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单词 Charging
1 She rounded upon him in the office,charging him with telling lies about her.
2 The children were all charging around outside.
3 Fallen riders were trampled underfoot by the charging horses.
4 They're charging £3 for the catalogue.
5 It's highway robbery, charging that much for gas!
6 I've been charging about/around all day and I'm exhausted.
7 He is charging a storage battery.
8 The policy of charging air travellers for vegetarian meals proved unpopular and has already been rescinded.
9 He came charging up the stairs to tell me the good news.
10 Soldiers came charging through the forest,[] guns at the ready.
11 He came charging into my room and demanded to know what was going on.
12 Plans to introduce congestion charging were dropped until after the election.
13 She says that charging high prices will keep the riff-raff out.
14 They're charging an exorbitant price for fixing the car, but they've got us over a barrel because we can't do without it.
15 I heard the sound of feet charging down the stairs.
16 Banks have been charging 25 percent and above for unsecured loans.
17 I'm charging you with cleaning the room before you go.
18 Previously he had been discussing the case of charging a trust on a debtor.
19 Wholesale-financed lenders, already charging 14.75 percent, will face pressure to raise their rates close to 16 percent.
20 But six members quit in early 1995, charging that the panel was stacked with advocates of legalization.
21 Instead of putting his head down and charging, Balshaw chipped and chased.
22 Most charging sites and museums offer teachers free admission for a preview visit.
23 It's not working - I don't think the battery is charging.
24 The beauty parlour priced itself out of the market by charging so much.
25 A soldier with a pike could bring down a charging horse.
26 It dresses in red and also wears the emotions of a snorting, charging bull.
27 Therefore any individual stops which will be required at single pelican crossings etc., will have no effect on charging.
28 However, some have retained the more traditional method of charging commission on transactions only.
29 If so, where can I get hold of a wiring loom and split charging unit as well as the necessary wiring diagram.
30 Two Disney shareholder lawsuits were filed against the current and former directors of the company, charging them with wasting corporate assets.
1 She rounded upon him in the office,charging him with telling lies about her.
2 He is charging a storage battery.
3 They're charging an exorbitant price for fixing the car, but they've got us over a barrel because we can't do without it.
4 I'm charging you with cleaning the room before you go.
31 The Yorkshire Building Society, for example, is charging a fixed rate of just 4.99 per cent for two years.
32 He seemed to make a habit of charging through her life and leaving destruction in his wake.
33 A reset button is also provided, which is pressed if the charging light fails to illuminate.
34 Charging investors for reinvesting dividends continues a trend of higher fees on Wall Street.
35 They swallowed it and said they were charging me with handling stolen goods.
36 When water fountains start charging to drink, then you know we have a problem. Anthony Liccione 
37 Sharelink, the telephone dealing service, is charging 1 percent commission with a minimum of £12.50 and maximum of £50.
38 By 1742, though the fever had subsided[sentence dictionary], he was charging Edwards's Northampton following with insanity.
39 After charging, the new battery is fitted into place on the camcorder.
40 The band claimed Ticketmaster was charging excessive service fees and refused to reduce its fees for Pearl Jam concerts.
41 The monopolist is normally considered to exploit consumers by charging a high price and thereby destroying some consumer surplus.
42 A Prescott speech resembles a bull charging an imaginary matador.
43 This relief is mandatory, and charging authorities have the discretion to increase this relief.
44 Resource allocation is also relevant, particularly where charging policies are formulated on a means-tested basis.
45 Charging to park on the playground can be a lucrative source of funds.
46 I was present at Kidderminster on the day that Mark Ilott started charging around the outfield in painful discomfiture.
47 It is possible for telephone companies to make profit without charging unreasonable rates.
48 Carrying spare batteries could be a cheaper option to fast charging and all chargers rely on a power point anyway.
49 In addition, the county might end up charging the new cities for services it once provided free.
50 Protagonists of the warm-blooded theory will show some of the horned dinosaurs charging over the Cretaceous plains like furious reptilian rhinoceroses!
51 Charging an entry fee for museums will not affect the casual visitor very much.
52 Hospitals now sell patient care including operations, X-rays, and blood tests, charging for everything.
53 It was all beneath his dignity, this business of charging around with rifles in your hand and going on parade.
54 Daley leaned heavily on his precinct captains, charging Kennelly with inactivity.
55 The gaoler, however, reaped a rich harvest, charging his clients for food, ale, even water.
56 He moved quickly almost charging in the door, and slid into a chair opposite me.
57 Last week, a Pima County grand jury indicted Prion, charging he killed Vicari.
58 Some enterprising yards install big washing machines and then offer a horse laundry service, usually charging about £5 per rug.
59 Against this the presence of the large male and his spectacular charging displays is an ample response.
60 Some of the smaller places are charging what the big resorts normally do during the winter.
61 If the police went charging up a blind alley as a result of her information, it wouldn't be her fault.
62 Unlike some other units, this charger has a start button: charging begins when the red start button is pressed.
63 This year there are 10 suppliers charging an average of 5.9 cents a kilowatt hour.
64 But once you start charging for things, people do have the right to ask: is this good value?
65 He made money by charging people to look at his coffins.
66 This confidence seems unjustified, at least as far as capital asset charging is concerned.
67 Battery charging is by means ofa mains-operated charger specially made for this type of battery.
68 How can you possibly justify charging four pounds for a glass of beer.
68 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
69 Faced with cuts in grant from central government, they tried to preserve services by charging users.
70 For further details about transitional relief ask your charging authority - the address and telephone number are included with this bill.
71 First, ensure that the charging authority correctly applies any exemptions or reliefs to which the property or ratepayer is entitled.
72 Phoney psychics could milk their rich clients for years, charging fancy prices for rap sessions with the dear departed.
73 Even in my mind I found it extremely unwieldy trying to lance one - let alone 100,000 - from a charging steed.
74 Several companies are now offering Internet access without charging monthly fees.
75 As one example, the bank would begin charging interest the day a kibbutz incurred an overdraft.
76 Instead of charging bulls, Professor Ito bravely faces a barrage of puns.
77 With regard to charging at the door, again fear must play part in her behaviour.
78 He was as cranky as a bad-tempered goat, always putting his head down and charging into things that annoyed him.
79 Charging drivers to use certain roads is also seen as a way of increasing government revenue.
80 For some reason, the book brings Don Quixote to mind, charging in from the right.
81 The landlord may be justified in charging for any additional work that needs to be done.
82 At the same time, competition increased from rivals charging lower prices, forcing Motorola to cut its own prices.
83 A letter to the branch manager only produced a restatement of the charging terms.
84 Critics stopped just short of charging the Spin Doctors with malpractice.
85 A single charging of the batteries allows about 2.5 hours of continuous use.
86 The House ethics committee has rejected on technical grounds the latest complaint filed against Speaker Newt Gingrich charging him with bribery.
87 I started charging $ 5 and more people wanted it, because it cost more, so it was suddenly more valuable.
88 From 200 metres we fired single shots at the targets depicting charging men holding machine guns.
89 Many bureaucrats have not been welcoming, illegally charging for forms that the newcomers have to complete to obtain citizenship.
90 The claim is based presumably on the notion that the new charging system will be simpler.
91 State law now prohibits insurers from denying coverage to small businesses or charging them more than 20 percent above the going rate.
92 The Competition Commission found they were not charging excessive prices or making excessive profits.
93 Road pricing - charging for road space as it is used - will merely add to the burden.
94 Many have been formulating charging policies for services other than residential and nursing care.
95 Smiths claims the record companies are charging so much that it's having to offer large discounts.
96 Charging an expense on a company credit card does not automatically make it a bona fide business expense.
97 That would be akin to the business school model of giving away the razor while charging for the blades.
98 One of the reasons why it has been able to do so is its policy of charging for special exhibitions.
99 Both stores are charging the same price for CD players.
100 To slow down the demand,[] McLaren began charging £30 a copy.
101 You can envision graphic sound charging around like square pixels on a vintage Atari video game.
102 loan sharks who exploit the poor by charging up to 1000% interest per year.
103 Consequently, the costs of strengthening and extending the probation service could be defrayed by charging a fee to the offending corporation.
104 Barclayshare's advisory service, which has £250m under management, has the same charging structure, but costs £15 quarterly.
105 New auditors are for ever charging at birth as an obvious target.
106 Often, the main obstacle between them is the prospect of dealing with forbidding galleries charging forbidding commission fees.
107 When he is perched precariously on a sandbag at the time, however, you could just about get away with charging extra.
108 One national chain is currently charging $ 299 for the Playstation and $ 249 for Saturn.
109 The Government have taken no action to limit the authorities' scope for charging.
110 He read a statement charging that the prosecution meant to destroy the Moon family.
111 The wind picked up that evening and big grey swells came charging in from the south-west.
112 Auguste reported that Boris was still charging around in the kitchen and showed no desire to show his head above stairs.
113 This includes obtaining access through a judge, prior to charging a suspect, to bank accounts and other documentary evidence.
114 Street vendors accused of charging higher than official prices were beaten and dragged through the streets.
115 After the three hour charge-up, the pack is automatically switched over to normal charging, to preserve the battery life.
116 Charging in from the Vauxhall end like a cavalier, he pinned Ramprakash's fixed pad with an inswinger of some velocity.
117 I was going to come charging down from the top of a sand-hill.
118 They was charging people a dollar to see him before West put a stop to it.
119 It could start by reducing the property tax rate, charging everyone less, including Tucson residents.
120 The advantage of such a charging structure is that the investor is rewarded with a lower initial charge.
121 The paper also advocated increased charges for the health service and suggested further savings, like charging patients to visit the doctor.
122 She works in oils and, among other things, paints about a dozen portraits a year, charging £400 upwards.
123 Abruptly, in front of the charging sepoys, who were already bewildered by the densely whirling white flakes, the ground erupted.
124 Combat Bonus A charging war boar is a bad-tempered mound of bloody-minded muscle and bone with pointy tusks and sharp teeth.
125 Wyatt watched his child frolicking, charging, knocking over other children, heading somewhere else.
126 It distressed her that her vicar should be seen charging through the town with his underpants showing through his trousers.
127 President Lazaro Cardenas outlawed casinos during his 1934-1940 term in office, charging they promoted crime and vice.
128 The screams reached their peak as the remaining males descended to the ground and started charging through the group.
128 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
129 Customers may be forced to borrow from inefficient banks or other financial institutions, probably charging higher interest rates.
130 It had no idea if the private hospitals were in turn charging their patients.
131 They can successfully compete with cinemas by charging one fifth of the admission price.
132 Twenty-five dollars was considerably more than he expected, they must have been charging by the decibel.
133 A new battery was fitted and Brundle continued, but only the driver was charging.
134 The charging process therefore requires the expenditure of energy.
135 Onboard circuitry facilitates standby battery charging.
136 Get slimed by a charging ghost.
137 They were charging us by volume rather than weight.
138 The bull pawed the ground before charging.
139 In true economist fashion, he has allowed two companies, Lulu and Flat World Knowledge, to sell print versions of his textbook, with Lulu charging $11 and Flat World anywhere from $19.95 to $59.95.
140 This paper presents the general structure, object identification means and its application of gym center natatorium intelligent card charging management system in Jiangsu Province.
141 The main deficiency lies in the areas such as obsolete advertisement strategies, confused fee charging modes, unclear orientation of the role played by advertisers, delay of legal norms, etc.
142 In the furnace body, the medial side of the material charging and discharging opening is equipped with a spiral material guide plate.
143 Introduces a new battery charging system designed for hydroelectric power generation stations, with descriptions on its installation specification, circuit design, charging curve, etc.
144 All these above support that the tuition policy of higher education in China is a reasonable , an scientific one which it is from charge free to charging .
145 In order to overcome the deficiency of the tradition power, we designed the"main-subordinate"capacitance charging power system based on IGBT chopper circuit and LC filter circuit.
146 Charging of the batteries from the auxiliary source is reduced during dynamic braking when the batteries are near full charge.
147 Ensure to understand correctly the charging information. Once batteries are connected in a wrong way, it will be seriously damaged and even fires or exposures may be caused.
148 The biggest difference between Western and Islamic finance involves believes beliefs about charging interest on money.
149 An equation for calculating the input capacity during constant-voltage charging process is also derived.
150 To enhance the capacity of the wireless transmitter, we need power amplification circuit in the wireless charging transmitter resonant circuit activates this circuit.
151 Battery voltage sense input above target charging voltage during engine operation.
152 Tank size, supports, acid concentrations, charging schedule, plate alignment, etc. are the same as described.
153 It keeps overheads down by focusing with near religious fervor on a no-frills approach, charging extra for baggage and meals.
154 The designed two-way pneumatic sack packer and boxing automatic distributor can work with the 20 volumes automatic charging machine, improving the productivity more than doubled.
155 Replaced nose gear shock strut charging valve, no leakage in GND check.
156 Pull the plug tighty after the charging inner bladder expands.
157 This shift, misleadingly, makes it look as if China is charging more for its exports.
158 Thus state averaging method is used to analyze the charging and discharging processes of the switching power supply.
159 But to keep charging ahead at full steam, they also need to be vigilant about their health,[http:///charging.html] which means eating and drinking right.
160 The parameters of non-destructive testing, such as dielectric loss factor, capacity and the voltage at which the charging current increases abruptly, are measured in the different aging stage.
161 The air quantity to appropriately increase the charging, accelerate combustion rate and improve grey layer thickness and oxidation layer temperature and gasification agent preheating temperature.
162 This paper expounds the original teledata collection system based on C/S framework, which implements mainly the collection work of original data of telecommunications charging.
163 The Z axis is provided with zero output to facilitate the setting and changing of electrical charging depth if installed with optical ruler.
164 By charging or suggesting Gates was a victim of racial profiling, all three were guilty of having reflexively reverted to racial stereotypes about white cops.
165 It is emphasized that charging voltage of charging systems for motorcycles is of great significance to the service life of batteries.
166 Stemming is not advisable because it can sinter and complicate later charging.
167 According to the structure of impulse voltage generator, the EMTP simulation software is used to build a 36-stage charging circuit model of impulse voltage generator.
168 At a London award ceremony a week later, he launched into a foul-mouthed tirade at pop star Madonna, accusing her of charging fans outrageous prices to see her lip-synch in concert.
169 Also, when Michigan's Intelligencer Journal-Lancaster New Era daily began charging $1.99 per month for online obituary access, site traffic actually increased.
170 Approximately 20 states prosecute these cases under existing criminal laws, charging people with aggravated assault, reckless endangerment, homicide or attempted homicide, or terrorist threat.
171 Linking with the main electric properties of No. 1 aviation kerosene, here is related the basic principle of static electric charging and the major factors that affect liquid static electric charge.
172 The vibration of the charging belt is reduced by adjusting the belt's tension while an electrostatic accelerator is running.
173 Battery voltage sensor input below target charging voltage during engine operation. Also, no significant charge detected in battery voltage during active test of alternator output.
174 Maintenance - free battery and valve - regulated storage battery are very sensitive to the charging voltage.
175 Double protection : lighting design to prevent internal charging circuit, short circuit protection function.
176 The effect of heat distribution in ferromolybdenum melting on melting result is expounded, the method of layer-by-layer charging is put forward to distribute the reaction heat as a certain parabola.
177 The doubts burst into the open on August 9th when central banks were forced to inject liquidity into the overnight money markets because banks were charging punitive rates to lend to each other.
178 Run sway the drift charging vehicle video frequency for my freewheel !
179 They are aimed at either cleaning the water in the primary system, providing separate shutdown cooling functions, water chemistry, charging and volume control, makeup water.
180 With the charging features of the air braking system on the 10 000 t heavy haul train as the research object, the change of pressure in the auxiliary reservoir during charging on train is researched.
181 The capacitor current exchange type quasi-constant current charging system was used for capacitor bank storage energy systems.
182 Under the partial state of charge (PSOC) condition, the experiments for 100% depth of discharge were carried out by using different charging algorithms.
183 And farmers able to earn extra money by charging visitors to see their wind farm.
184 The charging current threshold is modified while the capacitive element is charged to the predetermined charging voltage.
185 The practice of charging skyrocketing overheads is little discussed, because there are vested interests involved.
186 Lightning ripped through purple-black clouds, letting loose torrents of rain. There was a drumroll of thunder, and suddenly the squall was racing toward him with the fury of charging cavalry.
187 The photoconductive surface coatings for scanning by charging roll charge uniform charge.
188 The Arrearage Risk Control System[ ], which can provide real-time charging function on users being monitored is prompted to solve this question.
189 See the exhibitor manual for the charging reserved for hotel.
190 The fee charging rates for handling arbitration cases shall be implemented according to relevant provisions of the state.
191 If a good is non-rivalrous but excludable, a private provider of that good can only remain in business by charging the users a positive price.
192 On orders charging freight, orders should be able to rate freight based on the least expensive (usually closest) warehouse location.
193 Adopt the hanging chain and appropriative hanging tools, charging and dragging is convenient and quick.
194 This Paper introduces the design and implementation of a centralized management system for automatic telephone charging equipment based on telephone networks.
195 The split charging conversion of the instrument panel of the whole hanging device is convenient.
196 And electromechanical model was simulated bying the engineering practice. During the experiment, muzzle velocity of the projectile and charging voltage were gained.
197 Integrated Access IP Gateway is a new type of Integrated Access Device which is mainly used in highway Charging System, Video Image Centralized Monitoring and Intercommunication System.
198 A side-mounted charging handle allows the shooter to perform reloads without removing their eyes from the target and prevents any gas blowback to the face when using a suppressor.
199 Effect of polymerization conditions including charging mass fraction of polystyrene macromer, amount of initiator and temperature of copolymerization on grafting efficiency were studied.
200 The highest permissible temperature in the cavity for charging is + 50 ℃.
201 According to the standards of GSMA, the international roaming clearing house system need validate the charging information of TAP call event details sent by roaming partners of the customers.
202 With more airlines charging for checked baggage, Ms. Poole's tips save both space and money — and time, if you include the benefit of skipping the wait at the luggage carousel.
203 In this paper, the advantages of afforestation by blasting on two sides of highway are outlined, the blasting digging of tree pits, calculation of charge mass and charging structure are expatiated.
204 The upper layer barrier and the lower layer barrier are respectively provided with a charging opening at the outer side and the inner side for charging.
205 Starting with the importance of battery plate, plate material selection and its thickness, it analyzes briefly the plate characteristics, composition and influence on charging and discharging.
206 Calcium fluoride content in calcium cyanamide charging is determined by a fluoride ion selective electrode method, and its conditions and applications are tested.
207 "The market is charging ahead and LEED is the powerful driving force, " said USGBC president Richard Fedrizzi.
208 The Everton keeper needed all his courage to thwart a charging Vinny Jones in full flow.
209 A method of selecting charging diode and some diodes that we have used successfully are reported also.
210 The first one is the theoretical foundations for the annual fee charging based on the two basic functions of the credit card.
211 The charger shall give an alarm signal upon failure initiated by either an under-voltage relay or a zero charging current relay.
212 In theory fuzzy controller of diffluence equilibrium charging system is designed and the model of fuzzy controlling system is established and simulated.
213 It proposes that the key compositional elements of pledge on charging right includes obtain of legal evidence of charge, signing of impawn contract, and disclosure in the way of register.
214 This paper introduces the realization of the secret code charging system in the ZXJ2000A SPC PABX, including the composition, processing, operation and management of the system.
215 Contingent fee system originated from U. S. A. It's currently the more popular legal charging method internationally.
216 Because the capacitor voltage always changes in the course of charging, and the equivalent load also changes in a large range, the load characters of charging circuit are required strictly.
217 Effects of energy-storing capacitance and inductance and charging voltage of devices on laser pulses are discussed.
218 For the charging machine in UGI gas producer, replacing three-stage gear drive by eouctckiudal reduction gear unit, which could obtain good results of energy conservation and cost reduction.
219 Charging for high voltage capacitors is usually needed in a high power pulse generator.
220 Without the middleman (a.k.a. your employer) you can charge significantly more for your services — along the lines of what your employer was charging for your work.
221 Based on the practice, the concept and methods logy of selecting the regimes for thermal balance, blasting, slag-making and charging are given.
222 The car walloped the pavement , charging towards the Holland Tunnel.
223 The available measures may be: 1) Importing scrap and direct reduced iron (DRI), 2) constructing DRI plant at home, 3) using cold pig iron, 4) charging hot iron.
224 It's an essential instrument that can charge and capacity test to battery, boost charge and daily maintain to battery after deeply charging and accept to new battery project.
225 Generally speaking, the electric car works with the accumulator cell in the depth charging and discharging active status.
226 Module structure is used in the design. It is composed of initialize program, module for charging type setting, module for pre-treatment, A/D modular converter and video module, etc.
227 We will effect insurance against All Risks , as requested, charging premium and freight for the consignees.
228 Detonating fuse will be used to detonate with interval charging for tunnel smooth blasting traditionally, it is more difficult to use detonator to detonate and propagate.
229 This paper firstly designs the parameters for minimum stress of series resonant capacitor charging power supply.
230 The charging installations of fixed refining reverberatory for copper smelting generally use bridgecharger and ground charger with mechanical drive.
231 In this paper the design wrapping connector driving of the charging capstan engine is theoretical analysed.
232 Officials are awaiting positive identification before charging the men with war crimes.
233 This paper introduces the control circuit principle and fault analysis of starting and charging system on NISSAN car and maintenance examples are given, which are good for the trouble-shooting.
234 Cleaning performance of a cleaning pad for cleaning a charging wire is maintained so that the charging voltage of an image carrier by a charging wire is stabilized.
235 MADRID – A bull leapt into the packed grandstands of a Spanish bullring and ran amok, charging and trampling spectators and leaving 40 people injured, regional officials said Thursday.
236 The paper designed and realized 500w series-resonant power converter for inductive charging experiment system by using the leakage inductance as resonant component.
237 The frequency control of motor speed is used for alternating current motor of main winch on No1 BF charging system, so that it is possible to carry out control of skip moving speed.
238 This article expresses the author's opinion on the constitution requisites and charging of liabilities of the"disregard of legal person'personality", according to the new Corporation Law.
239 It has glow caution light, nightlight, direct current output function that could emergency charging for mobile phone, digital goods and so on and has FM radio function.
240 The low-energy fuse slip-on millisecond initiating system is a new one, with advantages of accurate detonation and easy charging operation.
241 The charging control loop consists of multi-phase current feedback circuit, IGBT drive circuit, the voltage and current detecting circuit, battery temperature observation circuit, etc.
242 Introduce a solar LED lighting system based on lead acid battery equalization charging mode.
243 This implementation can provide the BOSS with real-time charging function and reduce arrearage risks effectively.
244 Charged with air cushion , blasting mechanism of smooth blasting with soft cushion charging construction is studied.
245 He's charging you around about a hundred pounds an hour for his services.
246 Pennwick’s craftsmen, in fact, lovingly sculpted the vehicle, which is built on a new Club Car chassis and features a 48-volt charging system and heavy-duty fiberglass body.
247 With the development of social economy and continuous creation on financial products, pledge on charging right as financing method has becoming a universal concern of banking.
248 Did you see Percy charging the ball down just then?
249 The system adopted method of monomial charging and adapt to invite public bidding and tender for engineering and final accounting of item.
250 A charging port is also added to the lower position easy access switch mount.
251 The survivor- thon will make money for the sheltered workshop by charging for promotional items participants choose, like shirts,[http://] coffee mugs and ethnic items such as bracelets.
252 The testing results of prototype indicate that the verification device can verify the projects, such as Clock Daily Error, Current Hour Error, Parking Timing Error, Charging Correctness.
253 Only for original battery charge. Avoid damage caused by charging improperly.
254 Accurate minus delta voltage (-DV ), DV/DT controlling, ensure fully charging but not over charging.
255 Drain the oil before demount accumulator. First let out the nitrogen with the charging device(), then the parts can be demounted.
256 The British still subsidise fossil fuels by charging a bargain rate of tax on domestic fuel.
257 The results show that some factors like charging voltage, charging time, geometry layout and the oil and pressboard condition may have some impact on the polarization and depolarization current.
258 Before charging work is started, the drill holo is plugged.
259 Both the spacecraft charging and the floating potential rising make the spacecraft damaging interaction with space plasma enhance.
260 Usury Illegal practice of charging an excessively high interest rate on loans.
261 You need to state your charging rate and examples of your pervious work before your bid.
262 The project includes a battery charging station at a Delhi Station.
263 The present sustainable development measures including mainly fee charging, taxes, and emission standard control etc. are lead by governments.
264 The hydrodynamic-fluid model and the self-consistent dust charging model are used to investigate the Bohm criterion for the dusty plasma sheath.
265 The main file in a charging system is the loans file.
266 Then he said pensively, Look - he's charging towards his goal again.
267 Three soft start-up technique for voltage loop are compared with each other, which are the reference of DC bus voltage gradually increasing, constant charging current and different PI modulation.
268 I can see that without a private garage, or off-street parking, it would be a problem as you'd have to have the charging cable draped across the pavement.
269 Under the influences of aerodynamic force and electrostatic force, the higher the nozzle pressure and charging voltage are, the smaller the droplet diameter is.
270 Effects of AIBN, charging mass and relative molecular mass of macromer on grafting efficiency were investigated.
271 To Mr Yunus and its other critics, the Mexican bank is no better than an old-fashioned loan shark, earning its huge profits by charging poor borrowers a usurious interest rate of at least 79% a year.
272 A charging seat for a telephone set comprises a casing body and a cover body.
273 Segmented metal wire electrical explosion was influenced by process variables such as the initial charging voltage, the electrode spacing and the breakdown gap length.
274 In the procedure of capacitor charging, the mica capacitor bears the voltage.
275 Due to the high reverse charging currents, parallel operation of AE-4 modules in combination with capacitor contactors in one low-voltage distribution is only allowed with reactor-protected units.
276 The electromagnetic field analysis in charging capacitor and pulse transformer is carried out by employing an ANSYS software for, which is based on the finite element method (FEM).
277 "Okay, "says the dentist. "If I save on anesthesia and simply rip the teeth out with a pair of pliers, I could get away with charging $20. "
278 Charging Port - Accepts the plug for your handset battery charger.
278 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
279 It briefly introduces the process of producing medium and low carbon ferrochromium with hot charging ferrochromium in electro-silicothermic method as well as the economic benefit obtained.
280 Resale value: Constant charging and recharging of even advanced lithium-ion batteries will diminish their ability to hold a charge.
281 The drivers of private jitney cabs were a favorite target for Fidel Castro, who accused them of being selfish capitalists charging hefty fares compared to highly-subsidized public bus services.
282 He saw some energetic charging by the police and arrests being made.
283 The simulation shows that the results of the analytical expressions are in good accordance with those of the simulation from the start of charging to the first charging voltage peak.
284 Therefore one kind of easy to operate , the effect good charging and discharging equipment, says regarding the accumulator cell time is essential.
285 The cooker discharge, percolator, press, grinders and other equipment in the finished product area shall be entirely separate from the charging and other raw material handling areas.
286 Starting with the importance of battery plate, plate material selection and its thickness, it analyzed briefly the plate characteristics, composition and influence on charging and discharging.
287 Headquarters : invasion tree on the game, you have to help speeding frozen gun power for charging the battery room. Teddy microwave gun collection tasks.
288 Rectifier units with a capacity of 20 to 25 amperes for each charging circuit are acceptable.
289 So, it is now possible to get the Voltage Intensification with an electrical step charging effect.
290 When they were scrambling amid time scarcity, they were quick to borrow time, and they were nearly oblivious to the usurious interest rates the game organizers were charging.
291 A potential joint project could involve a cross-publisher common payment system that would simplify charging regimes for consumers.
292 First, the medievals banned usury, or charging interest on loans.
293 In or-der to achieve the state of charge equalization, the battery voltage difference between batteries after charging should be minimized as possible.
294 Battery charging systems remain basically the same as those in use half a century ago.
295 So for those who think that just because an open core application or any application runs on Linux, therefore charging for the code is some sort of mortal sin, that is just ludicrous dude.




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