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单词 Surmise
(1) My surmise turned out to be right.
(2) Charles was glad to have his surmise confirmed.
(3) He was glad to have his surmise confirmed.
(4) The article is pure surmise and innuendo.
(5) This is pure surmise on my part.
(6) It is mere surmise that Bosch had Brant's poem in mind when doing this painting.
(7) Your first surmise was right.
(8) But his surmise was not without foundation.
(9) We could only surmise that alternative passages must have been worse.
(10) One can only surmise that this arrangement was for the programming convenience of the television station which covered the matches.
(11) At this point, Blue can only surmise what the case is not.
(12) I could only surmise that she and Lila had met before.
(13) Foresters surmise that the abnormally wet and windy winter probably hastened the toppling of the trees.
(14) This is pure surmise.
(15) With a wild surmise, 1 began to breed, generation after generation, from whichever child looked most like an insect.
(16) So one can only surmise that this rather authoritarian sign is aimed at people whose knuckles scrape the tarmac.
(17) His surmise proved correct.
(18) He was afraid she might surmise the truth.
(19) She was right in her surmise.
(20) I surmise that he will take the job.
(21) A very painful surmise arose concerning her character.
(22) It turned out that my surmise was correct.
(23) A wild surmise filled Robertson.
(24) They surmise that it may be because a high-protein diet causes the brain to receive lower levels of appetite-stimulating hormones.
(25) With no news from the explorers we can only surmise their present position / where they are.
(26) There's so little to go on, we can only surmise what happened.
(27) And the first victims were not black, as you might surmise, but white men.
(28) Political loony, surprised thief, old lag with a grudge ... it's facts I want, not surmise.
(29) He had given them no time for questions, no opportunity to develop theories or surmise any hidden meaning behind his words.
(30) They are one and all friendly, kind and tolerant - largely I surmise by virtue of my wife and her approachability.
(1) My surmise turned out to be right.
(2) There's so little to go on, we can only surmise what happened.
(31) Every surmise about him, and every practical question, was referred to me.
(32) Several of Halsey's group commanders were making the same surmise.
(33) Not surmise. But knowledge.
(34) They surmise that members of this kingdom may be considered the largest organism in the world.
(35) Nor had scandalous surmise the ears the secluded inhabitants of theat St. Leonard's.
(36) She had a guilty look which immediately roused surmise in his mind.
(37) Musing about a picture of a fledgling osprey, he writes, "I surmise that the feelings are similar" to those of a human "launching off a high aerie, " a feeling that is both "thrilling and terrifying.
(38) We surmise that the delay is caused by some accident.Sentencedict
(39) Archeologists still can only surmise as to the origin of Man.
(40) Even without opening any of the links, it's easy to surmise that a widget is currently used to describe some kind of techy add-on feature for Web sites.
(41) We surmise that containment shifts development from exurban and rural areas to suburban and urban ones because of containment boundaries.




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