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单词 Fossae
1) Posterior fossa neoplasms or multiple sclerosis may rarely cause vertigo or hearing loss.
2) Arrows indicate the directions of hernias through these fossae.
3) Conclnsion: The cisterna longitudinal cerebrum and cisterna fossae lateralis cerebri was increasing after 50 years old.
4) Perirectal and paravesical fossae also appear in females. At the lateral limit of the paravesical fossae, the peritoneum invests the mesosalpinx, round ligament,[http:///fossae.html] and broad ligament of the uterus.
5) Figure 4 shows the locations of these fossae and their at autopsy.
6) Nili Fossae was put forward as a potential landing site for Nasa'a ambitious new rover, the Mars Science Laboratory, which will be launched in 2011.
7) Aim:To raise the removal degree and to improve the postoperative result of MP (middle and posterior fossae) trigeminal neurinoma.
8) Drawing ( coronal view ) shows the locations of duodenal fossae.
9) Objective To investigate the effect of unilateral mastication on glenoid fossae by means of animal experiment.
10) Parasagittal scans show amniotic fluid flowing in and out of the nasal fossae .
11) Result:Among 489 cases of cadaveric renal transplantation, enduring percutaneous lymphorrhagia were seen in 8 recipients, and symptomatic lymphoceles at iliac fossae were found in 7 recipients.
12) Objective To introduce the related and operative localization of internal auditory canal by fossae cranio media.




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