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单词 Great depression
1. Many people lost their jobs in the great depression of the 1930s.
2. America went off the gold standard after the Great Depression.
3. No one foresaw the Great Depression of the thirties.
4. The photographs documented the anguish of the Great Depression.
5. Besides, labor disgraced itself in the Great Depression.
6. The last great depression took Orwell out on to the road, on a quest for the meanings of mass poverty.
7. The financial crises of the 1920s and the Great Depression of the 1930s had brought capitalism to the edge of extinction.
8. Has the experience of the Great Depression, which has helped to form my views of crofting, any validity now?
9. What came instead were world wars, a Great Depression, a Holocaust, and threats of nuclear destruction.
10. The co-op went bankrupt during the Great Depression, said Gross, and maintenance slowly ground to a halt.
11. As the thirties was our last great depression it commands comparison with the great depression of the eighties.
12. The war brought a sudden end to the Great Depression.
12. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
13. Treatment of blacks altered slightly with the great depression of the thirties and the economic boom of the wartime forties.
14. We have no great war, no great depression.
15. He lost his job during the great depression.
16. Great depression fatigues his mind and spirit.
17. Like Andrew Mellon on the eve of the Great Depression, Mr Paulson has struggled to communicate with, or understand the needs of, the common man.
18. He never forgot the hardships he witnessed during the Great Depression of the 1930s.
19. Social Security grew out of the 1929 stock market crash and the Great Depression.
20. Over the decades of the 1970s and 1980s, the regulations adopted to prevent a recurrence of the Great Depression were rescinded.
21. The world faced an economic crisis that was potentially worse than the Great Depression of the 19305.
22. The research now available shows that crime tripled between the two world wars, particularly at the time of the great depression.
23. This was especially true as regards the period of contraction or depression, and the Great Depression dealt a decisive blow.
24. To outsiders, it seemed to be a mountaintop utopia, high above the troubles of the Great Depression.
25. Wild speculation, low margin requirements and sheer panic triggered the free fall that set off the Great Depression.
26. His new book is a collection of essays and fiction by writers who lived through the Great Depression.
27. She earned up to $ 250 per speech, a handsome sum during the Great Depression.
28. A similar result was experienced by both Herbert Hoover and Franklin Delano Roosevelt after they deployed a plethora of government interventions to combat the Great Depression.
29. I'm thinking of what Herbert Hoover faced during the Great Depression.
30. Despite the hardships of the post - war years and the Great Depression.
31. The world economies plunged into the Great Depression of the 1930's.
32. The market is talking about a great depression, bread lines and war.
33. Consider Dorothea Lange, who photographed images from the Great depression. She wanted to show the mood or plight of Americans affected by those hard times.
34. The FDIC is a United States government corporation created by the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, following the Great Depression.
35. Rural electrification following the Great Depression made farm windmills obsolete.
36. We had an extraordinarily high price-to-earnings ratio representing a lot of optimism in the '20s for the stock market and then it corrected and went abruptly downward-- that was The Great Depression.
37. Wall Street stocks soared, marking the 70th anniversary of "Black Thursday " when the stock market crashed and led to the Great Depression in 1929.
38. It doesn't take a gloom monger to conclude that we will break the post- Great Depression recession record of 16 months.
39. So what saved us from a full replay of the Great Depression?
40. 1930 - Great Depression: US President Herbert Hoover goes before Congress and asks for a US$150 million public works program to help generate jobs and stimulate the economy.
41. During the Great Depression, the velocity of money fell 22%.
42. From the Dutch Tulip Bubble in the 1500's to the South Sea Bubble, to the Great Depression and the Crash of 1987, to the Dot Com Crash, humans have learned that speculation results in disaster.http:///great depression.html
43. In the depths of the Great Depression, we could buy no meat or fruit.
44. Not until the Great Depression of 1929 did widespread starvation threaten the American people.
45. From 1929 to 1933 - the low point of the Great Depression - Gross National Product dropped almost in half.
46. Remember, Herbert Hoover didn't have a problem making unpleasant decisions: he had the courage and toughness to slash spending and raise taxes in the face of the Great Depression.
47. Then along came the Great Depression of 1929 - 32 and John Maynard Keynes.
48. The Orpheum Wiener House stayed afloat all through the Great Depression.
49. If either of the current debt negotiations fails, we could be about to replay 1931, the global banking collapse that made the Great Depression great.
50. Without the great depression , there would have been no Hitler and no Tojo.
51. Historically, it is argued that deficit financing in the 1930s did not turn around the Great Depression, and the argument is correct.
52. The legendary economist John Kenneth Galbraith wrote that he just hoped that the coming recession wouldn't prove as painful as the Great Depression.
53. Let's play this week's parlor game: Are we in another Great Depression?
54. A key episode during the Great Depression provides a cautionary tale.
55. Roosevelt's New Deal is the network of dams that stud the Tennessee River valley, built to provide work and to modernise a backward corner of America during the Great Depression.
56. They are reviving old cocktails from the Great Depression, such as the Sidecar, which is traditionally made with Cognac, orange liqueur and lemon juice.
57. He recalled the effect of the Great Depression in Boston.
58. We're never going back to unemployment, the Great Depression, to fascism, to rearmament .
59. But, paradoxically, averting another Great Depression - like calamity removed political pressure for more fundamental reform.
60. Every major currency left the gold standard during the Great Depression.
61. But the Great Depression of 1929 - 1940 was the impetus for great union growth.
62. Let's play this week's favorite parlor game: Are we in another Great Depression?
63. The onset of the Great Depression undercut much of the credibility of the quantity theory.
64. But that would be to ignore the disastrous contribution of Herbert Hoover, president from 1929 to 1933, and a principal author, by some accounts, of the great depression.
65. There have already been many comparisons the Great Depression of 1929 - 1933 and the current credit crisis.
66. When Kroszner was a policymaker, deflation fears were perhaps their highest since the Great Depression, the last time U.S. prices and incomes sank in a vicious, self-feeding cycle.
67. The lesson of the Great Depression and World War II for Americans was that isolationism was self-defeating.
68. And that & rsquo ; s another reason we & rsquo ; re not living through Great Depression II.
69. First, global industrial output tracks the decline industrial output during the Great Depression horrifyingly closely.
70. Some analysts are comparing the Obama approach to the one President Franklin Roosevelt took during the Great Depression of the 1930s.
71. No purpose or place, we have no Great War no Great Depression.
72. The FDIC classified 171 banks as "problem" in the third quarter, a 46 percent jump from the previous period amid the worst housing crisis since the Great Depression.
72. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
73. John Steinbeck's tale of Dust Bowl victims travelling west for a better life is a classic look at life during the Great Depression.
74. We are proposing the most ambitious overhaul of the financial regulatory system since the Great Depression.
75. After all, even the Great Depression had a redeeming quality.
76. He receives significant discussion in The Forgotten Man : A New History of the Great Depression by Amity Shlaes.
77. The Great Depression of the 1930s, however, all but required sharply unbalanced budgets, whether from Herbert Hoover or Franklin Roosevelt.
78. There's no doubt the global economy is under tremendous stress with still-indiscernible consequences, but the Great Depression this is not.
79. Cheap money and fiscal stimulus seem to have averted a second Great Depression.
80. The Great Depression took its toll on even the wealthiest and William Randolph Hearst was no exception.
81. Bernanke, being a self-proclaimed scholar of the Great Depression, is not going to allow another one to occur.
82. Bernanke, Ben. "The Macroeconomics of the Great Depression: A Comparative Approach. " Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 27 (1995): 1-28.
83. The Great Depression ended this imitative surge in which the universal bank appeared to triumph.
84. He studied the cycle of events leading to the Great Depression.
85. The problem is that are several different lessons from the Great Depression.
86. New Deal program to restore U.S. agricultural prosperity during the Great Depression.
87. Deficit reduction by a creditor country such as Germany is in direct contradiction of the lessons learnt from the Great Depression of the 1930s.
88. Bernstein, Michael . The Great Depression: Delayed Recovery and Economic Change . 1987.
89. During the great depression going - out - of - business sales were very common.
90. The Great Depression caused many more countries to turn toward ISI.
91. The Tobacco Transition Payment Program marks the end of the federal tobacco marketing quota and price support loan programs in place since the Great Depression.
92. With the final recovery of the Great Depression, economy in America gradually boomed, especially the real estate business.
93. I've been looking at what self-proclaimed experts were saying about unemployment during the Great Depression; it was almost identical to what Very Serious People are saying now.




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