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单词 Reasoned
1. The employer reasoned from his opinion of the workers and decided to increase their pay.
2. I have reasoned him out of his wish to go to America.
3. She put a reasoned case for increasing the fees.
4. She was reasoned into a sensible course of action.
4. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
5. His claims were supported with proofs and reasoned argument.
6. I reasoned from his silence that he was unhappy.
7. Abortion is an issue which produces little reasoned argument.
8. He reasoned that since she had not answered his letter she must have left here.
9. We have reasoned her out of her wish to be married to a foreigner.
10. I reasoned that somebody important must have been at the other end of the line.
11. Several pages of closely reasoned argument preface her account of the war.
12. This is something he can be reasoned into, given time.
13. He reasoned that if we start at now, we could arrive before noon.
14. The workers have reasoned out that the real power is in their own hands.
15. She reasoned that she must have left her bag on the train.
16. They couldn't fire him, he reasoned. He was the only one who knew how the system worked.
17. I reasoned with her for hours about the danger, but she would not change her mind.
18. Father must be reasoned out of driving home in such dangerous conditions.
19. He reasoned that if we started at dawn, we would be there by noon.
20. The lawyer reasoned against any changes being made in the law.
21. I reasoned that since she had not answered my letter she must be angry with me.
22. She argued her point in a reasoned and intelligent manner.
23. They reasoned that other businesses would soon copy the idea.
24. I reasoned that changing my diet would lower my cholesterol level.
25. They reasoned, correctly, that she was away for the weekend.
26. The parallels are stated, not reasoned.
27. Besides, I reasoned they would be trite.
28. The right has reasoned the way it always does.
29. He wouldn't have asked her to supper if he didn't like her, she reasoned.
30. She was perfectly capable of running her own firm - she simply made a reasoned choice not to.
1. The employer reasoned from his opinion of the workers and decided to increase their pay.
2. I have reasoned him out of his wish to go to America.
3. Several pages of closely reasoned argument preface her account of the war.
31. However, Greenspan reasoned that the economy was less sluggish in January and February than it was at the end of 2000.
32. His reasoned and reasonable tone had contrasted strongly with the confrontational stance of his colleagues.
33. On 13 May 1991 Barnett J. in a reasoned judgment refused relief.
34. She reasoned that if kicking dancers were so popular with audiences, the sight of kicking on pointe would astound them.
35. In this way, she reasoned, he would be removed from the temptations of the city.
36. After all, I reasoned, our government had better things to do than harass political activists.
37. Any judicial act of line-drawing may seem somewhat arbitrary, but Roe was a reasoned statement, elaborated with great care.
38. He could give himself time to think this over, he reasoned, by swiveling around to face the bookshelves.
39. They reasoned that forcing schools to compete for kids would force them to improve their classes.
40. A reasoned discussion of the theory of psychoanalysis and its possible relevance to sociological theory is a major omission in sociological literature.
41. But they can not gain the depth of knowledge and analysis required for sound and reasoned decision making.
42. Her experience, I reasoned, would have been so different from mine.
43. What was needed, Gillette reasoned, was a world corporation to replace the present system.
44. How difficult, they reasoned, could a straight quarter-mile be compared to driving 500 miles on an oval track?
45. Tom believed that the encyclical was poorly reasoned, but his objections were more pastoral than they were doctrinal.
46. Here, he reasoned, was the most majestic trick of all.
47. After all, they reasoned, execution by the guillotine or sword differed markedly from that dealt by the axe.
48. They believe it will be weeks before any reasoned dialogue can return.
49. He had reasoned that, like him, Eleanor would want to continue their friendship and sweep the quarrel under the carpet.
50. They reasoned that, if neither main party won a commanding majority, both would have a stake in negotiating rather than fighting.
51. So goes the calm and reasoned debate over Proposition 197, which goes before California voters on March 26.
52. But, I reasoned, cars such as these rarely, if ever, come along.
53. Here reasoned choice between lesser evils was the course which brought the least ill on humanity.
54. It is reasoned that those who benefit most from government-supplied goods or services should pay the taxes necessary for their financing.
55. Cowan reasoned that the patterns in the visual cortex might be the result of an analogous instability in the neural activity.
56. Workers would probably have been less inclined to support them if their protests had met with reasoned discussion rather than tear gas.
57. They, too, reasoned that Death, having gorged itself on their neighbours, would have long since moved on.
58. They reasoned that as salespeople their primary goal was making the numbers, a short-term objective.
59. Perhaps they reasoned that the Kangs had already paid a high price in the destruction of my grandfather Myong-Hwan.
60. It was not worth presenting reasoned arguments to Mrs Harper.
61. The lawyer advocates formal legal propositions which he supports with reasoned arguments.
62. Its value lies in the way it opens up the issue for reasoned discussion.
63. I hope that the House will support the reasoned amendment, and that the whole project can be examined properly and thoroughly.
64. It became clear that calm, reasoned arguments were not working in this volatile situation.
64. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
65. Doctors reasoned that limbs left untreated would draw into deformity by strong muscles pulling against weakened ones.
66. It was not a place for reasoned argument and Alec Davidson did not press his point further.
67. If I really had the courage of my convictions, I reasoned, I ought to redress the balance at least slightly.
68. On television especially, the use of quick-cut images and short sound bites tends to foreclose reasoned reflection and time-consuming deliberation.
69. No clothes, no corruption, Fong had reasoned: how do you go about bribing a naked man?
70. They also reasoned that the costs of maintaining access to very large collections would erode funds available for new acquisitions.
71. Petey was an eyewitness to the fight down there, Lois had reasoned.
72. All the way down to the rec room, she reasoned it out.
73. In the current atmosphere, a reasoned debate about human cloning is nearly impossible.
74. But it could be lurking up ahead somewhere, Julie reasoned, waiting to continue its pursuit.
75. If I had married and had a son, I reasoned to myself, that boy would be about Tom's age.
76. But, she reasoned with herself, what alternative had she to going out and acting as though nothing untoward was happening?
77. Physicians no longer should be limited to time spent at the hospital for learning, he reasoned.
78. The reader should be able to confirm the direction of the shifts either graphically or by reasoned argument.
79. Everyone expects, he reasoned, to see large, gleaming spaceships orbiting planets.
80. Clearly where a committee can issue a quick and reasoned comment on a topical subject it has the greatest impact.
81. It has shown the importance of children's previous experience of exploratory discussion and reasoned argument.
82. We must have an informed and reasoned debate of the moral issues involved.
83. He and Eng reasoned that box office receipts would help pay the way back to Los Angeles.
84. If there was trouble, Fong now reasoned, the milk train from Nairobi would not get through.
85. Yet a polite, reasoned reply seldom puts a stop to the exchange.
86. Besides, he reasoned, he might even get closer to solving the crime this way.
87. Romanticism represents the freeing of feelings, instinct and sentiment in opposition to reasoned objectivity.
88. Too easy for audiences to misinterpret, it would have reasoned.
89. King, by contrast, reasoned that Yosemite Valley had been precipitated by earthquakes.
90. Problems that can not be resolved by reasoned debate have tended to be ignored in the hope that they will go away.
91. An educated cleric well versed in Shia theology, he presents reasoned arguments for the beliefs of the conservative establishment.
92. A big loss of foreign business, they reasoned, would matter more to the political leaders.
93. Be reasoned Give your debtor a better reason for paying his account than for not paying it, such as: 1.
94. All those rules which constitute natural justice are related directly or indirectly to the idea of presenting proofs and reasoned argument.
95. The point is that they are deliberately sought because some reasoned theoretical considerations are felt to require them.
96. We have made reasoned submissions to National and Local Government and other authorities.
97. Admittedly they were only nineteen, but surely, he reasoned, there must be more to married life than this?
98. In doing so, they replace debate with assertion, and pull an essay away from patterns of reasoned argument.
99. Agreement replaced contrariness; quiet, reasoned discussion replaced argument.
100. He reasoned very wittily but not convincingly.
101. He was reasoned into a Labourite.
102. He reasoned that if we started at dawn, we would is there by noon.
103. The truth is that this book is short on reasoned analysis and long on animus, directed at elite universities, at administrators, and more than anything else at the "professoriate()," as they call it.
104. It was not the foreigner who made the mistake, the newspaper reasoned, but the people who couldn't bear a little well-founded criticism.
105. There's nothing magical about the letters. com, they reasoned. Why not just use. to for Tonga?
106. They offered a reasoned approach in place of the fanciful and uncritical accounts of the poets.
107. Back in 1968, Victor Veselago, a Russian physicist, reasoned that a material might be engineered to create a negative index of refraction and bend light waves more radically.
108. He reasoned that because the structure of habitual thought in a society.
109. Spatial metaphors are image-schematic and they can be reasoned and analyzed with the parameters trajector, landmark and path.
110. In all the chaos of a galactic pile-up, plenty of gas should get funneled toward the center and gobbled up, astronomers reasoned.
111. Every Sabbath he reasoned in the synagogue, trying to persuade Jews and Greeks.
112. The professor's abstrusely reasoned theories were wasted on his students.
113. Irrationally held truths may be more harmful than reasoned errors ( Thomas H. Huxley ).
114. The deviations from the natural conclusion will arise when categorical proposition is reasoned in transformed forms.
115. Thus, Philo tells us, the Emperor Caligula reasoned, concluding equally well either that kings were gods, or that men were beasts.
116. The Age of Reason is famous for being the period in which a person is considered capable of making reasoned judgments.
117. Finally, courts measure agency actions against a loosely defined " reasoned decisionmaking'standard.
118. Cadbury's unions opposed the move, worried about job cuts, but the firm's board has reasoned that the price is right to bring together the two companies to create the world’s biggest confectioner.
119. He reasoned that since she had not answered his letter, she must be angry with him.
120. I reasoned that if I could drop files into the various fields, it would be easier to cycle through style sheets or select files.
121. Let it be clearly understood that the flaw in reasoning is still reasoned, namely, examinable (arraisonable), but not necessarily so.
122. The Whitehead group reasoned that making human cells more mouselike might also make them cancerous.
123. After all, he reasoned, some single-celled creatures are known to enter a hibernation-like state and survive for years with no air or food.
124. This was a much - used doorway, he reasoned, thoughts blurry and slow.
125. "Listen," I reasoned, "it doesn't take a genius to figure out what Adam's up to.".
126. However, dealers expect a pull back after they reasoned that equities were overbought in the early New year rally.
127. The investigators reasoned that if the synesthetes did have highly excitable neurons in the visual cortex, they would need less stimulation than the control subjects to see the phosphene.
128. But if I drove over to the store (I reasoned) for just one item, wouldn't the gas cost cut into the savings?
129. Giddean Danu put great stock in his ability to weigh complicated matters dispassionately and arrive at a reasoned solution.
130. In this paper, based on coalgebra notions, treated a component which implements specifications as a concrete coalgebra and thus reasoned out the formal semantics of these specifications.
131. After all, I reasoned, what more elemental form of communication is there?
132. The art of statesmanship de Gaulle reasoned, was to understand the trend of history.
133. The culture must foster C-type conflict and allow for anyone to ask the hard questions and to get honest, reasoned answers.
134. Such shortening is part of a cell's aging process, and since cancer cells keep dividing forever, the Whitehead group reasoned that making human cells more mouselike might also make them cancerous.
135. He reasoned that if we started at dawn,() we could arrive before noon.
136. Memos must be clearly written, succinct, and give make a reasoned a decision-maker.
137. Paternally imprinted genes may have particularly free rein in males, Kono's team reasoned, and may govern traits such as living fast and dying young.
138. It is reasoned that the integration of various effects caused by the comonomer had made such changes.
139. He had five lands in play. I reasoned that, if I take out the Rift Bolt, I'm increasing his chances to draw Spell plus Grapeshot .
140. Since he had put a quarter of his money in the pot already, he reasoned that he would do what he could to come out victorious.
141. He reasoned that the fairies needed to wear their beautiful clothes if they wanted to fly.
142. Initial word of the deal sent Citi's share price skidding on January 12th, as investors reasoned that the bank must be desperate if it was choosing to sell one of its best assets.
143. The deviations from the natural conclusion will arise when categorical preposition is reasoned in transformed forms.




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