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单词 Parted
(1) A fool and his money are soon parted
(2) Her hair was parted in the middle.
(3) I parted from Tom after lunch.
(4) That is how we parted.
(5) They parted by mutual consent.
(6) The stones were parted in pieces by heavy blows.
(7) The crowd parted to let the truck pass.
(8) He parted with us at the end of the trip.
(9) After their quarrel, they parted company and didn't see each other again for years.
(10) The two women parted company outside their rooms.
(11) The crowd parted to let the soldiers through.
(12) Her lips parted in a smile.
(13) As they parted, Jim and Mary kissed .
(14) We parted company at the bus-stop.
(15) I parted with him for his dishonesty.
(16) The crowd parted to let him through.
(17) She parted the curtains a little and looked out.
(18) The band have parted company with their manager.
(19) The charitable organization parted food among claimants.
(20) As we parted we said a fond farewell .
(21) The clouds finally parted and the sun came out.
(22) The curtains parted, revealing a darkened stage.
(23) The clouds parted and the sun shone through.
(24) I parted with her after many years.
(25) His hair was parted exactly in the middle.
(26) I hate being parted from the children.
(27) The police parted the crowd.
(28) The puppies were parted from their mother at birth.
(29) He has parted company with his wife.
(30) The band and their manager have parted company.
(1) Her hair was parted in the middle.
(2) I parted from Tom after lunch.
(3) That is how we parted.
(4) They parted by mutual consent.
(5) The stones were parted in pieces by heavy blows.
(6) The crowd parted to let the truck pass.
(7) He parted with us at the end of the trip.
(8) After their quarrel, they parted company and didn't see each other again for years.
(9) The war parted many men from their families.
(10) The rope parted from the tree.
(11) He's not easily parted from his cash.
(12) The strain parted the rope.
(13) She refused to be parted from her beloved cat.
(14) They parted without acrimony.
(15) The couple parted amicably.
(16) The cable suddenly parted.
(31) The policeman parted the crowd.
(32) We parted at the airport.
(33) Her lips were slightly parted.
(34) The elevator doors parted and out stepped the President.
(35) They parted on amicable terms.
(36) He hates being parted from the children.
(37) The two friends disagreed violently and parted company.
(38) The ship parted her hawsers in the gale.
(39) He gave me the envelope and we parted.
(40) The workers parted gold from silver in the workshop.
(41) The war parted many men from their families.
(42) He has recently parted from his wife .
(43) He's not easily parted from his money.
(44) George parted company with the band in 1996.
(45) Ralph's lips parted in a delighted smile.
(46) He has parted from his wife.
(47) Her lips parted in a soundless scream.
(48) The rope parted from the tree.
(49) I'm afraid we parted on rather bad terms.
(50) He parted from his native shore a year ago.
(51) He parted company with Lloyd George over post-war diplomacy.
(52) He's not easily parted from his cash.
(53) His hair was slicked back and neatly parted.
(54) We chin-chinned one another solemnly before we parted.
(55) The crowd parted to allow her through.
(56) The crowd parted to let them through.
(57) Her lips parted with a cry of fear.
(58) The strain parted the rope.
(59) Picking up a brush, Joanna parted her hair.
(60) The children were parted from their father.
(61) She refused to be parted from her beloved cat.
(62) The clouds parted and the sun shone .
(63) The crowd parted in front of them.
(64) She grieved at the thought of being parted from her family for so long.
(65) I don't believe Lotte and I will ever be parted.
(66) We feel as if we had been parted from each other for years.
(67) The duellists had shot each other in the arm, so honors were even and they parted on good terms.
(68) The world's number one tennis player and his coach parted company earlier this month.
(69) Weber parted company with Marx on a number of important issues.
(70) When he parted the curtains, the sunlight flooded into the room.
(71) The three of them parted company at the bus stop.
(72) They parted without acrimony.
(73) The couple parted amicably.
(74) The friends parted: Jane went home and Mary went to the library.
(75) To be parted from him even for two days made her sad.
(76) He crossed to the window of the sitting-room and parted the curtains.
(77) They were hardly ever parted in thirty years of marriage.
(78) The cable suddenly parted.
(79) No child should be parted from his parents by force.
(80) The guests, packed cheek by jowl, parted as he entered.
(81) In spite of their disagreement they parted on amicable terms.
(82) The tennis star has parted company with his Austrian trainer.
(83) Her lips parted as if she were about to take a deep breath.
(84) The clouds parted and a beam of light fell on the field.
(85) After years of marriage, the husband and wife parted over his relationships with other women.
(86) He and his agent have parted company/He has parted company with his agent.
(87) We were angry when we encountered, but we parted with smile.
(88) The crowd was parted right and left to make way for the party.
(89) A stay in hospital may be the first time a child is ever parted from its parents.
(90) The lawyer parted error from crime for him in court.
(91) Joanna parted her hair, and then began to plait it into two thick braids.
(92) We left the palace and parted from the Hobbs.
(93) It is not right we should be parted.
(94) Neighbours had watched discreetly through parted net curtains.
(95) Sharon and I parted on friendly terms.
(96) My fair hair was meticulously parted.
(97) The wood chips parted against the bow.
(98) His hair is black and parted on the side.
(99) With a brief hug, they parted.
(100) They parted in a fairly amicable way.
(101) The two brothers parted at the docks in Lothern.
(102) When we parted I promised I'd write about them.
(103) The wart crept out between his parted lips.
(104) Under that compulsion they parted with their money.
(105) His long blond hair was parted in the center.
(105) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(106) Very gently, he parted the front of her robe.
(107) Jen's black hair was parted down the middle.
(108) The wire parted with a twang.
(109) Fifty or sixty perfect, pointed teeth gleamed between his parted lips.
(110) They have satisfied all physical desire, but still can not bear to be parted.
(111) She parted her lips for him as his mouth closed over hers once again and refused to consider where for ever might end.
(112) He kept his head turned towards Mary, though, as between parted lips they licked the tips of each other's tongues.
(113) Carpets were thick underfoot and solid velvet curtains hung at the windows, parted just sufficiently to admit a little starlight.
(114) The guests, packed cheek by jowl, parted as he entered, and suddenly she knew the reason for the party.
(115) I parted some grass and wondered why Cawthorne had bothered to run electric and telephone cables to a disused toilet for farmhands.
(116) In spite of her grief at being parted from her cousins, she could not help but feel excited.
(117) The bed drapes were parted tonight because it was hot.
(118) The silken thread tying her to home had parted, and there was no turning back.
(119) Then we parted, I went on and she went back with Blazer to the stable yard.
(120) Kate read the expression in his eyes and parted her full lips to speak.
(121) Her lips parted - trembling - as she hovered on the brink of speech.
(122) Holding my eye, Caduta parted the flounces of her shirt.
(123) Joe still reproaches me for a wood carving Laimonis gave me when we parted to go off to different universities.
(124) The reluctance of a secretary to be parted from her boss was a flattering affirmation of personal dedication.
(125) His mouth found hers, and she parted her lips in response.
(126) After some participation in the Great Awakening as a youth, he parted company with its proponents.
(127) Cheryl ran the tip of her tongue round her parted lips.
(128) The sun was on his back as he swung himself over her and her long legs parted in expectation.
(129) The couple, who divorced last June, had parted several times.
(130) When he came in to find her, she was standing on her head in a sexy leotard, legs provocatively parted.
(131) Her wide mouth, emphasized with her scarlet lipstick, parted in a glowing smile.
(132) The knife left a thin white trail where the flesh was momentarily parted before the blood rushed in again beneath the skin.
(133) The crowd parted as Governor Langley walked to the stage.
(134) Omar Duvall had gone to the window over the sink and parted the water-stained curtain.
(135) Yet Menard stayed with the work until one day he and a companion were parted in Wisconsin.
(136) His lips were slightly parted, and she could neither see nor hear the thin whisper of breath.
(137) When friends parted, they exchanged loans of money to be returned in the next life.
(138) Margarett had pulled back her hair rather severely and parted it on the side.
(139) With no words spoken the crowd parted before the old man, allowing him immediate access to the bar.
(140) For the time he has parted with the nobler characteristics of his humanity for the sake of a planetary power of locomotion.
(141) He got to his feet and walked to the window and parted the muslin curtains.
(142) Then, as she watched, the crowd parted and a man came towards her.
(143) She had pale crimped hair over her temples, and her lips were parted to reveal large, even teeth.
(144) Her eyes were open and staring, her mouth open too, lips just parted, as though mid-breath.
(145) He had to get closer, had to touch the statue, had to touch those parted lips.
(146) Therapists used separating Cabbage Patch Dolls, joined by Velcro, to accustom the twins to the idea of being parted.
(147) They knocked against linked bodies, which parted to let them pass.
(148) At six foot six, Tesla was a commanding figure, clean-cut and wiry, his jet-black hair parted in the middle.
(149) She sensed the tensions we were suffering before we finally parted.
(150) His own eyes gazed down at her, watching the tip of her tongue pass unconsciously over her parted lips.
(151) The crowd parted before them and they stared, unbelieving, at the three girls on the bloodstained pink marble floor.
(152) Mala was motionless, eyes wide, lips parted a little, as if hypnotized.
(153) They parted at the front entrance, Silas favouring her with a brief nod before striding away.
(154) A few minutes later she parted from him and, weathering a few pleasant glances, went back to her office.
(155) He packed his belongings, made his goodbyes, and parted from his hosts.
(156) His fair hair was parted on one side, and a lock of it fell across his forehead.
(157) Afterwards, they parted awkwardly on the pavement, each refusing the other's offer of a lift.
(158) The crowd had parted to let Harriet through to the centre of the square.
(159) At the crossroads to the south of Norwood we parted company.
(160) She had dark-brown hair, parted in the middle, and wore a headdress of yellow felt.
(161) Joe parted the curtains and the sunlight came flooding in.
(162) Make sure that your lips are slightly parted and that your jaw is relaxed.
(163) Between the pathologists and police communication was intermittent, for they were parted by more than space.
(164) Her hair was parted in the middle and drawn back from a round, pretty face.
(165) Where dreams and reality parted company was about marriage and the dowry.
(166) Sticking back parquet A couple of blocks in our parquet floor have parted from the concrete beneath.
(167) His iron-grey hair was parted in the middle and he had the mutton-chop whiskers of a bygone age.
(168) Above,(http:///parted.html) the cloud banks had parted: the moon poured down its drenching blue brilliance.
(169) Before they parted May told her friend she was going to the cinema but she never left her house again.
(170) A woman in her early fifties parted beige curtains on the inside door and peered out at him.
(171) Maidstone had not parted with it but held it firmly in his left fist.
(172) He lay on his stomach on a small mound and parted a dead gorse bush.
(173) A dense pile wears better than a loosely-woven one, which can be parted to reveal the backing.
(174) On her parted lips a mysterious, an unspeakable question trembled.
(175) He slumped further forward, his lips parted and his eyes closed.
(176) The long legs parted as the pale blue water took her, like an obscene gesture at Liz.
(177) And when Merrill awoke the following morning her lips were slightly parted to receive his dream-kiss.
(178) The black clouds had parted to show between them shreds of summer sky turned sickly green.
(179) The gunman looked around him wildly and the crowd parted as he darted up a narrow alleyway.
(180) She had freckles, level gray eyes, a round nose, and straight dark blond hair parted in the middle.
(181) Whenever they were parted, always she would go through a particular agony.
(182) The crowd had parted to let them through, and Kathleen's fear for herself vanished as she took in the scene.
(183) We parted at Paddington, and assured them that they would have to change trains at Oxford.
(184) Joan Carrier; the head nurse, parted the onlookers, marched into the room and stood over the table.
(185) She had refused to be parted from it, and leniency had been shown during her first few days in new surroundings.
(186) She then parted Charlie's lips expertly before her tongue began to play with his.
(187) We parted with warm affection and I expect, someday, to hear he has been made a lieutenant.
(188) After the two Penns parted company, the son found solace in a happy marriage to GuliGulielma Maria Springett.
(189) He was still looking into her eyes and his mouth found her parted lips.
(190) Robson departs Bryan Robson has parted company with Middlesbrough after seven years in charge.
(191) His thick straight black hair was parted high on the left and plastered to his skull with hair oil.
(192) Thus Sanger and her paper, now named Birth Control Review, parted ways with her former financial backers.
(193) Russell was thirty-five, a short man with slicked-down hair parted in the middle.
(194) She parted the branches with her hands as she moved further into the forest.
(195) Within was the mummy of an old woman whose long, grey hair had been parted in the middle.
(195) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(196) Her lips were parted and he could feel her heartbeat against his chest.
(197) She stirred and snuggled towards him, a low murmur of peace escaping from slightly parted lips.
(198) It was a second or two before it opened and when it did her lips parted silently.
(199) He was in a hurry, he told me as we shook hands and parted.
(200) He is leaving tomorrow, and I have parted them with my selfishness and my love.
(201) The heavy-lidded eyes were still half-open, the lips slightly parted; in the flickering torchlight the figure seemed to be asleep.
(202) His dark hair, long and straight, was parted in the middle.
(203) Bike and biker parted company and, some slow-motion seconds later, my two front teeth touched down on the tarmac.
(204) We parted amicably, still holding different views of my worth!
(205) People parted respectfully to let the Chilcott boys pass, nodding and murmuring their approval.
(206) As he parted them, he heard the familiar snuffling as Miguelito fed cocaine into his nose.
(207) His tongue parted her lips sensuously and then he drew so hard on her mouth that her last vestige of hope disappeared.
(208) His golden hair was parted down the middle, and he wore a gold ring on his right hand.
(209) Craning my neck, I eyed the rubber flaps anxiously as they parted to reveal a glimpse of daylight.
(210) We walked the half-block to my car and then parted company.
(211) Calyx 5 - parted almost to base.
(212) They traded a few nothings as they parted.
(213) Her lips parted to show her canine teeth.
(214) We parted unreconciled, you remember, and I shan't forgive myself.
(215) Mutual recrimination passed between them : they parted in anger, and were never reconciled.
(216) The human pubic louse, on the other hand, is related to the gorilla louse, from which it parted company some 13 million years ago.
(217) Let your jaw drop open slightly so that your lips are parted, creating a "dead fish" expression.
(218) Just before we parted, she gave me a goodnight kiss.
(219) Zeman parted company with Brescia and veteran midfielder Di Biagio is set to do the same.
(220) Two years after they failed to reach a business agreement and parted company, Northrop Grumman has acquired the KillerBee line of unmanned aircraft from Swift Engineering.
(221) The cable parted , and the minisub started to gather speed toward the bottom of the sea.
(222) Meantime, two people parted to finish venture financing successfully to be in a company severally.
(223) Aiming at net stage updated difficulty and high overhead expenses, this article brings forward the net stage parted management, and describes how to actualize it by ASP and SQL Server.
(224) "Very well," he replied; "I shall bring you no other marriage portion than a story," and so they parted.
(225) The time we parted at, I had no tears. But my heart was so painful, as if cut by a falchion .
(225) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(226) Linux provides a wide range of tools for partitioning MBR disks, including fdisk, cfdisk, sfdisk, GNU Parted, the GNOME Partition Editor (GParted), and more.
(227) Thrice I parted company with otherwise good friends because I perceived impure motivations.
(228) A new genetic algorithm based on N - decimal system parted coding operator is presented.
(229) He parted with the foreigners reluctantly and thanked for their " donations. ".
(230) Yahoo and Weiner parted ways when the company decided to get rid of some of its executives due to its proxy war with investor Carl Icahn.
(231) After they had parted in discord, he stood alone outside his gate.
(232) As that story goes, van Gogh cut off part of his own ear with a straight razor after he and Gauguin parted.
(233) Open Lips - Your lips should be slightly parted, not open wide like you're at the dentist.
(234) He had a good, wide, well-shaped mouth, and his dark-brown hair was parted slightly on one side.
(235) More than 200m years ago, most of the land on Earth was locked up in the Pangea supercontinent, but this broke apart when the North American and African tectonic plates parted.
(236) Add the parted package to the package list file compute.pkglist.
(237) "The videos showed people fidgeting, playing with their mouth, and showed which girls were sitting here like this, very unladylike,() " Ladwig said as he parted his knees.
(238) Now that Clive Durham was safe from intimacy, he looked forward to helping his friend, who must have had a pretty rough time since they parted in the smoking-room.
(239) The crowd was parted and left to make way for the party.
(240) Then, in perfect silence, he so embraced each of his officers as they filed by, and then they parted.
(241) They parted in amity.
(242) Her face hung just under his, yielded and worshiping, her swollen lips parted and faintly red.
(243) We parted at curbside, without too much soppy stuff and no tears.
(244) Today, Marini has parted ways with Logitech but is still based in the Valley where he runs a venture capital firm.
(245) Her dusky mouth was parted slightly to show tiny white teeth.
(246) He's Panamanian, about so tall, greased dark hair, parted on the side, thin build, a dimple in his chin.
(247) Pin the parted hair between the middle of the ear and the nape of the neck with a bobby pin or hair clip.
(248) We have parted with the colt , and have only got a gross of green spectacles, with copper rims and shagreen cases.
(249) A figure reclines leisurely on a bed of flowers by the seaside, leaning casually on his wrist, his head arched back and lips parted suggestively.
(250) Tom and his friend once had high words, and parted.
(251) He separated the fighting children; Moses parted the Red Sea.
(252) I parted with my parents and my bachelordom , as did my wife.
(253) Listing 4 shows the output from the parted command p for an internal drive with primary, extended, and logical partitions on a Ubuntu 9.10 system and for a USB drive attached to a Fedora 12 system.
(254) The hanging fronds of the pepper tree parted and a girl of about fifteen ducked out.
(255) However(), the clouds parted in many areas a few minutes before the total eclipse took place.
(256) And when they had crucified him, they parted his garments, casting lots upon them, what every man should take.
(257) Later in the evolution of whale hearing, the toothed and baleen whales parted ways.
(258) Henry was a neat man, his lab coat clean, what remained of his hair combed and parted precisely; he was quiet, but said enough not to seem sullen.
(259) At last, as the clouds parted, the moon burst forth in the purple opening of heaven.
(260) Mother couldn't stand to be parted from me, miss my childhood and suchlike rubbish.
(261) He parted with much of his collection to pay his gardening bills.
(262) By what way is the light parted, which scattered the east wind upon the earth?
(263) They parted on a high plane of amity and Christian helpfulness.
(264) In recent versions of GNU Parted, you can set the bios_grub option on a partition to turn it into a BIOS boot partition.
(265) The Amazon dolphin, Inia geoffrensis, parted company with its oceanic ancestors about 15 million years ago, during the Miocene epoch.
(266) On this basis, according to the function, it can be parted two main modules—the receive circuit of the LVDS and deserializer.
(267) Here the handling of the flesh and features becomes more pronounced in its detailing; both men's gazes are blank and unfocused, both with their lips parted revealing buck-toothed overbites.
(268) They parted with reluctance.
(269) Listing 3 shows that fdisk does have the same starting and ending sector as parted.
(270) The only exception was Wu Sun - fu , who just parted his lips in a barely perceptible smile.
(271) Othello . Was not that Cassio parted from my wife?
(272) Grosjean will drive alongside Fernando Alonso and replaces Nelson Piquet, who revealed he had parted company with the squad earlier this month.
(273) Lysander: I think I see these things with parted eye, when every thing seems double.
(274) No one else can ever possess my heart - never-never - Oh God, why must one be parted from one whom one so loves.
(275) This state of affairs was not to last long "for Jung has a proud stomach" and he parted company with Freud, to become, like his master, a luminary of the psychoanalytical world.
(276) He is an effeminate country youngster with watery blue eyes and hair parted in the middle.
(277) I have parted with my house, but I would not part with my heirloom for the world.
(278) Her blouse had parted company with her skirt , ie become untucked.
(279) Second, the time - line chart on the white yellow line parted ways.




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