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单词 Twirl
1. She did a twirl in front of the mirror.
2. Kate did a twirl in her new dress.
3. Several hundred people twirl around the ballroom dance floor.
4. All around me leaves twirl to the ground.
5. She did a quick twirl to show off her dress.
6. I've never been able to twirl a baton.
7. Do you know how to twirl a baton?
8. The man, without answering, began to twirl the ends of his moustache.
9. Twirl the Plate Everyone sits in a circle with an unbreakable plate in the centre.
10. She did twirl in front of the mirror.
11. You twirl your pen around your fingers.
12. How does a dragonfly twirl and dive in flight?
13. He made the ice twirl in his glass.
14. Remember how I let you twirl my key chain?
15. When I was young,(http://) I would twirl aroundaroundthe fields of wildflowers that grew in my backyard.
16. They twist and twirl as if struggling against the breeze.
17. He walks along briskly, twirl his cane in the air.
18. A spectrum program that lets users twirl a frequency knob to see what happens?
19. You will learn to make, twirl and fill a genuine pizza, the real way.
20. When I was young, I twirl in the fields of wildflowers that grew in my backyard.
21. Just a little twirl here and a yank there and – Voiolay!
22. It is like watching a video of Rudolf Nureyev being the black swan and then expecting to be able to twirl round the living room in a similar fashion yourself.
23. If only I could spin the photo around, and twirl the guitar like I was dancing with it -- then I could get a good look at it and make a sound judgement.
24. It can even dance in a drinking glass and twirl around a pencil!
25. It's a trick allright, especially if there's no guiding hand to twirl and ram the skull.




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