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单词 Scaled
1. Vivienne Westwood has scaled the heights of fashion's hall of fame.
2. The boys soon scaled the wall.
3. The dentist scaled and polished my teeth.
4. The dentist scaled and polished my teeth last week.
5. The burglars must have scaled the side wall.
6. We've scaled up production to meet demand.
7. Share prices scaled new heights yesterday.
8. The emergency aid programme has now been scaled down.
9. Production at the factory is being scaled up.
10. The boxer scaled 90 kilos.
11. The bark scaled off the tree.
12. He has scaled the heights of his profession.
12. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
13. The writing can be scaled to any size, depending on the paper.
14. Text can be scaled from 4 points to 108 points without any loss of quality.
15. By the age of 21 he had already scaled the heights in the academic world.
16. At the age of 35, she had already scaled the heights of the acting profession.
17. The IMF has scaled back its growth forecasts for the next decade.
18. The prisoner scaled the high prison wall and ran off.
19. Some networks require that inputs be normalized or scaled.
20. I Below it is a scaled - up version.
21. She scaled its steep side in breathless haste.
22. The disk is usually scaled, the arms are very long and the arm spines are short and erect.
23. The ambitious young company laid off workers, scaled back projects and went to government regulators seeking financial relief.
24. Then again, perhaps a scaled down 5-series would have been too predictable.
25. Recipes can be automatically scaled up or down to feed any number of people.
26. Corbett has scaled El Capitan in Yosemite a record 46 times.
27. Given the resource implications involved, the plan will have to be scaled down.
28. Taxes and customs duties were raised sharply, but were later scaled down after protests and because of fears of rising inflation.
29. A Darlington woman had her goldfish pond raided after thieves scaled an 8' high fence.
30. Our second camp consists of outline fonts which can be scaled to produce a bitmap of any required size and style.
1. Vivienne Westwood has scaled the heights of fashion's hall of fame.
31. The output reading obtained with the enlarged input is then correspondingly scaled down.
32. Similar estimates derive from observed forest destruction, scaled from the uprooting of trees in nuclear weapons tests.
33. In the derivative market, insurance companies have scaled back their purchases of Remic securities.
34. While disagreeing with his explanation, Priest ley was quick to describe suitably scaled up apparatus for filling balloons.
35. At the cliff Mitchell hung a towel on a sea-grape branch and scaled barefoot down the rocks to the colorless water.
36. Luther and others scaled Mary back down to a merely human, but eminently worthy, model of faith.
37. Somehow the men had scaled the twenty foot wall without setting off the alarm.
38. They were worried about losing their place on the pedestal they erected and scaled themselves.
39. One of the boys, Reuben N., had scaled a wall and run away from the workhouse.
40. Sainty, like many others, had scaled down this year, leaving the million dollar plus pictures at home.
41. The indicator is a scaled pixel count adjusted according to the similar count obtained on viewing a reference card of known area.
42. Paramount released 14 films in 1995 and some reports say Redstone has asked that number be scaled back.http://
43. Recently scaled back under fiscal duress, the symphony has a 31-week winter and summer season and a full-time staff of 21.
44. Soon the bullish projections about the speed at which online dealing in shares and unit trusts would grow were being scaled back.
45. For these smaller cities, less expensive and more modestly scaled public transport and traffic restraint policies are more appropriate.
46. Does it allow graphics to be scaled up or down to fit?
47. Windlass in hand, he clambered up the ladder that scaled the slimy wall.
48. And great engineering heights would be scaled in the whole succession of Andean railways.
49. They crowded whatever elevators still worked or wearily scaled buckled stairways or girders.
50. Underneath, I have I copied the graphic into a Draw 98 frame and scaled that instead.
51. These equations can be scaled up or down, rotated, or anything else, without having to redefine them.
52. In most cases you can choose whether to print the pattern at actual size or scaled to a percentage of actual size.
53. Apparently even scaled down Tony Adams would make Jamie Theakston blush in the showers.
54. Already they've scaled up their fluid star-burst psychedelia into something that sounds more suited to outdoor festivals than stuffed solid mini-venues.
55. Thousands of Nuba were forced to flee as government soldiers scaled the mountains, destroying almost 2,500 homes and burning food stores.
56. The models range from architectural and topographical contour constructions to precise, measured and scaled experiments with steel in a large sandbox.
57. It was scaled back in 1984 after widespread complaints from men and reports their performance was declining.
58. She scaled the barrier a commando.
59. The air rescue operation has now been scaled down.
60. We scaled the Mont Blanc.
61. Presently, there is a lack of efficient project quantitative management method for the small and medium scaled software enterprises of our country.
62. The damage of shock wave mainly depends on peak overpressure and scaled cube root distance is the most common method to estimate the shock wave overpressure.
63. Burt Rutan, aerospace engineer and head of Scaled Composites, said the plane, and the pilot, performed admirably.
64. Thousands of trout fishermen have never seen a brook trout that scaled six pounds.
65. The Kappa is a scaled humanoid with a turtle shell on its back.
66. Allocation is based on parental choice and school assessments scaled by a centrally - administered Academic Aptitude Test.
67. The present-day large scale production processes of these products are essentially scaled up versions of former domestic arts.
68. The jet behavior of a multi nozzle head scaled from an existing engineering was investigated experimentally in a steady unstratified receiving water body.
69. Objective In order to understand the Balantidium coli infection on scaled pig-farms in Hunan.
70. His closest competitor - fellow Sherpa guide Chewang Nima , 41 - scaled the peak a 14 th time last year.
71. A peak, ', 97. ' m (20,320 ft) high, in the Alaska Range of south-central Alaska. The highest point in North America, it was first scaled in 93.
72. Furthermore,[] the attenuation of the guided wave can be scaled by the energy factors.
73. Therefore, large - scaled floodplain safety construction should be urgently implemented in order to solve the safety problems.
74. It was a similar story with Dai-ichi, which scaled back its allocation to foreign buyers but saw heavy demand from domestic retail investors.
75. The following illustration shows the original apple and the scaled, cropped apple.
76. Methods The mouse tail scaled epidermis and the vaginal epithelial in estrus cycle were used to assess the effects of Capsaicin on epidermal keratinization and epithelial mitosis respectively.
77. If you check this box, the selected image will be scaled to match the height or width of the selected area - whichever is reached first.
78. The sector address specified by upper layer must be scaled properly.
79. All prices were scaled up ( by ) 10 per cent.
80. Obama's much - touted tax break for middle and working class Americans survived but was scaled back.
81. Distance between the process mean and the lower specification limit scaled using the process standard deviation.
82. Partially end-pumped slab laser is an innovative solid state laser. Combining the hybrid resonator with partially end-pumping, the output power can be scaled at high beam quality(called InnoSlab).
83. The soldier scaled the wall of the fortress by turret.
84. Note: Images can become blurry when scaling up or grainy if they're scaled down too much.
85. Model aircraft are flying or non-flying models of existing or imaginary aircraft, often scaled down versions of full size planes, using materials such as balsa wood, foam and fiberglass.
86. The rhizome is short, thick shape, cylinder, by most imbricate arrangement scaled leaf.
87. He scaled the London office building to draw attention to global warming.
88. Sharpton scaled the ire of the white masses and the embarrassment of the black elite to become a savvy power broker with unparalleled access to Obama.
89. A single chip computer controlled error compensating system uses digital display of inductosyn to compensate errors of scaled zero position.
90. At the same time , Recuring to the programed phase discriminator and frequency divider , the value of work frequency was scaled with digit accurately .
91. Tax demands are scaled to the income earner's ability to pay.
92. Miniscule engine components do not always behave like their scaled - up counterparts.
93. The drawn metafile is scaled and sheared to fit the parallelogram.
94. The reactors for this type of deposition are easily scaled to accommodate 125 - or 150 - mm wafers .
95. If you check this box, the selected image will be scaled to fit the total size of the selected area.
96. Compared with conventional video scaler, the system shows a very excellent scaled image quality.
97. A communication strategy to sequence important themes as male circumcision programmes are scaled up would allow strategic coverage of accurate messages over time.
98. He scaled the model so that it was one tenth of the actual size.
99. The body of the house lizard, is usually flat even, all of the body grow biggest not over 40, the outward appearance contain small scaled but soft scale.
100. Results: "Compound Yinxic Granule" could inhibit the mitosis of mouse vaginal epithelia, and promote the formation of cuticular granular cells on scaled epidermis of mouse tail significantly.
101. Its scaled surface—which gives the building a dragon appearance beloved by Chinese—also breaks up wind force.
102. I-Beam - This popular tread pattern is scaled up for the AKA truggy tire line.
103. Coding efficiency is improved by adaptively compressing scaled field mode video.
104. Now it has scaled down its plans to a 45 per cent minority holding.
105. A mountain, 4, 160.8 m(13, 642 ft) high,[] in the Bernese Alps of south-central Switzerland. It was first scaled in1811.
106. Deviations of ovality, perpendicularity and partial concave - convex on large - scaled storage tanks are inevitably in construction.
107. The textile and other light industries have been strengthened and capital construction has been scaled down. We are experimenting with the granting of greater decision-making power to enterprises.
108. "The complexity of managing adaptivity amongthousands of processors, however, has meant that current AMR algorithms havenot scaled well on modern petascale supercomputers," he adds.
109. Results The cellular nucleus scaled up, organella damage, cells vacuolation, malformation in cellular between, desmosomes disappearance and viral granules were observed in samples of CA.
110. A super-simple and practical zoom control, automatic control other controls can be automatically scaled to adapt to the window.
111. This value is then scaled to a 0-100 note velocity and played as an electronic piano note.
112. The Yihetuan movement is also a referent of modern cultural concept. Its ultranationalism with rich local colors of North China has some influence on large scaled dramatic mass movement.
113. The company developed the BiPod as part of an internal research and development project to strengthen its electric propulsion capabilities, Scaled said.
114. Index Ventures partner Danny Rimer says he has scaled back the time he spends with his devices during the past two years.
115. As MOS devices are scaled down to the deep- submicrometer region, the thickness of silicon oxide also scales down .
116. Income tax is scaled according to how much you earn.
117. Aimed at the problem of optimum reliability allocation of large scaled mechanical products this paper advanced a decomposition coordination method.
118. NEC sells a scaled - down version of the new supercomputer.
119. Adding kerning to the basic text rendering algorithm is easy: When a kerning pair is found, simply add the scaled kerning distance to the pen position before step 4.
120. From small scaled refresh battery, mercury switch, small scaled two give out light a light, fiber-optic made-up external appearance very much.
121. For example, Senegal began to roll them out in 2007 to its health facilities, scaled up to every health facility within 18 months and saved a quarter of a million courses of ACTs every year.
122. If the scaled value is not in the range of representable values for its type, the program is ill -formed.
123. Think about the loosely-coupled architecture being scaled down to the chip level.
124. Their savings plans scaled down to the new lower level of income.
125. The offers range from a specific price to scaled percentage reductions to free delivery.
126. Relationship between permeability and effective pressure is scaled and the effect of effective pressure on two-phase porous flow during reservoir development is analyzed.
127. The men scaled a wall and climbed down scaffolding on the other side.
128. This work has tried to apply the scaled particle theory to polar solute system, and drived a formula of salting-out constant for polar nonelectrolyte.
129. Results Dryopteris fragrans liniment can promote the granulations formation of rattail scaled epidermis model and improve symptoms of rabbit ear acne model.
130. Solid and tubular one-dimensional (1D) submicrometer scaled structures were prepared from naphthalene-1,4-dicarbonitrile (DCN) with a reprecipitation method.
131. Results: "Compound Yinxie Granule" could inhibit the mitosis of mouse vaginal epithelia, and promote the formation of cuticular granular cells on scaled epidermis of mouse tail significantly.
132. This method can be scaled up to very large databases by parallel projection and compress technique.
133. The single most important factor for an application that will be scaled out is statelessness.
134. It is essentially a fish that has been scaled, gutted and deboned by a skilled worker before being reassembled to look like a dressed fish (gutted and with its head and fins removed).
135. Applying kerning when rendering text is a rather easy process. It merely consists in adding the scaled kern distance to the pen position before writing each next glyph.
136. Geological condition in Zhaogezhuang coalmine, Kailuan is very complex. Numerous minor scaled structures and coal seam occurrence are main limitation factors to mine development all along.
137. At this small scaled JAVA does the terrace hand board game how design?
138. The Hurst exponent in 10.10 can show if a system is stable when scaled -- that is, if its behavior depends on recent or long-ago events.
139. It was a slightly scaled - down version of the Beatlemania of past days.
140. And how to scale if the texture needs to be scaled down using the minification function.
140. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
141. In addition to the new speed limit, expected to lower energy use and operating costs, the total railway construction budget for the next five years appears to have been scaled back.
142. He has scaled 6,194-meter Mount McKinley, the highest peak in North America, and tackled the Alps.
143. Thuringia is well-known for its sausages, steamed, scaled, and cured varieties are all prepared.
144. Objective To explore a reliable method to differentiate staphylococcal scaled skin syndrome (SSSS) from toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN).




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