单词 |
themed |
释义 |
themed /θiːmd/ (also theme) adjective [usually before noun] a themed place or event has been designed to make people who go there feel like they are in a particular place or historical period 〔地方或活动〕有特定主题的 themed restaurants such as the Rainforest Café 诸如“雨林咖啡厅”之类的主题餐馆Examples from the Corpusthemed• Enthusiasts can enjoy a flutter at flat and jump meetings throughout the year as well as a variety of special themed events.• This themed experience is set in a labyrinth of passages, caverns and secret chambers, 60 feet below ground!• Candidates must choose three module credits from each of three themed option groups.• The themed readings during this period are known as option Two.• There are also sections on entertainment, events and ideas for themed short breaks.• The company opened a string of themed stores that have lost their novelty value.themed adjectiveChinese a event Corpus themed or has make designed been place people to |
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- Human-topic cough
- Human-topic cough
- Human-topic cough
- Human-topic cowlick
- Human-topic cowlick
- Human-topic cranium
- Human-topic cranium
- Human-topic crook
- Human-topic crook
- Human-topic crotch
- Human-topic crotch
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- Human-topic crow's feet
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- Human-topic crutch
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- Human-topic cuticle
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- Randomness
- Antidepressant
- Electroencephalogram
- Sciatic
- Cranial nerve
- Electromyogram
- Sciatica
- Multiple sclerosis
- Meningitis
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