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1. The more we study, the more we discover our ignorance. Percy Bysshe Shelley 
2. Prosperity doth best discover vice, but adversity doth discover virtue. 
3. He's hexed to discover the antibiotics.
4. Man cannot discover new oceans unlehe has courage to lost sight of the shore.
5. The police could not discover who he was fronting for.
6. Scientists around the world are working to discover a cure for Aids.
7. Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has courage to lose sight of the shore.
8. The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer.
9. It's exciting to discover traces of earlier civilizations.
10. It was a shock to discover he couldn't read.
11. She was horrified to discover that he loved Rose.
12. We'll discover who did it.
13. They discover that the new teacher is a martinet.
14. It's a deception, as far as I can discover.
15. I was dismayed to discover that he'd lied.
16. Haskell did not live to discover the deception.
17. We tried vainly to discover what had happened.
18. We have to discover his plans and act accordingly.
19. Did you ever discover who did it?
20. When did you discover that she's married?
21. Only later did she discover a talent for writing.
22. She was surprised to discover he was perfectly capable around the house.
23. He was pleasantly surprised to discover that he was no longer afraid.
24. He was alarmed to discover that his car was gone.
25. In almost every face and every person, they may discover fine feathers and defects,[sentencedict .com] good and bad qualities. 
26. Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover ev-erybody's face their own. 
27. The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.
28. Now and them I have tested my seeing friends to discover what they see.
29. From your parents you lean love and laughter and how to put one foot before the other.But when books are opened you discover that you have wings.
30. Hire a four-wheel-drive vehicle?there are lots of spots to discover off the beaten track.
1. He's hexed to discover the antibiotics.
2. The police could not discover who he was fronting for.
3. Scientists around the world are working to discover a cure for Aids.
4. The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer.
5. They were thrilled to discover a perfectly preserved specimen of Roman pottery.
6. I rushed to the door, only to discover that it was locked and barred.
31. The families of people who die in custody are in a legal no-man's-land when they try to discover what went wrong.
32. Scientists are now trying to discover if this is possible.
33. The object of their expedition was to discover the source of the River Nile.
34. He wants each pupil to have the chance to discover hidden talents .
35. It would be fascinating to discover more about the town's history.
36. It took a lot of detective work to discover the cause of the problem.
37. A lucky find in the Cotswolds is helping archaeologists discover what life was like in Roman Britain.
38. He was stunned to discover cost overruns of at least $1 billion.
39. Journalists have been trying to discover if the senator really is as squeaky-clean as he claims to be.
40. She was determined to discover the truth about her neighbours.
41. Discover how eating raw food helps balance your body and aids digestion.
42. It's not a pleasant feeling to discover you've been taken for a ride by someone you trusted.
43. In the movie, the two thieves try to discover whether the banknotes are fakes or the real McCoy, with hilarious results.
44. We discover that Jack isn't as innocent as he seems, as the plot unfolds .
45. Nora was mortified to discover that her daughter had been out drinking.
46. The exercises let students discover math concepts on their own.
47. We happened to discover we had a friend in common.
48. It is upsetting to discover that you have backed a loser.
49. There's plenty to discover as you ramble around this little island.
50. His friends were shocked to discover how ill he was.http:///discover.html
51. He was piqued to discover that he hadn't been invited.
52. Forest Service crews often discover campfires that have not been put out completely.
53. Why are people always surprised when they discover that their heroes have feet of clay?
54. They were thrilled to discover a perfectly preserved specimen of Roman pottery.
55. Most parents are horrified when they discover their children have been playing truant from school.
56. We never did discover why she gave up her job.
57. Three fire engines rushed to the school only to discover it was a false alarm.
58. I rushed to the door, only to discover that it was locked and barred.
59. Wind forward to the bit where they discover the body.
60. An inquest was held to discover the cause of death.
61. The young madam was disconcerted to discover that she was being watched.
62. He returned, only to discover his car had been clamped.
63. From the garden you walk down to discover a large and beautiful lake.
64. We need to discover what relevant expertise is available to us.
65. Did you ever discover who had been sending you the flowers these days?
66. I had to discover what I really wanted out of life.
67. He called for checks to discover whether corrupt officials are being bribed to connive in shoddy construction.
68. It was a terrible shock to discover the full extent of the problem.
69. I was tickled to discover that we'd both done the same thing.
70. The detective has to discover the murderer by logical deduction.
71. Someone might discover our secret and that would never do.
72. She was annoyed to discover that her husband had taken her car keys.
73. It was difficult for the inspectors to discover which documents were important.
74. It was a shock to discover the truth about his sordid past.
75. His father was so disgusted to discover his son was dealing drugs he shopped him to police.
76. It was necessary to discover the truth or otherwise of these statements.
77. Little by little I was beginning to discover the truth about Garfield.
78. We were amazed to discover that we'd been at school together.
79. They experimented successfully on the plants to discover disease-resistant varieties.
80. I was amazed to discover that Mary's husband and Jane's son are one and the same .
80. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
81. I arrived at the campsite, only to discover that it was closed for the winter.
82. She used the map to discover where she was in relation to her surroundings.
83. I'll need several weeks to discover the lie of the land before I can make any decisions about the future of the business.
84. By looking at the bones of this animal, we can discover quite a lot about its musculature.
85. Visitors are often amazed to discover how little the town has changed.
86. A wise man travels to discover himself. James Russell Lowell 
87. The problem is to discover the procedures by which high-level units bring this about.
88. We discover Athenian women going on a three-day binge every autumn, gleefully burying models of male genitalia.
89. Property should come under the Trades Description Act and contracts should allow buyers to back out if they discover undeclared defects.
90. Those who discover the high sea are the ones who are free to be what they want to be. RVM 
91. All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them. Galileo Galilei 
92. And if we examine the bare rock at the base of the grassy hill we discover carved spirals.
93. Relying on tablets for the relief of pain without trying to discover its cause can be positively dangerous.
94. You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him discover it in himself. Galileo Galilei 
95. I nosed the boat through one, to discover a small sandy beach.
96. One of the more scientific attempts to discover their origins was an investigation of their blood group.
97. I had always wanted to discover as much as I could about the people I met and I was especially interested now.
98. What I didn't discover until recently was that it provides a bonus for organic gardeners.
99. One way to discover what capitalism is and how it works is to try it for yourself.
100. The company will probably discover, to its chagrin, that it cuts both ways.
101. In Neolithic art we discover a vast array of bird-woman Goddess statues, pots, and paintings.
102. We can use multiple regression analysis to discover the relative influence of these factors on perceptions.
103. I can not believe it took two weeks to discover that three of our Olympic athletes had taken drugs.
104. So it's perplexing to discover that cancer in industrialised countries is rising.
105. True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country. Kurt Vonnegut 
106. Negative thinking is subtle and deceptive. It wears many faces and hides behind the mask of excuses. It is important to strip away the mask and discover the real, root emotion. Robert H. Schuller 
107. It took little time to discover that I was in a new category.
108. Middlesbrough woman Gwen Lamb was shocked to discover that anyone can offer residential accommodation to the most vulnerable in society.
109. One had to work under him to discover he never troubled with the charm unless he considered it worth his while.
110. Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore. Lord Chesterfield 
110. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
111. You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you. Eric Hoffer 
112. It was then that I began to discover the fate that awaited me as a female.
113. She was to discover that she could see for miles from the attic windows - almost the whole of Bristol.
114. He was particularly proud of his drawings and made many in order to discover the absolutely right pose or disposition of the hands.
115. Investigations are continuing to discover how the two cars came to collide at the Great Stainton crossroads on the narrow road.
116. Some parents discover the truth by opening the sealed coffins delivered to them for burial.
117. Sometimes I discover I have changed my mind because I have forgotten what I used to think. Mason Cooley 
118. Overall, it may be difficult to discover whether there is enough evidence to pursue a claim.
119. What is more important is to discover the causes of delay, without which general conclusions are likely to be unhelpful.
120. To discover why, we must turn to the introductory chapters of Genesis.
121. Startled, she turned to discover the dark-haired woman glaring at her through eyes that were like burning coals.
122. Amnesty's job is to breach these walls, to discover the truth within, and then to act.
123. The reader will soon discover that I think very little of certain of the central ideas of economics.
124. I asked after a time, startled to discover we were alone.
125. If you are in good practice, it is fun to discover just how accurate you can be with a crosswind landing.
126. Nobody is superior, nobody is inferior, but nobody is equal either. People are simply unique, incomparable. You are you, I am I. I have to contribute my potential to life; you have to contribute your potential to life. I have to discover my own being; you have to discover your own being. Osho 
127. One advantage in being a social animal is that one need not discover practices for oneself.
128. In order to construct an integrated theory of linguistic competence, it is essential to discover the logical ordering of components or levels.
129. In a throwback to the days of Confucius, Jiang essentially wants party members to discover the joys of clean living.
130. The churches should seek to discover the community trends and local authority plans for the coming years.
131. So it comes as a surprise to discover that this is not always the case.
132. Now that they have learned how to win again they have to discover how to stay ahead of the pack.
133. All girls and boys, from every background(), must be able to discover their talents and fulfil their potential.
134. To discover how to find the component values of a synthesised high-pass filter, consider the particular case of a second-order type.
135. Another important branch of philosophy relevant here is metaphysics, which tries to discover the basic structure of reality.
136. For all the size of the Byrd discography, we have barely started to discover them.
137. My message, especially to young people is to have courage to think differently, courage to invent, to travel the unexplored path, courage to discover the impossible and to conquer the problems and succeed. These are great qualities that they must work towards. This is my message to the young people. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 
138. The root of materialism is probably a firm commitment to empirical scientific method as the only reliable way to discover truth.
139. Only when we’re brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light. Brene Brown 
140. When Sheila Sheffield fails to achieve her quota for the quarter,[http:///discover.html] he helps Sheila discover the reasons.
141. The purpose of this project is to analyse some of these forecasts and discover their similarities and differences.
142. It is quite something to discover giant tubeworms clustered around warm water flowing from the seafloor.
143. Inquiries must continue, however, to discover if Trevor Graham, a chartered surveyor, takes rural walks.
144. Teenagers who discover they were adopted often search for their biological parents when they are old enough.
145. Other staff said she seemed annoyed to discover that Mrs Fribbins had wet the bed.
146. The fundamental assumption was that Time will always discover and avenge any act of injustice.
147. Piaget interviewed children to discover their concepts and beliefs about clumsiness and accidents.
148. We return to the vehicles to discover a dead battery in the second truck.
149. I know I should not allow one of my dearest friends to discover so late on of my romantic attachment ....
150. There is an additional objective to listening carefully: it helps you discover which words and meanings have become assets.
151. One day I open an envelope and discover the most articulate Tonelli I have ever come across in my life.
152. To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries. Aldous Huxley 
153. The greatest sweetener of human life is Friendship. To raise this to the highest pitch of enjoyment, is a secret which but few discover. Joseph Addison 
154. We might even discover that he uses a lower number of abstract nouns than other writers of his time.
155. It's the way most people discover the best things in life.
156. Firefighters spent more than eight hours at the scene, damping down the smouldering straw and attempting to discover how the blaze started.
157. Sociological study does not aim to discover who is innocent of the charges against them and who is guilty.
158. It is generally, in the season of prosperity that men discover their real temper, principles and design. Edmund Burke 
159. Love is meeting needs, which means that anyone motivated to love automatically assumes a burden to discover what the needs are.
160. The traveller, we now discover, is a young man whose ailing parents want him to stay within reach.
161. And then one day you discover a length of clothesline.
162. The discourse analyst attempts to discover regularities in his data and to describe them.
163. Insert a card into the machine at the branch and you can discover exactly how many points you have accumulated.
164. Scouts are sent around the world to discover genes that may have commercial applications.
165. We even discover that his affectless exterior conceals a dark appetite for adolescent girls.
166. Similarly, management will increasingly need internal auditors to develop new ways to discover and eliminate waste and fraud.
167. Without a paycheck, you discover the importance of cash flow, and your accountant has to become your best friend.
168. The greatest joy on earth is to truly love. Discover love today. Experience the bliss & fulfillment that comes from loving and caring. Love is magical. RVM 
169. We go chasing around this frozen, benighted countryside and discover nothing.
170. Discover these by careful scanning of job adverts in local and regional papers, at job centres and recruitment agencies.
170. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
171. Yet many would-be entrepreneurs are often shocked when they discover the importance marketing has assumed-in building any new business.
172. He came home to discover that his war injuries had also ended his boxing career.
173. Video: When did you discover your liver cancer?
174. We still discover many farmhouse acquired new home appliance.
175. After ransacking his valise, they discover he is French.
176. How did People discover the Hong Kong Orchid Tree?
177. Discover pusher was knocked later, feel inappropriate.
178. There was still more to discover, more mysteries unravel.
179. In contrast, girls are likely to discover masturbation alone and by accident.
180. Pursue the direction of the voice he soon discover the hide songster.
181. My feeling for him undergo a revulsion when I discover his cruelty.
182. Statistic and analysis, if discover any over loading, report to the superior.
183. Readers will discover an entertaining tale of Peri, a sad prince and a sea dragon.
184. Now it would be possible to discover many new things about Pluto.
185. Sucre and Sara discover the lab top at the hotel with images of Xavier.
186. Use titration to discover the concentration of a solution of hydrochloric acid.
187. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
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189. Think out of the box, you might discover something new.
190. S . Navy is still not absolutely sure to discover a new type of Russian submarine.
191. It was a great shock to me to discover that I had motor neuron disease.
192. Objective: To discover the etiology , pathology , clinical course, therapy and prognosis of optic disk vasculitis.
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194. It was most amusing to discover that the sense of smell actually existed.
195. To discover 4 eyes ( 28.5 % ) ocular hypotension were found after vitrectomy.
196. Bessler attempts to discover perpetual motion, claiming success after 10 years of study and experiments.
197. A falling apple in the garden at his home made him discover the law of gravitation.
198. This system still helped to discover 10 new type a star body.
199. Opening eyes and stretching four limbs, people discover the varicolored world and feel curious inside.
200. LIFELife's challenges are not supposed paralyze you, they're supposed to help your discover who you are.
201. It was a marvellous effort of perspicacity to discover that I did not love her.
202. To discover what works and why, just unleash your five - year - old inner child.
203. Some women are horrified to suddenly discover porn on their partner's computer.
204. We also discuss how to discover actively and strike back the network wiretap.
205. By working with different rheological models one might discover that.
206. We need not trouble ourselves with attempting to discover the future outputs imputable to current input.
207. We discover in these songs our very inmost activities and sufferings.
208. There I laymen and priests were present, but I could not discover a single Levite.
209. They discover that Irene's spleen is necrotic , and she's dying from the inside out.
210. From Zuo Zhuan we can discover that the wars theand Autumn Period are full of humanitarianism.
211. To discover heterogeneous network topology structure, a bottom - to - top discovery algorithm is proposed.
212. Her tendency to discover a touch of sadness had for the nonce disappeared.
213. Those who set out to serve both god mammon soon discover that there is no god.
214. Mandated reductions have forced manufacturers to reexamine the diesel engine combustion process to discover answers.
215. Objective To discuss the relationship between IAA and EHT and discover its mechanism.
216. No longer in your natural state, you suddenly discover that the physical body has severe restraints.
217. They discover that they have a telepathic worm connected to a life support system.
218. One may also discover one's hologram swapped out for another.
219. We seek to help every student discover the joy and fulfillment in the obtainment of knowledge.
220. Don't you listen? Discover, highest to WTO hurrah is Chinese common people.
221. If discover the child is honest, do not like not loath also child.
222. How did Vera discover she had this gift of second sight?
222. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
223. With analysis, we discover that nature in this world of form is impermanent, same as human.
224. The chance to discover a Northrend transmutation has been increased.
225. Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they're supposed to help you discover who you are.
226. Be not immodest in urging your friends to discover a secret.
227. Objective To discover the predisposing factors and clinical characteristics of the senile retinal detachment.
228. Discover the next meal in the PAC - MAN menu.
229. The mouse wondered - he was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap.
230. Sometimes walks nearby the pond, you can discover several toads jump out.




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