about losing their home.
174) And in the long term, as Keynes might also have said, we will keep on worrying about the short term.
175) The worrying thing is that raids by customs and the Obscene Publications Squad are on the up.
176) Worrying about, concentrating on and listening to the head noises will make them seem even more prominent and dominating.
177) She was annoyed with herself for not stating openly what was really worrying her.
178) For there is no point in worrying about things that are outside your control.
179) The worrying fact is that serious over-use is drying up some of our rivers and natural underground water levels.
180) But more worrying is that Ragu is losing his present battle.
181) Everything would be all right. What a fool she had been to lie awake worrying!
182) That is worrying enough, but we are talking about a category of young criminals up to the age of 21.
183) At a quarter past seven she got off the bus in Bath worrying that he might stand her up.
184) Apart from wielding the stick of trade sanctions - a worrying measure - the main option will be the carrot of cash transfers.
185) Or is he up in his frontal lobes, which he uses for speculating and worrying and planning?
186) With its ugly echoes of the past, it sends a worrying signal for the future.
187) He can never stop worrying about where the next meal is coming from.
188) On board the very thought of Keoni was enough to have me lying awake worrying at night.
189) Most worrying are smaller companies which borrowed heavily but do not have big banks behind them.
190) Let's concentrate on the important, serious issues and spend less time worrying about such matters as the quality of the beer.
191) But a worrying pall of familiarity hangs over the proceedings.
192) The comparative figures one year later of 14% and 10.9% are still worrying.
193) More worrying, the long-finned gene seems to be creeping into broods where it's not wanted.
193) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
194) This last variable is worrying, as it essentially means you have no idea what the scheme's going to cost.
195) She found Jen's contempt for politicians both bracing and worrying.
196) They were always worrying about achieving some ambitious goal in the future, rather than simply sitting back and enjoying the moment.
197) But he says just as worrying, is the string of unjustified complaints made against him by members of the public.
198) He then had a number of convulsions, and it was a very worrying time for us all.
199) Wondering what the day held in store for us ... and worrying about Giles.
200) The cost of the new building has escalated to a worrying level.
201) Or is that kind of worrying the purview only of adults?
202) But when it got seriously worrying I went to my doctor.
203) I did not sleep a wink last night for worrying about you and if you are alright.
204) I certainly don't want you hanging around my neck, if that's what's worrying you.
205) The things that he would particularly like to start worrying about are in Northern Ireland.
206) The fact that everybody around me looked and sounded completely different from myself was worrying and disconcerting.
207) All the time Maureen was away she was worrying herself sick about Biggles.
208) A second loss would be worrying for them - motivation enough to ensure that the errors of Elland Road are not repeated.
209) If you catch yourself worrying about money, then welcome the thought rather than fighting it, or getting angry with yourself.
210) The ash tray was getting crowded when I decided there was no percentage in doing any more worrying for a while.
211) Automatically she prepared to go to bed, her mind worrying at the puzzle like a terrier.
212) The low-level, continuous exposure arising from aluminium sulphate in water purification is very worrying.
213) I sank back on the bed and started worrying about money.
214) Even more worrying, important academic publishers are commissioning fewer and fewer editions of Renaissance texts outside an increasingly narrow canon.
215) He spent two sleepless nights worrying that he might end up on a murder charge.
216) Cannons can cause considerable damage on your deep ranks too, but this is less worrying.
217) The two leaders had been doing most of the talking, thinking, and worrying over two long days of intensive negotiations.
218) The worrying thing is my signature, which is extremely hard to counterfeit.
219) Now, however, there are worrying signs that the two biggest firms are ganging up on the rest.
220) The conflict and anxiety approach has worrying implications when it comes to trying to help people solve their problems.
221) Looking rather sheepish, we hesitantly listed one or two points, worrying that we might sound narcissistic or arrogant.
222) A lack of trust in the parents because of a worrying secret can undermine the child's sense of security at home.
223) Few things were more worrying than the idea of Andrea with magic powers.
224) But it's the undertow of precocious sexuality, the child-woman come-on,(sentence dictionary) that's more worrying.
225) I think people go out to make a fast buck without worrying about the consequences.
226) Stop worrying; start working. Stop complaining; start resolving. Stop fretting; start living. Dr Roopleen 
227) There was a rather pleasant man, called Chaudhry, who showed worrying signs of having actually gone to Oxford.
228) The chicken in the biryani bore a worrying anatomical resemblance to cat.
229) It is worrying if people are being deterred from obtaining such a certificate of qualification by prohibitive costs.
230) David had noticed the return of worrying symptoms in the previous few days.
231) They were a mere handful of men, hardly worth worrying about.
232) So too is worrying about being awake for so long.
233) Preston was in such a state of arousal that he stopped worrying about the rug.
234) Linda's one of those people who always seem to be worrying about their health.
235) He stopped worrying over the troubling knowledge which he could not quite remember.
236) Just worrying about it maybe happening could wreck a whole party.
237) There was no sense in worrying, he thought, no sense in troubling himself with things that did not matter.
238) Rather than worrying about causing a problem, your focus should be on devising a strategy to correct one.
239) It's so nice in here, not worrying about other people, or getting supper, or anything.
240) She was worrying that they'd made love at the wrong time of the month.
241) Even more worrying, perhaps, is the possibility that international aid may be fuelling the conflict.
242) That way, he would be left alone without worrying why no one was asking him for an autograph.
243) The possibility that I might lose my job is very worrying.
244) We aren't going to consume, and spend, and go soft and lie awake worrying about our pensions.
245) Of course you don't have to spend all your time worrying about possible health hazards, but you still need to take care.
246) Nutty lay awake in the small hours, worrying herself stupid.
247) Everywhere I go, I hear people worrying about the future.
248) A growing number had already been worrying about the social and corporate consequences of such massive restructurings.
249) Then home for dinner and some heavy worrying for remainder of evening.
250) One of the most worrying aspects is the danger posed by irresponsible and loony left local authorities.
251) What I found particularly worrying was that the money was debited from the account without even informing me.
252) I want to sing like the birds sing, not worrying about who hears or what they think. Rumi 
253) Now those hopes are fading in the midst of a worrying upsurge in violence.
254) He added that the number of people with debts totalling more than £10,()000 was also a worrying figure.
255) They do what they have to do, without worrying about what can or can not be taught at various ages.
256) Here's an end to worrying about totting up the calories in food and wondering whether you are eating the right thing.
257) There was nothing to be gained from worrying, not at this juncture.
258) We should appreciate their help and give thanks for it but never waste our strength worrying about its fairness.
259) World events were worrying us more and more and some of us were fearful for the safety of family and friends.
260) Waiting for the results of tests, like waiting for an initial diagnosis, can be stressful and worrying.
261) Most worrying for his supporters is that Morales remains an underdog in a state that mistrusts them.
262) If you can't sleep, then get up and do something instead of lying there worrying. It's the worry that gets you, not the lack of sleep. Dale Carnegie 
263) Provision of special educational needs was the most worrying area.
264) Some find the high degree of media hype that has surrounded publication slightly worrying.
265) Happy is the man who has broken the chains which hurt the mind, and has given up worrying once and for all. Ovid 
266) It is even more worrying that relatively minor powers are now acquiring nuclear weapons.
267) All this worrying proved for naught, because within the week senior management approved her proposal.
268) The dog is worrying the rat.
269) Children use fantasy to explore worrying aspects of real life.
270) Most worrying for the government and the mainstream media, Malaysia is young.




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