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单词 Go at
(1) She determined to go at once.
(2) Unless you go at once you will be late.
(3) He besought her to go at once.
(4) Go at least once a year to a place you have never been before.
(5) He commanded that man go at once.
(6) He offered to go at once.
(7) Go at once while there is yet time.
(8) How did it go at the hairdresser's?
(9) Will you stop having a go at me!
(10) I'll have a go at mending your bike today.
(11) They were able to come and go at will.
(12) Let's have a go at it.
(13) I always wanted to have a go at football.
(14) I had a good go at cleaning the silver.
(15) My jeans are starting to go at the knee.
(16) So we can let it go at that.
(17) The government are always having a go at teachers.
(18) They beseeched him to go at once.
(19) I'll have a go at fixing it tonight.
(20) I don't entirely agree[/go at.html][], but I'll let it go at that.
(21) He is sure to have a go at me for spending so much money.
(22) The head decided I should have another go at matriculation.
(23) My Dad's always having a go at me about getting a proper job.
(24) I was going to have a go at parachuting but lost my nerve at the last minute.
(25) I want to have a go at finishing my essay tonight.
(26) The boss had a go at me for being late for work.
(27) On the tour, everyone can have a go at making a pot.
(28) I really must get a new jacket - this one's starting to go at the elbows.
(29) Do you like to have many projects on the go at any one time?
(30) We'd better walk a bit quicker - it's going to take forever if we go at this pace.
(1) She determined to go at once.
(2) Unless you go at once you will be late.
(3) He besought her to go at once.
(31) She split the word up into syllables so that he could have a go at spelling it.
(32) You are free to come and go at your pleasure.
(33) The new jazz club seems to be the in place to go at the moment.
(34) Take it gently; why must you go at everything like a bull at a gate?
(35) They were so beautiful that I decided to have a go at growing them.
(36) In no time die they go at each other furiously.
(37) I don't agree with all you say, but I'll let it go at that.
(38) I'll have a go at driving for a while if you're tired.
(39) Some people had a go at us for it,[http:///go at.html] which made us more angry.
(40) 250 jobs are to go at the local steel plant.
(41) Mum had a go at me for not doing my homework.
(42) He was having a go at the privet hen.
(43) He had been ready to go at any second.
(44) Just go at a pace you are comfortable with.
(45) You should go at rice harvest, she said.
(46) They wanted to have a go at me.
(47) We must go at once to make sure.
(48) Contact:. 5 Have a go at orienteering in Calderdale.
(49) I'll have a go at repairing the roof myself.
(50) Who would want to have a go at Oglethorpe?
(51) They may fight like a lion or go at something like a bull at a gate.
(52) So is it worth having another go at such a discredited vision?
(53) There I snored and whinnied and gnashed for nearly three hours, awaking refreshed and raring to go at a little after one.
(54) Marcos would seem to be prepared to go at least some way to meet Fox's proposals.
(55) I thought I would have a go at senior rugby for a season, then pack it in.
(56) My third friend was very scared and wanted to go at once, feeling that we were in definite danger from something.
(57) Then we had to work out how deep we could actually go at various points, before we started digging rock.
(58) The great doors had been wrenched off their hinges, and anyone could come and go at all hours.
(59) Contrary wise, Beethoven and other composers wrote music both in 3/4 and 6/8 meant to go at very similar tempos.
(60) She let Ann and Lena go at their usual time and stayed on alone.
(61) Come out now and come back for another go at the weekend.
(62) These vans keep coming and going and the man on the cleaning machine is having another go at cleaning the floor.
(63) With Sykes about to go at Christmas as well, they were really up the creek.
(64) I make it a rule to go at least three times.
(65) I have three or four on the go at once.
(66) Bach wrote all his in 3/4, though they are by no means all meant to go at one tempo.
(67) He had another go at persuasion and wrote Adam long letters to his college begging for compromises.
(68) Often the participants go off-site for several days, roll up their sleeves. and go at it n o-holds-barred.
(68) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(69) You may miss the train unless you go at once.
(70) Even the children had a go at steering the boat.
(71) I would be grateful if you would give me a little notice if you intend to have a go at anything it contains!
(72) After a few laps of the track we could kick a ball about or even have a go at throwing a javelin.
(73) Time allowed 00:19 Read in studio Eighty jobs are to go at an insurance group in Gloucester.
(74) To determine this they want to do their own biopsy, and will require a sizeable lymph node to go at.
(75) Stopped controversially in their first battle, Razor demanded a second go at Tyson.
(76) As long as you go at a slow, steady pace, the job can be done and you none the wiser.
(77) Time allowed 00:20 Read in studio Sixty two jobs are to go at a milk depot.
(78) The whole effect is as if an aftermarket body-kit specialist has had a go at embellishing a 911, with the predictable result.
(79) I find many knitters will have a go at Fair Isle knitting, but then stop there.
(80) Really have a go at it before some one else does.
(81) Andy Hare missed gaining his card by 3 shots, so at least he had a good go at it.
(82) My parents never stop quizzing me about where I go at night.
(83) There are obvious benefits in allowing each student to go at his own pace.
(84) But he could only side-slice the tortoise-shell, and he lost two stones to Alistair before he had another go at it.
(85) Why don't you just have a go at skiing? You might surprise yourself.
(86) Our idea was that at last we could have a real go at it, make sure things worked out.
(87) Where else can you go at the Olympics wearing a swimsuit, tank top and flip-flops and still feel overdressed?
(88) Bagshaw thought - will my bosses blame me for letting this man go at what is approaching a crucial time?
(89) Pirouettes To finish with, Jennie suggested that Katharine have a go at some pirouettes.
(90) We had a go at trying to coax the cat indoors using scraps of food.
(91) He decided that school was not somewhere he would like to go at this point because he looked pretty bad.
(92) Let me have a go at it this time.
(93) I allow students to come and go at discretion.
(94) Let me have a go at it, all right?
(95) They could come and go at all hours.
(96) The aeroplane can go at 1200 kilometres per hour.
(97) That's enough. Let it go at that.
(98) How can we let it go at that?
(99) You always go at a job bald-headed.
(100) Go at it tooth and nail.
(101) The students go at their study with a will.
(102) There is no rushing a river. When you go there,[] you go at the pace of the water and that pace ties you into a flow that is older than life on this planet.
(103) They yell, shout and argue. For six hours a night they go at it, hammer and tongs.
(104) I don't agree with all you say but we'll let it go at that.
(105) You can see the atomic mass unit will be, excuse me. Let me go at it a different way.
(106) And let young Hawkins go at once to say goodby to hellos mother, and then come quickly to Bristol with Redruth.
(107) He must put the best face on it, and let it go at that.
(108) Dick wanted to have a go at making the experiment.
(109) Christian go to church on Easter Sunday. They go at sunrise. The sing and pray.
(110) If you go at night, you can see a sound and light show.
(111) The pretending is just for you. I hate my letting go at the turning moment.
(112) Arty: Do you fancy a go at a commercial feature film?
(113) Try to approach her the right way. You'll get nothing out of her if you go at it like a bull at a gate.
(114) Ask yourself how much you really need and let it go at that.
(115) You can't let it go at that, and you can't lose your money just like that!
(116) Though Jummy agreed to go at once, Jumbo refused to move.
(117) Go at once, or I will unleash my dog on you!
(118) I will tell you only a little then let it go at that.
(119) The youngest, Bradley, 22, has a year to go at the University of Vermont.
(121) Two rock bands are making a go at reaching shut-in fans, announcing a virtual concert for today.
(122) He was up and ready to go at the break of day.
(123) By default your new level will go at the end of your game, but you can also select a level number and save into the middle of your game.
(124) Let's have a go at that new Thai restaurant near the university.
(125) Lily : Listening comes first. Don't worry, have a go at it.
(126) I made John let my son have a go at the new goy.
(127) When trying new muscle memory patterns, go at half speed to begin with. Going at half speed helps you figure out the swing much quicker. Then gradually pick up the speed.
(128) I don't agree with all you say, but I let it go at that.
(129) I want it to go at the top of my product sales page, it's only a short 30 second clip with sales talk and someone chatting...
(130) A lot of employee go at that time the IPO that 1000 oak took a fancy to it namely is enunciative , nevertheless, their fond dream did not come true all the time.
(131) "Let's go at one and walk down Broadway from Thirty-fourth Street, " said Mrs. Vance. "It's such an interesting walk. He's at the Madison Square. "
(132) But in that moment he decides he's still gonna have a go at it.
(133) Balboa made up his mind to go at once in search of that sea.
(134) Bob was not quite satisfied with his haircut but let it go at that.
(135) Countercharge's implicating nature is to point to a countercharge and to appeal in legal action reason or go at defense method to mount existence in fact or legally connection.
(136) He must be itching to have a go at it.
(137) I love to travel, I'm ready to go at the drop of a hat.
(138) We can't play cagey and we have to go at them.
(139) You wear a shiny skin and a funny hat-the Almighy Animal Trainer lets it go at that, You bark ever-so-slightly at the Trainer's gun, with your whiskers melting in the noon-day sun.
(140) I don't agree with all that you say, but we'll let it go at that.
(141) You always go at a job bald-headed . Why don't you stop and think first?
(142) Though Jimmy agreed to go at once, Jumbo refused to move.
(143) She had a go at archery, but did not do very well.




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