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单词 Biotechnology
1 The government decided to encourage industries based on biotechnology.
2 She has a Master's in biotechnology.
3 US companies lead the world in biotechnology.
4 He was a pioneer in the field of biotechnology.
5 The companies are pouring trillions of yen into biotechnology research, especially for pharmaceuticals and new seeds.
6 On balance biotechnology should be good news for developing countries.
7 Today it might be computers or biotechnology.
8 Recent advances in biotechnology have raised serious moral questions.
9 He has expertise in the biotechnology industry.
10 It was invested in fledgling biotechnology companies.
11 Biotechnology opens up almost unlimited possibilities.
12 Human Genome Sciences gain boosted shares of other biotechnology companies, many of which are based in southern Maryland.
13 Like microelectronics, biotechnology is one of those unique, so called generic, technologies which cut across traditional boundaries between industrial sectors.
14 With biotechnology, says Young, it will be possible to double and triple production on land already under cultivation.
15 Many millions of dollars have flooded into new biotechnology companies in pursuit of interferon and other potential moneyspinners.
16 Biotechnology can enable the early detection of some viral infections.
17 Biotechnology is controlled by a handful of seed, agrochemical and pharmaceutical corporations whose proprietary products are designed primarily for Northern markets.
18 The college biology department has diversified by adding new courses in biotechnology.
19 The research may prove useful for applications in medicine and biotechnology.
20 One of the first commercial products to derive from this biotechnology is likely to be genetically engineered tomatoes.
21 But this is the first major announcement of aid for the drug industry, apart from £9 million for biotechnology research last month.
22 Additional information technology product sectors will be studied together with selected areas in the rapidly evolving biotechnology industries.
23 Where fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals with high added value can be produced by biotechnology there will be rapid developments.
24 One battleground in the debate is the issue of whether biotechnology threatens sustainable agriculture.
25 Development of this approach in experimental closed ecosystems promises big terrestrial payoffs from this form of space biotechnology.
26 Most of the people sitting on supposedly independent government advisory bodies have direct links to biotechnology companies.
27 Moreover, we can safely assume that information technology and biotechnology will get cheaper, more interesting, and more prevalent.
28 Both are concerned to overcome the ecological problem by using biotechnology.
29 These two truly began the new age of cloning-which means they initiated a new age of biotechnology.
30 The partnership plans to invest mainly in West Coast media, medical products,[] biotechnology and information-technology companies.
1 The college biology department has diversified by adding new courses in biotechnology.
2 The government decided to encourage industries based on biotechnology.
3 The companies are pouring trillions of yen into biotechnology research, especially for pharmaceuticals and new seeds.
31 He said it would be necessary for the agricultural producing nations to use biotechnology and hormones to meet the growing demand.
32 This research will study interactions between industry, government and pressure groups in the regulation of biotechnology hazards.
33 Harwell was considering diversifying into new non-nuclear areas for the offshore and biotechnology industries.
34 Biotechnology and food safety problems were often due to poor policies and inadequate regulations, it said.
35 His pet project is a biotechnology institute in which state funding will be matched by contributions from the Schering drug company.
36 For foreign exchange, the government hopes to develop the tourist business and its chief pride, biotechnology.
37 The gestation of the biotechnology industry has been rather short.
38 Specific technologies under investigation include advanced software, microprocessors, computer-aided production management, electronic data interchange and biotechnology.
39 Bill says on the last visit to her Outer Banks cottage, he and Ann played miniature golf and discussed biotechnology.
40 These will form the basis for its future plans in plant biotechnology.
41 One zone will contain the core industries, electronics, robotics, biotechnology and so on.
42 Biotechnology spending has been more diffuse but it will get at least £100 million a year in government spending.
43 Biotechnology is rapidly becoming one of the world's great industries.
44 A small cottage industry of biotechnology firms has sprung up to investigate this, using a variety of methods.
45 The major hazards will come from aerosols containing microbes that are breathed in by workers in biotechnology factories.
46 The authors dwell on the conflicts of interest arising from the commercialization of genetics and biotechnology.
47 There is a good chapter on biotechnology and genetic engineering, with a simple explanation of gene splicing.
48 Biotechnology has been round since mankind first experienced the joys of home brewing.
49 But the uncertain future of Speywood Laboratories, a small biotechnology company which funded the project threatens its development.
50 Neoprobe, a biotechnology company, has developed a technology that makes it easier for surgeons to target only cancer cells.
51 Grace has the same time line for selling its Dearborn water treatment business and its Agracetus biotechnology plant business.
52 Biotechnology is going to be speeding up the green revolution in agriculture.
53 Opportunities exist in University departments and research institutes, in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries and medicine.
54 So is a speeding up of the process through biotechnology really any different?
55 Because microorganisms are very versatile and can be quite efficient at degrading toxic compounds, using biotechnology can be cost-effective.
56 Ecotopian biotechnology on the contrary would possess an infrastructure based firstly on ecological rationality and secondarily on an economic basis.
57 Tecan, the biotechnology group, was up 2.9 per cent after announcing a 42 per cent increase in sales in 2000.
58 Fields such as biotechnology, chemical process plant operation and advanced electronic systems are clear examples of this.
59 That disappointment can undermine the share value of some biotechnology companies, who lack earnings or revenue from other products.
60 The company, though, is trying to seize the high ground and demonstrate that agricultural biotechnology can be used for good.
61 The hills around La Jolla are now dotted with biotechnology and biomedical companies.
62 Also overlooked in all the hoopla over silicon-based technology is biotechnology.
63 Medical researchers at the University of California at San Francisco now have their own direct pipeline to the biotechnology industry.
64 Owens is a genius at play in the fields of biotechnology, rather than the realms of cyberspace.
65 But the potential of biotechnology, like that of the green revolution, is assessed in different ways by different people.
66 Biotechnology unless.politically directed will be forced to enter the forces of production on those terms.
67 Biotechnology will surely play a vital role in any future chemicals industry.
68 The biotechnology companies would then directly buy a licence for a particular technique rather than negotiating with individual universities.
69 Until recently, forest biotechnology seemed unfeasible.
70 Subject_Topical_Eng: Tongji University; Life Science; Biomedicine ; Biotechnology; Proteid.
71 Marine Biotechnology, Aquacultural Engineering, Biochemical Engineering.
72 Biotechnology always has been a long - term investment.
73 biotechnology can also be considered in terms of the levels of technology that will be necessary for product formation.
74 Subject_Topical_Eng: Hubei Polytechnic University; Biotechnology; Pharmaceutical Technology; Bioengineering; Food Science; Zymolytic Engineering.
75 The invention discloses a solid culture medium for culturing garlic epigamous embryo, belonging to the field of agricultural biotechnology.
76 Uses advanced biotechnology to simulate the T4 Endonuclease produced by natural marine algae. This helps to repair and restore damaged DNA cells in the skin and erase fine lines and wrinkles.
77 The depth of processing on the tail water of sewage treatment plant was discussed from the physical and chemical techniques, biotechnology and membrane separation technology, etc.
78 Bio - Technology Products, Reagents and Supplies, Pharmaceutical formulations, Biotechnology, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients.
79 Biotechnology includes gene engineering, cell engineering, enzyme engineering, fermentation engineering, etc.
80 Protein folding remains a bottle-neck issues in the down-stream technology in biotechnology.
81 This biotechnology has evolved a great deal since the earliest known vintages were fermented seven millennia ago in Hajji Firuz in the Zagros Mountains of Iran.
82 The development of biotechnology has brought new opportunities for development of crop production of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas Lam. ).
83 Biotechnology is one of the important areas of Beijing's high - technology industry.
84 Helmreich, Stefan. "Trees and Seas of Information: Alien Kinship and the Biopolitics of Gene Transfer in Marine Biology and Biotechnology. " American Ethnologist 30, no. 3 (2003): 341-359.
85 Biotechnology is also producing valuable diagnostic tools and vaccines that help control devastating animal diseases like rinderpest.
86 The downstream of biotechnology is the main course of biotechnology specialty comprehensiveness and practice.
87 The text brewed neotype soy sauce by low-salt solid-fermentation using the method of biotechnology, with waste liquid of sea cucumber as raw materials.
88 The research was funded by the UK’s Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) as part of ongoing work on age-related muscle wasting and how to lessen that effect.
88 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
89 The cape Kang full completely automatic overshoe treasure is the newest product which researches and develops independently by the cape biotechnology Limited company.
90 Steiner said (PDF, 110KB) Monsanto is donating what he called a "gem" from its biotechnology pipeline: a drought-resistant strain of white maize and know-how in accelerated plant breeding.
91 Information technology , biotechnology and other high - tech and new industries developed rapidly.
92 Transgenic foods are coming into our life gradually with the biotechnology developing.
93 Mapping the Caprine Genome is the genome database of goat provided French Biotechnology Laboratory.
94 Recently , gene chip technology has become a rapidly developed biotechnology.
95 The technology is the combined product of modern biotechnology and agriculture environmental monitoring.
96 The UN study, by the Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology, was aimed at an international trade fair for the food packaging industry, to be held in Germany later this month.
97 Biotechnology has become a major public issue in developed as well as developing countries.
98 Biotechnology in Health Care another 11 approvals were granted for expanded uses of existing biotech medicines.
99 This text introduced the whole bag of tricks molecular biotechnology in current, compared each specialties and the application prospect.
100 At the same time, the information of flax biotechnology of anther culture, haploid breeding, utilization of somatic mutation, protoplasmic culture, gene transformation were introduced in detail.
101 The application and development of biotechnology makes the identification of fungus and detection of mycotoxin become more correct and convenient.
102 The most memorable moment of the second bus tour came in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where, after a meeting on biotechnology and a tour of the Quaker Oat’s packaging plant, we held a rally in the parking lot.
103 The invention relates to a plant fermentation feed, belonging to the field of biotechnology.
104 WuXi was founded in 2000 by Li Ge, who earned his Ph.D. in organic chemistry at Columbia University and was one of the founding scientists of the U.S.-based biotechnology company Pharmacopeia.
105 "The objection before should not be there in this case," said V.S. Chauhan, director of the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology.
106 Resultant nano - materials will be potentially used in microelectronic, new material and biotechnology areas.
107 This base aims at developing agricultural biotechnology and its relevant industries(), bio - pharmaceutics and its relevant industries.
108 The application of molecular biotechnology such as molecule marker and the small subunit ribosomal RNAin the research of ruminal protozoal was reviewed.
109 The shaper castes are the keepers of the intricate biotechnology employed by the Yuuzhan Vong.
110 Professional Master Program in School of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology.
111 Agricultural biotechnology expert Roger Beachy, president of the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis, Missouri, is also enthusiastic.
112 Applying biotechnology was an important means in improving strawberry varieties and contriving new germ plasm.
113 In biotechnology we use enzymes that we isolate from nature to link together pieces of DNA in the same manner that occurs in nature.
114 The chromosome in situ hybridization is an important part in modern biotechnology.
115 Shanghai Chihon Biotechnology Co. , Ltd. provides series of high quality natural food preservatives of Natamycin, Nishin organic colorant Gardenia Yellow for lactic streptococcus.
116 But biotechnology also promises important benefits for human health and well - being.
117 Encyclopedia of Industrial Biotechnology, Bioprocess, Bioseparation, and Cell Technology , 7 Volume Set.
118 The invention discloses a lentiviral vector for expressing the glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor and applications thereof[Sentencedict], which belong to the field of medical biotechnology.
119 France ALLBEST Biotechnology Prettify Health Product(Hongkong) Company limited All Rights Reserved.
120 Fluorescent dye containing reactive group and its application in biotechnology was introduced.
121 A biotechnology company is developing a range of new pesticide based on naturally occurring toxin.
122 This phyto-nutrient-rich serum utilizes a proprietary combination of peptides, Swiss apple stem cell biotechnology and vitamins to allow your eyelashes to grow fuller, longer, stronger and darker.
123 The technology is often called "modern biotechnology" or "gene technology", sometimes also "recombinant DNA technology" or "genetic engineering".
124 The biotechnology of flask batch and fed-batch culture to produce yeast from cornhusk hydrolysate was studied and the fed -batch process in 10L bioreactor was conducted.
125 Biotechnology already has countless applications in industry, agriculture, and medicine.
126 To learn more about biotechnology and agriculture, visit our Web site or call us.
127 Environmental biotechnology informatics theof computer and the techniques of bioinformatics to control pollution.
128 The network will be co-ordinated by the Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries, Belgium, and supervised by a scientific and technological advisory panel and a steering committee.
129 About: Back in World War II, beautiful and richly endowed the Swiss Confederation in biotechnology research have been towards the forefront of the world.
130 Animalcule fermentation engineering is the foundation of bioengineering as well as modern biotechnology and their industrialization.
131 Kailu Ever Brilliance Biotechnology Co. , Ltd mainly produce sesamin , Buckwheat flavonoids, Lutein and Raffinose and so on.
132 The renaturation of gene recombinant protein is the most important technique in the field of biotechnology which's many methods have been established.
133 Two - Year Professional Program in School of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology.
134 Clayton Yeutter, a former U.S. secretary of agriculture and U.S. trade representative, said much hinges on biotechnology advances keeping pace with demand for more food.
135 With the development of both biotechnology and metabolic engineering, biosynthesis studies are promising.
136 The American biotechnology industry recently did a study of bioscience education across the country.
137 There should be wide applications for biotechnology deodorizing system in future.
138 Puzzledom in developing mineral resources,() advantages and application status of microbial metallurgy are elaborated. Research status and direction of biotechnology in hydrometallurgy is discussed.
139 The invention pertains to the field of biotechnology, relating to a method for preparing lysozyme.
140 Mesoporous silicas have shown potential applications in catalytic reaction, adsorption, separation, biotechnology and pharmacy.
141 The prospect of the nitro aromatic compound treatment technology is discussed. The biotechnology and coordination of several kinds of technology have become the main trend.
142 Yeast extract is a functional natural seasoning, made from fresh high-quality brewers yeast latex and refined by adopting new morden biotechnology.
143 Which one of the following approaches comes under the category of biotechnology?
144 The application of molecular biotechnology such as molecule marker and the small subunit ribosomal RNA(SSU rRNA)in the research of ruminal protozoal was reviewed.
145 Virus - free sweet potato and virology biotechnology product of the combination of technologies.
146 Inclusion body protein renaturation is a important procedure in the biotechnology.
147 A British biotechnology company, already developing a vaccine to help addicts kick cocaine, said on Monday it had started clinical trials on the world's first nicotine addiction vaccine.
148 Biotechnology has a great application potential in variety improvement of Tall Fescue, which is an important cool-season perennial turf grass in the temperate region.
148 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
149 Wenzhou Conch Challenge Biotechnology Co. , Ltd. is mainly engaged in production of Neutral Phytase in feedstuff additives.
150 The viruses are kept at the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta and the State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology in Novosibirsk, Siberia.
151 Biotechnology will greatly improve the study and exploitation of the ocean drug.




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