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单词 Queue
1. To what window are you standing in a queue?
2. How long were you in the queue?
3. I had to join a queue for the toilets.
4. Another 29,100 people have joined the dole queue.
5. There was a long queue at the post office.
6. Are you in the queue for tickets?
7. We stood in a queue for half an hour.
8. Please form an orderly queue.
9. I was before him in the queue.
10. There was a queue of traffic waiting to turn right.
11. By 7 o'clock a long queue had formed outside the cinema.
12. You'll have to join the housing queue.
13. First in the queue were two Japanese students.
14. The queue shuffled forward slowly.
15. The queue shuffled slowly forward.
16. I think you were before me in the queue.
16. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
17. You'll have to join the queue .
18. Season ticket holders do not have to queue.
19. He had to join the queue for the toilets.
20. Tourists queue in thousands to see the tomb.
21. Is this the queue for the bus?
22. I've lost my place in the queue.
23. Don't jump the queue?take your turn like everyone else!
24. She waited in the bus queue.
25. We tailed a long queue.
26. Her hair was pleated in a queue.
27. A queue forms outside Peter's study.
28. We had to queue for hours to get in.
29. We had to queue for tickets.
30. I craned my neck to see what was happening at the head of the queue.
1. To what window are you standing in a queue?
2. How long were you in the queue?
3. I had to join a queue for the toilets.
4. Another 29,100 people have joined the dole queue.
5. There was a long queue at the post office.
6. Are you in the queue for tickets?
7. We stood in a queue for half an hour.
8. Please form an orderly queue.
9. I was before him in the queue.
10. There was a queue of traffic waiting to turn right.
11. I craned my neck to see what was happening at the head of the queue.
12. By 10 o'clock a long queue had formed outside the bank.
13. He was stopped when he tried to cut in on the queue.
31. Please keep me a place in the queue.
32. The queue stretched for more than a mile.
33. He barged past me in the queue.
34. Make sure you join the queue inside the bank.
35. There was a long queue at the check-in desk.
36. School leavers were joining the dole queue every day.
37. We had to queue for ages at passport control.
38. The queue of prisoners shuffled towards the door.
39. I joined the end of the queue.
40. I had to queue for quite a while.
41. Queue here for a taxi.
42. I've been waiting in this queue for ages.
43. I was before/after you in the queue.
44. Form an orderly queue.
45. We all had to queue up for our ration books.
46. It took ages to get to the front of the queue.http://
47. We tacked ourselves to the end of a long movie queue.
48. I have to queue up for a bus every day.
49. The prince refused to jump the queue for treatment at the local hospital.
50. Queue here for taxis.
51. By 10 o'clock a long queue had formed outside the bank.
52. Manchester United would be at the front of a queue of potential buyers.
53. I almost missed my flight because there was a long queue in the duty-free shop.
54. It is possible to jump the queue if you are prepared to pay for your treatment.
55. A couple of boys pushed in at the head of the queue.
56. There was a queue of people waiting patiently for the bus to arrive.
57. I went to buy a newspaper and lost my place in the queue.
58. He was standing in front of her in the lunch queue, and they just got talking.
59. He was stopped when he tried to cut in on the queue.
60. Your print job has been sent to the network print queue.
61. There's a queue of companies wanting to sell the product.
62. As John approached at full tilt he saw a queue of traffic blocking the road.
63. There was a long queue of traffic stretching down the road.
64. We had to queue up for ages to get served.
65. She elbowed her way to the front of the queue.
66. I was waiting in the bus queue when two men pushed in in front of me.
67. There was a long queue to get into the cinema.
68. The queue for tickets snaked all the way around the block.
69. His car mounted the kerb and ploughed into a bus queue.
70. There was a long queue of troops outside the cookhouse tent.
71. She cursed her luck that she had had to queue for so long.
72. 'Do you mind?' she said, as he pushed into the queue in front of her.
73. We had to queue for three hours to get in.
74. Get to the end of the queue and wait your turn like everyone else.
75. As two factories closed today, 500 people joined the dole queue .
76. I beg your pardon. I think you were next in the queue.
76. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
77. A queue formed by the gates, and a policeman tried to move people along.
78. He's so impatient that waiting in a queue is sheer purgatory for him!
79. We had to queue up for an hour for the tickets.
80. I tried to keep my place in the queue, but they crowded me out.
81. A long queue had formed, snaking its way downstairs and out into the street.
82. The man was refusing to go to the back of the queue.
83. If you want tickets you'll have to join the queue.
84. It's ridiculous that we should have to queue, when we have already got our tickets.
85. The queue stretched the whole length of the High Street.
86. I watched as he got a tray and joined the queue.
87. She was at the head of the queue but I was at the tail end.
88. They arrived several hours early for the concert and staked out a place at the front of the queue.
89. More unemployed people are joining the dole queue each week.
90. The lorry's brakes failed, and it mowed down several people in the bus queue.
91. He went in and joined the queue for the toilets.
92. We could all be in the dole queue on Monday .
93. People had to stand in a queue for hours to buy a ticket.
94. At last we got to the front of the queue.
95. We were at the very end of the queue and so didn't manage to get any tickets.
96. When the doors opened she barged her way to the front of the queue.
97. Maggie joined the short queue in front of him.
98. It's like a queue for a soup kitchen.
99. They'd all queue up-excited, mistrustful or just plain scared.
100. The queue moves slowly, because of security checks.
101. It's because I didn't join the queue.
102. Excuse me, are you in the queue?
103. You don't have to queue up at passport control.
104. It says a long queue is forming.
105. There was a peacock there, stampeded by the queue.
106. You have not specified the batch queue correctly.
107. Dragged off the dole queue and hating every minute.
108. The worse things got the longer became the queue.
109. Other passengers for the train were forming a queue.
110. We can not jump the queue.
111. I joined the queue for a taxi.
112. They may not face the dreaded inner-city bureau queue but the less frequent presentation of serious enquiries makes training slower.
113. Queue up trellises rather than bushes to divide a garden into sections or to provide privacy.
114. After the show,[] there was a queue to buy the clothes and last year's total was doubled.
115. By this time there was a queue of impatient customers waiting to be served.
116. Not to mention the crack with their cronies as they queue for their lolly.
117. They formed a queue outside the cinema, pockets of greasy overcoats and grubby kaftans bulging with flagons.
118. The purpose of the simulation is to estimate mean vehicle queue lengths and delays for various vehicle densities and train frequencies.
119. The Jaguar came to the front of the queue at 10.10.
120. Since the Laseraze service was launched just three months, women have far outnumbered men in the queue for treatment.
121. Liverpool was taking a beating, and rumours were free for the asking on every street corner and in every food queue.
122. Why stand in a bus queue or sit in a traffic jam when you can walk almost as quickly?
123. I turned into a gentle left hand bend, saw a queue of cars ahead and hit the brake.
124. A queue of men were standing outside, soberly reporting for duty.
125. Stewart had filled in the V62 form while standing in the queue moments before staging the hold-up, the jury heard.
126. Leaving work and consigning yourself to the dole queue is obviously risky.
127. At the bus stop the breath of the queue is like a row of factory chimneys.
128. The queue for the exhibition of 1968 stretched right out into the street and round a corner.
129. A juggler was entertaining a theatre queue, turning an orange, a book and a saucepan in an incongruous circle.
130. Rayleen helped too, or rather her uniform did, giving us a pseudo-official status which meant we could jump the queue.
131. The other people in the queue had obviously been waiting longer than I and were moaning and groaning.
132. If a larger bird is low in the queue, why does it not displace the bird at the head?
133. Although her descent down the steep incline took several minutes, the queue at the foot remained motionless.
134. Treachery from a party gearing up below White Slab - only to sneak on to Great/Bow ahead of the queue.
135. Everyone used to fight to get to the front of the queue, as that way you usually got better portions.
136. Such old-boy networks were one way of jumping the promotion queue, of obtaining sponsorship.
136. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
137. Get a move on, you two! You're holding up the whole queue!
138. Armed with a fistful of papers you now have to join the queue to fetch the elusive gadget.
139. They had travelled to Berlin merely in order to join the queue of refugees trying to get home.
140. Expect to queue and don't expect to finger at peak times.
141. To clear this last hurdle I was forced to queue up outside a shed with a number of soldiers.
142. The hostess of the coffee place thought they were waiting for a table and corrected them for not standing in the queue.
143. In reality, he was allowing the guy second in the queue to get a good head start while chatting her up.
144. Finally she lurched away from the luggage queue, swinging gear on to a processing table to be inspected by a rigid agent.
145. I hurried off the tramcar with my luggage and approached the queue.
146. They could not buy tickets in advance, so they queue like docile cattle.
147. Outright batsmen joined the queue, and the supposedly slow bowlers were marking out what looked like suspiciously long run-ups.
148. We have all felt the howling wind of that great communal sigh which emanates from the queue behind you.
149. A small queue formed in the dusty street outside our office doors to ask for the scientist's address.
150. She pushed open the glass door, muttered good morning, and took her place in the queue.
151. The monthly publication of the unemployment figures provides a depressing barometer of the dole queue.
152. Granny was a galleon in the queue of our boys, glowing and clucking.
153. Option R, Rush Print Job, lets you move a document to next in line in the print queue.
154. While ordinary citizens had to wait months to get hospital treatment, government officials were able to jump the queue.
155. The queue in front of the bank hasn't budged since the beginning of June, and it's a very long queue.
156. Kylesku was notorious, and approaching cars raced to be in the front of the queue to avoid a frustrating wait.
157. You have not included the name of the batch queue in the command line.
158. Why not save money - and jump the queue today.
159. The jobless queue is getting perilously close to the 4m mark.
160. Secondary school classes have also grown, with more pupils staying on rather than face the dole queue.
161. We walked straight to the head of the queue and helped ourselves from a huge cauldron which was steaming on top of an oven.
162. Well-if I wanted to join the queue to sign on for work, I needed an address first.
163. Credit-checking agencies, credit-card processors and other heavy telecoms users have been at the front of the queue.
164. I took a tramcar a second time; when it stopped I saw a long queue of mostly Black men.
165. Asylum seekers, with tales of torture, rape and solitary confinement, can go to the end of the queue.
166. I'd stand in the lunch queue at school in my pegs while everyone else was in these horrible big flares.
166. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
167. Chapter eight Delia Sutherland stood in the immigration queue at Nassau Airport.
168. He had brought no money, so he was not allowed to join the untidy crocodile of children forming the dinner queue.
169. Can you tell the people at the back of the queue to stop pushing!
170. The queue shuffled into a blind spot between two viewports.
171. Now I make enough money to pay others to help at home and queue for me.
172. Outside the site offices local people queue for jobs that were promised to each family.
173. We stood in the customs queue, grasping passports in sweaty palms.
174. Edward Woodward is the latest star to join the queue for the confessional.
175. Why does not he admit that since last year's Budget more than 500,000 people have been added to the dole queue?
176. An orderly queue was formed, stretching throughout the corridors of Hardside and out on to the rugby pitches.
177. Little chills ran up and down her spine, as she waited in the queue for her lunch.
178. On every street corner a newspaper billboard proclaimed it, in every soup kitchen queue people discussed it.
179. Cars stack up behind every bus, while passengers queue to pay their fares.
180. Can you believe they make him wait in the queue, just like everybody else?
181. I signed more pieces of paper and went downstairs to join the queue outside the clothing store.
182. Who cares about the possible queue a week next putative Saturday at the Gatwick guichet?
183. The car queue is not long and I am excited by the welcoming signs in Gaelic.
184. The meal queue winds its way around the upper deck between trunks, sacks of salt and dozing traders.
185. He stayed in the shadows as he passed the House of Mirrors with its queue stretching outside, everyone jostling for position.
186. Even then the queue for the gig stretched around the block.
187. The puerto Rican mass murderer was letting off a pump-action shotgun into a bus queue in downtown Los Angeles.
188. This Job Control file is sent to the batch queue by the SUBMIT-JOB command as described above.
189. A plot queue management system for batch processing organises plotting by media types or for scheduling large plot jobs during off hours.
190. My official uniform meant that we could jump the queue.
191. So here's the proof that not all one-miss blunders end up on the dole queue.
192. Behind him was a long queue of angry motorists.
193. Single parents got priority in the housing queue.
194. There was a permanent 20-yard queue for the portable toilets.
195. Old nun asks the child, you why jump the queue?
196. The queue for places at the school has never been longer.
197. Robinovitz pushed past the queue jamming the passageway outside the infirmary.
198. There was still a queue for tickets on the night.
199. These technologies involve congestion control and avoidance 、 queue management and RTP protocol.
199. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
200. In DPPX, a queue in the printer - sharing environment.
201. Overriding queue check for setting mode from [ % s ] to [ % s ].




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