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单词 Non-existent
1. Services for customers on public transport are becoming non-existent.
2. Government funding of alternative health care is virtually non-existent.
3. Hospital beds were scarce and medicines were practically non-existent.
4. The hotel turned out to be completely non-existent.
5. Hygiene was non-existent: no running water, no bathroom.
6. Crime is almost non-existent in these communities.
7. Bread was practically non-existent.
8. I abandoned the garden, which harboured the non-existent toad.
9. The claims were for non-existent medical supplies.
10. However official records seem to be almost non-existent.
11. The facilities for backroom compromises were non-existent.
12. Regis dismissed Bergsson's almost non-existent challenge to complete Tottenham's humiliation.
13. Pictures were almost non-existent, long columns of grey, illegible type propped up its pages.
14. The tourist trade was practically non-existent and Reid's Hotel was closed during the War.
15. This policy, they say, is at best confused and at worst non-existent.
16. Welfare provision, apart from that provided by the prison staff themselves, was non-existent.
17. It takes imagination to understand what is needed when sounds become muffled, distorted, unclear or even non-existent.
17. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
18. Often their connection with the place is very slight or even non-existent.
19. The danger is that your rights of legal redress in such cases will be limited or non-existent in practice.
20. Unfortunately, with a commendable shift to shredding appraisals after three or five years, such longitudinal data may be non-existent.
21. Landscapes are peaceful and unscarred, animals roam free, children never grow up and work is virtually non-existent.
22. In some species, only females appear to exist - males are either extremely rare or non-existent.
23. In the appropriation accounts of the Government, the distinction is almost non-existent.
24. Opinion poll-led policy-making has proven a disaster, yet open policy discussion and theoretical debate remains near non-existent.
25. And it was my lies to the police which had given him his non-existent alibi.
26. The sense of hierarchy was so subtle as to be almost non-existent.
27. Their audiences were found in independent cinemas and discussion groups: their relationship to broadcast television was at that time non-existent.
28. But everything fell apart and Shields began to slice through a non-existent home midfield.
29. While the evidence for the validity of the hypothesis is much debated, the evidence against it is almost non-existent.
30. She opened a wardrobe and swept back the hangers to make room for my non-existent dozen suits.
1. Services for customers on public transport are becoming non-existent.
31. Transport facilities in Ayrshire were almost non-existent and many passengers disembarking at Ardrossan had to walk to their destinations.
32. The reason why absenteeism was non-existent on Thursdays was not just because it happened to be pay day.
33. Even in the university centres, perhaps only 50 percent of cases are notified, while reporting from private practitioners is non-existent.
34. In transactions between commercial parties, however, the constraints are usually non-existent or vague.
35. There might be, he concedes, a few problems with small firms with inadequate or non-existent treatment facilities on site.
36. Water treatment facilities are non-existent in the area, with chemicals such as chlorine unobtainable to stop the outbreak.
37. Rumors, false battle reports, meaningless codes, inflammatory speeches, orders to non-existent rebels.
38. The reason the world and his wife head for these shores is they know that their chances of deportation are virtually non-existent.
39. Richard faced the non-existent audience and so couldn't see my reaction as he gave vent to excruciating sounds.
40. The unbending insistence on fiscal retrenchment, whatever the impact on countries with non-existent social safety nets, should be rethought.
41. Researching the prevalence of elder abuse is notoriously difficult, and information on the abuse of black elders is non-existent.
42. As he approached it, the non-existent waves under his feet became clammy and smelt unpleasantly of chemicals.
43. Working with people whose verbal skills and ability to conceptualise may he limited or sometimes non-existent, offers a particular challenge.
44. In any socialist society, competition is absent and, because it is absent, services are usually non-existent.
45. Insulation, incredibly enough in our climate, did not get housing subsidy and so is primitive or non-existent.
46. Uranium prices had slumped. New reactor orders were virtually non-existent.
47. It lashed out at its non-existent attacker, groping through the plaster-dust with encrusted, mutated talons.
48. There seems little point in saying that teething is a non-existent condition which has never reliably been shown to cause any distress.
49. This is best exemplified in the ambiguous, or sometimes non-existent, aims and objectives of schools.
50. In this situation, the role of the deputy head might be undefined or non-existent, except in a symbolic sense.
51. Anaesthetic cream is applied and pain is non-existent or minimal, but do go to a reputable company.
52. You'll take everything you're offered yet your own generosity is virtually non-existent.
53. As far as 3D is concerned, the company has concentrated on reducing cross talk, and the 3D demos showed cross talk to be minimal to non-existent.
54. Microdomain building theory made great progress in explaining the formation of carbonaceous mesophase, but the introduction of the non-existent stacking units of molecules is a defect of the theory.
55. Before Louis Armstrong, solos were brief or non-existent, and the urgent sound of an old New Orleans jazz band came from the polyphony of players winding their melodies around each other.
56. The government claims that the criticisms are racist and intended to whip up fear about a non-existent "yellow peril".
57. They discovered that star formation is pretty well non-existent until the surface density reaches a certain threshold in parts of the cloud.
58. Jane began to rebuild her social life which had been non-existent since her marriage.
59. If the message is a bus disconnect signal, the event loop is terminated, as there is no point in listening to a non-existent bus.
60. The streets are clean and devoid of miscreants, the businesses do their best not to charge too high of prices for their wares, and common crime is veritably non-existent .
61. This means that privileges can be granted to non-existent user and group accounts with the information being stored in the database.
62. A professional or amateur stripper who appears on X-rated, or community access channels. Quality varies widely. Pay is often non-existent.
63. The costs of such negligence are low in Japan where compensation for product liability claims is mostly derisory or non-existent.
64. The average students' mastery level of non-existent appositive clauses in Chinese was 35%.
65. The electromagnetic mind-altering technologies would all fall into this class of weapons, but since they are all officially non-existent, who is to decide when and where they will be used?




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更新时间:2025/3/14 11:44:49