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单词 Hastily
1 Nothing must be done hastily but killing of fleas. 
2 He hastily stuffed a few clothes into a bag.
3 Parliament was hastily recalled from recess.
4 He summoned his subordinates hastily to his office.
5 Perhaps you shouldn't brush the idea aside too hastily.
6 The Government hastily organized defensive measures against the raids.
7 She hastily withdrew her hand from his.
8 Christina blushed and hastily lowered her eyes.
9 Call her down hastily, it's time for supper.
10 The village had been hastily abandoned.
11 The defeated army had to retreat hastily from the field of battle.
12 We hastily improvised a screen out of an old blanket.
13 She recoiled hastily at seeing a snake in the path.
14 He retreated hastily back to his car.
15 The child was hastily dispatched out to school.
16 An agreement was hastily stitched together .
17 Perhaps I spoke too hastily.
18 I hastily wiped up the milk I had spilled.
19 They hastily averted their faces to hide their giggles.
20 She hastily changed the subject.
21 Chairs were hastily placed in rows for the parents.
22 She hastily gathered all her belongings together.
23 Rebel leaders hastily tried to get an army together.
24 He hastily changed his subject.
25 The country hastily rallied its defences.
26 Geoff hastily pushed the drawer back into place.
27 I may have acted hastily.
28 She hastily dabbed some cream on her face.
29 The reforms have been very hastily cobbled together.
30 Hastily,[] she covered herself up with the towel.
1 He hastily stuffed a few clothes into a bag.
2 Parliament was hastily recalled from recess.
3 He summoned his subordinates hastily to his office.
4 Perhaps you shouldn't brush the idea aside too hastily.
5 The Government hastily organized defensive measures against the raids.
6 She hastily withdrew her hand from his.
7 Christina blushed and hastily lowered her eyes.
8 Call her down hastily, it's time for supper.
9 The village had been hastily abandoned.
10 The defeated army had to retreat hastily from the field of battle.
11 We hastily improvised a screen out of an old blanket.
12 She recoiled hastily at seeing a snake in the path.
13 He retreated hastily back to his car.
14 He hastily changed his subject.
15 I query very much whether it is wise to act so hastily.
31 I query very much whether it is wise to act so hastily.
32 "He's looks good for his age. Not that 55 is old, " she hastily added.
33 He took out a slab of cheese, pared off a slice and ate it hastily.
34 He hastily stripped off his old uniform and began pulling on the new one.
35 I really fail to understand what actuated you to give up such a promising post so hastily.
36 She wrote it hastily and messily on a scrap of paper.
37 She saw James walk in and hastily lowered her lids.
38 She hastily cleared a space for him to sit down.
39 He said good night hastily, promising that he would phone Hans in the morning.
40 I decided that nothing should be done hastily, that things had to be sorted out carefully.
41 I hastily packed the hamper and lugged it to the car.
42 James got to his feet and started to come over, but the girls hastily backed away.
43 There was a lot of wastage and many wrong decisions were hastily taken.
44 The Wall had been hastily assembled.
45 Hastily, she covered herself up.
46 He hastily shovels them back into his shorts.
46 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
47 With children ... And I hastily changed the subject.
48 She accelerated hastily, and drove on.
49 What brings you here to court so hastily?
50 Agnes hastily passed her the water bottle.
51 Max consumed his parkin hastily and left.
52 Alison sat back, shifting hastily away.
53 After this, he could be hastily driven to a music lesson, followed by a painting or a dancing lesson.
54 The bodies were buried without ceremony in hastily dug graves.
55 The government often overreacts to newly discovered dangers and pours disproportionate resources into hastily conceived remedies.
56 I increased my speed toward him, but only to hastily reach a small maple tree next to the road between us.
57 Nell feverishly ripped the covers off three of the files, hastily stuffing the insides into one of her empty field-dressing pouches.
58 There came a roar of rage from Challenger, and Sherlock Holmes hastily flung open the door.
59 The thought stimulated her into springing out of bed, showering hastily, and dressing in her warm green trousers and top.
60 Hastily Mike pulled at Adam, until he lay full length on the rug.
61 But, more tellingly, many legal residents are hastily becoming citizens.
62 She lowered her gaze hastily and found her irrepressible sense of humour surfacing.
63 A wooden cage frame had been hastily constructed by Hamid and Kamal to split the area in half.
64 She glanced hastily behind her but, as in the kitchen, there was no obvious hiding place.
65 Before I could alight from the carriage she was hastily walking away.
66 Seeing his brother walking away Benny followed hastily, rubbing off the damp sand from his hands on his shorts.
67 The next grouping in this hastily cooked-up Assembly gained only 13 seats.
68 They turned to look up at the hastily nailed boards that had replaced the shattered windows.
69 There, I thought, hastily folding the sheet of paper and placing it in the envelope.
70 Buildings were hastily demolished, and ironwork likely to be of use to the natives was buried in a deep pit.
71 Jane put Chantal down in her makeshift cradle in the corner and hastily tidied herself up.
72 She hastily assembled a kettle full of water, cups and tea things, on to a tray.
73 The lights were swung round, the Nagra tape recorder switched on and the camera hastily placed on its tripod and pointed.
74 His reaction to them was explosive, and on Monday morning Verity Lambert was hastily summoned to his office.
75 Sometimes the Scouts took the initiative, and inextremis Sergeant Juron herded his squad hastily.
76 Everyone assumed that it was the kidnapped child, and the remains were hastily cremated.
76 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
77 Martin Saunders retains the full back position for the hastily arranged game at Middlesbrough, which kicks off at noon.
78 The ganja farms increased in rapid frequency, with hastily erected tents dotting the hillsides.
79 The men at its bank are cutting bamboo, hastily assembling rafts, pushing their women and children into the stream.
80 He clenched the steering wheel so hard that the car wobbled, and he hastily righted it.
81 Hastily Stevens laid down his book on Third World debt and straightened his reclining chair.
82 Then the older one bends over the younger and kisses him on the lips, hastily and shyly.
83 This is because we are trying to create a better world now, I hastily reassure myself.
84 Then he supped hastily from the bone cup of the cranium.
85 Jehan took the tray of cakes out of her hands, and then he grinned ferociously at her so that she backed hastily away.
86 They followed the stretcher until they arrived at a large tent which had a hastily painted sign slung across its front.
87 Dimity's knitting had been hastily put aside when she answered the door, and decorated a low table near the fire.
88 Marge trailed behind him with an armful of hastily gathered clothing.
89 A pair of University students passing by hastily averted their faces to hide their giggles.
90 She jack-knifed into a sitting position and hastily surveyed their camp.
91 His eyes searching hers from very close quarters, he chuckled when she hastily lowered her lashes.
92 When we hear Frau Braun coming, I hastily drop the gauze over the cradle and hide behind the partition.
93 By the end of 1995 foreign money was pouring back into most of the countries it had hastily fled.
94 I hastily dress, but there is limit to how fast you can put on two or three layers of clothes.
95 Her hair, hastily tumbled in a top-of-the-head ponytail, was growing out from highlights.
96 The new offence in the Aggravated Vehicle-Taking Bill 1991-1992 raises familiar issues associated with hastily conceived legislation.
97 Alameda County Supervisor Mary King hastily organized a briefing for local officials next week.
98 I squatted down and hastily rinsed the bits I could get at, ending up with saturated clothes but mostly dry skin.
99 The London Government, sensitive to the disquiet, hastily granted a general pardon, but Cornwall was out for blood.
100 Hastily she bit gobbets loose and swallowed them, bolting down a dreadful and disgusting feast.
101 Just before airtime, a story had come in on a drug bust: space was hastily made for this.
102 Her hair gleamed like a hastily polished brass pot, its tiny dents reddish brown.
103 The feasibility studies were very hastily carried out, however, and financial assumptions which district planners were working on were unclear.
104 The Hartlepool Mail told of one emergency board meeting hastily convened on a Skipton pavement.
105 Like Los Alamos, it was cradled by mountains and hastily built in order to win a war from an odd angle.
106 Late last night, anxious police called a hastily arranged news conference to issue an urgent warning to the gay community.
106 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
107 In the morning they would hastily dry them, and get a temporary relief.
108 Hastily she breathed in and clamped her arms to her sides to hide the stubble.
109 She pulled them on hastily, half expecting Luke to come bursting in at any minute.
110 Hastily jog-trotting to his house he pushed the two dachshunds into the hall and shut the door again.
111 He unscrewed the mouthpiece which had been hastily jammed on and caught by the thread.
112 Victoria hastily wrote down an address, and ran off just in time to catch the bus coming down the hill.
113 Too many official schedules for 10 a.m. had been hastily altered for anyone to be able to hide the fact.
114 And recent graduates of area schools joined hastily formed regiments.
115 Hastily revising his plans for my career, he settled us into our Cape Cod retreat and went on the offensive.
116 Records get knocked out in the studio hastily, emerge knock-kneed, spindly, pallid and monochrome.
117 Temporary shelters were hastily constructed as the refugees started to pour in.
118 In Baidoa, we told how 300,000 people were flooding into feeding centres hastily set up by relief workers.
119 The first people to leave went off hastily, while others lingered, girding themselves for the streets.
120 The others hastily sent diplomats to add signatures on their behalf.
121 The result is a hastily produced bill, heavily amended to correct its mistakes.
122 Like other internees, they lived in hastily built barracks with little privacy or basic comforts.
123 Police with the aid of a hastily organized black youth patrol, restored order.
124 Hastily I injected sedatives, calcium, magnesium, but with a feeling of doom.
125 Later a hastily assembled identification parade of three sat before me.
126 Phillips bravely read out the statement he had hastily helped David Howell prepare after training.
127 Rebury hastily at dead of night.
128 Not I! ' said the Lory hastily.
129 He hastily scrawled something on the paper.
130 In an anteroom he hastily opened his briefcase.
131 The boss is very open-eyed, ask hastily: "What method?"
132 The survivors were recovering in hastily erected tents.
133 Fauchelevent hastily detached the belled knee-cap from its nail and buckled it on his knee again.
134 He hastily seized the coverlet of his bed, and wrapped it round him.
135 The ill - balanced, illcooked, hastily eaten fare hurt physical fitness.
136 Feng Yun - ching answered hastily , springing up and all but overturning the opiumlamp as he did so./hastily.html
137 He had the disheveled air of a man who had dressed hastily.
138 The defeated army had to retreat hastily form the field of battle.
139 The other 5 Kiangsi regiments then hastily withdrew to the county town of Yunghsin.
140 "It may be satisfying, but it's not fun." "No, I'm sure it's not," said Virginia hastily. "I didn't mean that.".
141 In entering a village, encounter an old person to running hastily.
142 Eugenie turned hastily to the chimney piece, took up the candles.
143 He said he had quit, but then hastily added that he occasionally off the wagon.
144 Trembling and awe-struck , Caderousse hastily shut the door and returned to his guest, while La Carconte lighted a candle by the smouldering ashes that glimmered on the hearth.
145 They seem to have been badly selected , hastily mustered, inadequately trained and poorly equipped.
146 A moment later, the riot approaches and gains in force, he shuts up his shop precipitately, hastily dons his uniform, that is to say, he places his merchandise in safety and risks his own person.
147 The next sentence in the paper presumably explained that the butterfly was hastily netted, chloroformed and examined.
148 The soldier hastily butted his cigarette and came to attention.
149 Scarlett heard Mammy's lumbering tread shaking the floor of the hall and she hastily untucked her foot and tried to rearrange her face in more placid lines.
150 For that reason, in some places and at some times, we developed industry hastily and unsystematically.
151 Since a rival version could be hastily crowd-sourced on the Internet, the assistants signed nondisclosure agreements.
152 Hastily she slipped off her wrapper and stood clad only in her chemise.
153 He hastily composed another post, and then spent twenty minutes rephrasing it in a calmer tone, but a day later, when that message had also been deleted, his rage erupted.
154 The women , who had been peeking from the side door, hastily filed back into the hall.
155 Chang Su - su retorted hastily , looking slightly belligerent.
156 The government hastily trained medics, known as discalced doctors, to provide basic care to peasants.
157 For the civilians who will be left behind, a safety zone is hastily organized.
158 Some of the balance changes on the table will happen in 6.61 and some others (that need more time to settle in before changing) will happen in a version or two afterward so we don't act too hastily.
159 The hastily assembled stimulus packages were a throwback to naive Keynesianism.
160 I could tell she hastily wrote it in a state of desperation, since it's filled with misspellings, flighty run-on sentences, and profanity.
161 She had married hastily, and as hastily, grown weary of her choice.
162 He stood up hastily, shivering all over , his face turning pale.
163 The car tying - poles hastily fell back to the roadside.
164 He left here hastily.
165 I hastily left the riverbank, afraid I might disturb you.
166 A flash empurpled all the facades in the street as though the door of a furnace had been flung open,[] and hastily closed again.
167 "No--I hadn't the chance after all, " he said, fibbing hastily.
168 After hastily wash off the mirror dressing robes, Yi, how so?
169 Hastily John drew on his trousers and rushed out into the street.
170 In the twilight of the evening, he clambered down over the wall into the garden of the enchantress, hastily clutched a handful of rampion, and took it to his wife.
171 Zhu De pine persuades him "not to hastily make the piffle", "must consider family member's feeling".
172 Enjolras hastily quitted the urchin and murmured a few words in a very low tone to a longshoreman from the winedocks who chanced to be at hand.
173 I remember with particular vividness a hastily snatched visit to Athens.
174 They were also conscious that the process of change should not be facile , permitting ill-conceived and hastily passed amendments.
175 Implements the project progress chart, the detailed arrangement, compared to after meeting the list far goes forth to battle highly effective hastily many.
176 All the way, sitar Nuo guesses the dry dog excrement that sees go up, hastily pick up will hold a bag in.
177 But to transfer hastily and inconsiderately to the general point of view, propositions that are true of the individual, has been a source of innumerable errors in political economy.
178 This good, old quarter, terrified at the Revolution, takes refuge in slumber, as children, when they hear the Bugaboo coming, hide their heads hastily under their coverlet.
179 The sights and smells were arresting: giant slabs of shea butter, grinning cats picking at fishmongers' leftovers, piles of brightly-coloured fabric and rows of hastily stitched football tops.
180 Think before you act, ie Do not act hastily or rashly.
181 She popped up to a sitting position and looked hastily all around.
182 Now, in a hastily arranged cooking lesson, they are teaching me how to make their rather onomatopoeic "s'mores brownies".




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