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单词 Temptation
1 He who avoids temptation avoids the sin. 
2 He overcame a strong temptation to run away.
3 He failed to struggle against temptation.
4 That candy is a temptation.
5 The temptation proved irresistible.
6 Don't succumb to the temptation to have just one cigarette.
7 It proved an irresistible temptation to Hall to go back.
8 I had the constant temptation to look out of the window.
9 There might be a temptation to cheat if students sit too close together.
10 It's very easy to yield to temptation and spend too much money.
11 I can never resist temptation/chocolate/the urge to laugh.
12 The temptation warred with his conscience.
13 I couldn't resist the temptation to open the letter.
14 I yielded to temptation and had a chocolate bar.
15 She succumbed to the temptation of another drink.
16 I was overwhelmed by such a temptation.
17 With an effort of will he resisted the temptation.
18 Don't give in to the temptation to argue back.
19 She resisted the temptation to laugh.
20 The menu offers a temptation to over-indulgence.
21 The temptation was warring with his conscience.
22 The temptation was too great to resist.
23 Colette surrendered to temptation and took out a cigarette.
24 Resist the temptation to nap in the daytime.
25 The temptation to tell her everything was very strong.
26 She yielded to temptation and had another chocolate.
27 An expensive bicycle is a temptation to thieves.
28 The temptation is very strong.
29 Temptation comes to all of us,whether or not we succumb depends on our ability to recognize its disguise,sometimes it arrives in a form of an old flame,flichering back to lift,or a new friend who could end up being so much more,or a young child who wakens feelings we didn't know we had.And so we give in to temptation all the while knowing come moring,[]we'll have to suffer the consequences.
30 The bag of sweets on the table was too strong a temptation for the child to resist.
1 He overcame a strong temptation to run away.
2 He failed to struggle against temptation.
3 That candy is a temptation.
4 The temptation proved irresistible.
5 Don't succumb to the temptation to have just one cigarette.
6 It proved an irresistible temptation to Hall to go back.
7 I had the constant temptation to look out of the window.
8 There might be a temptation to cheat if students sit too close together.
9 It's very easy to yield to temptation and spend too much money.
10 Push against temptation and you will get muscle in your character.
31 His inability to resist temptation would eventually cost him his freedom.
32 Keep your valuables locked away so as not to put temptation in the way of thieves.
33 The temptation to exploit consumers usually prevails unless it is curbed.
34 I resisted the temptation to get in a sly dig at Fred.
35 One of Oscar Wilde's most frequently quoted epigrams is "I can resist everything except temptation".
36 You will meet much evil in life; try not to yield to temptation.
37 Don't put temptation in her way by offering her a cigarette.
38 I'm afraid I succumbed to temptation and had a piece of cheesecake.
39 Will they be able to resist the temptation to buy?
40 Push against temptation and you will get muscle in your character.
41 I finally surrendered to temptation, and ate the last remaining chocolate.
42 Gina succumbed to temptation and had a second serving of cake.
43 The purse on the table was a strong temptation to the poor child.
44 Selling alcohol at truck stops is an unnecessary temptation for drivers.
45 Resist the temptation to buy the item until you're certain you need it.
46 There's always a temptation to cut corners when you're pushed for time, but it's not usually worth it.
47 The temptation to steal is greater than ever before - especially in large shops.
48 I found the temptation to miss the class too hard to resist.
48 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
49 There is always a temptation to weight the report in favour of the option you want.
50 He knew it was wrong to steal, but the money just lying there was too great a temptation.
51 Finally she yielded to temptation and helped herself to a large slice of cake.
52 I finally gave in to the temptation and had a cigarette.
53 Students should resist the temptation to focus on exams alone.
54 Resist the temptation to discuss topics that are not strictly relevant to the essay question.
55 Resist that temptation by turning it on its head.
56 I was able to resist the temptation to turn.
57 Carolyn got mad about my musings on temptation.
58 The temptation to pause here and perfect his eyes!
59 That steep yield curve has turned into political temptation.
60 Power was my weakness and my temptation. J.K. Rowling 
61 Like-father-like-son was his great temptation.
62 The temptation was to pet it.
63 This provocation contains a temptation for the president.
64 Temptation to defect, 5 points.
65 There is therefore this temptation to argue against doctrine.
66 This temptation should therefore be resisted.
67 The point is repeated in several scenes of temptation.
68 And resist the temptation to give them your money.
69 This is a great temptation facing the religious believer.
70 One was the strong temptation towards explicitness and over-clarity.
71 Thou shall not give into temptation.
72 Avoid the temptation to select too much.
73 I can resist everything except temptation. Oscar Wilde 
74 Gandhi did not often succumb to that temptation.
75 He put the fleeting temptation aside, surprised that it had even occurred to him.
76 In the end, he gave in to temptation, and lit his first cigarette in five days.
77 Can you stay small and resist the temptation to increase overhead?
78 He resisted the temptation, leaning back in his seat, running a hand across his forehead.
79 A further accident - stumbling over a coffer of government funds in his care - fatally scatters temptation before him.
80 Transvaal captain Jannie Breedt will resist the temptation to panic.
81 There is a temptation among school reformers to fantasize about the future of schooling.
82 The idea behind this imposition of blanket bans was to prevent the temptation to discriminate against particular marches.
83 To give into that temptation, Tucker and Hendrickson warn, would be to lose our soul.
84 The smell was unpleasant too but she resisted the temptation to remove her scented handkerchief from the cuff of her blouse.
85 Still I struggled against the temptation to go after him.
86 Resist the temptation to overburden your notes with too much information. 4.
87 When life was hard, the temptation to start drinking again was strong.
88 I finally gave in to temptation and ate a huge piece of cheesecake.
89 The church should resist the temptation to merely tick over.
90 Temptation is stronger in the minds of people who are in doubt.Prayer makes it weaker. Toba Beta 
91 But the biggest challenge many entrepreneurs face is the temptation to go off-track.
92 Can I restrict myself to low stocking levels - resisting temptation?
93 It would also remove any temptation for in-laws to interfere in a marriage in the hope of enhancing their own parental dividends.
94 This may be the only way of escaping from the temptation of continuing perpetual agricultural subsidy in one guise or another.
95 Any temptation to idealise the life of a ninth-century peasant should be resisted.
96 This wish for martyrdom would be a temptation dealt with in Murder in the Cathedral.
97 Nor does it yield to the temptation to manipulate performance and financial data in a way that obscures hard truths.
98 The temptation to blame other people for normal human problems is natural.
99 The best way is to work out a weekly budget and avoid the temptation to splurge out at the beginning of term.
100 Others steered clear of temptation, like singer Errol Brown from Hot Chocolate.
101 Not to give in to temptation, nomatterwhat form it takes.
102 He resolutely refuses to give way to the temptation to blame the local inhabitants for their problems.
103 Now their fragile consciences had the crutch of an externally imposed defence against future temptation.
104 You might take tea in the rarefied surroundings of Eickhof, a cafe of quite overwhelming temptation for cake-lovers.
105 The temptation to let go was strongly compelling and had a good argument to back it up.
106 Now that they had been made aware of their behavior, many promised to make the effort to resist the temptation.
107 But when her muzzle was dunked in the water almost over her nostrils, the temptation became too much.
108 As he was waiting for the barmaid to pour the drinks[sentencedict .com], Dexter could not resist temptation.
109 Resist the temptation to get involved. After all, it's not your problem.
110 He knows all about sadness, temptation and the grubby facts of life.
111 The temptation to create a compelling, entertaining sports movie must be too strong to resist.
112 The bird, widespread as it is, has resisted the temptation to diverge into numerous kinds found among many nest parasites.
113 We can not avoid the human temptation to extend longevity, and we can not reverse the aging process.
114 This might increase the temptation on the police to do all in their power to discourage complaints. 7.
115 It might be out of bounds, but the temptation to take a slightly closer look was a temptation she could not resist.
116 Salespeople should avoid the temptation of making a sales presentation without finding out the needs of their customers.
117 But it is a great temptation for people to say the latter, especially if they are ignorant of what others believe.
118 Firstly you must select quotations carefully; they must do a job efficiently. Avoid the temptation to select too much.
119 Vincent resisted the temptation to wake him and tell him everything.
120 But the all-too-human temptation to prophesy inhibits the suspension of judgment so often necessary.
121 There is a temptation that voluntary organisations may be tempted into offering services on the cheap.
122 There is always a temptation to blame others for your own problems.
123 They can resist temptation long enough to make decisions based on good sense.
124 This offered the temptation to Government to use section 2 to protect itself against potentially damaging disclosures.
125 In contemplating the lair of Ed and Klara Durbeck, the temptation is to gape at the sheer volume of the contents.
126 Never complain, never explain. Resist the temptation to defend yourself or make excuses. Brian Tracy 
127 If, after removing temptation, you find it too distressing, then admit that you have a problem and need help.
128 The facility of incurring the first obligation became a temptation to a second.
129 The higher stakes have increased the temptation to overload the inflatable speedboats, called Zodiacs.
130 There's always a strong temptation to put off the most difficult task or the least congenial subject.
131 He resisted the temptation to look under the rug and see how his prisoner was getting on.
132 It is less the revolving door that the temptation placed in the paths of hitherto ethical men and women that he criticises.
133 The temptation is to jump to conclusions without arriving at them via a review.
134 I can not urge you strongly enough to resist the temptation of trying to work with such tapes.
135 Still, it looms as a perverse temptation, and Blue must struggle with himself for some time before fighting it off.
136 But above all the setting is lovely, and is a temptation to find a picnic place.
137 Two days she had: to resist the temptation or succumb to it.
138 If such ideas were to spread,[] his own slaves might find them too great a temptation to resist.
139 The temptation is always to overstock, and this means that the land is asked to produce more than its true potential.
140 Having failed to persuade Mr Shankly to change his mind, Liverpool's board resisted the temptation to appoint another charismatic manager.
141 Eden was not only a historical reality, therefore, but a perpetual temptation for humankind.
142 Healthy exercise, rational recreation, better living conditions and temperance campaigns were all designed to morally arm the men against temptation.
143 The movement revealed her face as it might have been when she was young, comely and a temptation to coachmen.
144 Pushing temptation aside, he left the casino and walked into the crowded bar next door.
145 Though the temptation to turn his back was strong, it was not in Mungo's nature to run away.
146 In the face of strong temptation, Janet dashes the bottle to the floor and rushes to Paddington to see Tryan.
147 No temptation Thus, persistent gambling or the squandering of large sums of money upon it has been regarded as a sin.
148 So the temptation to use them, which can best be resisted by the media group, is great.
149 The overwhelming temptation and the external pressures will inevitably lead the other way; to take a quick decision and move on.
150 But I must resist the temptation to treat so serious a matter with levity.
151 Yet the temptation to build upwards for the station itself was resisted.
152 The temptation was great to muster what force we could and put up a fight.
153 The temptation to follow a fantail flitting in front of one's face is often hard to resist.
154 Letterman resists the temptation to sneer at what some might consider pretentiousness.
155 I assemble my Trangia and cook food, avoiding the almost overwhelming temptation to use the gas cylinder.
156 Despite what standard economic theory tells us about the impact of this proposition, the temptation to support it is great.
157 Look at the temptation: a pill that will give you euphoria and energy all night long for less than a tenner.
158 People would succumb to temptation and revert to familiar if inefficient form.
159 Perhaps more importantly, Ignatius was rare among the Catholic thinkers of his time in refusing to equate desire with temptation.
160 The temptation to crawl over to him was strong, but she resisted.
161 In movies like this, there is a great temptation to lean heavily on the melodrama.
162 The temptation is to concentrate on trying to find some way of proving Fred's guilt or innocence.
163 There is a great temptation to overfeed in the last month to ensure calf growth and nutrition.
164 Temptation still beckons - even when it's just you and the fridge door!
165 He was welcome to the food in the pantry, she thought grimly, resisting the temptation to hope it choked him.
166 Tom Margittai successfully resisted the temptation to take a major detour from his original dream.
167 She thought of taking a day off work, but resisted the temptation.
168 I resisted the temptation to analyse the results until all information had been gathered in case I sub-consciously distorted the data-gathering process.
168 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
169 Yet the temptation to use the Games for political purposes remains irresistible.
170 And the temptation to try out all she'd learned was suddenly overwhelming.
171 Just as his clothes were beginning to fit comfortably again, he saw temptation crowding in on every side.
172 Avoid the temptation of using too much of the material you have gathered.
173 She licked her very dry lips and refused to succumb to the temptation of another drink.
174 The student must be careful to avoid the temptation of using the harp glissando to excess.
175 If you succumb to the temptation to tell contrived jokes, ration yourself to two per day.
176 She never wore clothes like this, so why had she succumbed to temptation?
177 Yet most of the time they resist the temptation to exact retribution, despite the abundant opportunities the game affords.
178 This removes any temptation to sell articles at different prices in different Member States.
179 When you have a bad spell, the natural temptation is probably to become tied up in excuses.
180 Secondly, there is a temptation to attach a diagnostic label to each condition so that it fits neatly on the problem list.
181 If the atmosphere were not so charming, it would be less of a temptation.
182 Rick gave in to the temptation to steal the watch.
183 The temptation to their crews to barter their duty free stores for sterling constituted a high revenue risk at times.
184 Constant vigilance to match appropriate services to needs, assessed along tight guidelines, is one way to avoid temptation.
185 Oh ma'am if only I had shown myself strong in the face of temptation!
186 Now she hesitated, toying with an almost overwhelming temptation to spit it back in his face.
187 Mr Major resisted the temptation to leave some excise duties unchanged in order to hold down the inflation rate.
188 It is a temptation for all mothers whose lives are emotionally unfulfilled.
189 There is no recognition of inner anxieties(), nor of the dangers of temptation to our very existence.
190 Bread will stop you feeling hungry, and lessen the temptation to binge on high-fat, high-calorie foods.
191 I succumbed to temptation and ordered the lemon meringue pie.
192 In fact, one temptation in writing a management book is to quote Drucker on every other page.
193 Gulping, and resisting the temptation to dive straight into the Rue du Barri, he forced himself to run.
194 This healthy, realistic fear helps the organization resist the temptation to take the easy way out of a problematic situation.
195 He succumbs to the temptation of attending church services at Lowick, where Casaubon cuts him irretrievably.
196 The temptation to hang on to the past can then be strong.
197 The temptation is to leave these areas for later lifting, in the hope that plants bulk up better.
198 Had he believed her, he might have succumbed to temptation.
198 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
199 When Sam succumbs to the temptation of putting on the Ring he feels Sauron looking for him.
200 The temptation simply to continue with presidential rule would be enormous and another authoritarian regime would be born.
201 The partners should resist the temptation to give their reasons for deciding to exercise the power.
202 But the temptation to intervene grew nevertheless, particularly as I saw things turning against the innocent maidservant.
203 Is this the moment of truth, he wrote, or the greatest temptation?
204 Lead us not into temptation. Just tell us where it is; we'll find it. Sam Levenson 
205 Please be strong tonight - don't give in to temptation.
206 Attack temptation with activity and look forward to your second weigh-in and measuring day.
207 Resist the temptation to buy on impulse, just because an outfit catches the eye.
208 The atmosphere is always electric, so it is an easy temptation to begin uninhibitedly, even for the very experienced.
209 The Democrats succumbed to this temptation for decades, severing their congressional campaigns from their national presidential campaign.
210 There's a great temptation to blame others for your situation.
211 Liquor is a terrible temptation to lonely men cut off from their wives, or fighting for success they can not attain.
212 He rejected the temptation to call Celia at the office.
213 The prospect of scaring off awkward media revelations will always provide a great temptation for Attorneys to bluff.
214 Despite intense pressure and great temptation, they entered no wars.
215 A man with will may rise superior to temptation.
216 He felt a reformed man , delivered from temptation.
217 I should congratulate you that you resisted the temptation.
218 The enemy alternated between coercion and temptation, yet the hero never caved.
219 There a temptation to rush, to canonize your memory. There is no need to do so.
220 Others may suggest it's the temptation of the office machine.
221 Question to Consider: What Christlike character quality can I develop by defeating the most common temptation I face?
222 The temptation to rev up the arms race with high-tech weapons is especially dangerous.
223 Countless companies seek to offer such temptation, some even offering copies gratis.
224 38Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.
225 No matter how copacetic your domestic life may be, the temptation of infidelity the appeal of new things, the sexiness of breaking the rules could prove quite hard to resist.
226 The poem concerns the Christian story of the Fall of Man: the temptation of Adam and Eve by the fallen angel Satan and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden.
227 Still, the temptation to build a Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME) platform is there; there are IR-based remotes with decent response time, and the hardware would be an excellent match.
228 Pilgrims lapidate a stone pillar in commemoration of Abraham's temptation.
229 Both nations must avoid the temptation to close off our respective markets to trade and investment.
230 When you write a plan,[http:///temptation.html] avoid the temptation to all - encompassing.
231 You should resist any such temptation. Diversity ought not to be confused with division.
232 Abashed at this question, I answered that sloth was my besetting temptation.
233 Given the fragile and unbalanced global recovery, countries should resist the temptation to engage in finger-pointing or blame shifting.
234 Blueberry sauce sweet and sour, light cheese billet melts in your mouth, with a unique sour and light lemon cheese, came from the Milky temptation to faint blue-violet, is a thinking break away.
235 He thinks the cosseted young find it difficult to cope on their own; and in this materialistic world, few can resist the temptation to trade up.
236 He stifled his temptation to take hold of Ivy and shake her.
237 In front of spiritual homeland, your any thread of falter, could let you lose precious inwardness, and place yourself in the temptation of the secular world.
238 Flora Manhood resisted the temptation to contemplate her own body.
239 She obeyed his directions very punctually; perhaps she had no temptation to transgress.
240 Abstainer: a weak person who yield to the temptation of deny himself a pleasure.
241 Money left carelessly about is a temptation to some people.
242 If we give into the temptation to ignore or deny self-doubt, it will impose limits on our ability to act.
243 Don't give into the temptation to put your social life on hold until after the New Year.
244 Bolstered by an inflated sense of impulse control, we overexpose ourselves to temptation and fall prey to impulsiveness.
245 Temptation also means a man to be in during making love should ceaselessly honey-tongued .
246 Why aren't we mature enough to resist the temptation to seek Webtribution -- even if it seems easy and (we hope) untraceable?
247 Crazy thoughts through loneliness, the temptation to blur the very decadent.
248 Unhappily, Forbes could not resist the temptation to make money on the side.
249 Keeping regular mealtimes is especially important if you're experiencing depression or mania/hypomania, when the temptation to skip meals can make your symptoms worse.
250 He himself had once been led into temptation and was going home with a woman, but having touched his scapular by chance, saw in a moment an angel waving white wings in the air.Sentencedict
251 Tim. 6:9 But those who intend to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires, which plunge men into destruction and ruin.
252 Moreover, at that time a famous international corporation was inviting me to be the PA of their general manager of China, the salary the offered was quite handsome, a temptation to me.




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