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单词 Better off
1. Obviously we're better off now we're both working.
2. She'll be about £50 a week better off.
3. Without you by my side, I will be better off than you.
4. Families will be better off under the new law.
5. Financially, I'm much better off than before.
6. Materially, we are better off than ever before.
7. She's better off without him.
8. He'd be better off working for a bigger company.
9. You'd be better off with a bicycle.
10. Materially they are no better off.
11. Her promotion means she's $100 a week better off.
12. I think she's better off without him.
13. He'd be better off starting with something simpler.
14. We'd be better off without them as neighbours.
15. If you've got bags you're better off taking a taxi.
16. He'd be better off going to the police about it.
17. Moneywise, of course,[http://] I'm much better off than I used to be.
18. In terms of money, I was better off in my last job.
19. The weather was so bad we'd have been better off staying at home.
20. You're better off without the thing.
21. Are we better off with fewer medical products?
22. Would Britain be better off as a theme park?
23. We must be better off together than that.
24. People are earning more, but when inflation is factored in, they are no better off.
25. They've got nearly all the luxuries they need; of course they're much better off than we are.
26. To put it simply , the tax cuts mean the average person will be about 3% better off.
27. Three in every five interviewed felt that the Budget was neutral and they would be no better off.
28. The average person in the street is a lot better off than they were forty years ago.
29. He's caught in the poverty trap and will only be five pounds a week better off if he accepts the job.
30. He's in a new job but he's only marginally better off.
1. Obviously we're better off now we're both working.
2. She'll be about £50 a week better off.
3. People are earning more, but when inflation is factored in, they are no better off.
31. Are you better off paying your poll tax?
32. The air is dry and clean so you may in fact be better off over there.
33. Kate Finlayson explains that, with winter approaching, you may well be better off without your own horse!
34. The average student is much better off under our arrangements of a combined grant and loan scheme than previously.
35. Several concessions have been introduced which allow the better off to avoid their full tax liability.
36. This package, set against our pension and child benefit changes, will leave 96 percent. of families better off.
37. Do you think we would have been better off if Dad had been a small-time failure.
38. If not(), he is better off to take the money now and either spend it or invest it and earn interest.
39. To have any hope of bonking on the beach, he'd be better off packing something more basic.
40. You will also have been earning a salary meanwhile, so you are likely to be considerably better off as a result.
41. The combined changes make an average taxpayer two pounds sixty four pence a week better off.
42. If incorporations occur, Pima County will be better off financially.
43. He'd have been better off getting them to help him compose a Dear Marje letter.
44. As banks charge a higher rate of interest on borrowings than they offer on savings, you will be better off.
45. The reason is simple: as in sunfish, the rarer caste is always better off.
46. I think you'd be better off if you just moved back to your mother's house for a while.
47. Substantial parts of the urban population were better off in material terms and there had been changes in attitudes.
48. It is possible to make one person better off without making the other person worse off.
49. Other countries in the system could also be better off with such an arrangement.
50. They're much better off dancing the night away under the stars with a friend or two.
51. Small households that don't use much water but occupy homes with high rateable values could be much better off.
52. The poor man would be better off wrestling with the complexities of Bernie Ecclestone's financial affairs.
53. Honorable beginnings should serve to awaken curiosity, not to heighten people's expectations. We are much better off when reality surpasses our expectations, and something turns out better than we thought it would. Baltasar Gracian 
54. Fourth, social security benefits are so generous that many people are financially better off out of work than at work.
55. For a start, those retiring today are better off financially than any previous generation.
56. Towns were generally better off than villages, but within the same county variations even between towns could be marked.
57. The children undoubtedly were better off than they had been before 1992.
58. Bridge boost: A local charity was £750 better off yesterday thanks to a bridge evening held thousands of miles away.
59. They didn't want to let her go, but I knew she'd be better off with me.
60. Many wage earners were indeed better off than ever before, and after 1922 the economy was free from inflation.
61. Otherwise that consumer could rearrange purchases out of a given income to make himself or herself better off.
62. The country would be better off if more women were serving in Congress.
63. Now I wonder if I would not have been better off in sneakers and a fleece, more populist clothes.
64. It is widely assumed that the more efficiently a stock market functions the better off everyone is.
65. For not understanding that we were better off without him.
66. In other words we would have been better off cashing the precept and keeping the money under the mattress.
67. Seven out of ten families in Darlington would be better off under Labour's fair rent proposals.
68. I'd be better off at home with all those kids!
69. Women are better off raising the issue and working through differences or even getting counseling before having a child.
70. If we would not be better off, it might be better to go it alone.
71. Would you be better off lowering your prices and selling for cash only? 3.
72. Conversely, residents of unincorporated Pima County and the proposed new cities may be better off if the supervisors call the shots.
73. Ask yourself after this meeting whether you would have been better off without her.
74. If column 3 exceeds column 2, the Jones Enterprise would be better off doing something else with its resources.
75. He said if Darlington received the regional average increase the town's health services would be £1.3m better off.
76. Another constant thread is lesbianism,[] as if to say that women are better off without men.
77. Don't you think you'd be better off with a soft drink?
78. But if gender factors continue to be ignored, the majority of rural dwellers may find themselves little better off.
79. If you really want to make light of powder you are better off with specialised hardware.
80. So they did the switch, cleared their debts, and now £6 a month better off.
81. Organization participants with majority power must be persuaded that they would be significantly better off if a change occurred.
82. He looks likely to tell staff they will be better off leaving cars at home and travelling by moped or motorcycle.
83. Many 'New Age' therapists simply exploit the hopes and fears of sick people who would be better off going to their own doctor.
84. Nearly a decade later, our educational system was no better off than it had been when the commission issued its report.
85. Hence it would be possible to achieve a Pareto gain, making some people better off without making anyone else worse off.
86. Faced with such a threat ... spiders may be better off lurking beneath the plughole from now on.
87. First, her brother is self-evidently a petty fraudster better off behind bars.
88. Is it not better off as a hidden surprise to be discovered by the interested tourist?
89. Table 16.8 shows that the household is marginally better off out of work than it would have been in work.
90. According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy. Jerry Seinfeld 
91. Who could say if Margaret was not better off a young widow, able yet to make a humbler and happier match?
92. You will be better off saying your piece and seeing what happens rather than keep bottling things up.
93. This should leave you happier about your lot in life and also better off financially.
94. We're certainly a lot better off than we were five years ago.
95. In either case Susie is better off and David no worse off.
96. Are you better off than you were four years ago?
97. There is widespread agreement that there are many mentally disturbed people in prison who would be better off in hospital.
98. The other side of the coin was the increasing subjection in 1922 of the poor peasants to those better off.
99. I reckoned they would be better off not being involved in our constant battles.
100. Peter would be better off without her tagging along anyway.
101. In most circumstances you are better off using a lower resolution and clearer text.
102. The harsh fact is that families suffering from unemployment are barely any better off.
103. Many of the larger communities felt they would be better off if they were self-governing.
104. You could switch to diesel but you'd be better off hopping to work.
105. If you have to eat a cold chip, you're better off with an old-fashioned greasy one.
106. Everywhere an unspoken question seemed to hang heavily in the air: Would we have been better off without Home Rule?
107. Most men and women would be better off for not going to prison at all.
108. Savers with smaller deposits looking for easy access to their money may be better off with either egg or the Nationwide.
109. If we join forces,[http:///better off.html] we'll both be better off.
110. Spendable money is better off spent.
111. You will be better off without your abusive boyfriend.
112. So probably, objectively, he'd be better off going alone.
113. Mark Latham also said Ms Gillard would have been better off giving Mr Rudd the foreign affairs portfolio to prevent him from being a loose cannon in Brisbane.
114. America is better off having had Donald Rumsfeld as Defense Secretary.
115. For learning the language, you'll be better off if you can find a station that focuses more on things like news, weather, and call-in advice programs.
116. You're better off without that jerk Good riddance, I say.
117. They also tend on average to be better off, better educated and, more importantly, employed.
118. Within the diverse group - each member of which gets an equal say in rate-setting decisions - there is a view that the euro-zone economy would be better off if rates were already at 1%.
119. The never-in-debt savers are usually better off than the spendthrifts who are always in debt beyond their capacity to pay.
120. The world would be better off if there were more interracial marriages.
121. The term digital device tends to refer to recognition that people are better off if they have access to internet connectivity, pieces of internet applies.
122. "In effect, investors would have been better off buying a treasury bill in February with a small fraction of the risk and total liquidity, " says PrivCo CEO Sam Hamadeh.
123. If you rant and rave at it, you'll simply make the job of convincing the dog it would be better off working for you far more difficult because you'll be confusing and frightening him.
124. The retailer prefers the consignment contract so that the inventory risk can be transfered to the supplier while the supplier is better off with traditional model.
125. Day - traders are better off averaging not closing prices , but an average price of each bar.
126. As a matter of fact, they weren't much better off than beggars.
127. You're better off helping your server process less HTTP requests, off-loading media to Amazon S3, et cetera.
128. According to his pupil Xenophon, Socrates felt that, at age 70, he would be better off dead than to linger in exile or confinement.
129. In reality the owners were better off with the listed securities, despite the low prices of these.
130. You'll only get the income tax break if you itemize your deductions, and many people may be better off taking the standard deduction instead.
131. Pareto efficiency means that no one can be made better off without someone becoming worse off.
132. Given the bumpiness of the road ahead, you might be better off with a crash helmet.
133. Having flourished in my own authentically kvetch way, I believe that we would be better off if we let everyone be themselves — positive, negative or even somewhere in-between.
134. Men in monogamous societies imagine they would be better off under polygyny.
135. They would be far better off, materially and emotionally, if they all pulled together.
136. Keep in mind that the damage shield will reflect pet specials,[] so you might be better off just turning autocast bite and claw off for the duration of the fight.
137. It is claimed that government, working together with business, will create "a new energy economy", that the businesses involved will profit and that everyone will be better off.
138. The youngest wife, 20-year-old Jostine Auma Akuku, says she is much better off with an octogenarian polygamist than in her monogamis marriage before.
139. Thus the network is likely to be better off if individual nodes have no surge suppressor than if they have ones that shunt power-line surges into data-lines.
140. It'seemed to me that we would be better off focusing on a partial settlement.
141. If Obama follows fuzzy standards, he does the nation a disservice and is better off just limping along with the current, unimproved NCLB law.
142. You're better off eating fries cooked in beef tallow or duck fat than fries cooked in vegetable oils.
143. There being only one wineshop in the town, Wang led a better off life from then on.
144. Reagan famously asked Americans whether they were better off than they had been four years ago; the answer, actually, was yes — most families had higher real income in 1980 than they did in 1976.
145. East is no better off if he discards a minor suit card (say a diamond).
146. And so it seems. Americans are considerably better off by material standards than ever before. Yet we seem less happy, less contented with our lot.
147. Developing countries would be better off with their existing bilateral treaties (BITs) than with a multilateral agreement of the kind represented by ECJ.
148. We all think better-off people should share with others but that's not something we are inclined to do when we are better off.
149. "Better Off Ted" (ABC) The wittiest, most absurdist and risk-taking new sitcom since "Arrested Development" never attracted the audience it deserved.
150. Job. Keep in mind that the damage shield will reflect pet specials, so you might be better off just turning autocast bite and claw off for the duration of the fight.
151. But with negative film, especially color negative , you're better off overexposing by one stop.




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