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单词 Booze
1. There was free booze at the party.
2. She's been off the booze for a month now.
3. She's still trying to kick the booze .
4. He's been on the booze for five days.
5. The party was a real booze - up.
6. Her husband's been on the booze again.
7. We need to take some booze to the party.
8. Peter has a special affinity for booze.
9. He turned to booze when his wife died.
10. I could smell booze on his breath.
11. Her husband has been on the booze again.
12. Let's go out and booze up!
13. Now he's off the booze , he's a different person.
14. My husband is now off the booze and he is a different person.
15. All he cares about are women and booze.
16. Bring your own booze; there's a 50p corkage charge.
17. Some of the men's faces were marred with booze.
18. The smell of booze is making me nauseous.
19. Listen, I have quite a lot of booze.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. No birds, no booze, no groupies hanging about.
21. Anton smelled the booze on Parker.
22. He was on the booze somewhere.
23. The combination of booze and drugs made him violent.
24. He was drowning himself in booze and self-pity.
25. The booze was performing acrobatics on his nerves.
26. The booze would help him sleep better.
27. Ellie, go slow with that booze.
28. The party's at Kate's on Friday night - bring some booze.
29. He was dry for years but now he's back on the booze.
30. Every Friday night Rick would go out on the booze.
1. There was free booze at the party.
2. She's been off the booze for a month now.
3. The party's at Kate's on Friday night - bring some booze.
4. Peter has a special affinity for booze.
5. He turned to booze when his wife died.
6. I could smell booze on his breath.
7. Her husband has been on the booze again.
8. Let's go out and booze up!
9. He was dry for years but now he's back on the booze.
31. But booze made me really depressed.
32. Plenty of booze and chow round out the celebration, considered the grandaddy of July Fourth blasts.
33. She lost her job after a few weeks and what little money my Dad had left quickly went on drugs and booze.
34. I'd had twenty-five years of booze and using other recreational substances.
35. He'd been smashed on booze once or twice, but this was different.
36. As darkness fell and the booze took its toll,[] people began to drop out.
37. Daine's booze had tasted like sugared water, mine was like sugared water with added grit.
38. And there were the stashes of booze, if nobody found them.
39. The judge ordered him to undergo a two-year programme of treatment to overcome both his booze and his violent temper problems.
40. She has, she says, just buried her husband and is hoovering up booze at the bar.
41. Poppies perhaps at the ready, fields of crosses under contract in anticipation of battle with the booze boche from the west.
42. Brian was lost in booze and drugs, compounded by paranoia and a deep sense of failure.
43. Booze was soporific, the brain was programmed to zero, it curled up and slept.
44. With all that booze I came near to passing out.
45. All he cared about was booze, but he still got the job done before he got soaked.
46. He braked for drugs, booze, and hookers, and wrote a good book about a bum existence.
47. But he was married and was already profoundly committed to destroying himself with booze.
48. Outside of pork and booze, he eats anything else I fix.
49. But then the booze started hitting hard, and I got really scared.
49. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
50. Louise looks like a waif and has indulged in more booze and cigarettes than she should have.
51. The coaches stunk of coal smoke and rationed tobacco and rationed booze and the farts of people eating wartime food.
52. His mouth felt like something rancid had curled up inside and he silently cursed the demon booze.
53. And that would mostly have gone on booze and horses.
54. Fill him up with food and booze, direct him to a warm room and then pray hard.
55. Huge jugs of fruit juice were being pressed on guests, rather than booze.
56. The prince is known for his love of women, gambling, and booze.
57. And there was this old comic called Jack Daw, who'd missed the boat on account of booze.
58. The rest was just glasses and booze from Cliff's musical cocktail cabinet.
59. Did they take him there sober and ply him with booze until he reached the point specified by the director?
60. Even after chronic alcoholics give up booze, their sleep problems may not end.
61. We must lay off the booze even during Holy Communion.
62. Booze and babes May I offer a piece of advice to Carrie Schlegel and other precocious kids writing to your letters page?
63. Hollywood's Golden Boy was by 1968 an alcoholic who, like many another hellraiser, was sacrificing professionalism for booze.
64. I was too smudged with booze and travel to be sure.
65. Jack led Rothstein and friend to the West Side garage where the booze truck was parked.
66. These young hooligans are stealing cigarettes and booze to sell it cheaply to feed a habit.
67. Just bloody London with its grime and filthy streets and the booze.
68. It was the booze talking, John understood that, but he still felt baffled and ashamed.
69. Let's just hope he doesn't go down the slippery slope of drugs and booze again.
70. She was unused to booze, the bloody Marys; still a little woozy.
71. Foundry worker David Parr sank the booze at 10 bars in three hours while delivering darts fixtures.
72. If you couldn't handle your booze then you were a bloody idiot to drink and drive, that was not negotiable.
73. The doctor told Jimmy to stay off the booze for a while.
74. She stepped over him, going through to the kitchen and opening the booze cupboard.
75. Who would it hurt if we let ourselves be led via tea and sympathy to booze and bed?
76. I've kicked cigarettes, heroin, and booze.
77. We'd bowl and booze there.
78. He gobs out a mouthful of booze, covering Fatty.
79. Billy Sunday never would have gone soft on booze, dancing,(http:///booze.html) or gambling!
80. The radiologist on my right selected a bottle of mescal from the booze on the table and poured some into a clear plastic cup.
81. If you're one of the lucky ones to keep on celebrating, be aware that only 71 percent of companies are offering booze this year -- a cruel and unusual punishment, perhaps.
82. In this study, however, alcoholic female macaques self-administered so much booze that they stopped ovulating.
83. One explanation is that presidential ambition is an addiction as powerful as sex or booze.
84. This can be seen in action when people who want to give a dollar or two to a homeless person do not, because they are afraid the person will buy booze with it.
85. " I must be the only Irishman who don't take the booze, " he said.
86. Yes, wine can be called booze, and so can rum and vodka.
87. Seoul is still awash with broody women and red-blooded males who like competitive business, strong booze and muddy football matches.
88. It is not booze, fags or flab that many people fantasise about giving up this new year. One in four working people in Britain want to celebrate 2005 by quitting their jobs.
89. If you have high blood pressure, cutting back on booze could produce a small but significant drop of 2 to 4 mm Hg systolic (the top number) and 1 to 2 mm Hg diastolic (the bottom number).
90. Sonny said, " Easy, Mike, now is no time to get slowed up by booze. ".
91. Hardly less characteristic of our age is that repulsive booze - snobbery.
92. 1A life of booze, fags and slothfulness may be enough to earn your doctor's disapproval, but there is one last hope: a repeat prescription of mates and good conversation.
93. Slow down there,(http:///booze.html) buddy. Take it easy on the booze.
94. The twin towers are shown sidewise in one scene - a shot used to convey a post-binge Pacino waking up from a rough night of booze and pills.
95. I seen too many good people get in trouble because of the booze.
96. One told me that her husband-to-be (a corporate executive) hadn't made love to her for two years, as most evenings he was paralytic with booze.
97. Take the evening Sundowner Cruise, or Booze Cruise as the locals call it.
98. Scientists from Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School found that wine, booze and light beer didn't increase the psoriasis risk at all.
99. The bite from the bottle was equally painful and now, asking for "the hair of the dog that bit me" means to drown your hangover in more booze.
100. Two of my closest friends tied the knot and there was plenty of booze.
101. In many places, deals are sealed with booze and male bonding.
102. So trotter built it, and, man, did they come. Supposedly god-fearing folk, waist-deep in booze, sex, gambling. I barely lifted a finger.
103. The snowman's saturation in booze ads catapulted him to become a marketing kingpin.
104. He's going to be a fantastic player if he keeps away from booze and women.




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