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单词 Pouring
1. Pouring oil on the fire is no way to quench it. 
2. Blood was pouring from the wound.
3. He was pouring ice and lemonade into tall glasses.
4. I spilled the juice while I was pouring it.
5. Larry was pouring out four glasses of champagne.
6. It was absolutely pouring with rain.
7. A fountain of blood was pouring from his chest.
8. It's pouring with rain .
9. Give the bottle a couple of shakes before pouring the juice.
10. He mystified us all by pouring his drink out of the window.
11. It was pouring with rain so I accepted his offer of a lift.
12. Tributes have been pouring in from all over the world for the famous actor who died yesterday.
13. It was pouring with rain, but we pressed on regardless.
14. People huzzahed pouring into the streets at the news that the war had ended.
15. Walking three miles in the pouring rain is not my idea of fun.
16. Blood was pouring out of a cut on her head.
17. Blood was pouring from his nose.
18. Sweat was pouring down his face.
19. Smoke was pouring from the chimney.
20. Heartening reports of victories are pouring in.
21. All her feelings of resentment just came pouring out.
22. Commuters came pouring out of the station.
23. The bus was pouring out thick black exhaust fumes.
24. Light was pouring into the courtyard.
25. Thick, black smoke was pouring out of the chimney.
26. It's pouring down outside - I'm absolutely saturated!
27. It is with narrow-minded people as with narrow-necked bottle; the less they have in them the more noise they make in pouring out. 
28. The weather there can be a bit unpredictable - one minute it's blue skies and the next minute it's pouring down.
29. By the end of the match, the sweat was pouring off him.
30. After a few laps of the track, the sweat was pouring off the runners.
1. He was pouring ice and lemonade into tall glasses.
2. I spilled the juice while I was pouring it.
3. Larry was pouring out four glasses of champagne.
4. It was absolutely pouring with rain.
5. A fountain of blood was pouring from his chest.
6. It's pouring with rain .
7. The weather there can be a bit unpredictable - one minute it's blue skies and the next minute it's pouring down.
8. By the end of the match, the sweat was pouring off him.
9. Give the bottle a couple of shakes before pouring the juice.
10. He mystified us all by pouring his drink out of the window.
11. It was pouring with rain so I accepted his offer of a lift.
12. After a few laps of the track, the sweat was pouring off the runners.
13. Tributes have been pouring in from all over the world for the famous actor who died yesterday.
14. It was pouring with rain, but we pressed on regardless.
15. People huzzahed pouring into the streets at the news that the war had ended.
16. Walking three miles in the pouring rain is not my idea of fun.
17. Blood was pouring out of a cut on her head.
18. All her feelings of resentment just came pouring out.
19. The chimney was pouring out black smoke.
20. It was pouring all night.
21. It was pouring down nonstop.
22. It was pouring down.
23. The companies are pouring trillions of yen into biotechnology research, especially for pharmaceuticals and new seeds.
24. There was no end to the letters pouring into the post office.
31. Reports of new successes kept pouring in.
32. Thick black smoke was pouring out of the roof.
33. Commuters were pouring into the station.
34. The crowds began pouring out of the stadium.
35. We found her sitting in the pouring rain.
36. I was in the kitchen, pouring out drinks.
37. Smoke was pouring out of the upstairs windows.
38. The chimney was pouring out black smoke.
39. It was pouring down with rain at three o'clock.
40. Outside it was pitch-dark and pouring with rain.
41. It was pouring all night.
42. It was pouring down nonstop.
43. The whole story then came pouring out.
44. Bob woke slowly to sunshine pouring in his window.
45. Hundreds of refugees are pouring over the border.
46. It has been pouring with rain all week.
47. She watched the rain pouring down the windows.
48. Blood was pouring from his broken nose.
49. The sweat was pouring off her.
50. We drove all the way through pouring rain.
51. Wear your boots and take an umbrella; it's pouring out.
52. We had no umbrellas so we got soaked to the skin in the pouring rain.
53. Ahead was the deep V of a gorge with water pouring down it.
54. I was standing in the pouring rain for an hour waiting for my bus.
55. Smoke started pouring out from underneath, then the truck burst into flames.
56. I felt a sharp pain and looked down to see blood pouring from my leg.
57. Black smoke is pouring up from the chimney of this factory and polluting the air around.
58. Letters have been pouring in from all over the country.
59. The house was still burning,[ ] pouring forth thick black smoke.
60. The government has been pouring money into inefficient state-owned industries and the country can no longer afford it.
61. I little thought that I should be breaking bread and pouring wine with you.
62. With blood pouring from his leg, he made it to a nearby house.
63. He wandered disconsolately around the town in the pouring rain.
64. Don't remind him of the cause of his anger—that would be pouring oil on flames.
65. I'd rather not venture out in pouring rain if I don't have to.
66. 'You asked for it! ' she said, pouring a bucket of water over his head.
67. When he realized we knew the truth, the whole story came pouring out.
68. It was pouring with rain and Laura only had a thin dress on.
69. It was pouring down.
70. The companies are pouring trillions of yen into biotechnology research, especially for pharmaceuticals and new seeds.
71. The sweat was pouring down her face by the end of the race.
72. Letters have been pouring into the office complaining about this kind of refrigerator.
73. It's pouring with rain, so I'm afraid our picnic's gone for a burton.
74. We'll be pouring money into a bottomless pit if we try to keep that factory open.
75. Joanna was pouring the drink. While she was thus engaged, Charles sat on one of the bar-stools.
76. I was pouring with sweat, and my head was spinning.
77. She looked so forlorn, standing there in the pouring rain.
78. He spends every lunchtime pouring out his emotional problems to me and expects me to find a solution.
79. It's a foul night tonight; it's pouring with rain with thundering and lightning.
80. It's absolutely pouring down.
81. He's been pouring a large sum of money into the company for two years but it's still in trouble.
82. Drain off any excess marinade and use it as a base for a pouring sauce.
83. Critics of the President have been pouring scorn on the plan ever since it was first proposed.
84. It's pouring with rain - we'll have to make a dash for it .
85. There was no end to the letters pouring into the post office.
86. Refugees have been pouring into neighbouring countries to escape the civil war.
87. The dancers were dripping with/pouring with sweat after a morning's rehearsal.
88. Two figures stood under it in the pouring rain.
89. People were pouring coffee all over the place.
90. Water was pouring down the window of his bedroom.
91. Drugs are pouring across in larger amounts.
92. They were greeted by a waiter pouring champagne.
93. Blood was pouring from the cut, drenching his shirt.
94. Chemical smoke pouring off the shipyards and factories.
95. I slowed to a walk, pouring sweat.
96. On the court, Red is pouring it on.
97. The white space is pouring, would wash you away.
98. Edusha was there, pouring water into the teapot.
99. The rain was pouring down.
100. Quite extraordinary behaviour - the rain was pouring down.
101. Claudia sat on a stool, relief pouring through her.
102. Pouring rain and flat grey sky outside.
103. Klein was already in the living room, pouring wine.
104. His blood, pouring all over his cherry-red leather seats.
105. Flames were pouring from the house.
106. She was combing out her blonde hair and pouring a colourless liquid from a bottle over her head.
107. Way at the front end of the house red light came pouring through the tunnel and showed the lake burnished and menacing.
108. Water was pouring out of the release gates on the dam.
109. By the end of the first half all of us had sweat pouring down our faces.
110. In recent years he had come to feel that he was pouring all his energies into a lost cause.
111. The priest collapsed, the blood pouring through his mouth and nose tasting like iron.
112. Well-dressed suckers were pouring out of the upstairs theatre, barrelling down the rickety spiral staircase[], skidding on the highly polished floor.
113. This rust-blood pouring from mortal wounds in the planet's skin is a terrible indictment of the tyranny we climbers inflict.
114. Just as Mr Mullen fell on his back, blood pouring from his nose, Gail appeared in the doorway.
115. Only the money pouring in by every post seriously concerned her.
116. The flooding followed a 10-15 o list to port, due to water pouring into the forward ballast tanks.
117. I should have sat up, eyes staring and sweat pouring off my forehead like in some old Hammer Brothers movie.
118. Incidence is analogous to water pouring into a sink and outcidence is analogous to water leaving the sink via the plughole.
119. She knew, of old, that feeding Sam was like pouring water down a well.
120. The central bank also loosened its own lending of securities, pouring millions of dollars into Wall Street.
121. The wheel kept spinning, the damned kept pouring away their money.
122. In this one-Albert pouring and Rob drinking-Rob was just another white boozer.
123. In this pouring rain on a busy street corner in Paris, I watch her face go soft with recognition.
124. The sun pouring in the east windows made the yellow curtains glow.
125. The clouds were scudding low over the rooftops; it was pouring with rain and the streets were flooded.
126. He made a gesture with his handkerchief as if it were water pouring over a dam.
127. The gale, pouring over the roof, caught him before he had even started to make his next movement.
128. There I was, falling through the air, blood pouring from my temple, coming to rest on the snow.
129. He laid the pistol down and crossed to the drinks cabinet, pouring glasses of whisky for himself and for Carol.
130. For that, they can thank modest human efforts to save their habitat, plus months of pouring rain.
131. Then, he mingled with people in Belfast's city centre during pouring rain and chatted with pupils of Deramore High School.
132. And in her musings, she wrings out her heart along with her dishcloth, pouring out a torrent of disillusionments and dreams.
133. Of course, the remaining dissenters are mostly those who depend on pouring out yet more greenhouse gases.
134. These waterfalls are among dozens in Yosemite that are now pouring like giant fountains, each a remarkable sight.
135. In fact it was a wonder there wasn't smoke pouring out of her ears!
136. When this scanning is complete, the 3D structure is released by pouring out the remaining liquid.
137. More than offer: I had barely mentioned what my book was about when her lament came pouring out.
138. Sweat was pouring down my forehead and dripping into my eyes.
139. It was absolutely pouring down as though some one up top was emptying buckets.
140. Being over-generous when pouring one's own is a well documented cause of excessive intake.
141. Despite their good fortune, the locals resented all the refugees pouring and crowding into their space.
142. Then add the water to the corn syrup, pouring it gently down the side of the container.
143. The moon had risen from behind the peach tree and its light came pouring in through the open windows.
144. Hewett, blood pouring from his face, looked for James, but he was gone.
145. I was drowning in my own sweat. Sweat was pouring down my forehead and dripping into my eyes.
146. She would start nearest to the door and work her way along the jostling, glistening, pouring swathes of colours.
147. Indeed, they must have looked pretty mad, sitting on the sodden bench in the pouring rain.
148. The dimness against the far wall was broken by light pouring out through an open door.
149. The Embry home is the neighborhood hangout,[http:///pouring.html] with kids pouring in and out at all hours.
150. They thought they should go before it started pouring again, which of course it did.
151. His genteel manner of pouring coffee for his guests is perfectly in place.
152. Water belched out as he drenched each tree, pouring the costly stuff into the deep trench which circled their trunks.
153. The storm intensified by degrees until the rain was pouring down.
154. I cleaned my teeth without paste, before pouring water into the miniature bowl and shaving.
155. They will prevent people losing their drinks and pouring another.
156. This is a suitable metaphor after the rain pouring from leaden skies which greeted the All Blacks to training yesterday.
157. On a long, lowland walk on a pouring wet day my feet were no more than damp - a pleasant surprise.
158. The evidence has been pouring in since Hamilton and Zuk first published their theory.
159. We can buy houses, take care of babies, fight wars, drive in the pouring rain.
160. About a million tons of lava are pouring every day from the fissure which opened on the Sicilian volcano in December.
161. As she was pouring the tea it occurred to me that maybe she knew Claudia too.
162. With the afternoon sun pouring through the windows, Mr Strine is on edge.
163. Lava from the volcano is pouring down the mountain towards the town.
164. She held a damp, grey cloth in her lap and tears were pouring on to it.
165. Then, crouching down, I peered out through the pouring rain and saw such a sight as I will never forget.
166. One reveller was already pouring bubble bath into a huge hot tub so he and his partner could frolic in the suds.
167. As a change and to provide more nourishment, try pouring yogurt over them and topping them with fresh fruit.
168. It was pouring with rain now, but standing right there on the shiny Eighth Street pavement was Signe.
169. Ellie moved gingerly between the table and the kitchen counter, buttering toast and pouring cups of tea.
170. She got up, fiddled with the drinks, pouring herself another whiskey for something to do.
171. I held the bars until the nausea left me, pouring out through the restraining iron and into the open air.
172. The sweat was still pouring out of me, and my shorts and singlet were soaked.
173. But instead of laying off, we were pouring it on.
174. While he was pouring the drinks Ron the landlord raised his eyebrows at me.
175. The sun was pouring into the courtyard and his brawny arms glistened with sweat.
176. Experts say that investors pouring into Britain assume that it will join the euro within two years.
177. With blood pouring from the bare bone he made it to a pub near Loose, Kent, where regulars called 999.
178. Son[Sentencedict], people are pouring across the border at the rate of a thousand a day!
179. Mist was pouring over the mountains and sliding down the far valleys under the moonlight.
180. Time allowed 00:11 Grounded tanker leaking oil Oil is pouring into the sea from a stricken tanker off the coast of Shetland.
181. She was pouring herself more coffee when he walked into the conservatory.
182. After pouring the footings, trowel the top so it is smooth and level.
183. The rebel musketry fire was pouring... upon our men, who were closing together and rallying under the attack.
184. Pouring the tea into two thick white mugs, she gave one to her friend.
185. He allowed himself to be filmed on television absent-mindedly pouring a bottle of Petrus into the stew.
186. Marshall cautioned against pouring millions of pounds into taking legal action when there was no guarantee of victory.
187. I pondered pouring the cappuccinos on the floor and sweeping out but figured he might just shoot me in the foot.
188. They dug solid foundations, spending a lot of time pouring concrete into four pits.
189. Castings are made by pouring molten metal into a mould and allowing it to solidify.
190. They stopped at the top of the hill and sat down. Quite extraordinary behaviour - the rain was pouring down.
191. She was pouring a cup of tea when the solution came to her.
192. Our original plan was to go camping, but it was pouring with rain.
193. Apart from the pouring rain, we had to contend with mist - luckily we were on a clear path.
194. They looked large against the light pouring down over the flat land.
195. As Mr Sanderson was pouring the drinks Maggie had time to quickly glance about her.
196. Since the federal government began pouring money and manpower into the Border Patrol here, experience also has become an issue.
197. And the ocean of money pouring into mutual funds provided the tide that lifted the stock market for most of the year.
198. By the end of 1995 foreign money was pouring back into most of the countries it had hastily fled.
199. A rather bedraggled crowd waited outside in the pouring rain.
200. Great Aunt S was simply pouring her tea into the saucer, whereupon she drank it down with a loud slurp.
201. Refugees were pouring across the border in an endless stream.
202. Pouring herself a large brandy, she booked a call to Northumberland, hoping that Nora would be out.
203. Manningham was in full flood, downing his drink and pouring himself a fresh one.
204. I handed Glen the glass with ice, pouring Scotch into it.
205. As the dust cleared Duregar saw Dwarfs pouring through the gateway towards them.
206. "Go on then, taste it,'' said my grandfather, pouring a little of his home-made wine into my glass.
207. Mieno is pouring cold water on the report before she's even seen it.
208. The woman, who lives in Childwall, dashed to her ward with blood pouring from her face.
208. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
209. The sweat was pouring from him when the ultimate moment arrived.
210. Monica, tears pouring down her cheeks, gave a tragic smile of triumph.
211. The essential act of war is destruction, not necessarily of human lives, but of the products of human labor. War is a way of shattering to pieces, or pouring into the stratosphere, or sinking in the depths of the sea, materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable, and hence, in the long run, too intelligent. George Orwell 
212. New faces were still pouring into the room as word spread that the Chief Whip was entertaining.
213. The contempt for Daley was pouring down from all directions.
214. After a write-up in Yankee magazine, orders started pouring in.
215. And behind him, yet another three, pouring through the gap, trampling over their fallen companions in their eagerness.
216. She half fell, half collapsed against it, unable to stop the tears of fear and anguish pouring down her face.
217. Between the gusts, the sound of rain on the roof and water pouring off it was continuous.
218. Tools are made by pouring liquid metal into a mould and allowing it to cool and solidify.
219. The blood is pouring from his body, through the cracks in the table and on to the floor below.
220. Masses of people who never went into stocks are pouring their life blood in mutual funds.
221. We asked you to tell us why your dad was Top of the Pops and you kept those letters pouring in.
222. Eventually it called the haze evening, even with the summer sun still pouring fire on to Congress Street.
223. It didn't, and by the time she did reach the village it was fully dark - and pouring with rain.
224. Was that acrid stink cordite, or just the stink of fear pouring off him?
225. Realizing that her plight was hopeless, Echo fled from the wood, tears pouring down her cheeks.
226. I could feel the blood pouring out, drenching the bed.
227. Cars were pouring out of the factory gates when he reached them and two buses added to the congestion.
228. Amid all the purple, there was cardinal and gold, spilling from guts and pouring from hearts.
229. Their action was therefore rather like pouring water on to a hot frying pan, only with more serious consequences.
230. Within a minute the sweat was pouring off him and his jacket sticking to his back.
231. I was 300 yards from home in a restaurant and had only used my car anyway because it was pouring with rain.
232. He was suddenly aware of the sun, of bright sunshine pouring into the car.
233. Lexis said it ended access to Social Security data after complaints started pouring in.
234. Later that same day, I awoke from a restoring sleep to find rain pouring down outside, the lake nearly invisible.
235. Have you ever been up to Clogwyn Du'r Arddu in the pouring rain and the vilest weather?
236. He was nearly deafened by the music that came pouring out of the telephone.
237. Two glasses of wine. Pouring rain and flat grey sky outside.
238. News reports on the lawmakers' complaints brought letters, postcards and donations pouring in to the campaign group.
239. In addition, the company has soured some investors by pouring money into headlong expansion at the expense of earnings.
240. The bomber dropped from formation with smoke pouring from it and disappeared slowly out to sea.
241. Clothes and bric-a-brac have been pouring into the hospice's charity shops in response to an appeal for more goods.
242. As with tureens, these had neither a pouring lip nor spout.
243. But one day when he was pouring out petitions, persuasions, promises, she hesitated.
244. Tulips like red satin which closed up - even in a vase - when it was pouring with rain.
245. They were pouring scoops of dirt on my coffin, but I was banging on the lid to get out.
246. He was standing by his desk pouring a mug of coffee from a Thermos jug.
247. Her head was haloed in the sunlight pouring through the casement.
248. They busied themselves with the formalities of pouring and stirring.
249. By the time she overlooked the quayside, the decks were vibrating and black diesel smoke was pouring from the funnel.
250. Only then did she give a little bow and, pouring herself some wine, settled, kneeling at her husband's side.
251. The rain was pouring down in torrents and visibility was poor.
252. With the tens of thousands of people pouring in each year, every-thing was a stopgap measure.
253. He reaches for the ice bucket and starts pouring the champagne.
254. On the other hand, driving round at night, in the pouring rain, didn't appeal either.
255. We can forgive Maxine's snoring and smelly feet, but pouring good beer down the sink?
256. Pouring over its latest simulation runs, Sun is confident it has broken the back of the technical problem.
257. Denied its usual egress, the river had burst its banks and was pouring down the fire-ravaged streets.
258. Within an hour the whole line was pouring out shells, filling the night sky with a dense traffic of metal.
259. Jumbles of furniture, bedding, household objects stood in the pouring rain.
260. There was dense smoke pouring from all four engines.
261. Then he noticed the blood pouring out; the man had been shot in the neck.
262. The pouring concrete technology is a kind of commonsense method strengthened to the soft foundation.
263. Fishermen in France have been blockading ports and pouring oil on the roads in protest.
264. At the same time, the product easy to use, can not fill a direct pouring sand.
265. And again I saw him standing in the refectory and the rubies pouring down his gullet.
266. Under the precondition that no cold shut occurs, it creates conditions to decrease pouring temperature.
267. Ring pouring channel was set for pouring position. Ladder-like horizontal gate was designed for horizontal gate. Section area of ingate was calculated by the equation.
268. Pouring out the heart is exactly the writing style of this writer.
268. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
269. The company was pouring around $30 million into the scheme.
270. Putting a chopstick in a glass before pouring in beer can prevent foam.
271. The utility model can replace the old type hot-water bag widely without filling hot water and pouring cool water for reducing trouble and avoiding hand scald in the processes of filling the hot water.
272. The ingots being weighed prior to melting for pouring into the lower keel, to ensure accurate ballasting.
273. The electrical device control machine control, simple operation, automatic pouring, thereby reducing the operator's labor intensity.
274. In 2003, Dutch agriculturalist Marc de Ruiter saw dairy farmers in windswept Shanxi province literally pouring their milk down the drain because there was not enough demand.
275. The commission has invited interested parties to submit comments, and these are now pouring in.
276. It has been pouring in Delhi almost non stop for the past three days, disrupting normal life.
277. I laughed and opened my book bag, pouring out Penguin paperback novels by Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and Turgenev.
278. The spout of the casting trough comprises a curved pouring edge and a downwardly directed curved pouring surface.
279. Russia, which had peacekeepers stationed in the province, responded by pouring troops and heavy amour south through the Caucasus mountains into South Ossetia to drive back the Georgians.
280. A low pouring 150SN is used as base stock and is packaged with additives. The properties of the engine oil thus formulated meet the tentative requirements of 10W/30 QE/CC grade engine oil.
281. The pouring fluid added with anti-coagulant properly may avoid plugging inserting pipe with blood clotting lumps and also may enhance experiment effect.
282. Artificially excavating holed pouring pile has widely been used in engineering.
283. Pouring temperature is the dominating factor for the properties of compositing layers.
284. The reaction is then hydrolyzed by pouring it onto a mixture of crushed ice and ammonium chloride, containing some ammonium hydroxide.
285. For pouring cup iron level control system, three segment controls are adopted according to three mathematics model of the ideal liquid curve in pouring cup.




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