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单词 Safeguard
1. The new card will safeguard the company against fraud.
2. Keeping clean is a safeguard against disease.
3. We must safeguard forest timber.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. They will press for international action to safeguard the ozone layer.
5. The leaflet explains how to safeguard against dangers in the home.
6. The industry has a duty to safeguard the interests of consumers.
7. A good diet will safeguard against disease.
8. They are taking precautionary measures to safeguard their forces from the effects of chemical weapons.
9. Many people took second jobs as a safeguard against unemployment.
10. The measures have been introduced as a safeguard against fraud.
11. This deal could safeguard the futures of the 2 000 employees.
12. It is obligatory on every citizen to safeguard our great motherland.
13. The regulations were introduced in order to safeguard the interests of local fishing communities.
14. We must take steps to safeguard our environment against these threats.
15. This legislation does not adequately safeguard the rights of consumers.
16. The deal between the union and management should safeguard 6,000 jobs.
17. Juries served as a safeguard against this ignorance.
18. Be sure to safeguard your passport at all times.
19. The deal should safeguard thousands of jobs.
20. There is the added safeguard of judicial review.
21. It will safeguard jobs for at least 3 years.
22. Smallfry wanted to safeguard him against danger and jealousy.
23. And it will safeguard hundreds of jobs.
24. Computer companies such as Safeguard Scientifics, which sells microcomputers and software, held eight spots.
25. As a safeguard against misuse, memorize your PIN number immediately and destroy this advice slip.
26. We make copies of our computer disks as a safeguard against accidents.
27. We have inserted certain provisions into the treaty to safeguard foreign workers.
28. We will institute a number of measures to better safeguard the public.
29. And for peace of mind, a full 12 months Safeguard and Mechanical insurance will be included in the price.
30. Near to the time of operation specific measures are carried out to safeguard patients.
1. The new card will safeguard the company against fraud.
2. We must safeguard forest timber.
3. They will press for international action to safeguard the ozone layer.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. The leaflet explains how to safeguard against dangers in the home.
5. The industry has a duty to safeguard the interests of consumers.
6. It is obligatory on every citizen to safeguard our great motherland.
31. The power of the crown was severely restricted, and the magnates usually elected weak rulers in order to safeguard their own privileges.
32. This acts as an excellent safeguard against complacency without the gloom and doom which tends to accompany mistakes.
33. The new legislation will safeguard the rights of low-paid workers.
33. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
34. We have invested in clean coal technology to safeguard the environment.
35. Effective programs are available to safeguard your data against computer viruses.
36. Cricket in Dambulla will therefore safeguard television and sponsorship revenue that are vital for Sri Lanka.
37. States dumping sewage in areas not designated as sensitive would have to demonstrate that primary treatment was sufficient to safeguard water quality.
38. Property can be increased without limit; the efforts to safeguard it are subject to sharply diminishing returns.
39. Withdrawal before coming is unlikely to be an adequate safeguard as some secretions will still be exchanged.
40. Civil servants are instructed to safeguard the collective responsibility of ministers.
41. First, it will act as a safeguard against today's widespread and unnecessary breakdown of faith.
42. It is a safeguard to permit volumes to be regarded as full when exact filling is not possible.
43. Save your files regularly as a safeguard against loss of data.
44. Your main safeguard is to ensure that the remaining rabbits can not escape back into the burrow system.
45. The threat could be used as a safeguard, sure; but it could also be used to turn a further profit.
46. Any society, they argue, must discriminate against impaired people to safeguard its own general social health.
47. You must bear in mind the need to safeguard public funds and observe security requirements.
48. The Transport Secretary has decided to set up a new rail pension scheme to safeguard their interests.
49. To safeguard the priceless treasures they work with Barley studios have no signs at the door ... they don't advertise.
50. Any deal between the two will have to safeguard the identity of car owners because of Britain's Data Protection Act.
51. All nurses must understand the principles involved in order to safeguard patients.
52. We will examine ways in which the uniform scope of regulation could be eased to safeguard traditional local products or practices.
53. It's worth / remember, as well as safeguard your house investing in one with an / from electrical fires.
54. But there was a further safeguard, a more direct test of strength, that he had to perform on each footing.
55. As a safeguard, the group advices pregnant women to eat healthily, cut down on drinking and avoid smoking.
56. It imposes statutory obligations on employers to set down and implement policy to safeguard the health and safety of their employees.
57. Early warning and fault recovery functions of the system also provide a safeguard against operational crises and the risk of human error.
58. Perhaps it is appropriate to safeguard a reasonable percentage of each good cause's allocation to allow such planning to proceed.
59. They include setting up a new track authority and consumer committees to safeguard the interest of passengers.
60. Privatisation is to be pushed through without even the safeguard of a consultative body.
61. We hope that the awarding of the contract will help to safeguard our national electronic warfare capability well into the next century.
62. To safeguard their health in the meantime you could give them advice about how to reduce the risks they are taking.
63. His hand closed on the torch he kept there as a safeguard against the house's arbitrary lighting system.
63. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
64. The Building Regulations are to safeguard the health and safety of those in and around the building.
65. Looked at this way, the question of how best to safeguard Venice's heritage is in fact an ethical question.
66. Voice over Trading standards say legal action could follow if the company wasn't bonded, to safeguard customers.
67. The safeguard for cross-curricular elements is, ironically, to ensure that they are fully incorporated into schemes of assessment.
68. Thus the chief safeguard against brittle failure lies in a high work of fracture.
69. Practise it slowly for maximum benefit and to safeguard your back.
70. Five years later, in 1899, he sold it to the Trust to safeguard the future of his plot.
71. This is a potentially lethal combination, but modern techniques help to safeguard us from those risks.
72. So we are determined to encourage a strong private rented sector while continuing to safeguard the rights of existing regulated tenants.
73. The next step is to safeguard these changes by formalizing patients' rights and encouraging the development of self-advocacy movements.
74. It will also allow employers to take steps to safeguard jobs and businesses.
75. There's a safeguard built into the tenancy agreement that says the landlord must give you three months' notice to quit.
76. It is an ambiguous term, with connotations from legal practice of employing a professional to safeguard one's interests.
77. Its mandate would include technology transfers and the encouragement of investment in projects which would enhance or safeguard the environment.
78. The pivotal safeguard in the Act is the new institution of custody officer.
79. Apart from these weaknesses, the Government has seen fit to deny an additional safeguard which might have been presumed to operate.
80. Repression is self-evidently a defensive procedure, designed to obliterate any trace of the repressed material and to safeguard against its return.
81. Without such a safeguard, a small group of ill-informed or zealous officers from either side could start a full-scale nuclear war.
82. Anti-virus software is a simple safeguard that many computer users have not bothered to install.
83. Gorbachev had stressed the urgency of creating the new presidential system in order to safeguard democratization and perestroika.
84. A much more elegant method is to re-program the computer's operating system to remove the safeguard.
85. I'd tried to safeguard myself by worming my way into her heart and confidences.
86. The International Trademark Association argued that this safeguard is essential to keep order in the online world.
87. Is there anything I can do to safeguard against this?
88. These measures are an important extension of consumers' rights and some safeguard of individual liberty.
89. He believed that his views alone provided a safeguard against Antinomianism.
90. The camera monitoring began last September in an attempt to safeguard the ancient monument.
91. They are an asset we can safeguard through open, honest communications.
92. You can help by joining the Research Defence Society and supporting our work to safeguard the future of biological and medical research.
93. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. George Orwell 
94. Leaving Googol to safeguard their equipment, he had hurried with Grimm to the station to meet up with Meh'Lindi.
95. How able or willing have the courts been to safeguard prisoners' interests when conditions under the Act become intolerable?
96. Voice over As an extra safeguard, the Commission has agreed a code of conduct for cyclists.
97. All three of these writers introduce low comedy as a safeguard against the fiction claiming the status of high art.
98. The statutory responsibilities to safeguard the welfare of the community and children in particular often involves recourse to the courts.
99. They take as their guiding principle that they will safeguard this right. 37.
100. Drinking is a safeguard, but huge amounts of water may overwhelm the gastrointestinal tract, causing cramps, bloating, nausea.
101. They had to submit to authority, renouncing some of their privileges in order to safeguard others.
102. Together, these developments are expected to create or safeguard up to 1,200 jobs.
103. The Government said it would widen choice for viewers and listeners, safeguard quality programming and bring greater competition and efficiency.
104. Unless we fight pollution now, we cannot safeguard our children's future.
105. This safeguard is required in the analogous area of executive claims of privilege for secrets of state.
106. Right knowledge was a necessary safeguard against the immorality and perversion which stemmed from ignorance.
107. Doughty would admit that in order to safeguard the welfare state income tax would have to go up.
108. Competition in the market was the built-in safeguard against too much accumulation by an individual.
109. Jermyn will hold the information as a personal safeguard for himself against Harold, whom he now hates.
110. Doctors and other health experts consider it wise to safeguard infants by giving supplementary vitamins.
111. A propagator can also be used to safeguard tender plants from frost.
112. This will safeguard against the student acquiring bad habits in these features of pronunciation.
113. Take out legal weapon, will safeguard oneself lawful commonweal.
114. This agreement will safeguard the newspapers from government interference.
115. to safeguard a person's interests.
116. This fully reflects the special safeguard measures discriminatory.
117. To stop armed subversion and safeguard social stability.
118. The software safeguard advices have characteristic of celerity, facility and inexpensiveness as compared with tradition safeguard advices . It will be ...
119. The problem was to safeguard sites from encroachment by property development.
120. To safeguard the interests of the JV Company and to maximise financial benefit where possible.
121. Do SEO, everyday basic it is reduplicative does reduplicative thing, analytic data, arrange data, website to safeguard etc.
122. What I can tell you is that it is completely normal and justified for the Chinese Government to engage in law enforcement activities to safeguard its rights within its own Exclusive Economic Zone.
123. Since his 2005 election, Benedict has stressed the need to safeguard the environment in several homilies and in his encyclical writings, leading some to dub him the "Green Pope."
124. While US imposed special safeguard sanctions on China last week, Chinese government declared immediately in the weekend to apply import restriction on American chicken and automotive production.
125. In the strenuous world it is the only safeguard of the flippant.
126. More importantly, do you know how these rules work to safeguard data integrity when DML operations are performed against tables that are related?
127. The way to safeguard your security is to cease your oppression and its impact on our nation, most importantly your withdrawal from the ill-fated Bush war in Afghanistan.
128. In order to safeguard the trust interests between the stockholders, the company law entitles the stockholders preemptive right.
129. It appears the characteristics of safeguard, compulsion, exclusiveness and mutual - aid.
130. Aiming at main zoology problem existed exploitation in coal mine area, this paper brought forward some technical safeguard and managing countermeasure corresponding.
131. Nationalist leader Ronald Ngala told the conference that "the best form of safeguard for all races in Kenya was a Bill of Rights enforced by an independent judiciary."
132. Safeguard from simple machine oneself can make more sophisticated shoemaking machine now.
133. The object is to safeguard continuity of supply by removing each disturbance before it leads to widespread loss of synchronism , which would necessitate the shutting down of plant.
134. Software and data's safeguard measure should strengthen cryptogram verify, purview control, graphics technique and data encrypt technique.
135. Jan Liman does not know how to safeguard the future of Meblat, his Warsaw-based kitchen furniture company. He has good sources of timber and plenty of orders.
136. Secondly, it introduces the law safeguard of our country, including domestic law and law of nations two aspects. At last it introduces the practice of overseas investment insurance in our country.
137. But when you define RI constraints, keep in mind that there are rules in place to safeguard data integrity when DML operations are performed against related tables.
138. The mental hygiene legal regime lacks, the national psychologically healthy lacks the safeguard, after the disaster the psychological intervention aspect has not made the explicit legal rule.
139. "Our sole military goal is to safeguard the people of southern Irael so that one million people no longer have to be on the receiving end of Hamas rockets, " said Regev.
140. It insulates heat by air. The low temperature of furnace body, confect creepage safeguard equipment , makes sure security.
141. The safeguard project of person accident injury insurance has 4: One of, die to pay.
142. The first part is the general theory of safeguard clause and voluntary restraints.
143. Using the preparation to control medicinal plant diseases provides a technical safeguard for the good agricultural practice of medicinal plants.
144. A strong effort to safeguard world peace and stability, China will not pose a threat to any country.
145. The government said on Friday it would activate a "safeguard clause" in European law to suspend the commercial use of MON 810, a maize developed by U.S. biotech giant Monsanto.
146. Article 6 In conducting special audit investigations, auditors shall safeguard state secrets and trade secrets of the investigated bodies in accordance with the law.
147. International agreements to limit tariffs, built over the post-war decades, are a safeguard against all-out tariff wars.
148. They also feature thermal overload protection to safeguard the motor from extreme temperatures.
149. The new law constitutes a safeguard against the abuse of government power.
150. In the system reliability design safeguard aspect , fall volume design, redundancy design , fault-tolerant design as well as reliability verification test and so on measure are introduced.
151. The law meets the conditions for the use of nuclear technology set out in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and in the International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) safeguard guide.
152. And they will have to strengthen the IMF as their ultimate safeguard.
153. Every one of us has a "safeguard" within our system that will prevent us from bringing in more frequency than what our bio-systems can safely hold at any given time.
154. The software and hardware architecture of the emergency and safeguard system for the launching site is established, including the data,(http:///safeguard.html) function description and input and output of it.
155. Accordingly, stimulative economy grows, perfect income allocates mechanism and delay of system of lowermost life safeguard.
156. Its leaves are characterized with cutin, density glandular hair, and the stoma is composed with two kidney-shaped safeguard cells and two hook convoy cells, which effectively control the evaporation.
157. Cannot. Must deal with to branch of apanage labor safeguard first " labor manual " .
158. How to deal with and effective treatment mass monitoring information, to guard against and dissolve the grid operating risks and safeguard the safe operation of the power grid.
159. China stands ready to make concerted efforts with all relevant parties to implement the DOC and safeguard peace and stability of the South China Sea in real earnest.
160. Because is the manual record, through transmits, the accuracy and timeliness cannot obtain the safeguard.
161. We have taken measures to safeguard our city from air attack.
162. Feudal ruler to safeguard oneself regnant, all along is strive is most person fasten on land, make its defend devoir to the ground is produced and live each.
163. And here the confusion arises—only the integrity of the analyst and of the analytic situation can safeguard from extinction the unique dialogue between analysand and analyst.
164. It is structured by the scientific controlling system, organize implementing system, information feedback system, appraisal and motivating system, safeguard system and so on.
165. The effective approach to resolve mine disasters is by next ways: mining rights should be owned only by vendue and the implement of mining rights should be safeguard by cruel torture and severe law.
166. How to safeguard the behoof of the victim becomes the topic that people concern very much .
167. The judiciary is the safeguard of our liberty and of our property under the constitution.
168. The United Nations Peacekeeping Operation(UNPKO) is the most important and successful approach to safeguard world peace and security.
169. Various factors leading to the reactor failure were analyzed and discussed and safeguard of hot-wall hydroprocessing reactor was explored in respect of production management.
170. As a safeguard Sultan ceded Rembau and Linggi to the Dutch.
171. Such arrival outside organizing software to be able to strict safeguard prevents gets good mail call-board the address of the person that register.
172. Safeguard in civil law concerning right of status, includes three ways that are right to petition endowing to the obligee of status, litigant right of confirmation and right of action of formation.
173. This biased organization seeks to undermine the achievement of a vital national security interest that more than one thousand Americans have already given their lives to safeguard.
174. Emergency Safeguard Measures ( ESM ) as an issue of GATS is in hard negotiation.
175. Protected Storage helps safeguard data you want to keep private. These details show which program is attempting to access data in your Protected Storage.
176. Is educated to the agricultural laborer the power safeguard main existence consciousness, the system and the management aspect barrier.
177. Additionally, EMC EFDs safeguard data with full round-trip error correcting code (ECC) data integrity protection and destage power backup.
178. Unemployed insurance and system of safeguard of townsman lowest life coordinate each other.
179. The article explains the glaucomatous definition from the five positions:intraocular pressure, fundus, visual field, the damage of glaucomatous opticus and the safeguard of opticus.
180. Furthermore, the author put forwards some other safeguard procedures such as mortgage loan becoming securities on.
181. This might compel the government to reduce the duty on vegetable oils in the near future to safeguard consumer interests.
182. The government legal system organization takes the legal system work the carrier, provides the formidable system safeguard for the government administration according to law.
183. The method to improve tin sulfate solution deep-electroplate, solution safeguard and notice in manufacture etc. are narrated.
184. On one side is the European Central Bank, which is spending billions to prop up Europe's weak-kneed bond markets and safeguard the common currency.
185. The principle of Res judicata is one of the fundamental rules and values, and is also the ultimate safeguard for the judicial power to be the supreme mechanism to solve the social disorders.
186. As a further safeguard of the popular interest, progressives championed the recall.
187. Quite frankly, Password Safeguard can considerably simplify your work with the Internet and usual Windows applications. It can auto fill web pages, registration forms, login windows, etc.
188. The Egyptian Industrial Union and the Ministry of Industry has asked the Ministry of Finance to take measures to safeguard domestic industries.
189. Sodium tert-butoxide is an important organic base used for pesticide and pharmacology. This paper introduced its synthetic method, physico-chemical property and safeguard in the productive process.
190. Article 4 The State shall institute a uniform system of foreign trade and safeguard a fair and free foreign trade order in accordance with law.
191. Because mature individual credIt'system is OK, safeguard the on the rails the market trades.
192. In order to punish crimes of injury to credit rights and safeguard the credit rights, accusation and facts about the crime as...
193. Safeguard of legal, infiltration of religion, deposit of consuetude , edification of family, affect of peers and development of the mass media all have great influence on children's moral acquisition.
194. This text focus on the legal consideration of improving the rural medical treatment safeguard system of our country.
195. Safeguard workers right are th fundamental principis about society labour legislation.
196. In China, the foundation of industry is weak, techniques of production is laggard, and the safeguard of sanitation is bad, so the dangerous factors of industrial disease exist universally.
197. They also uphold the unity of our ethnic groups and our nation, and are able to consciously safeguard the interests of the nation, which reflects their good sense of civic responsibility.
198. As one of the three largest natural rights, the right of life contains not only the life safeguard and justice protection but also the life interest control.
199. We properly use the safeguard and public return circuit in electrical equipment and we can avoid the accident to get an electric shock and guarantee the property and personal safety.
200. Combine the limestone rock body characteristic of mountain area , we have analyzed the corresponding side slope safeguard procedures.
201. Fourthly , the enforcement of foreign exchange regulations has been intensified to safeguard the RMB exchange rate stability and the balance of international payments.
202. Procuratorial organs should focus their attention on supervising administrative action to safeguard public interest.
203. Therefore, in order to safeguard the social democracy modernization, the police are necessary to achieve modernization.
204. Trade union is established to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees, and safeguarding rights is considered as legal duty for it.
205. At present, domestic shipping industry is under booming state, but river and marine hull insurance as shipping industry safeguard runs difficultly, due to the high loss ratio.
206. Intellective capital development is 21 centuries knowledge enterprise continuously the important safeguard that health grows.
207. In order to guarantee judicial authority, raise litigious benefits and safeguard human rights, it is obviously important to emphasize the study of res judicata theory of criminal judgments.




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