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单词 Spilled
1. The milk is spilled.
2. I spilled the juice while I was pouring it.
3. The words spilled out in a rush.
4. All the shopping had spilled out of my bag.
5. The bag split, and sugar spilled everywhere.
6. Her long blond hair spilled down over her shoulders.
7. Katie almost spilled her milk.
8. All his resentment spilled out.
9. Toxic chemicals were spilled into the river.
10. Water had spilled out of the bucket onto the floor.
11. Josh had an accident and spilled water all over his work.
12. He cursed the waiter who had spilled soup on him.
13. Thousands of gallons of crude oil were spilled into the ocean.
14. The contents of his bag spilled all over the floor.
15. I spilled my coffee all over the table and Mom leaned across me to wipe it up.
16. I spilled the beans.
17. In her hurry she stumbled and spilled the milk all over the floor.
18. The waiter spilled wine on the carpet but there was no harm done.
19. His hair spilled in curls over his forehead.
20. The ship spilled oil while in port.
21. The floor's still sticky where I spilled the juice.
22. You've spilled juice all down your front!
22. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
23. The morning light spilled into the room.
24. He always spilled the drinks.
25. I hastily wiped up the milk I had spilled.
26. I accidentally spilled my drink all over him.
27. She spilled a jug of water.
28. Her emotions suddenly spilled over.
29. Hundreds of tons of oil spilled into the sea.
30. I spilled coffee down my front.
1. I spilled the juice while I was pouring it.
2. The words spilled out in a rush.
3. All the shopping had spilled out of my bag.
4. The bag split, and sugar spilled everywhere.
5. Her long blond hair spilled down over her shoulders.
6. Katie almost spilled her milk.
7. All his resentment spilled out.
8. Toxic chemicals were spilled into the river.
9. Water had spilled out of the bucket onto the floor.
10. Josh had an accident and spilled water all over his work.
11. Thousands of gallons of crude oil were spilled into the ocean.
12. The contents of his bag spilled all over the floor.
13. I spilled my coffee all over the table and Mom leaned across me to wipe it up.
14. I spilled the beans.
15. In her hurry she stumbled and spilled the milk all over the floor.
16. The waiter spilled wine on the carpet but there was no harm done.
17. I accidentally spilled my drink all over him.
18. His anger spilled out like lava.
19. The carriage upset and we were all spilled into the ditch.
20. When spilled into the sea, oil can be toxic to marine plants and animals.
31. He has spilled his guts in his new autobiography.
32. Who has spilt/spilled the milk?
33. His anger spilled out like lava.
34. You've spilled something down your shirt front.
35. He spilled it that Bill was their ringleader.
36. The enthusiasm of the protest spilled over into violence.
37. 70,000 tonnes of oil spilled from the tanker.
38. Light spilled from the windows.
39. The doors opened and people spilled into the street.
40. Fortunately, Julie saw the funny side when I spilled coffee on her.
41. You haven't spilled your coffee again! I can't take you anywhere!
42. The carriage upset and we were all spilled into the ditch.
43. The contents of the truck spilled out across the road.
44. I listened quietly as she spilled out all her anger and despair.
45. The lid popped open and juice spilled all over the floor.
46. She filled the glass so full that the water spilled over.
47. You'd better wipe up that coffee you spilled on the carpet before it sinks in.
48. You stupid jerk! You've just spilled beer all down my new shirt!
49. Crowds of football fans spilled onto the field at the end of the game.
50. A group of raucous students spilled out of the bar.
51. We were trying to keep it a secret from Pete, but Portia spilled the beans.
52. The top of the box fitted badly and some of the contents had spilled out.
53. When he started to speak,[http:///spilled.html] the words just spilled out.
54. The salvage teams are already hard at work trying to deal with the spilled oil.
55. He slipped and the wine spilled all over the carpet.
56. When he set his glass down he spilled a little drink.
57. When spilled into the sea, oil can be toxic to marine plants and animals.
58. A damaged tanker has spilled millions of gallons of oil into the sea.
59. Much blood has been spilled in the name of religion.
60. Its strength spilled over into dollar-yen trading, traders said.
61. Cody spilled his milk on the kitchen floor.
62. Battles fought, blood spilled, over-theory.
63. Someone spilled the beans about Rick's surprise party.
64. Oops, I just spilled my water.
65. Once again tears spilled from his eyes.
66. She had not spilled his blood before.
67. And the emotion surrounding this year's event spilled over.
68. Aaron spilled all the popcorn on the floor.
69. Such conflicts spilled over into the immediate postwar phase.
70. Blue-green light spilled out from the mews's open door.
71. The conflict in Rwanda eventually spilled over into Zaire.
72. I almost spilled my coffee.
73. The questions spilled out of her.
74. Someone had spilled red wine all over the carpet.
75. The mess was just spilled ketchup.
76. The hounds pour out like spilled milk.
77. He spilled beer all over my feet.
78. The buildings were tenements, normally crowded with people, many of whom were at this moment spilled along the street.
79. He wanted to smooth the web of hair that spilled down her back springing alive from the bones of her head.
80. She was sticky with his blood, could smell the metallic tang of spilled life.
81. The night of their first opening, the crowd spilled out on to the street, holding wine in plastic glasses.
82. When forced to disclose the contents,[http:///spilled.html] roses spilled out on to the floor.
83. When they spilled over, she did not wipe them from her face.
84. A glow that came down over the trees, and picked at the burn, and spilled through my bedroom window.
85. The light from the window spilled along her cheek and lips, and made a dazzling star in her glass.
86. Time and time again the global oceans overflowed their basins and spilled out on to all of the continents.
87. Separatism was the source of this theme and the means by which it spilled into every area of feminist activity.
88. After the hearing, the differences between Thresher and Thomas spilled over into a confrontation in a courthouse hallway.
89. He glanced back up at the house, where warm orange light spilled out from the dining room into the grey afternoon.
90. Browns and beiges can be really nasty, they always look like soup has been spilled down them.
91. We rose with several of our colleagues, who spilled out on the fifteenth floor to attend the nightly booze-up.
92. Just occasionally the tensions spilled over, such as when she berated Moira publicly about the way she was feeding her first child.
93. It was in a brass frame, corroded from the steam of coffee and spilled Cokes.
94. Within the first three minutes both men were sweating profusely, and no blood was spilled.
95. Hairy tongues like fat black ferns spilled out of them, shivering in the draught of their passing.
96. Millions of gallons of crude oil spilled into the sea, causing widespread shore damage as well.
97. He wore old jeans, espadrilles and a torn blue T-shirt through which spilled a lot of black chest-hair.
98. At times I felt like cutting my throat as the depression conjured up by the story spilled over into the auditorium.
99. The whole mountain chain originated from this cleft as lava surged up and spilled down on both sides.
100. The execution chair was designed with splatter guards to capture spilled blood.
101. The fixation with aprons spilled over into her business life too as she insisted that her shops should always stock aprons.
102. In another moment, blood is being spilled on the corporate carpets as a ticket manager named Andrew Follon is fired.
103. I spilled coffee on my book and some of the pages stuck together.
104. The car then went up in flames from the diesel fuel that spilled from the Amtrak engine.
105. I spilled my drink on purpose -- I needed an excuse to leave the room.
106. The Formica-topped tables were scarred with cigarette burns and discoloured by spilled coffee.
107. He stepped out of reach of the hairy hands that looked boiled red and collided with a pew, which spilled black books.
108. The disdain spilled over and spread to the other commuters scurrying to their cars.
109. The bones splintered under the force of the blow and blood spilled down his chin and the front of his jacket.
110. The place was full of screaming babies and smeary trays and spilled ketchup.
111. The blood spilled on to the earth under the tree.
112. Gallons of ink have been spilled in academic journals and in newspapers over monetary policy.
113. That spilled over to their behaviour towards the match officials.
114. On Friday 6 June night shift workers again took unofficial action when a mixed material containing asbestos dust spilled.
115. Home was in Peckham[Sentencedict], in the shabby house whose light spilled each evening out on to the street.
116. There is a small triangular park behind it and the crowd may have spilled out from the Great Hall.
117. However, spilled milk and out-dated patents are two things equally useless, so I shall catch the late train tomorrow.
118. Gone the overloaded trucks littering the sides of the road like dead cockroaches, their guts spilled, their wheels pointing skyward.
119. Tony spilled red wine all over their carpet. He was so embarrassed!
120. Books and posters, shirts and sweatshirts and pounds of petrified wood spilled from the storage areas.
121. His hand shook, so that soup spilled down the front of his hospital gown.
122. The flesh of his thighs, straining against the khaki underpants, spilled out over the sides.
123. He was badly scalded when a cup of hot coffee spilled on him.
124. Q.. The oil man spilled heating oil on light-gray semitransparent stained clapboards.
125. Not quirky little ritual habit-forming, like throwing a pinch of spilled salt over your shoulder, but slow suicide habit-forming.
126. Ash reached one hand out across the table and spilled my brandy into my lap.
127. She held Janir in her arms, but loosely, like a sack of wheat about to be spilled.
128. Then, though he boasted of this and that, it was with an underlying modesty which often spilled over into self-mockery.
129. Cigarette ashes crusted with coffee in saucers or spilled over the sides of motel ashtrays.
130. A lot of blood gets spilled on the floors of writers.
131. She was wound up, jumbled inside like a spilled jigsaw puzzle.
132. More than 72,000 tonnes of crude oil spilled into the estuary after the tanker ran aground in 1996.
133. No one was injured and no oil was spilled during the incident, he said.
134. The customers spilled all over the place; the electricity proved more elusive.
135. A number of the men feared the spilled blood, but the rest of the men laughed at them.
136. John and Angela sat dazed and bewildered as men spilled out of the back of the caravan.
137. She'd just walked in to the nearest doorway and spilled the whole thing to a complete stranger.
138. Explain that the marbles have taken the place of the water that has spilled out.
139. The gate opened and dressed-up children spilled into the street, bright beads from a broken string.
140. The smell of stale beer and cigarette smoke spilled into the back-stage corridors as we groped along in search of my dressing room.
141. Cadets in gray raincoats crushed against the iron gates and spilled into the street to cheer Buchanan.
142. A friend has told me that you've satirized me thoroughly in a story and spilled some confidences about my wife.
142. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
143. All round, the rich stink of sweat, urine, spilled ale, even a trace of potpourri.
144. The facts, which spilled out in no particular order, revealed the flip side of the fairytale.
145. The amber liquid shook in the glass and some of it spilled on to the tan cloth of her Burberry.
146. Fuel spilled and ignited, burning to death 11 passengers who were trapped in the leading car.
147. Gang activity that was limited to major cities has now spilled over to towns and rural areas.
148. Picketline disorder eventually spilled over into mining communities, which became the sites of major disturbances.
149. Between them the board fell over, and the chessmen spilled to the floor.
150. Does the public really believe these stories are spilled willingly over friendly cups of tea?
151. Sugar shone on his mouth, spilled as he thrust into the dancers, his moist lips reddened.
152. I was shown into a bare room where paper spilled from the desks then taken back round the main hall.
153. In his relief, he dropped his pouch and as he stooped the open box of matches spilled around his feet.
154. Nobody ever told me that freshly spilled blood has such a strong smell.
155. Quite a bit had spilled over the floor already so nobody would notice any more.
156. Gold chrysanthemums spilled from ceramic pots; lilacs and cherry blossoms flicked clusters of light into our garden.
157. The brilliant yellow stain of kerosene light spilled itself out on the snow.
158. Steam was rising everywhere, from each piece of clothing, from the spilled water.
159. The summer sun spilled over the gardens, the trees swayed gently, the leaves rustling like soft, applauding hands.
160. Most of the oil spilled is not from those dramatic spills.
161. When we spilled out into the street a few minutes later, it was in a kind of glow.
162. Alex had spilled some juice on the table top and was drawing his finger through the orange puddle with enjoyment.
163. Hot liquid and entrails spilled over him, and he scrambled out from under the thing.
164. Rob let Al talk until he finally spilled his guts about his affair with Louise.
165. His patronage comes from boiling water spilled on his stomach as a final torture for his unyielding faith before being beheaded.
166. About 700,000 gallons of crude oil spilled into Galveston Bay.
167. The mellow brains of Aeschylus spilled out like honey on the path below.
168. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes and suddenly they spilled over the sides and dripped down my cheeks.
169. Leaking oil and spilled water around the wellhead percolates through to the groundwater, carrying pollutants.
170. Scores of supply vessels, tugs and survey ships filled every nook and cranny and even spilled over into the fish docks.
171. The class managed to keep the party a secret until Lorraine, unable to control herself any longer, spilled the beans.
172. Yards of video tape spilled on to the deck[http://], along with pieces of broken plastic.
173. Braking, he thought of matches a child had been playing with, matches spilled from a box.
174. An aftershave bottle spilled its contents and Scott inhaled the aroma momentarily before stepping back.
175. She was going very slowly and breathing heavily in her resolve that not a drop of whisky should be spilled.
176. When I spilled, she used to stamp her cloven hoof so daintily.
177. He gave me a look which made me wonder whether Mavis hadn't, after all, spilled the beans.
178. Albert let Rob run on till he spilled his guts, but Loulse probed.
179. It spilled from the safety deposit boxes and washed over the floors of the rooms.
180. Bill decked a drunk guy who spilled his drink on Bobbie.
181. They filled the aisle around the coffin and spilled on to the altar itself.
182. He lost the ball in a tackle and so spilled CI's chances of a perfect start.
183. Automatically she stooped to retrieve the spilled things, to tidy up.
184. The water is likely to be spilled, have a cloth handy to wipe up any mess.
185. A purply stain spilled out across her neck and shoulders.
186. She must be riddled, her warm juices all spilled for looking upwards too early into the dawn, leafy with parachutes.
187. Many of the concepts of systems analysis, useful in management theory as well as in computer technology, spilled over into adjacent areas.
188. This assistance inevitably spilled over as an increase in general prosperity for the ordinary Milanese city dweller.
189. Raw council estates spilled over the fields at the edge of town, marring the views.
190. The sense of violence and anger, together with passionate interest, spilled out all over the place.
191. From those windows, too, spectacular sunsets spilled into the hospital rooms.
192. Laughter is easier minute by minute, spilled with prodigality.
193. Atriplex spilled toll left of this line it?
194. John Henry's blood spill spilled over the ground, but.
195. You have spilled gravy on the tablecloth.
196. You have a conniption over spilled milk.
197. Water spilled from the pail.
198. Whiskey spilled from the unstoppered bottle.
199. He could only laugh off the spilled dinner.
200. I'm afraid I spilled ink all over the tablecloth.
201. How can I wash up the spilled milk?
202. Sponge up the spilled water.
203. Water spilled out making a puddle onto the table.
204. Please wipe up the spilled milk.
205. The soup spilled over and stained his trouser legs.
206. He had spilled catsup on his shirtfront.
207. In Paris, my tiredness after a full day's walking was gone in a moment when the sun touched the horizon and spilled its light over the Jardin de Tuileries.
208. Zhang found that the bedroom door ajar, spilled on the ground with a ground down, the bed near a bare foot, pull-off daughter-Zhang Xu asked Xu hedged half-day also did not say anything.
209. In 2001, a Chinese woman launched divorce proceedings against her husband after the family's pet mynah bird reportedly spilled the beans on his marital indiscretions.
210. A few drops of wine had spilled upon the table.
211. The populations of many big cities have spilled over into the adjoining countryside.
212. A special note on insulated gloves: Gloves should be loose-fitting so they are able to be quickly removed if cryogenic liquid is spilled on them.
213. Caption :Spilled guts: After being cleaned, this 10-meter Baird's beaked whale receives a long incision to prepare for slaughtering.
214. But she took off down Market Street again, toward Octavia, where the freeway spilled out its traffic.
215. The shampoo bottle head had been unscrewed and spilled on the floor, seeping into the mat.
216. He wiped up the spilled milk with a paper towel.
217. I was waiting tables at an exclusive country club when an elegantly dressed woman spilled Manhattan clam chowder all over her white linen skirt.
218. Key: If rough ground is spilled like the picture gives light sootiness sense.
219. His sympathy for revolutionaries spilled over to undisguised advocacy of revolution.
220. Suddenly, who is knowing in aspersion, be spilled on my foot completely.
221. Luca's sphincter, no longer under control , opened , the waste of his body spilled out.
222. Sinopec, an oil firm, has explored in a Gabonese national park. Another state oil company has created lakes of spilled crude in Sudan.
223. His seed spilled on the ground – due to coitus interruptus, not masturbation – but this detail became equated with masturbation by those who apparently had their own agenda.
224. The spilled diesel is not bad enough to threaten the wildlife native to the Galapagos Islands.
225. Out from the locker spilled the biggest collection of garbage Jenny had ever seen!
226. It spilled out, a sickly ribbon of yellow jaundice that crept from the antechamber in a ghostly thread.
227. The spilled ink left a blot on the letter paper.
228. Young children were trying to scrape up some of the rice that spilled from the sacks.
229. We've spilled a lot of ink over Android's lack of media syncing, and what seemed like an half-assed online sync system.
230. Mother opened the box to find a big white enamel dishpan - overflowing with crimson satin that spilled out across her lap.
231. The first connector and the second connector are firmly and reliably fixed, when changing soda lime purifying agent, the support frame is not capable of being spilled along the purifying agent.
232. I'm sorry I accidentally spilled you drink, but there's no need to fly off the handle.
233. A crowd had began to gather, eyeing the spilled merchandise with avid eyes.
234. Laughter is easier minute by minute, spilled with prodigality, tipped out at a cheerful word.
235. The obsession with housing spilled over from Britain, a serial miscreant when it comes to house- price booms.
236. She swept up the grains of wheat that had spilled on the ground.
237. The applause spilled out, with a few hands still clapping after others had stopped.
238. Planetary astronomy is no longer just one branch of astronomy , but has spilled over other fields.
239. On March 24, 1989, 10..8 million gallons of oil was spilled when the ship ' s master, Joseph Hazelwood, left the controls and the ship crashed into a Reef. The cleanup cost Exxon $2..5 billion.
240. Clean up spilled medicines, bleaches and gasoline and other flammable liquids.
241. The crash had spilled a noxious defoliant into the planet's ecology, ravaging the native flora.
242. Tan Forbearance start list in the moment, to him a couple of years old female confidential secretary, he suddenly took the ink spilled on the list.
243. The baby inverted the cup and spilled her orange juice.
244. I used a mop to sop up the spilled water.
245. The milk in the pot boiled up and spilled over.
246. When she spilled the coffee,[http:///spilled.html] she smiled sheepishly and apologized.
247. The Icelandic krona 's freeze in the capital markets had now spilled over into the day-to-day transactions of Icelanders abroad.
248. Stringy blonde hair, in need of combing, spilled over a grubby pillow.
249. NIAMEY, Niger — Outside the state food warehouses here, womensift in the dirt for spilled grains of rice.
250. Tensions spilled over on 8 August when the army tried to raid the home of Kokang leader Peng Jiashen, also known as Phon Kyar Shin, saying they were looking for drugs.
251. A thousand tons of crude oil has spilled into the sea from an oil tanker.
252. At a bush at my weigh's abode, I spilled punch attempt rubbed my chalkiness jeans.




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