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单词 holocaust
释义  hol·o·caust /ˈhɒləkɔːst $ ˈhɑːləkɒːst/ noun [countable]  1  DISASTERa situation in which there is great destruction and a lot of people die 大灾难,浩劫 a nuclear holocaust 核灾难2. the Holocaust SHthe killing of millions of Jews and other people by the Nazis during the Second World War 〔第二次世界大战期间纳粹党对犹太人等进行的〕大屠杀 → genocideExamples from the Corpusholocaust• He realized that the world had changed and that each side was capable of destroying the other in a nuclear holocaust.• Dance music that might survive a nuclear holocaust.• Nuclear deterrence becomes nuclear holocaust when local wars get out of hand.• On the following day Walesa visited the Yad Veshem memorial to the victims of the holocaust.• In the final play Freedom to Party the holocaust is over, but the battles remain.Origin holocaust (1200-1300) Old French holocauste, from Greek holokaustos “burnt whole”, from holos “whole” + kaiein “to burn”hol·o·caust nounChineseSyllable  destruction situation a which a Corpus in and lot great is there




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