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单词 Tomb
1. What's learnt in the cradle lasts till the tomb
2. What is learned in the cradle lasts [is carried] till [to] the grave [tomb]. 
3. What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave [tomb]. 
4. The tomb had been robbed of its treasures.
5. Take away love, and our earth is a tomb.
6. His tomb was covered with a yellow patina of lichen.
7. This tomb holds the mortal remains of King Richard III.
8. A few red roses were scattered on the tomb.
9. Hallam's tomb had been defiled and looted.
9. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. We found the tomb perfectly intact.
11. Tourists queue in thousands to see the tomb.
12. The tomb was inscribed with a short poem.
13. They dug many ancient coins out of the tomb.
14. The tomb was honeycombed with passages and chambers.
15. They bore his body to the tomb.
16. When they opened up the tomb they found treasure beyond their wildest dreams.
17. Tom found the tomb vastly amusing.
18. The tomb was left undisturbed for over 800 years.
19. We met near the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
20. Here also is the celebrated tomb of Saint Xavier.
21. I released him from the tomb.
22. Nick examined the elaborate carvings on the tomb.
23. The tomb assumption has a long pedigree.
24. Against the old wall was an empty stone tomb.
25. There are no objects from the tomb itself.
26. That night we slid into Tomb Bay, where Lycian rock tombs glare over a sheltered bight and cicadas yell from oleanders.
27. Tomb inscriptions, the coffin, statues, stelae and other grave goods therefore bore the name.
28. His tomb is believed to be a place for healing sick children.
29. There the desecration of his parent's tomb was seen as the outlet for feelings that knew no other way of expression.
30. Once it used to be just child psychology but we now know that we develop all the time from womb to tomb.
1. The tomb had been robbed of its treasures.
2. His tomb was covered with a yellow patina of lichen.
3. This tomb holds the mortal remains of King Richard III.
4. A few red roses were scattered on the tomb.
31. Likewise, at Niya were recovered a wide assortment of silks from the tomb of a mummified man and woman.
32. In the Churchyard you will find the tomb of his employer William Sanderson.
33. Mark records the women's reaction upon finding the Empty tomb as that of Fear.
34. The tomb stands today as a telling memorial to the period.
35. Then comes the famous Cerveteri tomb of Regolini Galassi, which belongs to the following period, when oriental influence was strong.
36. Miracles were performed at his tomb and until the Reformation there was a cult of St Richard the Hermit there.
37. There was more to this, when Sammler was boarding in the tomb.
38. Others may pause before the tomb of Dante, who died in exile from Florence.
39. Unfortunately the tomb retained an excessive amount of humidity and this provoked the decomposition of most of the body.
40. A statue pedestal of the king found in his tomb complex was also inscribed with Imhotep's name and his titles.
41. In the darkness Thisbe crept out and made her way in all secrecy to the tomb.
42. Old cypress trees rose up in silent sentry this afternoon, and the entrance to the tomb looked shut.
43. The fall of Pamplona from a detail on Charlemagne's tomb at Aachen.
44. The so-called tomb of Osiris was actually the burial place of Djer, a long-forgotten king of the First Dynasty.
45. Her body was taken to Sicily by three women, where the afflicted have been cured at her tomb for centuries.
46. His Victorian tomb looks out through a vista of pine trees on to the shimmering plains below.
47. Were you disappointed not to be chosen for the big-screen Tomb Raider role?
48. Heka-ib was governor of Elephantine in the sixth Dynasty and was buried in a rock tomb at Kubbet el-Hawa at Aswan.
49. He might have been pounding on the door of a tomb.
50. Despite the homely sounds, the place felt as cold and dank as a tomb.
51. The stone that blocked the entrance to the tomb was placed there for a purpose.
52. Our isolation cancelled by the Saviour's action, embracing as he did both tomb and hill.
53. A slippery liquid with curing powers is said to flow from near her tomb.
54. It was his building, Lewis' s. It was like his tomb or mausoleum, almost airless.
55. It was pitch dark where I was standing, and silent as a tomb.
56. Some people keep wandering aimlessly from womb to tomb. They seek nothing and achieve nothing. RVM 
57. As they stood off guard, two young men both carrying suitcases sprang out from the passageway behind the tomb.
58. Needless to say, entire platoons of soldiers set up camp at his tomb before battle.
59. The cult of the dead at the tomb was a strictly religious function.
60. Most sombre of all is the tomb over the mass grave of the R-101 victims at Cardington, Bedfordshire.
61. An inscription bearing this monogram was found in a tomb at Pompeii, dating from two and a half centuries before.
62. His patronage is due to the high recovery rate of hernia sufferers at his tomb.
63. The first tomb to be excavated in 1991 was one of the largest ever to be scientifically excavated in the New World.
64. In the tomb they found a statue of a horse cast in bronze.
65. She could move little more than her eyes, and she remained entirely dependent on her iron tomb for breath.
66. The only building unscathed is the green and white tomb of Ibrahim Ahmed Ben Omar, who died 750 years ago.
67. There's an underground tunnel that goes from here to an empty tomb in the churchyard.
68. Bergman conjectured that the tomb might date to the first centuries of our era.
69. A sheikh was summoned and with his authority and before a vast concourse of onlookers the tomb was reopened.
70. This made my delight at finding King Felin's tomb all the more great.
71. Archaeologists found it in a boat-shaped tomb 29m long,() made out of mud bricks and buried deep in the sand.
72. A small settlement might have just one tomb: Knossos was ringed by such tombs.
73. I went back to Ralemberg's house but it was all sealed up like a tomb so I left it alone.
74. At the time, it was just a tomb for Leigh's money, thanks to his young designer's fancies.
75. Questioning the tomb assumption for megaliths does not mean that people never thought of them as burial places.
76. To a non-archaeologist the insistence on seeing every monument as a tomb may seem obsessive.
77. After several days, when the sisters visited the tomb, the fragrance was still there.
78. The tomb was added to the collection in the early years of the century.
79. This mausoleum was built to house her tomb but it is empty now.
80. A shrill whistle is blown angrily by a shivering soldier, a sentry at the tomb.
81. They glittered like the backs of scarabs caught in torchlight at the rear of a tomb.
82. She was only too glad to have even this talk bouncing against walls that had become a tomb.
83. In the complete and oppressive silence of his tomb, John listened for the sound of rescuers.
84. He had let him into the Mezvinski tomb, brought him some rags for cover.
85. His body rested in his tomb and his cult was celebrated in his mortuary temple.
86. In the body of the adjoining church you will find the impressive tomb of Martim Mendes Vasconselos, son-in-law of Zarco.
87. But within the small tomb, originally built for some one else, was a wealth of treasure.
88. There were a few members of staff who could do with a visit from beyond the tomb.
89. The king also gave him a tomb at Thebes, which as not yet been found.
90. Life is not meant to just zoom from the womb to the tomb. Slow down. Enjoy the journey! RVM 
91. The old version of Tomb Raider was a lot more limited in scope than this one.
92. On the way to the tomb there are some mementoes of the great man, a crucifix staff and a mitre.
93. Geoffrey Plantagenet, Count of Anjou, as depicted in his tomb effigy.
94. The upper part of his tomb had been made part of the perimeter by a grill of fine arches behind.
95. A close up of Raphael's tomb.
96. The tomb of Filippo Brunelleschi in the crypt.
97. Cooper over the tomb of weeks, a quiet solemnity.
98. A darkling fire, faint hovering o'er a tomb.
99. While alone and insane incased in his tomb.
100. The emperor's tomb had his image carved in stone.
101. My soul is a tomb where , bad cenobite.
102. There is an inscription on the tomb.
103. While alone and insane , encased in his tomb.
104. Wreaths were laid at the martyr's tomb.
105. In the village, military attache of the tomb unearthed in the high-rugulosa Qing, China is the oldest surviving, the most complete one of the major musical instruments.
106. Did the tomb raider routine come from wanting daddy's attention?
107. She notes that some mastaba (early non-pyramid tomb) walls in Giza and Saqqara were actually inscribed with "curses" meant to terrify those who would desecrate or rob the royal resting place.
108. A Sudanese man illuminates hieroglyphs an ancient tomb in Al Kurru.
109. They found several glazed clay pots in the ancient tomb.
110. The tomb is at a site called Herodium, a flattened hilltop in the Judean Desert, clearly visible from southern Jerusalem.
111. It is believed the pyramid was built as a tomb for fourth dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops in Greek) and constructed over a 20 year period concluding around 2551 BC.
112. We believe that out of every grave there blooms an Easter lily, and in every tomb there sits an angel.
113. But the enemies of tyranny - whither does their path tend? To the tomb, and to immortality!
114. After His body was taken and placed in a tomb, she stood shamefully on the hill.
115. INDOCHINA . Tonkin. The tomb of a French soldier killed during the war.
116. The fighting started when participants of the march were attacked as they were trying to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Kremlin.
117. She visited The Church Of The Holy Sepulchre, said to be the site of Jesus Christ's tomb, and the Western Wall, one of the Jewish faith's most religious sites.
118. Before the reforming and opening, Chinese were equalitarian . Governmental employers took care of the whole life of their staff—from cradle to tomb.
119. Geoffrey Chaucer was an English poet, his best known work is The Canterbury Tales, which describes a group of pilgrims traveling to Canterbury to visit Thomas Becket's tomb.
120. " Expert analysis, this big ditch, "the three countries may be when his wife, Kam Wing Palace or the tomb of ancillary facilities.
121. The tradition of pyramid building started in Ancient Egypt as a sophistication of the idea of a mastaba or "platform" covering the royal tomb.
122. Sacred stories unfold across 16 chambers and corridors in the tomb of Seti I, father of Ramses II.
123. Moloch whose breast is a cannibal dynamo! Moloch whose ear is a smoking tomb!
124. The women who went to the tomb on Easter Sunday morning were preoccupied.
125. Tomb of dark gray marble floors inlaid with a bronze five-pointed star, five-pointed star never goes out of the middle of a long burning fire.
126. Their most celebrated and admired duty is standing guard around the clock at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
127. Geoffrey Chaucer's best known work is the Canterbury Tales which describes a group of pilgrims traveling to Canterbury to visitTomas Becket's tomb.
128. Sometimes the rallying cry is'save the Tomb of Christ from the Heathen!'
129. The Pharaoh of Egypt thought he would need a tomb with several chambers.
130. A loud hollow groan sounded behind them in the tomb.
131. The mention of a character on such a tomb or ossuary does not prove that the person really existed.
132. Other illusionary effects have been accounted for in the geometry of the tomb and the tall minarets.
133. The couple were reportedly sombre as they laid flowers at the island tomb on the 14,000-acre Althorp Estate in Northamptonshire.
134. On Easter morning she went with two other women anoint the corpse found the tomb empty.
135. Across the river in Arlington, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier stands amidst the dim, grave and majestic Arlington National Cemetery.
136. Mary Queen of Scots was executed in 1587 for plotting to assassinate Elizabeth 1. Her tomb lies in the Museum of Scotland.
137. As a tomb guard, he had sworn to protect all elves burials.
138. Coming into the door, I discovered that the Tito's tomb is on the lift side and an exhibition room is on the right.
139. Two years ago, scientists removed the mummy from the tomb and placed it into a portable CT scanner for 15 minutes to obtain a three-dimensional image.
140. In August, excavations at another ancient Thracian tomb in the same region revealed another four-wheel chariot.
141. Colin: Have you seen the Angeline Jolie movie Tomb Raider?
142. The archaeologist found a jade dress in a Han Dynasty tomb.
143. This paper will present the panorama of Tomb-sweeping Day after Song Dynasty by Tomb - sweeping Drama.
144. Mr Vinceti is a member of a group which is seeking permission to exhume da Vinci's remains from his tomb at Amboise Castle in France's Loire Valley.
145. Zhaojun Tomb is the tomb of Wang Zhaojun, a Han Dynasty palace lady-in-waiting who became the consort of a Xiongnu ruler.
146. 1922 - Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon become the first people to enter the tomb of Egyptian King Tutankhamun in over 3000 years.
147. The opening of Tutankhamen's tomb in 1922 supposedly unleashed one such curse on the archaeologists working on the dig.
148. Next day he escorted him to Canterbury, where Louis prayed at Becket’s tomb and gave offerings, including the great ruby which Henry VIII was to grab for himself when he destroyed the shrine.
149. To celebrate Memorial Day, a great ceremony is always held at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery near Washington D.
150. In his documentary The Lost Tomb of Jesus, Simcha Jacobovici claims archaeological evidence that disproves the resurrection of Christ.
151. The chariot is one of five discovered by British archaeologist Howard Carter when he entered King Tut's treasure-packed tomb in 1922.
152. The celadon tomb figures are ceramic glazed and rust red all over and look cute.
153. A cover a coffin, bier, or tomb, often made of black, purple, or white velvet.
154. Carter: British archaeologist who worked in Egypt after 1890 and discovered ( 1922 ) the tomb of Tutankhamen.
155. He had lain in his icy tomb on an Alpine glacier in northern Italy for 5, 300 years, a perfectly preserved Stone Age warrior, complete with fur robes, leather shoes and bow and arrow.
156. Despite a tomb fresco , it is an uncommon portrait work in Tang dynasty.
157. "Bazar" is Arabic, meaning the tomb of a holy spirit.
158. Several elementary school children threw their red scarfs into the railed tomb, a gesture of respect for the dead, but the ubiquitous commercial air made the action a bit comic.
159. Her bones preserved in Herculaneum's volcanic tomb for nearly 2, 000 years, a Roman woman is still adorned in rings of gold, carnelian, and jasper.
160. Alexander's body lay in the Sema, the great tomb built at the order of Ptolemy [ I.
161. Mt Andlaid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn in the rock.
162. On Palm Sunday (17 April) 1177 King Henry was at Reading when he heard of Count Philip’s intention of visiting Becket’s tomb. King and count met at Canterbury on 21 April.
163. The KV55 tomb contained a cache of material thought to have been brought by Tutankhamun to Thebes from Amarna, where Akhenaten (and perhaps Smenkhkare) had been buried.
164. Marius gazed for a while at this gloomy interior, more terrifying than the interior of a tomb, for the human soul could be felt fluttering there, and life was palpitating there.
165. Middleton wore a veil held in place by a tiara and held a small bouquet containing lily of the valley, which she will place on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier after the ceremony.
166. But without thorough digestion and assimilation, the paintings of Li Shou's tomb assume a "paste-up" style.
167. Experts say the tomb could belong to the first ruler of the Mayan city state of Palenque - K'uk Bahlam I.
168. Myrrh was used to prepare the body of Jesus for his tomb.
169. And , double bonus for him , he's a huge fan of Tomb Raider.
170. Carter thought the canary would lead them to the tomb.
171. Tomb art includes depictions of ancient farmers working their fields and tending livestock, fishing and fowling, carpentry, costumes, religious rituals, and burial practices.
172. IT IS the most famous archaeological find since Howard Carter opened Tutankhamen's tomb in 1923.
173. Three days later, Mary Magdalene came to pay her respects at the tomb.
174. But Mary Magdalene and the other Mary remained sitting there, facing the tomb.
175. After speaking these words, Jesus went to the garden, the prison, the cross, the tomb, hell itself, Abraham's bosom, and the Right hand of the Father.
176. A golden dagger dating to 3,000 BC, plus 500 golden ornaments, have been found in a Thracian tomb in central Bulgaria, an archaeologist said.
177. Over three hundred years ago Jehan built the Taj Mahal as a tomb for his wife.
178. Maybe I have visitors to have noticed, before the tomb anti - seeping.
179. The Tomb Raider actress was seated with her partner and Aniston's ex-husband, Brad Pitt.
180. It also enriches the data for study of the Bi Sheng tomb stele.
181. Carved into the Valley of the Kings, Tut's tomb hid his mummy and funerary regalia until archaeologist Howard Carter revealed its contents to world acclaim in 1922.
182. Mausoleum: Large, impressive tomb, especially a stone Building with places for entombment of the dead aboveground.
183. The Megalithic Passage Tomb at Newgrange was built about 3200 BC.
184. The famous tomb at Halicarnassus—now the city of Bodrum—was built between 370 and 350 B.C. for King Mausolus of Caria, a region in the southwest of modern Turkey.
185. I have touched a complete Book in the tomb of an Antediluvian , and watched it crumble to dust.
186. Writings at the site led experts to identify the tomb as belonging to Marcus Nonius Macrinus, one of the closest aides and generals of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius.
187. NARRATOR: The welfare state provided care , free of charge , from womb to tomb.
188. Objective: To study the osteal diseases of human skeleton in ancient tomb in Henan.
189. By all ancient accounts, the tomb of Jesus was empty, making it highly unlikely that it was moved to another tomb, decayed for one year's time, and then the bones put in an ossuary.
190. These literatures are included in The Bamboo Slips of Chu Collected in Shanghai Museum, The Bamboo-slips Excavated from Guodian Chu Tomb, The Epigraph on the Three Bronzes of Pingshan.
191. An archaeologically valuable ancient tomb was unearthed in the underlying soil of this corn field.
192. Standing on the wall, it can be seen known writer Tony Island and Chateaubriand's tomb.
193. A top archeologist in Egypt says he may have found the lost tomb of Mark Antony and Cleopatra.
194. After a stop to lay a wreath at Russia's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Mr. Obama will head to the Kremlin for a private meeting with Russian President D.
195. The girl kneels down in front of the boy's grave tomb, holding the flower petal.
196. To celebrate Memorial Day, a grand ceremony is always held at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery near Washington D.
197. Chien - Wen content removal policy, detailed account of the tomb of the funerary objects.
198. The tomb is a typical Western Jin and its clear date, intact tomb structure, and abundance of funerary objects provide important materials for periodization of graves of the Western Jin.
199. When Howard Carter opened a small hole to peer inside the tomb at treasures hidden for 3, 000 years, he also unleashed a global passion for ancient Egypt.
200. I'm telling you , when you lie under tomb I'm the one watching you.
201. The garden is dominated by a sharp-tipped pyramid: the fanciful tomb of a Roman general with a penchant for Egyptology.
202. The Gregorian calendar year before April 5 for tomb - sweeping day, 24 solar is one.
203. E'en from the tomb the voice of nature cries, E'en in our Ashes live their wonted fires.
204. Tomb paintings of the New Kingdom show that Nubia was regarded as one of the four corners of the world, over which Egypt had control.
205. When the flower boat for the bride passed Liang's tomb, there came a fresh gale, which caused the wave to surge so that the boat could not go any further.
206. But in 2007, Egyptian authorities announced they identified the female pharaoh's mummy in KV60A, a mummified female body found by Howard Carter in 1903 as he entered tomb KV60.
207. Muslim sages tomb in west side of the liberation of North - po.
208. The tomb has a unique architectural decor, with polychrome half - human, half - plant caryatids and painted murals.
209. Tell how his boyhood was one drear night-hour, How shone for him, through his griefs and gloom, 10 No star of all heaven sends to light our Path to the tomb.
210. The sweet green rice ball is a Tomb Sweeping Day food which is popular in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces. It is made of mugwort juice, glutinous rice and sweetened bean paste.
211. Researchers have found an early example of writing done on silk paper in the tomb of a Marchioness who died around 168, in Mawangdui, Hunan.
212. In 1921, President Harding dedicated the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery.
213. They found this authentic manuscript of the book from an ancient tomb.
214. Epitaph is placed in the tomb stone, Zhiwen and its content is divided into two parts.
215. Thracian tomb reflects the fundamental structural principles of Thracian cult buildings.
216. The Emperor Qin Shihuang had mystically built his bomb with many buried ceramic tomb figures that was today's Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses Figurines we found in Shanxi.
217. About existing condition, the Platycladus orientalis at Huangdi Tomb could not be killed, but their growth and scenery will be affected.
218. In the sepulchre there by the sea ? In her tomb by the sounding sea.
219. The tomb memorial tablet of SHI Dan was discovered in southern suburb of Tengzhou in fall of 1988.




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