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单词 association
释义  as·so·ci·a·tion /əˌsəʊsiˈeɪʃən, əˌsəʊʃi- $ əˌsoʊ-/ ●●○ W3 noun  1  ORGANIZATION[countable] an organization that consists of a group of people who have the same aims, do the same kind of work etc 协会,社团 the Association of Master Builders 建筑师协会 → housing association► see thesaurus at organization2  CONNECTED WITH[countable, uncountable] a relationship with a particular person, organization, group etc 〔与某个人、机构、组织等的〕关系,关联,交往association with his close association with the Green Party 他与绿党的密切关系3  in association with somebody/something TOGETHERmade or done with another person, organization etc 与某人/某机构等合伙[合作] concerts sponsored by the Arts Council in association with local businesses 由艺术委员会和当地企业联合赞助的音乐会4  [countable] a connection or relationship between two events, ideas, situations etc 〔两个事件、想法、局面之间的〕联系association between the strong association between the disease and middle-aged women 这种疾病与中年女性的紧密联系5  REMEMBER[countable] a feeling or memory that is related to a particular place, event, word etc 联想 Scotland has all kinds of happy associations for me. 苏格兰给我各种各样愉快的联想。Examples from the Corpusassociation• a word-association game• the college's alumni association• There is evidence of an association between headaches and computer use.• The National Basketball Association negotiates TV rights for important games.• the National Education Association• The new health care proposals have been criticized by the British Medical Association.• the National Association of Head Teachers• National associations also tend to sponsor larger schemes in the more important settlements rather than in areas of isolated housing need.• Freedom of expression and of the press, and freedom of peaceful assembly, of association and of movement were all guaranteed.• For children with normal length of gestation there was a positive association between birth weight and lung function.• Foods served at holidays such as Thanksgiving have special associations.• Maternity wards were notably slow to improve, largely due to their popularly believed, if apparently unfounded, association with prostitution.close association• That began a close association between the two, with the artist applying himself assiduously to the theories of his friend.• Forming a close association with them was ruled out.• In particular there are close associations between nesting density on islands or islets, foraging habits, breeding ecology, and behaviour.• Coupled with his close association with medicine, it explains why he decided to follow the career of scientist and natural philosopher.• By its close association with women.• The close association between the visual and the cultural may explain the reluctance of some teachers to give it much attention.strong association• The blue saddlecloth evidently had a strong association with pain; which indicated the reason for her earlier unsuccessful training.• Studies show a strong association between consistent dividend growth and long-term stock performance.• A strong association, however, is not a proof of causation.• Through its strong associations with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes, abdominal obesity in particular is injurious.• The results suggested no strong association.• For woman as maker and subject, earth has particularly strong associations.• The strong association between antral tumours and chronic active gastritis suggests the possibility that H pylori infection may have a pathogenic role.• The strong association between colorectal dysplasia and cancer in ulcerative colitis was described in 1967.From Longman Business Dictionaryassociationas‧so‧ci‧a‧tion /əˌsəʊsiˈeɪʃən, əˌsəʊʃi-əˌsoʊ-/ written abbreviation assn noun [countable]ORGANIZATIONS a group of people or organizations who have the same aims or do the same kind of workthe National Association of Purchasing Managers → housing association → industry association → staff associationas·so·ci·a·tion nounChineseSyllable  of an organization Corpus a that Business consists




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