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单词 Having
1 Never embark on what comes after without having mastered what goes before. 
2 Of saving, comes having.
3 There is more trouble in having nothing to do than in having much to do. 
4 From saving comes having.
5 We're having an oral test this week.
6 We didn't reckon for having such bad weather.
7 The doctor is quite definite about Tom having measles.
8 She hotly denied having taken the money.
9 He keeps griping about having no money.
10 He flatly denied ever having met the woman.
11 I felt degraded by having to ask for money.
12 He is having a sandwich triangle.
13 I half regretted having left the work unfinished.
14 For a moment I thought I was having hallucinations.
15 She was used to having her orders instantly obeyed.
16 I resented having to work such long hours.
17 We're having a track and field meet.
18 She is having trouble with her teeth.
19 We've been having trouble getting staff.
20 How about having a cup of tea?
21 Having my family around me means happiness to me.
22 He's in hospital after having a coronary last week.
23 I'm tired of having to pretend all the time.
24 The soldiers were diagnosed as having flu.
25 She's been having a tough time of it lately.
26 Having children gave her a broader outlook on life.
27 The left wing,having deployed into line,began to advance.
28 It was so embarrassing having to sing in public.
29 I'm having a really bad day.
30 I've been having a few problems with my car.
1 I half regretted having left the work unfinished.
2 For a moment I thought I was having hallucinations.
3 We're having a track and field meet.
4 I'm tired of having to pretend all the time.
5 The soldiers were diagnosed as having flu.
6 The left wing,having deployed into line,began to advance.
7 He's tied down by having to work every Saturday.
8 Having worked for a whole day,the secretary looked harassed.
9 She is fortunate in having such a kind husband.
10 They're having a relatively small wedding.
11 That's your new car? You're having me on!
12 The country is having a great boom in industry.
13 It's common gossip that they're having an affair.
14 The shoe shop is having a sale this week.
15 I'm having the carpets fitted today.
16 Matthew was wrongly diagnosed as having a brain tumour.
17 She accuses me of having blocked out the past.
18 The association is having its annual conference next week.
19 We were having such a good time that we decided to prolong our stay by another week.
20 She won't relish having to do the household chores every day.
21 He's a habitual smoker--he always has a cigarette while having dinner.
22 For women, the "biological clock" governs the time for having children.
23 The minister confessed to having experimented with cannabis in her youth.
24 They haven't been given these rights for eternity - they should justify having them just like most other people have to.
25 The company was publicly rebuked for having neglected safety procedures.
26 Frank didn't like having the cops know where to find him.
27 We're having a party on Saturday. Would you like to come?
28 She is now a senior executive having worked her way up through the company.
29 Having bought the house, they couldn't afford to furnish it.
30 Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to promote products.
31 Happiness is about having each tiny wish come ture.
32 They were having breakfast when I arrived.
33 The children are having a frolic before bedtime.
34 Physical fitness is having a healthy body.
35 She's having a tattoo done on her leg.
36 He bitterly regretted ever having mentioned it.
37 Having the children had made his life more liveable.
38 I'm giving/having/holding a party next Saturday night.
39 You're not having much luck today(/having.html), are you?
40 He's tied down by having to work every Saturday.
41 Having a kid is a 24/7 job.
42 She was super when I was having problems.
43 Love means never having to say you are sorry.
44 He grudgingly acknowledged having made a mistake.
45 Many conscripts resent having to do their military service.
46 The children were having fun, chasing each other's shadows.
47 I enjoy having time to myself.
48 We accused him of having neglected his duty.
49 I hate having to make snap judgements.
50 Having worked for a whole day(),the secretary looked harassed.
51 She is fortunate in having such a kind husband.
52 I was fortunate to have/in having a good teacher.
53 We are both somewhat ambivalent about having a child.
54 They're having a relatively small wedding.
55 Happiness is about having each tiny wish come true.
56 That's your new car? You're having me on!
57 The pleasure of not having to work quickly palled.
58 She was absolutely furious at having been deceived.
59 The country is having a great boom in industry.
60 He became acutely conscious of having failed his parents.
31 It's almost 15 years old. It isn't worth having it repaired.
32 Women who put off having a baby often make the best mothers.
33 Having a car in the city might prove a hindrance.
34 Don't slosh too much water on the floor when you're having a bath.
35 It's only common courtesy to tell the neighbours that we'll be having a party .
36 I'm having extreme difficulty in not losing my temper with her.
37 He was accusing my mum of having an affair with another man.
38 He returned to Britain in 1939, having resided abroad for many years.
39 Having to pay out unexpectedly for car repairs made a big hole in my savings.
40 Having a secretary frees me up to work on other things.
41 They were insistent on having a contract for the work.
42 Not content with having upset my parents, he then insulted my sister!
43 My parents are always on at us about having a baby.
44 Both major political parties are having to rethink their policies.
45 His two main rivals suffer the disadvantage of having been long-term political exiles.
46 He was having to whisper in order to avoid being overheard by their nosy neighbours.
47 We're having a meeting to try to come up with ideas for fund-raising.
48 You should insure against loss of heat by having double glazing.
49 They forestalled any attempt to steal the jewels by having them moved to a safer place.
50 They were having an argument about whose turn it was to do the cooking.
51 We'll have to get some food in for the weekend if we're having visitors.
52 Having overpaid the bills, I had a balance of credit in my card.
53 You should ensure against loss of heat by having double glazing.
54 We were faced with the awful reality of having nowhere to live.
55 Japan is in the enviable position of having a budget surplus.
56 She hired a detective to find out if her husband was having an affair.
57 He witnessed to having seen the accused kill the boy.
58 Naomi admits that it was peer pressure to be "cool" that drove her into having sex early.
61 We're having difficulty recruiting enough qualified staff.
62 I loathe having to go to these conferences.
63 I can't bear having cats in the house.
64 The class are doing/having a spelling test today.
65 The Director is currently having talks in the USA.
66 She was diagnosed as having brittle bones.
67 It's common gossip that they're having an affair.
68 The shoe shop is having a sale this week.
69 I'm having the carpets fitted today.
70 They arrived while we were having dinner.
71 I'm having my hair cut this afternoon.
72 How about having dinner with me?
73 We're having rather cold weather for June.
74 Matthew was wrongly diagnosed as having a brain tumour.
75 We're having trouble with our new car.
76 She accuses me of having blocked out the past.
77 The association is having its annual conference next week.
78 We were having such a good time that we decided to prolong our stay by another week.
79 He misses not having enough books because he's an avid reader.
80 I found it a strain having to concentrate for so long.
81 She won't relish having to do the household chores every day.
82 We all like having you as our teacher. You have our respect and gratefulness.
83 The Government deserves our wholehearted support for having taken a step in this direction.
84 She showed her elation at having finally achieved her ambition.
85 We're having new locks fitted on all the doors of the classrooms.
86 Each of them having their own room was the logical solution.
87 He's a habitual smoker--he always has a cigarette while having dinner.
88 It's an awful nuisance having builders in the house all day.
89 For women(), the "biological clock" governs the time for having children.
90 He accused foreign nations of having a hidden agenda to harm French influence.
91 The minister confessed to having experimented with cannabis in her youth.
92 They haven't been given these rights for eternity - they should justify having them just like most other people have to.
93 The company was publicly rebuked for having neglected safety procedures.
94 Having my car stolen really taught me a lesson - I'll never leave it unlocked again.
95 Having heard the notice, the reporters all squeezed into the hall.
96 Having my mother living with us causes friction at home.
97 Frank didn't like having the cops know where to find him.
98 We're having a party on Saturday. Would you like to come?
99 Having arrived unannounced for supper, we had to take potluck.
99 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
100 She is exuberating in the knowledge of having contributed to victory.
101 The government is having to introduce some difficult changes, particularly in moving over to a market economy.
102 She is now a senior executive having worked her way up through the company.
103 Having children can often unbalance even the closest of relationships.
104 The accounts department is/are having a Christmas party this week.
105 Having bought the house, they couldn't afford to furnish it.
106 Are you having a sit - down meal or a buffet at the wedding?
107 Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to promote products.
108 It's almost 15 years old. It isn't worth having it repaired.
109 He is accredited with having first introduced this word into the language.
110 Women who put off having a baby often make the best mothers.
111 She outgrew her clothes so rapidly that Patsy was always having to buy new ones.
112 I'm having doubts about his ability to do the job.
113 It's so annoying having to drag out the sewing machine every time I want to make a dress.
114 These events left her on the verge of having a nervous breakdown.
115 They were subjected to various indignities and discomforts, including having to get dressed and undressed in public.
116 The local authority could find itself in the invidious position of having to refuse.
117 All seeds only come to life once having been buried.
118 He was attacked for having put his signature to the deal.
119 We're having a lottery to raise money for homeless families.
120 With love to my wife.I'm grateful for having you always by my side.To know I have your love means more than words can tell.To know you are happy makes me very happy too. You're my everything.Happy birthday with all my love and best wishes.
121 Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough. Oprah Winfrey 
122 When the options are unemployment or a boring job, having babies can seem like the only means of self-fulfilment.
123 The strikers were being unreasonable in their demands, having rejected the deal two weeks ago.
124 It's a hassle having to travel with so many bags.
125 You are such a talented and smart member of our team and we are truly grateful of having you. Though, you decide to walk an extra mile we are always here to support you. We just wish you more success on your new endeavor. Thank you because the way you motivate us is something remarkable.
126 The nurse was having trouble finding a vein in his arm.
127 Having a car in the city might prove a hindrance.
128 To such poor people, the idea of having a choice of food is barely imaginable.
129 They were not having a sexual relationship at the time.
130 I prefer having your accompanying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness.
131 Most of people are looking forward the crystal-like love—pure without any defect. However the truth is most people are having the glass-like love.
132 Don't slosh too much water on the floor when you're having a bath.
133 It's not having what you want. It's wanting what you've got.
134 The king was regarded as having been a enlightened despot.
135 It's only common courtesy to tell the neighbours that we'll be having a party .
136 Having reached the final, the British have come a cropper against the more experienced German team.
137 Not having to get up early is just one of the perks of being retired.
138 It was common gossip that they were having an affair.
139 Happiness was an emotion that Reynolds was having to relearn.
140 I'm having extreme difficulty in not losing my temper with her.
141 He was accusing my mum of having an affair with another man.
142 I am having a skin graft on my arm soon.
143 He returned to Britain in 1939, having resided abroad for many years.
144 Many people are now having trouble making their monthly house payments.
145 You can insulate a house against heat loss by having the windows double-glazed.
146 Unfounded rumours began circulating that Ian and Susan were having an affair.
147 Oil spills are having a devastating effect on coral reefs in the ocean.
148 Being simple is not settling for less, it is being satisfied with having just enough. Having enough is not longing for more, it is being content with having you by my side.
149 Several pupils were designated as having moderate or severe learning difficulties.
150 There is no inherent virtue in having read all the latest books.
151 Having to pay out unexpectedly for car repairs made a big hole in my savings.
152 Having to wait hours came high on the list of complaints.
153 The business has expanded from having one office to having twelve.
154 We are having difficulty in firing up the ship's engines.
155 Having a secretary frees me up to work on other things.
156 They were insistent on having a contract for the work.
157 Not content with having upset my parents, he then insulted my sister!
158 We're having a lot of trouble with the new computer system.
159 My parents are always on at us about having a baby.
159 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
160 A friend of his is having a do in Stoke.
161 Exercise is the only way to get a flat stomach after having a baby.
162 People are having to move to other areas in pursuit of work.
163 The boys didn't mean any harm they were only having a lark.
164 Both major political parties are having to rethink their policies.
165 His two main rivals suffer the disadvantage of having been long-term political exiles.
166 The worst part of life is waiting. The best part of life is having someone worth waiting for.
167 He was having to whisper in order to avoid being overheard by their nosy neighbours.
168 They accused him of having a prejudice against his women employees.
169 Having a calm smile to face with being disdained indicates kind of confidence.
170 All this fuss is because Carol is having a bad hair day.
171 Gorillas, chimpanzees and gibbons are all anthropoid apes, having long arms, no tails and highly developed brains.
172 We're having a meeting to try to come up with ideas for fund-raising.
173 There's no point having wishes if you don't at least try to do them.
174 You should insure against loss of heat by having double glazing.
175 He told us some cock-and-bull story about having lost all his money.
176 They forestalled any attempt to steal the jewels by having them moved to a safer place.
177 They were having an argument about whose turn it was to do the cooking.
178 Having that little bit of time to myself is what keeps me sane.
179 We'll have to get some food in for the weekend if we're having visitors.
180 Allow me to congratulate you with all my best wishes upon your having reached your sixtieth birthday.May you live a long,healthy and joyful life.
181 He was filled with remorse for having refused to visit his dying father.
182 Having overpaid the bills, I had a balance of credit in my card.
183 He studied metallurgy as a mature student, having spent ten years working in a foundry.
184 He confessed to sleeping/having slept through most of the film.
185 You should ensure against loss of heat by having double glazing.
186 We were faced with the awful reality of having nowhere to live.
187 I have enough complication in my life without having to look after your sick pets!
188 Congratulations upon having received your Doctorate in Philosophy.I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part, and it is an achievement you can well be proud of.I am sure, from the fine record, that you will be equally successful in whatever career you pursue.
189 Japan is in the enviable position of having a budget surplus.
190 She hired a detective to find out if her husband was having an affair.
191 Be thankful for what you have.You'll end up having more.
192 Most of people are looking forward the crystal-like love-pure without any defect. However the truth is most people are having the glass-like love-same transparent but easily broken.
193 I made up an excuse about having to look after the kids.
194 She was quite candid about the difficulties the government is having.
195 Just imagine all the problems we've been having(http://), multiplied a thousandfold.
196 We will be having New Year Party at Wang Ping's this year. You are welcome to join us!
197 The most fearful enemy is not having a firm conviction.
198 Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one's hand. It's about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love.
199 The company is having to cast around feverishly for ways to cut its costs.
200 He witnessed to having seen the accused kill the boy.
201 Naomi admits that it was peer pressure to be "cool" that drove her into having sex early.
202 She always keeps me up to date with the latest gossip - you know, so-and-so from down the road is having a baby and so-and-so's just bought a car.
203 He was arrested on suspicion of having stolen the money.
204 She's in a lather about having to speak to such a large crowd.
205 Some hospitals are so shorthanded that nurses and doctors are having to work twenty-hour shifts.
206 We're having a meeting next week to discuss the matter.
207 It's not easy having a relationship when you live at opposite ends of the country.
208 The torment of having her baby kidnapped is written all over her face.
209 I was just congratulating Ceri on winning/on having won her race.
210 You might as well take your father's car - there's no point in having it sit there unused in the garage.
211 We did not figure on having so many people at the picnic.
212 Having professionally made curtains can be costly, so why not make your own?
213 You should ensure yourself against loss of heat by having double glazing.
214 It's a real strain having to get up so early!
215 Having no children of their own they decided to adopt an orphan.
216 She doesn't like having her pronunciation corrected.
217 I'm having "John Law" engraved on the cap.
218 Having heard the sad news, he was overshaded.
219 If you're having a party, count me in.
220 It made a pleasant change not having to work.
221 My grandmother's having a hip replacement.
222 He was having his afternoon nap .
223 I repent having been so kind to her.
224 I'm having beans on toast for supper.
225 He boasted of having passed the examination.
226 He admitted to having taken the money.
227 I felt very foolish having to stand up and give a speech.
228 I told Tom that I was having an operation but ask him not to broadcast the fact.
229 I caught Roz having a giggle over some of Janet's awful poetry.
230 Have you ever thought about having sex with someone other than your husband?
231 I hate having builders botch up repairs on my house.
232 Living underground and having little use for eyes, moles are virtually blind.
233 I was afraid of having to tell my wife about what had happened, so I went to the pub to get some Dutch courage.
234 Having a new baby to look after has clipped her wings a bit.
235 He seemed a bit put out at not having been invited.
236 He was prosecuted for having sex with a girl who was under age.
237 Having the grandchildren around takes me back to the days when my own children were small.
238 It is ridiculous to suggest we are having a romance.
239 When the children are misbehaving, it makes me think again about having a large family.
240 Having children was the quickest way to lose your street cred.
241 He has been having a clandestine affair with his secretary for three years.
242 He accepted me as having seen the much of the world.
243 If you're not having fun, you're doing something wrong. Groucho Marx 
244 You have to go wholeheartedly into anything in order to achieve anything worth having. Frank Lloyd Wright 
245 Having been poor is no shame, but being ashamed of it, is. Benjamin Franklin 
246 A two-year old is kind of like having a blender, but you don't have a top for it. Jerry Seinfeld 
247 To die is poignantly bitter, but the idea of having to die without having lived is unbearable. Erich Fromm 
248 Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes. Mahatma Gandhi 
249 We cannot be sure of having something to live for unless we are willing to die for it. Che Guevara 
250 The best reason for having dreams is that in dreams no reasons are necessary. Ashleigh Brilliant 
251 Having someone wonder where you are when you don't come home at night is a very old human need. Margaret Mead 
252 If there is anything more annoying in the world than having people talk about you,() it is certainly having no one talk about you. Oscar Wilde 
253 Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants. Epictetus 
254 Wealth is not about having a lot of money; it's about having a lot of options. Chris Rock 
255 I enjoy waking up and not having to go to work. So I do it three or four times a day. Gene Perret 
256 You know what charm is: a way of getting the answer yes without having asked any clear question. Albert Camus 
257 Courage isn't having the strength to go on - it is going on when you don't have strength. Napoleon Bonaparte 
258 Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it. Colin Powell 
259 Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
260 The Christian has greatly the advantage of the unbeliever, having everything to gain and nothing to lose. Lord Byron 
261 Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving us wordy evidence of the fact. George Eliot 




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更新时间:2024/10/7 1:16:18