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单词 Pruning
1. Natural abilities are like natural plants that need pruning by study. 
2. She spent the afternoon pruning roses.
3. He has been pruning the pear trees.
4. She has been pruning the roses.
5. I found him pruning his roses.
6. The hedge needs pruning back.
7. She scratched herself badly while pruning the roses.
8. Give the plants a good pruning to encourage growth.
9. All roses require annual pruning.
10. Firms are cutting investment and pruning their product ranges.
11. She's pruning down the novel at the publisher's request.
12. The budgets of several departments will require pruning down.
13. I felt his essay needed a little pruning.
14. The company would benefit from a little pruning here and there.
15. The roses need pruning.
16. Careful pruning at the right time is the secret of success with roses.
17. The company is pruning staff in order to reduce costs.
18. Major pruning is done in late winter.
19. Paint any very large pruning wounds with pbi Arbrex.
20. April Finish pruning early in the month.
21. The forward and backwards pruning points define the limits of left and right context for a system.
22. Miniature roses do not need much pruning and are ideal for planting in pots.
23. By leaving pruning until after the winter you allow the plant some extra frost protection.
24. She will also consider pruning the number of royals who receive tax-payers' support - and paying tax on her private income.
25. Heavy pruning can promote vigorous new growth(), which can increase susceptibility to the disease.
26. Arco has reacted to the loss in revenue by pruning its expansion plans.
27. They have bloomed well, but now the foliage is yellowing and they need pruning.
28. Behind him, near the front door, his wife was pruning the roses, oblivious.
29. I can't say that I blame George Washington, or, my father who nobbled our London one by pruning it.
30. The volume of semiconductor business was up 8% on last year after product line pruning.
1. She spent the afternoon pruning roses.
2. He has been pruning the pear trees.
3. The hedge needs pruning back.
4. The roses need pruning.
31. Time also has worked wonders, pruning many of the bad investigative reporters and retaining many of the good ones.
32. Leftist labor unions and their statist allies may scream but the public sector needs pruning.
33. Light to moderate pruning after a period of bloom encourages bushy new growth.
34. Both could be kept within bounds by a severe pruning in early spring.
35. What's the best time of the year for pruning apple trees?
36. The discount to the market could be eradicated by some judicious pruning.
37. Following pruning, the prefix with the consequent highest likelihood is expanded, producing a new prefix.
38. These grow naturally as a single, vertical stem and need absolutely no pruning.
39. Secondly, word hypotheses might overlap and leapfrog each other's backwards pruning decision points.
39. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
40. I threw myself into the mowing, weeding, pruning, planting, cultivating as only a beginner can.
41. Roses are heavy feeders at the best of times, and pruning for more and better bloom drives a plant even harder.
42. For a long time the professionals had a preference for a pruning knife over secateurs.
43. He is prepared to start pruning before the transfer deadline.
44. Pruning trees is a good way of controlling their growth, and reduces the amount of water extracted from the ground.
45. Pruning will also delay the flowering while new shoots grow - a very important point in northern wine regions like Champagne.
46. Central government is pruning local authority spending, and the cuts are being felt.
47. The probability score can also improve the efficiency of the parsing algorithm by pruning out low-probability alternatives.
48. The reason, quite simply, is that pruning is little understood - again that word why.
49. The plant will require regular pruning. Other requirements: Light: Moderate to bright light satisfactory.
50. Backwards Pruning One way to define a sub-tree is to reduce the depth to a partial solution.
51. It can be found in baking a cake, pruning a tree, or holding a children's party.
52. It was a theology of pruning and purification, and this impulse was reflected in how they understood language.
53. Sometimes we can alter shade by pruning and thinning nearby trees.
54. These four varieties are ideal small garden plants, as they grow on a single stem and don't need pruning.
55. To achieve efficiency, pruning of low-scoring readings may take place at certain points without greatly affecting the accuracy of the system.
56. A fully formed topiary can require, at the very least, five years of artful and frequent pruning.
57. They will need little or no pruning beyond dead-heading and keeping them within bounds.
58. It is quite impossible, and very misleading to suggest, that pruning can be done according to the calendar.
59. He scratched his hands badly while pruning the rosebushes.
60. Pruning increases the vigor of a plant.
61. Do excuse me you use pruning shears this afternoon?
62. The budgets of several departments will require pruning.
63. A sapling needs pruning, a child discipline.
64. Osmidrosis; Fusiformis excision; Subcutaneous pruning.
65. He is pruning his roses.
66. Wounds frequently occur as a result of pruning.
67. Natural abilities are like natural plants , that need pruning by study, and studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large , except they be bounded In by experience.
68. Summer pruning devitalises the tree on an extent and consequently reduces excessive vigour.
69. Objective To microwave coagulation and subcutaneous pruning plus microwave coagulation treatment of the two methods of clinical analysis of axillary osmidrosis.
70. An 86-year-old American has made a stunning recovery after a gardening accident left him with a pair of pruning shears impaled through an eye socket deep into his skull.
71. In 1987 and 1988 we studied the distribution law of solar energy on different-structured olive (Olea europaea) trees resulting from different pruning techniques.
72. "You wouldn't believe your eyes ...Half of the pruning shears was sticking out and the other half was in his head, " she said.
73. Pruning and training are cultural practices which alter the natural development of the tree.
74. The other extreme is minimal pruning and maximum mechanisation, which is only appropriate in regions with suitably large, flat vineyards.
75. In the system, effective pruning algorithm and useful features are adopted for Chinese dependency tree, semantic role identification and classification are exploited by a maximum entropy classifier.
76. Characterized by extensive management, adaptable, drought-resistant thin soil, easy propagation, pruning to shape.
77. The trees were pruned with a chainsaw and the Court considered that the pruning was excessive, damaging and not in accordance with accepted arboriculture practice.
78. "We think the relative timing of pruning and myelination differs between strong and weak readers," says Yeatman.
79. Pruning , by removing part of the top , alters this ratio.
80. " Dave guide you through the process of pruning "and" Japanese maple.
81. Once you have found a suitable stem, use a pair of sharp pruning shears to cut it from the plant.
82. Fruit electric short cut is mainly used for fruit trees, vines, mulberry tree planting, gardening and landscaping pruning work.
83. A generalized growing and pruning radial based function(RBF) neural network approach is used to estimate the battery's state of charge of the electric vehicles.
84. Secondly, the pruning criteria is adopted to reduce the redundancy of BC-RTS, which prevents the BC-RTS broadcast storm.
85. Timing also plays an important role in pruning avocado trees.
86. Natural ablities are like natural plants, that need pruning by study, and studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large, except they be bounded in by experience.
87. Pruning having wielded Western style's on model has done out the effect hiding dyadic stack-up clothing feeling.
88. Pruning rambling roses: once-flowering ramblers such as Goldfinch are best pruned in November when the stems are still pliable.
89. If large branches are removed while pruning, your entire avocado tree will be stimulated to grow, however large branches should only be removed if absolutely necessary.
90. Pruning, fruit thinning and jacketing, soil, management of fertilizer and water, pest control on Prunus per-sica stand in Jiaxing, Zhejiang province could make it high quality and high yield.
91. The researchers advise growers to investigate the effects of thinning or pruning to reduce the number of fruit in early summer of the on-crop year.
92. Viticulture: Short pruning ( double guyot ) ; weeding a year , hand - picking with double sorting.
93. Finally, it may be worth noting that a similar optimization is widely used in game-playing programs, where it is called alpha-beta pruning.
94. Snyder , a master gardener in Manatee County , Florida, says pruning wounds a plant.
95. Our factory is specialized in producing garden tool series such as all specifications of garden shears, and pruning shears and so on.
96. An incremental construction algorithm named PCCL of the constrained concept lattice was presented by using pruning technology that eliminated the redundant information in the construction process.
97. Above mentioned pruning didn't affect root length, root diameter and root weight.
98. The second approach (now called forward pruning) has been dropped in favor of search extensions.
99. For example, there was a 2003 photo-op in which officials from multiple agencies used pruning shears and chainsaws to chop up stacks of banking regulations.
99. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
100. Based on this index structure, a set of heuristic pruning rules is used, which greatly reduces the times of domination test.
101. If Lester would get him a pruning knife and a saw he would attend to them in the spring.
102. The system includes five phases: data-preprocessing phase, tree growing phase, tree pruning phase, tree analysis and evaluation and the extracting rules phase.
103. Some prosectors actually use pruning shears from a hardware store, which are much less expensive.
104. Analysis on the spatial distribution pattern and distribution diagram of Phyllobrotica armata Baly in spring pruning mulberry field were carried out through field investigation.
105. The different irrigation and pruning measures have great effects on the nectarine dehiscent fruit and the main reason of dehiscent is the growth unbalance caused by great variegation of the water.
106. The sliding window is added into the pruning strategy to avoid improper pruning.
107. It'sOUNDED like a news item from a sleepy suburb : Tree - Pruning Ends In Tragedy.
108. Pruning is typically done to remove old unneeded posts and to save space.
109. An old gardener was upon the lawn, with a pair of pruning shears, looking after some bushes.
110. We choose the Minimum Description Length algorithm, because the MDL pruning algorithm achieves good accuracy, small trees, and fast execution times.
111. Firstly, rough sets is used to reduce condition attribute and remove redundancy attribute, and then, C4.5 is used to build decision tree, rule knowledge is extracted by decision tree pruning.
112. For herbaceous peony, the pruning is not necessary for herb plant.
113. Some orchardists have tried to control crown - shape by pruning, disbudding and branch - bending to circumvent the problem.
114. This article focuses on the pruning strategy of the decision tree pruning.
115. But at the Featherstone Winery, no man or machine does the pruning.
116. Job Retention period. Note, if a Job record is selected for pruning, all associated File and JobMedia records will also.
117. Natural abilities are like natural plants, which need pruning by study; and studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large, except they be bounded in by experience.
118. By pruning the redundant input features and hidden units alternatively, network architecture is kept reasonable.
119. Prune the healthy canes back to about six (6) inches using sharp pruning shears .
120. Cropping every year may be possible by judicious pruning and management.
121. Different pruning degree of winter bearing branches of Japanese apricot will influence the growth and productivity of the new shoots.
122. The branch-avoiding mechanism is a key equipment of cutting parts of standing tree pruning machine.
123. Hold your pruning shears at a 45 degree angle, position the shears just above the top bud and make a clean cut.
124. One such algorithm is called Alpha - Beta Tree pruning.
125. The goons grab Michael and pin him on a table. One of the goons removes Michael's boot, exposing his foot and then grabs a pair of pruning shears.
126. Growth of the central leader is maintained weak by annual replacement pruning.
127. In writing an essay one must do a lot of pruning.
128. Three different pruning strategies to deal with the partial order relationship among nodes are advanced.
129. Such a mountain looks as if someone had given God a new pruning shears(/pruning.html), and forbidden Him all other exercise.
130. Conclusion subcutaneous microsect curettage and subcutaneous pruning arc effective therapy to threat osmidrosis.
131. Objective To summarize the clinical curative effect of subcutaneous pruning by fold incision and CO2 laser vaporization removed apocrine gland in treatment of axillary osmidrosis.
132. He had a chain saw and loppers. I brought along gloves and a curved pruning saw.
133. Finally by comparison with C4.5 system, it is further confirmed that gradual increasing of the parameter within this interval may have the same effect as the crisp decision tree pruning.
134. The cluster representative was constructed by three successive steps named Tree matching, Tree merging and Tree pruning.
135. Under the instruction of the theory, this paper proposes a newdecision tree pruning approach based on rough set theory.
136. AK is hitting back with new laws pruning the army's powers.
137. Before cutting away aimlessly, it is important to understand the pruning needs of an avocado tree.
138. But part of the process of being systematic is not assuming that I'm going to get a lucky guess. But not even thinking really hard at this point. But just pruning the search space.
139. Fruit Tree Pruning down vast quantities of timber per year.
140. These look like small pruning shears and are used to cut through the ribs prior to lifting off the chest plate .
141. Using an extendable carbon-fibre pruning hook is a much easier way of harvesting betel nuts than climbing the tree!
142. Use your pruning shears to carefully trim off brown and dead leaves, and your plants will sell for more.
143. Naatural abilities are like natural plants that need pruning by study.
144. In addition, programmers have come up with all sorts of algorithms and tricks such as Alpha-Beta pruning, Negascout, and MTD(f) in order to lessen the number of nodes the computer must examine.
145. Introduces decision tree and points out its key techniques: the choice of testing feature and tree pruning.
146. The cluster representative was constructed by three successive steps named Tree matching, Tree merging Tree pruning.
147. By effectively pruning the SPC, we propose an effective fault dropping technique with a backward selective tracing scheme.
148. The great teacher Neville Goddard offered the following process in 1954, in a lecture entitle "The Pruning Shears of revision."
149. Arboricultural Operations - Pruning, Trimming, Repairing, Maintaining, and Removing Trees, and Cutting Brush - Safety Requirements.
150. This paper proposes a novel query expansion method using Local Context Analysis(LCA) based concept tree pruning.
151. The proposed pruning stragey reduced computational complexity of the decision tree.
152. In order to solve the issue of independent task scheduling in grid environment, a model of task scheduling based on permutation tree pruning is proposed.
153. See the way the handle on those pruning shears matches her gardening clogs?
154. Detailed analysis shows that, if some heuristic pruning algorithm is used to avoid the incensement of the probability of OOV, literal translation corpus will exert more contribution on the SMT model.




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