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单词 Usurious
1. Have reimbursement capacity, somebody assures ability lends usurious money.
2. While the stone village folk usurious namely thenceforth begins.
3. They lent money with usurious interest before 1945.
4. Shi Guobao was considered a folk usurious agitation" claw king".
5. But now he faces usurious debts from a hasty expansion of his business, and he will be killed unless he clears the debt in one month.
6. Be in a country especially, usurious nowhere is absent, be all - pervasive, behave very actively.
7. For example, on the usurious rates that enhance the industry one of important measures.
8. If this is a usurious industry in the national economy has a greater impact on the industry, the national economy will have serious consequences.
9. Among these, the usurious loan credit was the predominant and had deep influences on social and economic life.
10. Despite the usurious prices, 10,000 people attended throughout the week.
11. This article research Ming Dynasty's usurious interest rate, makes a thorough inquiry about its types, the difference in different area, the construction and the evolution trend.
12. I had to run away from my creditor whom I made a usurious loan.
13. The wolfish landlord used this chance to demand the usurious compound interest of 50% for three years.
14. The interest rate is a core factor of the village usurious loan through which we can reveal many related questions about the usury.
15. Under such circumstances(), there is no real estate conditions were usurious .
16. Even with these rules, access to bank credit is very limited. In much of the countryside, usurious moneylenders still hold sway.
17. Pressure was being applied for me to use their service in Belarus at what I thought was a ridiculous usurious rate .
18. By comparison, living in my overpriced apartment, walking to work past putrid sacks of street garbage, paying usurious taxes to local and state governments I generally abhor.
19. Insiders said that the loss of credibility, Shi Guobao et al. They drive the usurious network suddenly collapse.
20. These companies, cut off from bank loans at reasonable rates of interest, had turned instead to supposedly usurious moneylenders, known as the curb market.
21. Every debt he owed in the world, including the pawnshop, with its usurious interest, amounted to less than a hundred dollars.
22. To Mr Yunus and its other critics, the Mexican bank is no better than an old-fashioned loan shark, earning its huge profits by charging poor borrowers a usurious interest rate of at least 79% a year.
23. Among the earliest changes they wrought was to reduce usurious interest rates, and build a few hospitals and roads.
24. Wenzhou why real estate people finding it difficult to usurious one.
25. When they were scrambling amid time scarcity, they were quick to borrow time, and they were nearly oblivious to the usurious interest rates the game organizers were charging.
1. I had to run away from my creditor whom I made a usurious loan.




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