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单词 Gravitational
1. All matter exerts a gravitational attraction.
2. It thus excludes situations involving impulsive gravitational waves.
3. There is also gravitational potential energy.
4. What, even so, of the required gravitational pull?
5. Tidal stress and gravitational asymmetries had pulled the sphere out of shape. Newtonian mechanics had done the rest.
6. Here is a gravitational field device to draw down orbiting objects on to a preprogrammed landing site.
7. Further gravitational segregation of the iron core means that denser material moves inwards displacing less dense material outwards.
8. In a gravitational field this causes the denser air to sink and buoy up the less dense gas.
9. The gravitational forces are the manifestation of space-time curvature due to the presence of matter.
10. The gravitational fields of these irregular chunks are so lumpy that any orbit is certain to evolve rapidly.
11. They regard such wobbles as responses to the gravitational tugs of planets orbiting around them.
12. In the alternative case of thick gravitational waves(), they are non-scalar curvature singularities.
13. Earlier experiments had compared the Earth's gravitational attraction with the centrifugal force from its own rotation.
14. The debt of gravitational energy will not have to be paid until the end of the universe.
15. The split rock is slow to fall, the gravitational force being lower and the angle of fall correspondingly sharper.
16. Weight is the gravitational force of attraction exerted on a body.
17. The gravitational field has been explored in some detail by observations of the satellites and of the paths of fly-by spacecraft.
18. The greater the mass of an object, the greater its gravitational pull.
19. If a spacecraft travels faster than 11 km a second, it escapes the earth's gravitational pull.
20. In the Jupiter fly-by, the ship had used the gravitational field of the planet to increase her velocity.
21. So for a sufficiently large number of matter particles, gravitational forces can dominate over all other forces.
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22. After a while we are aware of a deviation, the gravitational pull of an unseen planet.
23. The no-hair theorem implies that a large amount of information is lost in a gravitational collapse.
24. The metric components can also be rewritten in terms of the gravitational potential so that.
25. Alternatively the capsule might be drifting in the weak gravitational field of intergalactic space.
26. As if this were an apex of this island, its source of gravitational pull.
27. The complete system involved includes a flat surface - a table, perhaps - and a steady downward gravitational pull.
28. They then appear to us as what a classical physicist would call waves, such as waves of light or gravitational waves.
29. As the Moon orbits around the Earth it exerts its gravitational pull as illustrated: 1.
30. A concrete choice could be the four-momentum of a test body acted on by gravitational and non-gravitational forces.
31. As they were collapsing, the gravitational pull of matter outside these regions might start them rotating slightly.
32. Let me go back to my earlier discussion of gravitational collapse.
33. However, it is not moving fast enough to totally escape the pull of the Earth's gravitational field.
34. It would have a repulsive gravitational effect, and thus make those regions expand in an inflationary manner.
35. At this stage the C- field is also ineffective in stopping gravitational contraction.
36. In the early years of its life, Newton's gravitational theory was falsified by observations of the moon's orbit.
37. The gravitational field generated in its productive phase by the legislative cycle attracted items from several diverse sources.
38. The universe has an enormous debt of negative gravitational energy, which exactly balances the positive energy of the matter.
39. Initially the gravitational self-attraction of the stellar material leads to large internal pressures and temperatures which can ignite thermonuclear burning.
40. The hard core of Newtonian physics is comprised of Newton's laws of motion plus his law of gravitational attraction.
41. A revealing difference between gravitational and electromagnetic radiation is that dipole radiation is absent in the gravitational case.
42. It modifies the scenario of gravitational collapse in the following way.
43. Modern detectors which should be capable of detecting the gravitational waves from a supernova collapse in our Galaxy are described.
44. Such a situation creates a gravitational pull toward contractual arrangements and a corresponding push away from employment in the traditional sense.
45. It does not therefore describe the collision of genuinely non-aligned gravitational waves.
46. Both Earth and Moon have gravitational fields that allow bodies that would have missed them without their gravitational attraction to hit them.
47. They can therefore be perturbed by gravitational interactions with Mars into orbits that directly threaten Earth.
48. Their gravitational attraction would thus curve up the universe to infinitely small size.
49. It must be concluded that the above solution can not be interpreted in terms of an interaction between plane gravitational waves.
50. Gravitational collapse releases energy; and collapse to a single, dimensionless point releases an infinite amount of it.
51. This is because the gravitational forces are appreciable over much larger distances than the non-gravitational forces.
52. The rate of thermal escape depends on the temperature of the exosphere and on the gravitational field.
53. This result is the first, albeit indirect,(http:///gravitational.html) observation of gravitational radiation.
54. In this case, the discontinuity in the electromagnetic components causes impulsive gravitational waves to be generated.
55. This hypothesis holds that giant tongues of material were torn from the preexisting Sun by the gravitational attraction ofa passing star.
56. Now there was new prey for the clashing gravitational fields.
57. In practice instruments could not survive such a journey; they would be torn apart by the increasing gravitational field gradients.
58. In animals walking on force plates, there is a steady exchange of kinetic and gravitational energies.
59. Then war intervened, Oppenheimer became involved in the atom bomb project, and he lost interest in gravitational collapse.
60. However, Chandrasekhar showed that for a sufficiently massive star the gravitational collapse continues until the star shrinks to a point.
61. It showed that gravitational collapse was not as much of a dead end as it had appeared to be.
62. The more asymmetric the collapse, the larger the gravitational energy release becomes.
63. However, the larger the body the less important become its non-gravitational forces in comparison with its internal gravitational forces.
64. As the star shrank, the gravitational field at the surface would become stronger and the escape velocity would increase.
65. He would be torn apart by the difference between the gravitational force on his head and his feet.
66. Thus, in particular, heavenly bodies moving in a gravitational field are well described by such geodesics.
67. But when, however, the expansion slows down, the gravitational effect begins to assert itself.
68. Stars will remain stable like this for a long time, with heat from the nuclear reactions balancing the gravitational attraction.
69. It is in fact a general feature of colliding electromagnetic plane waves that gravitational waves are always generated by the collision.
70. Stars are initially formed from gas, mostly hydrogen, and contract under their own gravitational attraction.
71. And we do know that for some gravitational reason we've yet to fathom, the absorption effect is nullified below ground-level.
72. Similarly, high electrical charges should also exert a gravitational effect towards neutral matter.
73. By collision and gravitational attraction, the larger planetesimals swept up the smaller pieces and became the planets.
74. These counteract the tendency for the body to contract under its own gravitational pull.
75. The second main source of internal energy is heat from gravitational separation.
76. If there is less than a certain amount, the gravitational force will be insufficient to stop a never-ending expansion.
77. To escape from the Moon's gravitational field, a sample must be accelerated to a velocity above 2.4 kilometres per second.
78. They don't have the energy to hold themselves up any longer-against their own gravitational forces.
79. In 1965 I read about Penrose's theorem that any body undergoing gravitational collapse must eventually form a singularity.
80. This is only true in deep space when the gravitational force can be neglected.
81. Thus, in a sense,(/gravitational.html) the gravitational field has negative energy.
82. Is there any evidence of gravitational attraction being modified by intervening matter.
83. This describes the collision of plane gravitational waves with step wavefronts.
84. Let us return to our sphere of particles dropping in a gravitational field.
85. But even with a rigid outer Moon gravitational forces would have raised the floor most of the way towards isostatic equilibrium.
86. The answer is that it was borrowed from the gravitational energy of the universe.
87. Both Mercury and Mars have gravitational fields too low to retain an atmosphere.
88. When the astronaut is in a uniform gravitational field he is incapable of determining his motion by any mechanical means.
89. During the passage of gravitational waves it is the structure of space-time itself which oscillates.
90. During the inflationary period the universe borrowed heavily from its gravitational energy to finance the creation of more matter.
91. Einstein next considered the implications of the equivalence principle for motion in free fall, that is to say motion under gravitational forces alone.
92. A gravitational wave at the natural frequency for longitudinal oscillations of the bar would set it ringing like a tuning fork.
93. Spring Tides - Moon and Sun in opposition, with combined gravitational pull. 4.
94. All that is left is a strong, but invisible, gravitational field.
95. These asteroids may then be disturbed by gravitational perturbations by Jupiter into eccentric orbits, and then evolve into Earth-crossing orbits.
96. For gravitational energy is negative, while rest mass and kinetic energy are positive.
97. Properties of space must depend on the gravitational potential.
98. Can Ring Galaxies Form by Gravitational Collapse?
99. Inertial forces and gravitational forces are indistinguishable.
100. the gravitational pull of the moon.
101. Dark matter interacts with ordinary matter through gravity. Its gravitational interaction is how astronomers first found out dark matter exists.
102. Try and work out the gravitational force between two objects in terms of a quantum graviton, however, and you quickly run into trouble—the answer to every calculation is infinity.
103. On the analogy of the magnetic and gravitational buoyancy forces, the concept of the magnetic acceleration is proposed.
104. The gravitational mass is an embodiment of the inertial ones.
105. In 1924, Eddington proposed a new "gravitational action" as an alternative to the Einstein-Hilbert action, which could serve as an alternative starting point to general relativity.
106. Worries related to the brightness of redshift supernovae and the effects of gravitational lensing are explained.
107. Many of these appear to be fairly uniform, so by the virial theorem the total kinetic energy should be half the total gravitational binding energy of the galaxies.
108. When weather changes, baric meeting occurrence wave motion, affect the gravitational wave in atmosphere thereby.
109. Considering the background of massless neutrino, probes into the effect of the background field on the gravitational field of a global cosmic string outside the core.
110. At that distance the host star's gravitational influence should be sufficiently weak that COROT 9 b could retain stably orbiting moons millions of kilometers from the planet.
111. Analyzing the datum of mobile gravimetric survey in Jiashi and its adjacent region from 2005 to 2007, studied the time and space dynamic evolution characteristics of gravitational field.
111. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
112. Since all objects in this lecture hall and the earth fall with the constant acceleration, which is g we can write down that the gravitational force m would be m times this acceleration, g.
113. The primary objective of the present work is to reveal some physical phenoma about thermal drive under centrifugal field, or combined gravitational and centrifugal fields.
114. The sun uses brute gravitational force to achieve fusion reaction.
115. In his monumental work begun in 1666 , Newton discovered three vital facts about the gravitational force.
116. Gravity gradient is the order derivative of gravitational potential, which can be observed by satellite gradiometer.
117. Could GPS ever be used to measure effects besides the gravitational redshift and Doppler effect?
118. Gravitational attraction is an equivalent expression of the force close to each other between and on the line of the two objects, coming from exchange of momentum between objects and micro-particles.
119. Its oscillation depends on the strength of the gravitational field.
120. Supernovae remnants can leave behind pulsars or spinning neutron stars that may produce gravitational waves.
121. The results showed that the buckling configuration was helical curve for the gravitational tubular under the axial compressive force and torque.
122. The reason causing bottom-shrinkage is that gravitational segregation results in unusual composition undercooling, the method to eliminate or ease bottom-shrinkage is given.
123. A region of space characterized by a physical property, such as gravitational or electromagnetic force or fluid pressure, having a determinable value at every point in the region.
124. The criterion for gravitational contraction set by Equations 3.4 is signficantly weaker for more massive clouds.
125. Methinks the gravitational deflection of light requires a better explanation.
126. Effects of LBNP is similar to that produced by gravitational force, especially as a stress factor on the cardiovascular system as has been concerned in the area of aerospace medicine.
127. I was told that the gravitational method is the most inexpensive method among the geophysical prospecting.
128. The electrostatic disturbance in gravitational field and the magnetic disturbance can produce disturbing torque, then affect the accuracy of ESG north finder.
129. If the singularities that formed in the gravitational collapse of a massive star are visible to external observers, they could provide a laboratory to study quantum-gravitational effects.
130. According to Mr Hiller, his shunter has to withstand decelerations of 5g (ie, five times the force of the Earth's gravitational field).
131. Coarse sand in the Yellow River mainly comes from sand rock area, Inner Mongolia, water erosion, wind erosion and gravitational erosion occur interactively in this area.
132. Under the action of universal gravitational forces the small perturbations will grow.
133. We may be able to escape the black hole's gravitational field.
134. It is by now well known that one of the outstandingly unsolved questions in gravitational theory is the microscopic origin of black-hole thermodynamic entropy.
135. Its gravitational field is on a density suddenchange belt of Bouguer anomaly isopleth.
136. Besides that, we presents the gravitational wave energy density under the weak field situation and gives the x - y plane numerical calculation to curvature scalar R and energy density .
137. The observatory is the largest, most sensitive gravitational wave detector ever built.
138. This paper derives in detail the gravitational field of the sun by using the Schwarzschild metric, and expounds the advance of the Mercury's perihelion with the general theory of relativity.
139. If you treble the distance, the gravitational attraction gets nine times weaker.
140. The Minor Planet Center currently places Sedna in the scattered disc, a group of objects sent into highly elongated orbits by the gravitational influence of Neptune.
141. The result was a remarkably accurate estimate of a parameter called the gravitational constant, and from that Cavendish was able to calculate the density and mass of the earth.
141. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
142. Gravity prospecting involves the measurement of variations in the gravitational field of the earth.
143. Since this identity of inertial and gravitational mass was fundamental for the formulation of the theory of relativity, we are justified in examining it a little more closely here.
144. Moreover, because of their intense density, neutron stars exert strong gravitational force on their binary companion.
145. Based on the discrete state equation of gravitational abnormality, HGM multi-wavelet was adopted to carry out the simulation experiments of alleviating gravitational abnormal distortion.
146. This paper has made a qualitative analysis and discussion for the cause of the variation of geocentric gravitational constant.
147. The equation of infrasonic wave taking into account the gravitational effect in moving media is derived, with multi-layer atmospheric model.
148. Collapsing interstellar cloud reverses its gravitational infall and expands outward into the relatively quiescent interstellar environment.
149. The new planets were detected by measuring "radial velocity, " or how fast a star wobbles depending on the gravitational pull from nearby planets.
150. The focus of the lecture is problems of gravitational interaction.
151. It would be ironic if an instrument built to detect something as vast as astrophysical sources of gravitational waves inadvertently detected the minuscule graininess of space-time.
152. Newton's problem was to express in mathematical terms the gravitational force between different bodies.
153. Many asteroids are weakly bound piles of rubble, held together by their own minute gravitational attraction.
154. According to phenomena observed during total solar eclipse, it can be pointed out that the velocity of gravitational field wave is equal to the velocity of light in vacuo.
155. Perhaps a massive unseen object is responsible for Sedna's mystifying orbit, its gravitational influence keeping Sedna fixed in that far-distant portion of space.
156. This common method in the planet-hunting world, called radial velocity, requires extremely precise measurements to detect a planet's gravitational pull on a nearby star.
157. Gravity gradient is the second order derivative of gravitational potential, which can be observed by satellite gradiometer.
158. The contradiction showed that Einstein gravitational theory can not describe the gravitational field of particles with spin.
159. Each mass subject to two forces, namely the tension of the string and the gravitational force.
160. According to the "general relativity" predict "graviton" and "gravitational waves" does not exist.
161. The adjustment to a measurement of gravitational acceleration to account for elevation and the density of rock between the measurement station and a reference level.
162. Objects in a gravitational field experience a slowing down of time, called time dilation.
163. G The gravitational constant G - is an extremely low number-- - 6.67 times 10 to the minus 11-- in our... as our units, which is newtons, gram-meters per kilogram or something like that.
164. Weber claims recently to have observed gravitational waves coming from the centre of the galaxy.
165. Based on the superstring theory, this article specifically introduces gravitational nature and mechanism of action.
166. The effect of the density inhomogeneity on the gravitational collapse of a spheroid is discussed.
167. Fighting gravitational clumping would take a wavelength of a few dozen light - years .
168. Gravitational waves were predicted by Einstein's general theory of relativity in 1916.
169. This differential motion was caused by gravitational interaction when the Moon was much closer to Earth, causing a wobble in the lunar axis as it spun.
170. We've noted that this is just like a body projected horizontally in the earth's gravitational field.
171. It eliminated the contradiction between Einstein gravitational theory and Dirac electron theory.
171. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
172. Earth's gravitational force or pull keeps us and everything else Earth from floating away to space.
173. It also may cause the change of gravitational geomorphological process system, giving rise to soil slip, landslide, fall and so on.
174. Let me first give you the formal definition of gravitational potential energy.
175. According to Electrodynamics in curved spacetime, the interaction between gravitational waves (GW) and electromagnetic (EM) fields will produce perturbative electromagnetic fields.
176. Astronomers speculate that M51's spiral structure is primarily due to its gravitational interaction with a neighboring smaller galaxy.
177. So we could now calculate how fast we have to rotate this space ship-to mimic the gravitational acceleration on Earth-- 2 which is 9.8 meters per second squared.
178. Structure and adsorptive capacity of the adsorbents were characterized respectively by ASAP 2010 apparatus and gravitational equipment.
179. You might be winded doing it the second way, but when you get to the top and you are at the 60th story your gravitational potential is independent of how you got there.
180. Hence, the loss of gravitational potential energy of the block equals the gain of elastic potential energy of the spring.
181. The gravitational interaction is disregarded when interactions between individual protons are considered.
182. The autochthonous blocks were formed due to the deformation and displacement of the unconsolidated sediments caused by gravitational and other geological processes.
183. If it had been slightly more dense, it might have undergone gravitational collapse, just like the matter falling into a black hole.
184. He discovers suddenly, tellurian gravitational force is very large, let him besides cannot flicker flicker ground flies besides, also do not have even the friend a few.
185. Finally, scientists measure the star's wobble due to the planet's gravitational tug, known as the radial velocity.
186. General relativity predicts that the wavelength of this light will be shifted by a small amount due to the galaxies' mass, in an effect called gravitational redshift.
187. Radial velocity, also known as the Doppler wobble technique, involves searching for wobbles in a star's light that indicate the gravitational pull of an orbiting planet.
188. In addition, the holographic dark energy model with varying gravitational constant is also discussed in this part.
189. The formal definition is that the gravitational potential energy at a point P is the work that I, Walter Lewin, have to do to bring that mass from infinity to that point P.
190. A gibbon is better adapted than a man for life in a low gravitational force.
191. The discovery of the repulsive, anti - gravitational force of dark energy is explained.
192. LG's DVD for example, because it is through the main bearing and the compression of the gravitational force between the magnetic disc to grip, so this problem does not exist.
193. The fourth part has mainly used the factorial analysis and the gravitational model to limit the city fringe area of ShiJiaZhuang.
194. A hypothetical particle postulated to be the quantum of gravitational interaction and presumed to have an indefinitely long lifetime, zero electric charge, and zero rest mass.
195. Special experiments were conducted to analyze gravitational erosion variation in rill evolution process on loess slope.
196. A gradient in the gravitational forces acting on different parts of a nonspherical object.
197. This is usually an object that moves in response to a gravitational field (a STATOLITH ).
198. Estimate the minimum mass from where on gravitational binding starts to dominate as binding force.
199. WASP-17 likely had a close encounter with a larger planet, and the gravitational interaction acted like a slingshot to put WASP-17 on its odd course, the astronomers figure.
200. Sensitive machines are being built in several laboratories throughout the world to detect gravitational waves.
201. Asthenosphere uplift indicates the deep adjustment process during the interaction of plates, and also shows the adjusting process of gravitational equilibrium between upper layer of crust and mantle.
202. In the experiment on measuring the gravitational constant G with a mechanical resonance method, the distance between the centers of the attracting mass and test mass is a variable.
203. The gravitational mass and the inertia mass are not equal in the microscopic quantum behavior.
204. I was gravitational method is the most inexpensive method among the geophysical prospecting.
205. Indeed, the researchers hypothesise these objects were formed in a planetary disc, like the planets in our own Solar System, before gravitational forces ejected them from these systems.
206. The mechanism of postflight cardiovascular deconditioning has been considered as an important problem in the field of gravitational physiology that merits paying great attention to.
207. As a bonus, since the same merging process also produces gravitational waves, those simulations could aid in the discovery of that key prediction of general relativity theory.
208. In theory, it is possible. In situations where all the attractive forces balance out, giving rise to a zero vector sum. There will not be any gravitational acceleration at that point.
209. A neutron star has a gravitational field strong enough to generate X-rays.
210. Within the inky blackness, gravitational forces were assembling objects in the cosmos.
211. The craft will acquire sufficient velocity to escape the sun's gravitational attraction.
212. We point out the difficulty in solving the problem and the necessity of a new kind of higher-order gravitational theory.
213. In this paper , the principle of gravitational stress transmission in blocky rock mass is researched.
214. Also, the gas disk gets thinner and has less gravitational pull as protoplanets accrete more material and grow into full-sized planets.
215. My question about measuring the speed of light pertains to light traversing 'curved' spacetime - gravitational lensed light.
216. A new method is provided to measure the gravitational constant G that depends on the density of the body.
217. The greater a concentration of mass is, the stronger its gravitational pull, "creating bumps around the globe, " says geologist Joe Meert at the University of Florida in Gainesville.
218. They also used, for, to determine the gravitational attraction exerted by a lamina on particles.
219. The gravitational field is so strong that the escape velocity near it exceeds the speed of light.
220. Celestial gravitational wave source and the exploration to low frequency gravitational wave have also been discussed.
221. Whether a cometary outburst with a jet can cause observable short - term non gravitational effect is investigated.
222. One area where the conflict between quantum theory and relativity comes to the fore is in the gravitational constant, G, the quantity that describes the strength of gravity.
223. But the metaphor conveys the inevitability, the inexorability, of gravitational attraction that many of us have best experienced in love.
224. Snyder predicted that massive stars could undergo a dramatic gravitational collapse.
225. So if you are 100 times further away like Pluto compared to Mercury then the gravitational... the centripetal acceleration which is due to gravity is 10,000 times smaller.
226. There is corresponding relation between gravity gradient of gravitational field and earthquake distribution.
227. The Parkes radio telescope in Australia has been monitoring 20 pulsars once every two weeks since 2004 and has yet to see any gravitational waves, Einsteinian or otherwise.
228. And...wait for the drum roll... the results exactly match the predictions of traditional gravitational theory, says Kobakhidze.
229. Long-period comets are thought to come from the nearly spherical Oort cloud even further out, which get slung inward by the gravitational pull of passing stars.
230. The result would be external pressure on the gravitational vortices of collapsing "space," aka, galaxies.
231. An explanation of the cause of climate change is then suggested based on the possibility that the Universal Gravitational Constant (G) may vary with time.
232. This is the formula for a thick vertically faulted slab with such a large throw that the downthrow side makes no contribution to the gravitational force.
233. Because the universe is filled with heavy objects exerting gravitational pull,() spacetime is not flat but an irregular series of curves.
234. So a lot of people objected to Newton's postulation of this gravitational force.
235. The gravitational energy of electrons transforms into radiation in burst phase through bremsstrahlung of electrons.
236. Therefore, these mysterious matters are invisible, but astronomers know about their existence through the exploration of the gravitational interaction between them and ordinary matters.
237. One sensor detects earth's magnetic field, the other its gravitational field.
238. Four post - Newtonian gravitational effects are introduced and discussed in detail.
239. This force is made up of tire, aerodynamic and gravitational force components.
240. The gravitational interaction of a satellite and a nearby particle is somewhat counterintuitive .
241. However, based on Newton's gravitational theory and Einstein's general relativity, used in a certain range of objects changes in the theory of gravity is difficult to explain the phenomenon.
242. Radial velocity is a planet-hunting technique that looks for wobbles in a star's light, which can indicate the gravitational tugs of orbiting worlds.
243. Its broad arms are distorted by gravitational interaction with a fellow Virgo cluster member, giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4697.
244. According as the expanding of spherical harmonics of the gravitational potential, the radial correction formula and the estimating error model are given.
245. The paper expounds the principle and the method of measuring zenith distance for celestial positioning based on the direction of gravitational force line.
246. Dark matter gives out no light and is detectable only because of its gravitational effect on visible matter.
247. OWS is like an underpowered rocket that can't seem to clear the atmosphere and break free of earth's gravitational pull to accomplish its mission.
248. The dynamics for the extensional movement may be attributed to the gravitational collapse caused by the increasing load of the continuously rising plateau and the regional stress of its surroundings.
249. Astronomers speculate that M51's spiral structure is primarily due to its gravitational interaction with a smaller galaxy just off the top of this digitally sharpened image.
250. The fundamental principle of inertial navigation is based on the principle of equivalence of inertial mass and gravitational mass.




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