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单词 Knocking
1. He entered without knocking at the door.
2. She barged in on our meeting without knocking.
3. Somebody was knocking on the window.
4. I spent the weekend just knocking about the house.
5. I could hear knocking, as if someone wanted out.
6. He thumped my shoulder affectionately, nearly knocking me over.
7. My knees were knocking .
8. You can't just waltz into my bedroom without knocking - it's private!
9. Happiness is always knocking on your door and you just gotta let it in.
10. I've been knocking away for ages, but nobody has answered the door.
11. Don't enter without knocking.
12. He was knocking back his 10th gin and tonic of the day.
13. He lied to me constantly and started knocking me around.
14. His knees were knocking together.
15. Is your grandpa still knocking about?
16. Stop knocking. I'm fed up with it.
17. He's always knocking the way I do things.
18. Knocking copy is simply lazy journalism.
19. Can you go to the door? Someone's knocking.
20. We could hear someone knocking at/on the door.
21. She entered the room without knocking.
22. The engine is knocking. There must be something wrong.
23. My heart was knocking wildly.
24. She was knocking on 80 when she died.
25. Why are they knocking down the wall?
26. The medicine is effective for knocking colds.
27. The children were knocking the bottom of the box.
28. He burst into the room without knocking.
29. I'm sure I've got a copy of 'Time's Arrow' knocking about somewhere.
30. I was woken up at some unearthly hour of the morning by someone knocking on my door.
1. He entered without knocking at the door.
2. She barged in on our meeting without knocking.
3. Somebody was knocking on the window.
4. I spent the weekend just knocking about the house.
5. I could hear knocking, as if someone wanted out.
6. He thumped my shoulder affectionately, nearly knocking me over.
7. My knees were knocking .
8. You can't just waltz into my bedroom without knocking - it's private!
9. I've been knocking away for ages, but nobody has answered the door.
10. He was knocking back his 10th gin and tonic of the day.
11. I'm sure I've got a copy of 'Time's Arrow' knocking about somewhere.
12. He lied to me constantly and started knocking me around.
13. I was woken up at some unearthly hour of the morning by someone knocking on my door.
14. The children were knocking the bottom of the box.
15. The newspapers are too fond of knocking the team.
16. Have you any scrap iron knocking around?
17. No, it's not mine; it's been knocking around the house for years.
18. When she woke, her ear caught the sound of soft knocking.
19. Jim bought Mary an old car, just for knocking around.
20. He's like a bull in a china shop , always knocking things over.
31. I wondered who was knocking.
32. Have you any scrap iron knocking about?
33. That's been knocking about the house for years.
34. Who is that knocking at my door?
35. The newspapers are always knocking the England team.
36. I defeated him by knocking down his argument.
37. The newspapers are too fond of knocking the team.
38. She's knocking herself out with all that work.
39. There was a knocking at the door.
40. Have you any scrap iron knocking around?
41. We spent the day just knocking around the house.
42. We've been knocking around a few ideas.
43. There's someone knocking on/at the door.
44. Her boyfriend had been knocking her about.
45. Dobson walked straight into her office without knocking.
46. It must be knocking around here somewhere.
47. She's been knocking about here for years.
48. Is there a screwdriver knocking about anywhere?
49. He spent a few years knocking around Europe.
50. She was knocking back the champagne at Maria's party.
51. They are knocking the wall down.
52. How dare you burst in on us without knocking!
53. They were knocking around together for about a year.
54. He marched into the kitchen without knocking.
55. Suddenly we heard a loud knocking sound from the engine.
56. No, it's not mine; it's been knocking around the house for years.
57. All at once there was someone knocking on the door.
58. Clarke kept talking the price up, while Wilkinson kept knocking it down.
59. At that moment, George barged into my office without knocking.
60. I was set to shut out anyone else who came knocking.
61. He spent years knocking around the Far East before World War One.
62. Roland makes a lot of money knocking off copies of famous paintings.
63. It seems that the suitcase has been knocking about upstairs for years.
63. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
64. I'm not knocking them: if they want to do it, it's up to them.
65. When she woke, her ear caught the sound of soft knocking.
66. You can get some exercise by knocking a ball about a field with a friend.
67. He barged past her and sprang at Gillian, knocking her to the floor.
68. Trying to get that class to learn anything is like knocking your head against a brick wall!
69. At the last election, the Government won easily, knocking the Opposition into a cocked hat.
70. There was a furious knocking at the door at midnight yesterday.
71. He fell and just missed knocking the whole display over.
72. I tried knocking on her door, but there was no answer .
73. Jim bought Mary an old car, just for knocking around.
74. She bumped into his tray, knocking the food onto his lap.
75. Five countries have permanent seats on the UN Security Council but Germany and Japan, among others, are knocking on the door.
76. The spacious kitchen was achieved by knocking together three small rooms.
77. You frightened the life out of me/frightened me out of my wits suddenly knocking on the window like that!
78. Travel agents are knocking £50 and sometimes £100 off the price of holidays.
79. No, it's not mine; it's been knocking about the house for years.
80. We're going to open up our kitchen by knocking down a couple of walls.
81. Is the same chairman still knocking about? I thought he had left years ago.
82. I've got all the information together but it still needs knocking into shape.
83. It seems that he's been knocking about here for years.
84. He was knocking about outside the cinema when the incident occurred.
85. Gathering that information means knocking on doors and asking people questions.
86. Is the same chairman still knocking around? I thought he had left years ago.
87. I am sorry I have to hang up now.Someone is knocking at the door.
88. Paul has been knocking out new songs for the album.
89. The horse reared, throwing its rider and knocking down a youth standing beside it.
90. I wear these old trousers for knocking around the garden.
91. We could make a bigger living space by knocking two rooms into one.
92. The Irish came so close to knocking England out of the European Championships.
93. The boys were knocking a ball around in the back yard.
93. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
94. Jim bought Mary an old car, just for knocking about.
95. Knocking down and killing someone when driving after drinking alcohol is next door to a murder.
96. You can get some exercise by knocking a ball around a field with a friend.
97. I'll have to ring off now, someone is knocking at the door.
98. He kicked Gomez in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him.
99. He's like a bull in a china shop , always knocking things over.
100. I wear these old trousers for knocking about the garden.
101. They were wakened by a loud knocking at the door.
102. Soon Pugwash was knocking on the door.
103. There was knocking on the front door.
104. Knocking heads until the last microsecond.
105. Landlords knocking on doors, demanding money.
106. Would you mind knocking before you come in?
107. She pushed open the door without knocking.
108. I think somebody's knocking at the door.
109. We ran upstairs, knocking aside startled servants.
110. Smith barreled into him, knocking him over.
111. The knocking on the door and shouts became frantic.
112. There's quite a few of them knocking about.
113. The poor, sick, bereaved, came knocking at the door.
114. 'Mattie?' called Jerry, knocking on the door.
115. Ray was knocking them down one by one, unlike his tragic ancestor who only knocked himself down.
116. The pack leader grabbed the first policeman from behind and wrestled him to the ground, knocking his revolver from his grip.
117. About the most exciting thing that happened to me was knocking some ink over.
118. Each new copy must be made from raw materials, smaller building blocks knocking around.
119. Hencke heard one canister bounce off the outer hull with a dull echo like the Devil knocking at the door.
120. What do you do with an evil one, who is knocking off the neighbors?
121. The knocking was continuous now, as though some one were in desperate need.
122. The Barbarians were knocking about in the late bronze age and iron age.
123. So that he fell awkwardly,(http:///knocking.html) knocking over an unfinished cup of tea.
124. There were about a dozen writers in hospitality, most of them busy knocking back the hard stuff.
125. He smiled, thanked me and patted me on the head before knocking at our door.
126. The door shot open, knocking Bill from his feet and sending him sprawling across the sidewalk.
127. People knocking at the door was a very unusual event in this household.
128. Cavalli had no difficulty knocking the work of other composers into a cocked hat.
129. Read in studio A man has admitted knocking down and killing a cyclist after drinking more than five pints of lager.
130. There's no-one knocking at the door - it must have been your imagination.
131. Suddenly I heard a violent and repeated knocking at my window.
132. Read in studio Two huntsmen have been jailed for two months for knocking down a hunt saboteur with a four wheeled buggy.
133. He leapt at her, knocking the matches out of her hand.
134. He claimed that Mr Maltby lunged at him so he punched him, knocking him to the ground.
135. Perhaps Bruiser joined the queue knocking at Gwen Evans's back door at some time.
136. Frank has made a career of knocking on doors, finding the wood is solid and going round the back way.
137. Ben Turner, 18, admitted knocking him down but said he tried to stop the others from piling in.
138. She was out of control, she said, knocking back up to ten cups of coffee a day.
139. And he pushed Philip, knocking the polythene bag of grain out of his hand.
140. The wipers kept knocking slivers of the ice off the windscreen.
141. He had obviously told the servants that he had accidentally set fire to his room by knocking over a lighted candle.
142. A shock wave raced across the city and its waterways, knocking sailboats flat in the water.
143. Vauxhall retaliated by knocking up to £1,150 off 1992 Novas and Cavaliers not fitted with catalytic converters.
144. Suppose you're decorating the living-room, insulating the loft, or knocking two rooms into one.
145. Every time I try to start the engine, there's a strange knocking sound.
146. He was knocking those nails in as if he was driving them into Henry's skull.
147. It was time for a bit of bottle, not for knocking knees.
148. Lee was poking about, knocking dusty packets of seeds off the shelf and moving flower pots.
149. Here I am, knocking 40 any year now and sharing my life with a woman who is seven years my junior.
150. Again he got him in deep trouble, knocking him down three times last year.
151. The chassis lurched forward and then back sharply, knocking the four passengers off balance.
152. The harnesses that supported the two Chelonians swung from side to side, knocking them against the sides of the tank.
153. And after knocking around for a decade he came to rest at his alma mater.
154. My knees were knocking and my lips quivering,(http:///knocking.html) making it difficult to get round the words.
155. Here in Scituate, the storm caused minor damage, flooding streets and knocking down power lines.
156. She turned and ran, knocking into bystanders as she went.
157. Her granddaughter says the old woman was afraid to answer the door, terrified that once again city officials would come knocking.
158. Keeping in mind the penalties for knocking thought up by these sixth graders, I pull open the door and slip inside.
159. The apartment never seemed more cramped with just the two of us knocking around in it.
160. She walked into his rooms without knocking, wearing an emerald-green silk dress, no hat, and the Conway pearls.
161. After the third knocking a light went on in Jessie's room; then there was the sound of muffled voices.
162. Some place far, far away, where no old friend could possibly come knocking on his door.
163. Peter: Well, cause trouble, you know; play knocking on doors, throw stones at windows and that.
164. One night in bed I thought I heard knocking at the cottage door.
165. Then, without warning, a tremendous blast smote the city, knocking pedestrians to the ground.
166. Years later, Ogwen apprenticeship having been served, we began to aspire to their routes, knees knocking at our effrontery.
167. Then she realised the regular banging noise was some one knocking.
168. He fell again, the wind shoving him with giant, unseen hands, knocking him to the floor.
169. Once, for example, a truant officer came knocking on the door of our rooming house in Dublin, Mississippi.
170. She's the sort of filly who deserves a big race win for she has been knocking on the door all season.
171. Because of all the rubber stuff, Malcolm had magazines like Rubber Monthly knocking around.
172. It brings to mind the ludicrous feud between Liam Gallagher and Robbie Williams, who need their silly heads knocking together.
173. At first, the Sisters themselves tried knocking in a few nails or propping up walls with staves.
174. In a nearby shop doorway an eighty-two-year-old pensioner had been hurled against a door frame, knocking her unconscious.
175. They spent the sixties knocking their country over dinner and waving banners at a liberal president.
176. He was running riot, switching off lights and knocking things over.
177. She shivered suddenly, and her arm caught the folder of photographs, knocking it on to the floor.
178. Shot after shot puffs out of the barrel, knocking dust all around the buck.
179. The ride is against the clock and points are taken away for knocking down obstacles.
180. He's spending an afternoon in Barcelona, knocking back beer on some one else's account.
181. As soon as the doctor arrived, he ran breathlessly into the house and burst into the room without knocking.
182. He was fined $ 5,000 and placed on probation for 90 days after knocking around Tony Stewart's race car.
183. His paw landed in the ashtray(sentence dictionary), knocking it out of my hand and spilling the few precious drops I had caught.
184. While they were watching their single, another machine was knocking out Paul McCartney's new album at one every 2 seconds.
185. Bluechel, unharmed, fled the scene, a bullet knocking off his cap as he ran.
186. A terrier man drives his quad bike into a protestor, knocking him to the ground.
187. His knapsack was so big that it proved a useful weapon in knocking encroaching sunbathers off his collection of sun loungers.
188. The guards hear him knocking and shouting but then our young hero comes back.
189. So Sunday I was nursing myself until you came knocking on my door, and Monday I spent here(), pottering about.
190. What could Frank have done to Thorpey that warranted Thorpey going to the trouble of knocking Frank off?
191. But a kiss denied, for Phillis was knocking on the door.
192. I carried on knocking on the door and begging to be let in.
193. He ducked under her arm and slammed his elbow into her back knocking her into the wall.
194. It might get into the papers, and then she'd be down here knocking on my door and screaming blue murder.
195. His mind reeling with the difficult mathematical equations, he suddenly heard a soft knocking at the door.
196. KineHUHre is used as a verbal device similar to knocking on wood to ward off evil forces.
197. A valance of stones appeared in mid-air and fell, knocking oar blades and oarsmen.
198. We were woken by a frantic knocking at the door.
199. She tried to imagine herself walking along the corridor, knocking on Luke's bedroom door and saying - saying what?
200. And gathering that information means knocking on doors and asking people questions.
201. Why are small investors embracing this unknown fund company, without brokers knocking on their door or glossy ads beckoning from magazines?
202. Wyatt watched his child frolicking, charging, knocking over other children, heading somewhere else.
203. Thomas is five or six years younger than his brother, knocking seventy; he's tall, lean and a bit owlish.
204. The reality, however, is that the Institute has had considerable influence in knocking the rough edges off legislation and practice.
205. Dennis was knocking the stuff back like lager, not even bothering with his usual patter.
206. Rose recommended knocking it down to $ 15, 000 and the supes agreed.
207. Somehow, over the running water, she finally heard the loud knocking on the cabin door.
208. Already Nicola, ever impetuous, was outgrowing Oxford, and knocking back every overture to come her way.
209. I believe that campaigns should be at least 70 percent positive for your side and no more than 30 percent knocking your opponents.
210. The antenna dustup has already hurt Apple's shares, knocking billions off its market capitalization. The company's shares are down more than 10 percent since the iPhone 4 launch.
211. It has five simulating manipulations of shiatsu , kneading, patting, knocking, kneading and patting in the same time.
212. The press has questioned the government's right to cite ill-defined "public interest" as an excuse for knocking down homes.
213. Current thinking is that some 4 billion years ago, a Mars-sized object smashed into the proto-Earth, knocking off a chunk of planet that eventually formed into the moon.
214. I think the British media are knocking him because he has been out of sight and out of mind in Spain.
215. Cars can be stolen almost as easily as knocking off a bike.
215. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
216. Name tags are especially important in neighborhoods where people might be suspicious of someone knocking on the door.
217. There is a trend for knocking public-school headmasters and headmistresses off their perches.
218. He steered the car with the other hand, knocking the dottle out into the ashtray.
219. But moments after hanging up, Heather heard knocking at the front door.
220. Are you a pleasure seeker or are you waiting for pleasure to come knocking at your door?




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