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单词 Vehemently
1. Both women vehemently deny the charges against them.
2. Krabbe has always vehemently denied using drugs.
3. Dan vehemently denies the charges.
4. She shook her head vehemently.
5. The president has vehemently denied having an extra-marital affair.
6. Jackson vehemently denied the allegations.
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. Most environmentalists are vehemently anti-nuclear.
8. Free marketeers are vehemently opposed to the new safety regulations which they say will increase employers' costs.
9. He argued with his wife so vehemently that he talked himself hoarse.
10. He has vehemently rejected claims that he is a government stooge.
11. They are, like Steven, vehemently opposed to affirmative action.
12. Meanwhile, Kurt repeatedly and vehemently denied taking heroin.
13. Many solicitor respondents disagreed vehemently with this view.
14. The charge was vehemently denied.
15. The entertainment industry has vehemently objected to the V-chip and ratings system as tantamount to government censorship.
16. It is also noteworthy that Hill was vehemently opposed to the statutory monopoly.
17. He vehemently denied testimony that he struck his wife outside a veterinary clinic or on a beach in Laguna in 1986.
18. He was vague about both, but vehemently denied travelling via Cross Street.
19. The Warner brothers themselves were vehemently against racist organizations and they could be proud of the movie.
20. He is vehemently opposed to abortion, gay rights and many aspirations of the Third World.
21. The Lydende Party vehemently opposed the committee chairperson, partly as a consequence of longstanding family feuds.
22. More vehemently than ever, Mr Kohl refused to divulge the names of his other benefactors.
23. Mr Thompson always vehemently denied he was involved in criminal affairs.
24. But there are others who vehemently oppose changing the general plan designation in either area.
25. Uncle Jack fell into the latter category, Ursula vehemently rejecting his offer to lend a hand.
26. Later that day Mashruwala told me he vehemently dissented from this view.
27. The teens, agitated by their restriction, were randomly leaving their living quarters and vehemently hurling obscenities and spitting at staff.
28. What is absolutely clear is that the three prisoners have themselves vehemently protested their innocence from day one.
29. Few people had suffered as much anguish over the Standing as Ellen, who had opposed it vehemently almost from the outset.
30. Welfare feminists vociferously supported protective legislation, and equality feminists vehemently opposed it.
1. Both women vehemently deny the charges against them.
2. He argued with his wife so vehemently that he talked himself hoarse.
31. Craxi vehemently denied the allegations and refused to resign at a closed meeting of the party executive on Dec. 17.
32. Both sides will argue vehemently that there are sharp differences between the parties, and there are.
33. There was a loud clang and Broomhead cursed vehemently, pulling on the reins.
34. The conference was vehemently opposed by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, leader of the Hezb-e Islami, the principal fundamentalist faction.
35. I could see no just cause for carrying on after arguing vehemently against the idea, then seeing it carried.
36. But they vehemently oppose the kind of expenditure that helps the underclass.
37. Of course the Supervisor vehemently denied any possibility of a fix.
38. Campaign finance reform will also be high on the list,[http:///vehemently.html] although the two parties disagree vehemently on how it should proceed.
39. This decision split the vehemently antiabortion Church hierarchy from its liberal allies.
40. For reasons best known to themselves, my parents were vehemently opposed to the idea.
41. Throughout the 1992 election campaign, it became quite clear just how vehemently abortion opponents feared the coming of a pro-choice president.
42. Kantor acknowledged arguing with the driver but vehemently denied making any threats.
43. Burrows vehemently denies being anywhere near here, and swears he didn't commit the murder.
44. They attacked him vehemently for his corruption.
45. Exporters are vehemently against currency appreciation.
46. Savigty vehemently attacked this suggestion.
47. I sat down, and cried most vehemently.
48. I'm vehemently against any form of censorship.
49. This is the way most vehemently recommended by teachers.
50. What a fool I am, she thought vehemently.
51. " No,'she cried vehemently, jerking away.
52. The vainglorious presence of Marilyn Monroe is placed alongside the subdued countenance of Mother Theresa, Che Guevara glares vehemently in opposition to the pacifistic visage of Mahatma Gandhi.
53. Meanwhile, Napoleon's foreign minister, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand, was vehemently opposed to selling Louisiana since it would mean an end to France's secret plans for a North American empire.
54. Pakistan's ambassador in Washington, Husain Haqqani, vehemently denied claims the country's intelligence agency, the ISI, had backed the Taliban.
55. Moscow vehemently opposes any further Nato encroachment on former Soviet areas.
56. To utter ( something ) or cry out loudly and vehemently, especially in protest.
57. Five planes vehemently attacked the island, bombing three coastal villages.
58. This is a movement which was romantic, irrational and vehemently nationalistic in character.
59. But he spake the more vehemently, If I should die with thee, I will not deny thee in any wise.
60. He fell vehemently upon the president's proposed budget plan in Congress.
61. In the war he once vehemently demanded that I discharge eighty of his officers.
62. The reputed author of the Nebraska Bill finds an early occasion to make a speech at this capitol indorsing the Dred Scott decision, and vehemently denouncing all opposition to it.
63. I always consider that the vulgar aims people pursuit vehemently - property, vainglory and extravagance - are despicable.
64. When he vehemently refused and some of his comments appeared on jihadist Websites, Ghanam was jailed for what Swiss authorities called his "dangerosite" (French for "dangerousness").
65. These verbs mean to reprimand or criticize angrily or vehemently.
66. Unfortunately for the U-boat force, as with all other naval officers at that time, the German Naval High Command believed vehemently in the unsinkable battleship.
67. Participants can indicate if they agree, disagree, kind of agree or oppose vehemently -- all non-verbally.
68. I could not speak, but just pressed his hand and cried vehemently.
69. Moscow is vehemently opposed to the U.S. proposed missile defense system, which would put a radar system in the Czech Republic and missile interceptors in Poland.
70. After vehemently arguing, he discovered his basic illogicality and had to eat humble pie before his associates.
71. It can't be true, she thought vehemently, trying to push back the fear.
72. " I hate to hear you talk like that, Ashley,'she said vehemently.
73. Indeed, ironically, what all sociopathocracies have in common though is this: They are all vehemently, viciously, virulently anti-sociopathocracy.
74. So to have France emerge over the past five years as the country most vehemently opposed to the idea of Turkey in Europe has been heartbreaking and disillusioning.
75. And he vehemently censures Pope Zachary for having helped to depose the last of the Merovingians in favour of Pepin.




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