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单词 Appraisal
1. We should make an objective appraisal of his job.
2. She has written a major critical appraisal/study of Saul Bellow's novels.
3. A detailed appraisal of the scheme will now be carried out.
4. I have my appraisal today .
5. What's your appraisal of the situation?
6. She made a quick appraisal of the other guests.
7. It needed a calmer appraisal of her situation.
8. He was asked to give an independent appraisal.
9. We are holding staff appraisal interviews.
10. The new appraisal scheme is only a taste of things to come.
11. The newspaper gave an editorial appraisal of the government's achievements of the past year.
12. The team appraisal is a logical extension of the individual appraisal interview.
13. The appraisal system seeks to assess employees' strengths and weaknesses.
14. Appraisal has traditionally been seen as most applicable to those in management and supervisory positions.
15. An investment appraisal comes with the project.
16. Formal staff appraisal systems are essential.
17. One of these is performance appraisal.
18. The Treasury publishes technical guidance on investment appraisal.
19. Vigorous appraisal of a problem and tenacious pursuit of its solution characterized Edward's whole life.
20. An initial appraisal of pollution problems should point out not only all the work required to prevent a pollution incident.
21. Inter-project comparison Once the appraisal has been evaluated the project should be selected and submitted for approval.
22. What is needed in such cases is a calm appraisal of the situation.
23. A leading economist said the changes could cost the industry millions, and hit exploration and appraisal plans.
24. It seemed friendly, but she detected in it some glint of appraisal or judgment.
25. Foucault's approach and analyses have also to some degree informed this work and for that reason alone deserve a critical appraisal.
26. Firstly, there is the need to get the original investment appraisal right.
27. Releasing Isabel's face, he stepped away from her, his hard eyes raking her up and down with casual appraisal.
28. No attempt will be made to give a detailed account and appraisal of logic here.
29. And all but one of them received their first performance appraisal from their superiors in the second half of the year.
30. The Group has added a total of 69 mmboe as a result of our ongoing exploration appraisal and development activities.
1. We should make an objective appraisal of his job.
2. She has written a major critical appraisal/study of Saul Bellow's novels.
3. What is needed in such cases is a calm appraisal of the situation.
4. A detailed appraisal of the scheme will now be carried out.
5. What's your appraisal of the situation?
31. In the space of one chapter it is impossible to cover all the detailed aspects of investment appraisal.
32. He turned to gaze with cool appraisal at his secretary, sitting sullenly all this time.
33. Finally, appraisal procedures must be established which monitor and enhance the individual's ability to work to maximum effectiveness.
34. Formal appraisal systems, however, go beyond this normal daily checking and feedback.
35. A structural appraisal of the building identified a number of potentially serious defects which could arise in the event of fire.
36. Other measures include teacher appraisal, the National Curriculum, open enrolment, standardised assessment tasks.
37. In addition, most of us face complexities such as performance appraisal, staff appraisal, course evaluation.
38. None of these is relevant to an appraisal of the company's financial position.
39. Last quarter we stated the need for developing a new appraisal system. The department's efforts in this regard have been impressive.
40. This needs serious appraisal because it may indicate that recovery is far more fragile than might have been appreciated.
41. The research is designed to contribute to an improved foundation for teacher training and teacher appraisal.
42. Appraisal interviews can be made more effective if you stick to some well tried ground rules.
43. While any analytic appraisal or reflexivity on this rationale is never given much credibility in the structures of significance.
44. The press release provided a positive appraisal of the government's economic reform programme.
45. The subject of the appraisal should be given time to prepare and the opportunity to corroborate the report.
46. The first of these we might refer to as appraisal.
47. Its application does put its exponents in the firing line of critical appraisal.
48. King also wonders whether the impact of teacher appraisal on school improvement will be commensurate with the cost of such schemes.
49. For problem.solving[Sentence dictionary], strategy formulation or appraisal there is little logic to the voting approach.
50. The 1990 appraisal at the lower figure reflected the sharp downturn of the Phoenix real-estate market.
51. To these issues must be added the allied questions of selection and appraisal.
52. But I didn't ring you for a critical appraisal of my work.
53. So usually we avoid them which is why an effective appraisal interview can be a most uncomfortable experience.
54. A third appraisal of this potentially significant heavy oil field will be drilled in 1993.
55. During the deposition, Symington defended the use of the $ 67. 5 million Esplanade appraisal in his 1990 financial statement.
56. Progress in note-making requires an honest appraisal of your own notes.
57. It was designed to focus appraisal on teachers' needs for in-service training and other forms of support.
58. Through a process of critical appraisal successive theories build on those that go before.
59. It does seem that the inspection provided a dimension in the appraisal process which otherwise would have been lacking.
60. Unless there is a corresponding process of critical appraisal, there can be no adaptation, no adjustment to change.
61. Indeed the supply of chaplains to educational establishments outside of our schools/colleges and their role within them needs careful appraisal.
62. Thus team appraisal is a logical extension of the individual appraisal Interview.
63. This chapter places project appraisal in context, discusses methods of appraisal and describes best practice.
64. Appraisal is thus a process of negotiating individual targets in order to improve personal performance and so enhance the quality of educational provision.
65. Their use is also envisaged to evaluate a particular teaching approach, or even for the appraisal of individual teachers.
66. This is often best done in conjunction with those who are going to be on the receiving end of an appraisal interview.
67. That is why the academic community has erected its appraisal systems, with anonymous referees and appraisers.
68. At the beginning of her appraisal interview, she expressed a general satisfaction with her status and responsibilities.
69. Some of these alternative insights can be gleaned from an appraisal of alternative theoretical approaches.
70. It is well known that the appraisal has been carried out and that the information is with the Minister.
71. Appraisal schemes have a nasty habit of becoming complex and over sophisticated.
72. Many managers interpret that as being an administrative chore, filling in objective work-sheets and completing performance appraisal forms.
73. Therefore, a starting point for any discussion of community care must be a realistic appraisal of informal systems.
74. The first section reviews the major methods of capital project appraisal currently used by private sector companies.
75. A number of experiments have been set up to try to establish a satisfactory method of appraisal.
76. He then thanked them for their help during the appraisal period.
77. It is linked to an appraisal system usually based upon a banded assessment of performance.
78. One such area is the field of investment project appraisal, or capital budgeting.
79. These skills have the effect of laying children open to closer inspection and increase their vulnerability through peer appraisal and criticism.
80. It should be robust enough to stand up to the most rigorous testing from the appraisal panel.
81. The Honey Thieves are a band who would graduate with flying colours from such a straight-forward system of appraisal.
82. As the child subjected him to a solemn, no-nonsense appraisal, Ashley's heart began to hammer behind her ribs.
83. He also suggested that school governors with commercial or industrial experience might be particularly interested in introducing appraisal schemes.
84. We will press ahead with regular appraisal of teachers to encourage high standards and develop professional skills.
85. The investment appraisal published by the Southern board was deficient in many respects.
86. Whether or not you accept Idso's claims, surely this is just the place for a critical appraisal of them?
87. If appraisal now reveals that it has some validity in principle, the next stage is application.
88. In addition, he was aware of the Scholastics' critical appraisal of Aristotelian physics.
89. Financial environmental appraisal is used to estimate the potential costs and benefits of responding to shortfalls highlighted in other audits.
90. On this basis the methods of investment appraisal described here may be used.
91. The personnel director spoke first, reading the performance appraisal policy aloud and then citing the research on which it was based.
92. Here, most of all in the project appraisal, does quantification mystify and legitimate in the name of objective economic analysis.
93. For several seemingly interminable seconds no one moved as the coolly brooding glance subjected her to a flagrantly masculine appraisal.
94. Make sure that the appraisal interview ends on a positive note with the other person feeling up, not down.
95. The obsessive and lightweight dismissals in Record Mirror hinted at a Morrissey who was beginning to live within his own self appraisal.
96. It should provide a readable condensation of the recent literature: a critical appraisal, not a mere catalogue.
97. The Secretary of State announced recently his intention to accelerate the introduction of an appraisal scheme for teachers.
98. Its report said a good national appraisal system needed the equivalent of another 1,800 teachers and increased spending of £35m a year.
99. We publish a handbook for our members, provide appraisal services, and we're active in legislative matters.
100. Project appraisal involves many calculations which must be carried out a number of times to produce a proper sensitivity analysis.
101. In parallel with the technical feasibility studies, an investment appraisal study was also commissioned.
102. This ensures that the relevant lessons are distilled and fed back into the appraisal stage of subsequent projects.
103. It was also evident that those departments which had made a strong case for improved resourcing had gained from the appraisal.
104. Given a positive backcloth, constructive and honest appraisal is a challenging process, not something to be feared.
105. The final element of the project appraisal process involves an overall commercial appraisal of the project.
106. Nevertheless,[http:///appraisal.html] the sheer magnitude of public investment should still demand that appropriate appraisal techniques are adopted.
107. One of my favorite exercises is in-house training for partners on how to talk more effectively with associates regarding performance appraisal.
108. Add to this theme positive appraisals as a manager through the internal appraisal system and you have a strong candidate.
109. While its report is not so comprehensive as that of Readability Plus, it might be valued for a more succinct appraisal.
110. By contrast coaching is a continuous process which may be incorporated into both counselling and appraisal sessions.
111. They talk about the reflect and appraisal, the looking glass self on page forty-nine.
112. Examples include direct forms of communication, appraisal, and individualised performance related pay.
113. The emphasis is on the performance appraisal system which identifies employees' training and development needs.
114. By contrast the bottom up approach puts the onus on the employee to do a self appraisal and then discuss it.
115. Development Rank Restaurants are committed to a positive annual appraisal system for all members of management.
116. Further exploration and appraisal drilling will be necessary to confirm the commercial potential for this discovery.
117. A more critical appraisal becomes possible as partners step back to regard each other.
118. Where boundary fences are in poor condition, the estimated cost of rectification should be assessed as part of the financial appraisal.
119. The point I am making is that pedagogic research calls for the independent appraisal of ideas as a precondition to their application.
120. Our performance appraisal policy is clear: employee ratings have to conform to a normal bell curve.
121. Most heads of departments and senior staff were favourable to the idea of the appraisal, even if they had been put-off initially.
122. If any operating division wishes to incur capital expenditure, it submits an appraisal form to the Finance Director.
123. This is Irving's appraisal of Oliver Goldsmith.
124. A new appraisal method about microtitration has been suggested.
125. Such an appraisal stems mainly from subjectivism.
126. Don't thank me; it's an honest appraisal.
127. The appraisal target system hierarchical level divides into three: Target stratum, criterion level and target level.
128. Tenet of Testing, Appraisal and Certification: Independence, Impartiality, Scientificalness and Accuracy.
129. The detailed task allocation formalization was given. The extendibility of the algorithm is strengthened because of the independence among each appraisal target.
130. Classes include the topics of motivation and morale, leadership theory, organizational dynamics, performance criteria development and performance appraisal, personnel selection, and so on.
131. Some other issues for case studies involving costing, investment appraisal and performance evaluation include the following.
132. III. AppraisalThe loan project appraisal is generally organizedimplemented by ICBC's credit appraisal departments.
133. An economic appraisal on the petroleum exploration and development in a small oil-bearing basin in China is carried out based on its geological and engineering appraisal.
134. Using AHP law, the paper does relative appraisal and comprehensive appraisal to several schemes in reserve, confirms the weight of every factor, lists the good and bad order of every scheme.
135. All events have borne out the correctness of this appraisal.
136. Based on establishing the reasonable appraisal - mechanism of process quality, it realizes the processing process systematized integration.
136. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
137. He waited through a few moments of silence, then went on with his appraisal.
138. They are a "gold key" helpful to every enterprise in operating its capital to success, and also a "weighing lever "for every wealth–oriented person in his economic appraisal.
139. The net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR), both of which are described as discounted cash flow (DCF) methods, adopted extensively in project investment appraisal.
140. The appraisal result proved that, in the all kinds of aging treatment method about casts iron on engine bed, the vibration is the only green one.
141. It is in a difficult position in evaluation criteria, measurability and fuzziness, as well as in recognized teaching quality, with appraisal factors and so on.
142. This type of device, having the advantages of safety, stability as well as time and tabour saving, has already passed the appraisal in provincial level.
143. Reports are the final result of performance appraisal, includes three parts: cover paper , text and appendix.
144. This factory leadership product belt, rubber hose, high- pressured air hose and so on, presently separately through state-level, provincial level appraisal.
145. Firm of Ba Ling petrifaction joined appraisal to meet about the leader.
146. This mitigates risk from bad communication and provides important evidence for a Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPI) appraisal.
147. We need to make a proper appraisal of his work.
148. In the regional highway network planning, comparison between planning schemes and economic appraisal is a very important part.
149. If the appraisal comes higher you can adjust your asking price accordingly. I also hope you can give me 10% - 15% discount of the appraised value.
150. Stone plank and ceramics piece of material of skirting board, when buying, quality appraisal standard with stone plank and ceramic tiles information.
151. The result obtained by adopting value appraisal techniques shall be able to reflect the transaction prices that may be adopted in fair dealings on the value appraisal day.
152. To conduct the operation administration of the Processing Trade Unit Cost Appraisal Office.
153. This article introduces the process flow, technology feature, field use and test circumstances of the vacuum-chemistry combination deaeration technology and makes economic appraisal of it.
154. Grace waited for his appraisal with agreat deal of apprehension.
155. The scientific target system is the government achievements appraisal key.
156. I wish he wouldn't nit-pick when all we want is a general overall appraisal.
157. It is evidenced that the appraisal system is objective and comprehensive.
158. This article introduces the feature of supply chain of total contract construction enterprise and sum up the methods of performance appraisal of supply chain.
159. So , performance appraisal is one basic issue of human resource development and management in an enterprise.
160. It is structured by the scientific controlling system, organize implementing system, information feedback system, appraisal and motivating system, safeguard system and so on.
161. The " Treasure Evaluation " program of CCTV is celebrated for cultural relic appraisal.
162. Su Shih and Li Ching-Chao were theoretical and creative masters in the discipline of Tsu in Sung dynasty, and their view of Tsu's appraisal has become two fundamental theories.
163. Evaluation of the status of the patient must include an appraisal of bowel function.
164. To complete timely performance appraisal for all staff in department.
165. Water seepage loss index per unit time is now widely accepted as a quality test and appraisal method.
166. Results To observe the effect of clear and bright electrophoresis strip,[sentence dictionary] we made the student mastery of this technical ability of regular rapid pick-up and gelose electrophoresis appraisal of DNA.
167. So the emphases of this article is to design the orientation mechanism of the performance appraisal for university teacher and exert its orientation function to the teachers.
168. The option investment theory is a good tool to evaluate venture capital project, can overcome the flaw of the traditional project investment appraisal theory.
169. Make a total appraisal for his matutinal thought and theory.
170. As a first application in real estate appraisal, this paper introduced the developing procedures such as system definition, system design and system functions.
171. The economic appraisal of project comprises of enterprise financial appraisal and state economic appraisal.
172. Thirdly, introducing the implementation and appraisal of school - based training.
173. Carry on objective appraisal to this simulation course and conclusion finally.
174. The eyes boring into her had hardened, Celia thought, and were making an appraisal.
175. In summary, a fair appraisal of the evidence indicates that collisions and the decay of 26Al were both important sources of asteroidal heating.
176. Supplier, demander and supervisor of assets appraisal information are relevant subjects with interests in the appraisal activity.
177. The job content of sales group is analyzed from two aspects according to different market objects, thereby the effective performance appraisal model can be applied to evaluate the salesperson.
178. So in order to promoting its unfaltering development, the paper try to establish system on performance appraisal of the of Well Technology Operation Company oil-tested team (WTOT) leader in CPEB.
179. Post - evaluation on projects is a kind of review and appraisal on the set goals of projects has been invested, which is the last phase of investment projects management.
180. My paper argues that the system wasn' t created by all Eastern Wu' s own, while learned and synthesized from the household tax system and the nine grades of rank of appraisal system of Cao Wei.
181. Class B: areal geology survey; geophysical exploration; rock ore appraisal and testing.
182. State - Owned Assets Appraisal Report confirmed by relevant state - owned assets management authorities at the same level.
183. He topped the list in this appraisal of science and research.
184. It should have only conditions such as clear title report, underwritten appraisal, general closing conditions and no negative change in your status as a buyer .
185. Within the staffing area itself, appraisal, inventorying, selection, and development are closely related.
186. Surely the United States Senate is big enough to take self - criticism and self - appraisal.
187. Follows up the staff appraisal feed back for the Manager.
188. The appraisal of personality, like all other appraisal with them, was coarse and blunt.
189. For many applications these simple ideas alone lead to a sufficient appraisal of the statistical error.




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